in the video

The race was in the final moments, and Kiana and Raven were only one step away from the finish.

"The final winner is—"


Just as the two of them were about to reach the finish line.

A tumbling black shadow suddenly appeared and crossed the finish line in the blink of an eye at breakneck speed.

When the shadow stopped.

What catches your eye is:

Ganesa and Tesla, who should have rushed off the cliff on the first track.

"The final winner is—"

"Tesla player!"

The embarrassed Tesla stood up and looked at everything around him with a confused expression.

Before she could figure out the situation.

The cheers of the mountains and tsunamis were already ringing around, and everyone was celebrating this first place.


"This player from the inverse entropy won the championship of the Great Honkai Games in the most surprising way. "

"She's going to get. "

"Colorful crystals that can grant any wish!"

On the train

March 7, who was ready to celebrate Kiana or the raven, froze in place.

I never thought of it.


Is there still such a reversal?

"Isn't the champion Kiana also a raven, it's Dr. Tesla who turned all the way to the finish line?

Previously, Tesla was known for mocking Kiana.

One doesn't pay attention.

The tumbling Ganesa flew out, and the two of them rushed off the cliff together.


What the hell is going on with her back in the game?

And won the championship?


"It's hard to imagine what kind of route Dr. Tesla took to the finish line.... But then again. "

"Is that a champion?"

It stands to reason.

Dr. Tesla has been eliminated for running off the track before.

But now.

Not only did he not eliminate, but he also won a championship?


As long as it's the end, it doesn't matter what form it takes, right?

So why.

Why don't you take the bus early in the morning and wait at the destination?

"Probably, the only rule in this race is that you need to run from the start to the finish, it doesn't matter how you run or how you get there. "

Walter looked a little helpless.

What exactly do the organizers think?

Such a game.

Does it have anything to do with sports?

Did Tesla run the whole way?

Not rather.

It's a running race, but it's an unlimited speed race.

"Hey..... Doctor, this can be regarded as a lie win. "

"But Kiana and the raven are a bit miserable!"

March 7 at this moment.

Even a little distressed about these two, especially Kiana.

St. Freya

"How can it be, like this?!"

Kiana's tone was very unwilling.

How hard have you been and how much suffering have you experienced?

A group of cheating players are all overtaken by themselves.

There was only one raven left.

At last.

Is this the result?

"I'm going to protest. "

"Stern protest!"

Normal plot.

After the memory kill is used, isn't it equal to victory?


What's going on?

Even if you lose your will to Kojima and Villa, you shouldn't lose to Tesla, who rolled to the finish line without even figuring out the situation!

It's not fair!

"Normally, the champion is between you and the raven. "

"But. "

"This plot is not normal!"

Delissa patted Kiana on the shoulder and spoke comfortingly.

The tone of this video.

From the beginning.

It is defined as grass and abstraction.

If it is really a normal development, it is not so normal for the two to fight each other for willpower.

Such a result.


Inverse entropy

"I protest too!"

Tesla, as the winner, was equally satisfied, shouting in protest against the video light curtain.

After all.

As the most genius inventor of the century (self-proclaimed)

How can you achieve victory in this way?

Such a result. "

"I can't accept it!"

Even if you blow up all the contestants on the field with a missile, it is still part of your ability.

But this....

Roll all the way?!

It's not a lie win, it's a roll win.

"Dr. Tesla, I don't think you need to dwell on it, because compared to you..... Kiana and ravens should be more distressed, right?"

Einstein shook his head helplessly.

Someone of this age.

What a character.

Or is it no different from a child?

in the video

After missing out on the title, Kiana clearly couldn't accept the result.

Fell into Mei Yi's arms.

Crying helplessly.


"Mei Yi, I really almost won. "

If it weren't for the accident just now.


Maybe it's really her.

Mei Yi rubbed Kiana's head with her hand and comforted her softly.

"It's okay Kiana, the game is over, let's go back. "

And at the same time as this (BHDC).

The ravens on the other side also confided in Kevin with a sad face.

"I'm really sorry. "

"The game was lost...."

"There's no bonus or anything, I'd better go to work honestly!"

Hear this.

Kevin swallowed a large mouthful of noodles and used his chopsticks to find a poached egg in the bowl.

Some looked at the ravens inexplicably.


"What's the matter with you?"

Raven was stunned for a moment, then realized something and angrily questioned Kevin.


"Didn't you see it at all?"

Video to this moment.

Abruptly stopped!

Moth of Fire

Pardo couldn't help but laugh when he saw the last picture.


And surprises?!

"No wonder..... Otto of Destiny has already arrived, and Boss Kevin shouldn't be absent, so it's here?"

Pado only thinks about it.

Very happy.

Judging from the video, Kevin also came to the game.


But I didn't watch the process of the game at all.

The whole process is simmering.

The game is over, and it's still talking.

His obsession with instant noodles.

How big is it?

In the future, don't call the fire-chasing hero who engraves and saves the world, change your name to the noodle spokesperson who engages "instant noodles"!

Kevin's three great joys in life.

Mei, hit the collapse, and snort.


Nothing else!

"Kevin, although you may mind this sentence, I think.... You really should, eat more nutritious normal foods. "

Sue's expression looked a little embarrassed.

Even if Kevin's body doesn't suffer from malnutrition.


The leader of the moth eats instant noodles every day.

Isn't it a bit unreasonable?

It's just....

Don't care about the character?!


"Sue .... Don't say that, Kevin is already fine, don't you see that Kevin has a poached egg in his bowl?"

Ellie's voice rang out from the side.

Su was helpless for a while.

Forget it....

If you set up such a thing, it will collapse.

At least.

After it collapses, there is no way to collapse again.

It's like Otto, who is already in ruins, so why did it collapse?

[Rakshasa said——]

The video of the video caught the viewer's eye when they saw the familiar name.

The expressions of the audience.

All seeming.

It's getting weirder and weirder.

Are you coming?!

Is it finally here?!

Rakshasa finally didn't resist his instinctive impulse, the temptation of Jianmu, and chose to rush to the tree?

"Your Excellency, are you finally back?"

March 7 looked at the video screen with excitement on his face.

Not long since.

Otto's sky burst into flames, and the Apokalis he left behind was impressive.

Until now.

It's still vivid.

Every time I see the giant tree, the figure of the bishop is vivid.


Is this familiar picture finally coming back? (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Bishop, take us to the tree one more time!"

Of course.

This time it doesn't have to be Jianmu, either.


Is it to wash away the abundance?!

Isn't that what Rakshasa is aiming for?

Hear March's funny words.

Walter only felt.

It's not a taste!

How to stay, how uncomfortable.....


Cough lightly.

Ease your mind.

But when you see the title again.

Heart. []

I still can't help but complicate it.

Walter has already crossed the stargate and entered a new universe, why is it still endless?!

Wouldn't it be nice to respect the concept of parallel worlds?!

Don't chase it!

"Uncle Yang, do you remember what Apokalis said before, Bishop Otto confessed his feelings for Delissa and Urlandel to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers?"

March seemed to have thought of something.

Looking at Walter excitedly.


Walter didn't know what March 7 wanted to say.

"Yes. "

"So Uncle Yang, do you say that you will confess your feelings for you this time?"

"It's like—"

March 7 coughed lightly twice and straightened his back.

Brewing feelings.

At last.

Speak softly.

"Walter, my last friend, I have manipulated your life, planned your destiny, wanted to cultivate your true affection, and wanted to use you as a pawn to get what I wanted. "

"You know?"

"I'm in this last decade. "

"All that has been shown to you is just that after this silence is gone, you can bring me back to my homeland. "

"I don't need anyone to judge me. "

"It's just all a man does for his own wishful thinking. "

All said and done.

March 7 watched expectantly as Walter reacted.

And this moment.

Walter shuddered, his eyes shrinking violently.

The cane in his hand.

There seemed to be some trembling.

Suddenly there was an urge to kill the rakshasa right now.

The video started playing quickly.

In the picture-

The Rakshasa also has a chain attached to his hand with a model resembling some kind of great sword tied to the chain.

He held out his hand.

Gently stroking the giant coffin in front of him.

"The years are like the wind, and there is nothing in an instant. "

Slowly raise your hand.

The chain in his hand was suspended in mid-air, and Rakshasa's gaze fell on it.

It seems to be helpless.

It seems to be....


"The warning before the departure is still in my ears. "

The rakshasa walked into the distance, as if to leave this sea of flowers.

And in his original position.

The giant coffin.

It's quiet, lying there!

He picked up a white flower with his hand and placed it on his chest.

Long blonde hair scattered.

The breeze is blowing.

Pick up a few strands and float them up.

He closed his eyes and muttered to himself—

"Keep your paths, and do not forget your oaths. "

When the sound falls.

He was already in the midst of the bustling crowd, still holding the picked up flower in his hand.

When he opened his eyes again.

Look at the stars.

In the distance, there was a group of floating Karakuri.

"Looking at the stars, the dark tide is surging under the calm. "

In a blink of an eye.

Crowds of people on the road began to flee in all directions.

Only the rakshasa stood in place, facing the imminent threat without any fluctuations in his expression.

"Although I am a passing trader, I also have rules to follow. "

Rakshasa was unhurried.

Stand out with your sword!


Too much like that!

Rakshasa is not only similar to the bishop in appearance, but his unhurried elegance is even more impressive.

And this habit.

Love the monologue!

Otto's monologue under the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is very similar in tone to Rakshasa at this moment.


Enemies and dangers have arisen in front of them.

This kind of reproduction.

One has to wonder.

If Rakshasa is really a void myriad, has he imitated the bishop in the mirror every day when he has nothing to do all these years?

It's simply that.

Into the wood three points!

St. Freya –


"What's next?"

Theresa had a hunch.


Rakshasa is likely to be after taking out these monsters.

Then say something like "it's neither fair nor reasonable, it persecutes heroes, it nourishes evil."

Memorize it throughout, says Apokalis!

Mandate of Heaven

After seeing this picture, the more you look at it, the more familiar it feels.

Especially the weapons of the rakshasas.

I can milk and can fight!

"There seems to be some similarities with the black abyss white flower. "

Very skeptical.

This is the reversal of the black abyss and white flower, the Western sword version.

But then again.

What did Rakshasa mean by what he just said?

A warning before you go away, don't forget your vows.

To whom he is treated.

What vows were made?

in the video

Rakshasa wielded his sword, and in a matter of moments, the enemy in front of him was destroyed.

Elegant, yet indifferent!

But the number of Karakuri is constantly increasing.

The next moment.

In the dark.

Ten thousand flowers are blooming, and the rakshasa stands in the midst of ten thousand flowers.

Slowly turn around.

The coffin, the picture of the Hidden Blade flashed like a slide.

Then the screen turns.

He stood alone in the middle of the square, petals of flowers falling from the sky.


Karakuri had enveloped him.

"Whoever loses will return, and whoever takes will pay back!"

As soon as the words fell.

He held his sword in his hand and plunged it into the ground.

A pale green halo swirled, destroying all those Karakuri that had fallen into the enchantment.


There was still one Enchanted Karakuri who dodged the blow.

It flew off into the distance.

It seems to be trying to escape.

Sneaking into the hallway of the house.

There, there was a child from the fox fairy clan who saw the magic trick rushing towards her, and ran in a panic without looking back.

The shadow behind it is constantly magnifying.

She turned to look.

The Enchanted Karakuri had come to her.

Her eyes widened, and there was a look of horror in her eyes.

Seeing that the magic is about to catch up with the little girl.

A flash of green.

Enchanted Karakuri is split in two.

Rakshasa came to the little girl's side and gently touched her head.

"Don't be afraid. "。

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