American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 637: City and Wilderness (middle)

It seems difficult for modern people living in the steel jungle to appreciate the ferocity of nature, but if you live in the tropical rain forest, which is the same as the primitive era, you will deeply understand that nature has the supreme power, in the While nourishing everything, it also destroys everything.

From the condensing of the dark clouds to the falling of the pea-sized rain, the whole process did not take more than a minute, and after just a few tens of seconds, the wind gradually rose, and the entire rainforest changed.

The jungle that was full of life suddenly became like a green hell. The shadows and reflections of the plants were like the devil's minions and eyes. After those cute little animals disappeared, there was only a sense of tension that was about to come.

The three of them walked up the stream quickly, and as they walked, the man with the bow and arrow introduced himself: "My name is Oliver Quinn, I'm from Star City, and I wandered here about three months ago..."

Arthur and Schiller also introduced their names respectively, but they didn't say much, or they couldn't say much. At this time, the wind was not low, and just walking with one's head down was exhausting. .

"No matter where you come from, as long as it's not the drug dealers, we can work together. I built a shelter in the cave upstream of the stream, and we got there to escape the storm."

Next, the three of them didn't speak, just buried their heads and walked forward. If only Schiller was alone, he could reach the destination with several flashes in a row, but the problem was that Oliver and Arthur definitely couldn't.

Even if the three of them hurriedly hurry up, when the tropical storm really came, they still couldn't make it to the cave that Olive had mentioned.

The strong wind and showers blew on their faces, Oliver and Arthur were a little unstable, Schiller raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, he asked, "Are you referring to that cave?"

At the source of the creek, a rock crevice appeared at the bottom of the cliff formed by the fracture of the cliff, and the ultra-long-distance vision provided by the gray fog allowed Schiller to see the traces of people who seemed to have lived there.

"That's right!

' cried Oliver, his voice teetering in the howling of the wind, even though he had used the maximum volume.

"Come on, let's go!

Arthur made a shield with water and walked forward, but it was still difficult to resist the strong and powerful wind.

On the last section of the road, Oliver finally fell down. He was already injured and was out of physical strength. He failed to hunt several times in a row, causing the food to run out. The wind quickly took away the heat and made him even more weak. .

Just when Arthur rushed to help him up, Schiller instantly turned into a gray fog, grabbed the two, and flew into the cave.

The two people who were thrown on the ground let out a scream of pain, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, while Oliver looked at Schiller, who was slowly condensing his figure, he scolded, and then said: "I may be dying, hallucinations..."

"You don't have hallucinations, but you are indeed dying." Schiller stepped forward, came to Oliver, who was collapsed on the ground, removed all the leaves wrapped around him, and looked at the wound on his shoulder .

After taking off the tangled shirt strips, Schiller realized why this trip to the island to survive could make Green Arrow grow from a rich boy to a real hardship hero. …

The wound under the cloth strip was horrific. A large piece of skin on his entire left shoulder and part of his chest was gone, revealing the muscle tissue inside, and it seemed to have been burned by the fire, and it was bumpy and uneven.

Schiller took a closer look and found that it was probably the wound after being rubbed by the shotgun. Those potholes were all places where the steel **** were once buried, and the traces of the fire, Schiller guessed, may have been made by Oliver himself. To prevent further festering.

Schiller thought for a moment, and then took out the medical bag stored in the gray fog. There are all the things in it for treating wounds. It is not difficult to perform a simple operation.

Now this condition can no longer pay attention to hygiene conditions, and it is the right way to deal with it as soon as possible. However, the only problem is that Oliver is very weak now, and rashly undergoes surgery, which may cause his physiological characteristics to decline very quickly.

Schiller took a deep breath, put the medical kit down anyway, turned to Arthur and said, "He's in such a poor state now that I can't treat his wounds, otherwise it could lead to fainting or shock."

"After the storm has passed, I have to go find him some food and drinking water first, and wait for his physical strength to recover before surgery."

Arthur sighed and looked at Oliver, who was pale. He didn't expect that things would develop to this level.

"I thought that we could sail over and take people away, but now, it seems that even if the ship comes over, we can't take him like this, he will die on the road..." Arthur sighed deeply With a sigh of relief, he felt that he took this matter too simply.

When he used to live in the environment he was familiar with, he felt that he was omnipotent, whether it was sailing, fishing, forecasting the weather, he was very handy.

But once the environment is changed, things will not go so smoothly. He feels that he overestimates his ability, and he puts himself and the people he wants to save in danger.

Arthur looked annoyed, but Schiller was calm. He said, "Listen, there's a problem now, as you should have seen, his temperature is dropping."

"He must replenish the heat in time, but now, the humidity in this cave is too high, these branches he prepared before may not be able to ignite, Arthur, you have to think of a way, or he may die."

"But what can I do? I...I can't make those branches ignite? I can control the water, but I can't control the fire..." Arthur seemed a little anxious, but Schiller was still calm, he said: "No No, you can't make branches ignite in humid air, but you can make the air less humid."

Arthur suddenly froze there, and then he "zen" stood up and started pacing in place, saying, "Yes, yes, I can control the water, then the water in the air should also be fine, I will try a bit……"

Arthur closed his eyes and focused, trying to find how he felt when he was controlling the water in the creek. After a while, many small water droplets appeared in the air. Arthur controlled and slowly moved out of the hole.

He exhaled, looked down at his hands, showed a happy expression, looked at Schiller with bright eyes and said, "God, professor, I never thought I could do this..." …

But who knows, Schiller frowned, he stretched out a hand, as if feeling the air, then shook his head and said, "No, no, it's useless just to evacuate the water in the cave, the storm outside is useless. If you don't stop, the damp breath will keep pouring in."

This rock crevice is not actually a real cave, because the cave must have a deep space inward, and here, it is obviously a narrow gap formed by the fracture and dislocation of the rock layers during the geological structure. The mountain is not big, but it is barely accommodating for humans.

But it can only barely fit in. Three people stand and lie down, and there is basically no room. If five people are put in, one of them may get wet.

In such an open space, it is impossible to completely isolate the water vapor, and the width of the entrance of the rock crevice is almost the same as the deepest width, and there is no possibility of making a door to block the entrance. There is no such thing here. There are many materials, and the materials obtained on the spot may not have good water resistance.

Schiller thought for a while, and he decided to widen the cave a little bit and create a space at the back that was larger than the opening of the hole. To do this, he still had to use the gray fog.

Although Gray Mist didn't like to eat stones, he could indeed swallow the mountain into it, and then decompose it. After Schiller dissipated into gray mist, the gray mist factor penetrated into every crevice of the rock wall behind him.

Almost in an instant, the rock wall in the hemispherical area behind disappeared out of thin air. In this way, it became a real cave with a relatively small entrance and a relatively large cave space.

Arthur moved Oliver, who was lying weak on the ground, into the back space.

But there is still a problem, that is, something must be found to block the opening of the hole. Schiller thought for a while, and then it dispersed into a gray fog. After stopping at the opening of the hole, a green crystal began to spread on the opening of the hole until it was completely sealed. , leaving only one door near the right.

That's right, this is the kryptonite crystal left by the gray fog before. Although there is not much left, the crystal wall that Schiller made is not thick, but because the part connected to the cave is very strong, it was attacked by the storm .

In this way, Arthur can completely transfer the damp breath in the cave through his water control ability, and then they can use some branches to set fire.

After the fire was lit, Oliver instinctively leaned beside the flames. After feeling that the cold was not so cold, his spirit recovered a little and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for saving me..."

Arthur shook his head and said, "It's far from it, we have to take you out of this place and go back to the normal city."

Schiller stood in front of the crystal wall and looked out through the transparent crystal. At this time, the tropical storm reached its destructive moment. Those originally tall trees and bushes were obediently attached to the ground. It is like worshipping the infinite power of nature.

He heard Oliver and Arthur talking behind him, and Oliver said, "My arrogance and arrogance led to all this, and I was completely self-inflicted..."

"After I took over my parents' group, I considered myself very capable of doing business, and did not listen to anyone's dissuasion at all, and accepted many orders that were beyond our ability..."…

"My willful behavior led to the poor management of the group, and layoffs and salary reductions began, but I was still spending time and money, driving a cruise ship to go fishing..."

"Then I was pushed off the boat by an employee who had long held grudges..."

Oliver's voice was very distant because of its weakness, like a faint sigh from the depths of the cave, he said:

"If I live in pain like this, I would rather drown directly in the sea..."

Schiller turned back and saw Oliver's expression, he knew that Oliver's will to survive was not very strong, which was completely different from when he dealt with the shotgun wound himself.

At that time, probably because of the pain, he had no time to think about other things, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to live. Therefore, he was able to overcome the pain and bleeding, and struggled to deal with the wound.

But once he relaxes and has nothing to do, he will start thinking about it, feeling that the pain is suffocating him, and it is better to end this hopeless life sooner rather than later.

Schiller stepped forward, crouched beside Oliver and said to him, "I have bad news for you. Before we came to this island, we encountered a group of drug dealers and damaged our boat."

"That is to say, the two of us are trapped here now... You don't have to look at me like that. I can tell you that our two superpowers are not strong enough to fly back to the United States from here."

"And as you can see, both of us are people from big cities, and we don't have any experience in wild survival. If you die now, the two of us may die here too."

Oliver's eyes widened, and after a long time, he sighed, moved slowly, and said, "This is really bad news."

"So, if you have almost rested, can you tell us how you survived here for the past three months?"


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