American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 635: Is this the professor at Gotham University? (Down)

, the fastest update of the United States: the opening guide to the latest chapter of Batman!

After 6 hours, the boat still had no intention of stopping. They had even resupplied several times along the coast, and even encountered a storm. If Arthur had special abilities, he could avoid it through the information of the fishing group. Storm, the new ship is probably already scarred.

This fishing boat is not an ocean-going fishing boat, and can only fish in the near-medium waters. It is a bit too embarrassing to drive it all the way from the coast of California to Mexico.

After about seven and a half hours, the boat finally stopped. Schiller turned pale, leaned on the railing, looked at Arthur who came out and said, "Is it really there?"

"It's only near the archipelago now. I still need to find out which island it is. If you're not feeling well, go inside and have a rest first. I'll swim there and look for it."

Schiller nodded and acquiesced to this arrangement. The first is that he can't swim, and the second is that he can swim, and now he doesn't have the strength to swim.

Gray Fog is right, his seasickness is a psychological reaction, Gray Fog can forcefully control his stomach muscles not to spasm, but this discomfort will also transfer to other places, such as chest tightness, cold sweat and so on.

Even if the gray fog can forcibly relieve all these uncomfortable symptoms, Schiller's psychology will tell him that these places are uncomfortable, so he decides it is better to stay on the boat.

The super ego said that he would take annual leave and would not let him enter the hall of thinking, that is to say, go to the dream **** for blessings, or simply poke the feather and call Lucifer over, even if he wanted to jump into the sea and kill himself Drowning, death will not accept him.

Schiller came to the only guest room on the ship, which was supposed to be a temporary resting place for the sailors on the ship, but there was a decent sofa bed on which he lay and fell asleep a little sleepily.

But soon, he was awakened by a loud noise, he heard a strange Spanish language, and there were several gunshots.

As soon as Schiller got up, he felt the bed board shaking. It was obvious that someone had boarded the boat. He stood up and stood by the door with his umbrella.

The people outside were all speaking Spanish, and Schiller could only understand a few words, roughly as if to say, this ship is new, nice, or something.

Suddenly, a series of footsteps appeared outside the door, the door was opened with a "bang", and the person who came in was holding a rifle and muttering swear words in Spanish.

But as soon as he walked into the door, a knife pierced his chest. Schiller retracted his umbrella and looked at the man who fell on the ground, Ying frowned.

Looking at the dress of the vest and headscarf, it was a bit like a Mexican, and a bit like a pirate in the Caribbean Sea, but soon, Schiller identified the group of people, because he heard people outside shouting a kind of The name of the drug, this group of people are drug dealers in Mexico.

Listening to their tone, they should be trying to get the ship back to transport drugs. Listening to the footsteps, this group of people should have entered the cab. Schiller flashed directly to the end of the corridor. The drug dealer at the end of the corridor saw Schiller's figure and subconsciously The end of the gun is a burst of fire.

Now, Schiller can be sure that this group of demented people are drug dealers, because pirates usually choose to kidnap and demand ransom, while drug dealers kill all the crew members on the spot, they don't need to live.

Of course, the bullet couldn't penetrate the snake skin of Yemengarde. Schiller opened the umbrella and blocked all the bullets. After killing about five or six drug dealers, Schiller came to the cab.

There were still three people in the cab. When they saw Schiller appear, they spoke a lot of Spanish again, but when Schiller killed the first person, the first reaction of the remaining two people was not to shoot Schiller. , and instead shot at the cab's control panel.

After killing the remaining two drug dealers one by one, Schiller heard them cursing him before they died. Combined with their previous actions of destroying the cockpit, Schiller determined that the gang of drug dealers might have regarded him as a colleague, before they died. I also want to destroy his boat so that he can't do business.

In this area, only this group of people can be so fierce, and maybe there are American agents in this group of people who deliberately want to provoke conflicts.

Looking at their costumes, Schiller guessed that this should be a group of gangsters from a drug cartel who came here by chance, found this fishing boat, and wanted to drive it back to show their merit.

Because their equipment is not well-equipped, they don't have any good things on them, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. A few flashes and a few knives will solve the problem. If it is really a group of well-trained armed drug dealers, it will not be so easy.

The drug trafficking industry in South America is so rampant, it is impossible to say that it is impossible without the connivance of the United States. The weapons of those elite drug dealers are comparable to the US Army infantry, but how they got them, I don’t need to say more.

After dealing with the drug dealers, Schiller did not breathe a sigh of relief. The cockpit of the boat was hit beyond recognition by their bullets. One of them shot the control panel with a shotgun. This small fishing boat is not a warship. , even if the warship is shot like this, the button has to fly.

It didn't take long for Arthur to see the corpses lying on the ground and the messy cab, and then he saw the pale, very weak Schiller, carrying umbrella knives, one by one to those drug dealers Make up for the knife to prevent them from dying.

Standing outside the cab door, Arthur swallowed and whispered, "...Is this a professor at Gotham University?"

"You're back? Come in." Schiller beckoned to him and said, "Look, they've made a mess here, can this ship still drive?"

Arthur still felt more distressed about the ship. He stepped over the corpse at the door and walked in, looked at the control panel carefully and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult, most of the buttons here are out of order, I will try to see if it can be activated. ."

Arthur fiddled with it and said, "No, it must be a certain line that is affected. I have to check the engine."

With that said, he walked out of the door of the cab, came back after a while, and said, "The people who hijacked the ship are veterans. They didn't destroy the engine, but they destroyed the control device of the engine."

"Can you be more straightforward?" Schiller said.

"That is to say, they dismantled the circuit of the vehicle's ignition switch, so although the engine was intact, there was no way to ignite."

"Can you fix it?" Schiller asked.

"Yes, yes, but I need materials. I can't conjure wires out of thin air, and I just found the isolated island where the man was trapped. We have to rescue him."

"Get off the boat." Schiller turned around firmly and walked out, saying, "I'm afraid this group of people will chase here soon. The boat may not be used, but first ensure safety."

Arthur opened his mouth and looked at the corpses on the ground. He didn't know whose safety Schiller was referring to, but he still followed Schiller and got off the boat, and when he set foot on land, he turned back regretfully. Take a look at the ship.

What Schiller wants to protect is of course Arthur's safety. The youth version of Superman is still developing, not as strong as the peak period, let alone Aquaman, even in the peak period, it is not very strong, this youth It's hard to say whether the version can stop bullets.

Although he is almost invincible as long as he jumps into the water, it is more likely that he will be frightened when he sees a group of vicious drug dealers rushing towards him with weapons. Even swimming is his forte. Everything will be forgotten.

The place where the two set foot on the land is also an island. Schiller looked left and right. There was almost nothing here except coconut trees and seabirds. He said, "So, how are we going to go to the place you said now? Island?"

"Uh...I can swim over..." As soon as Arthur finished speaking, he saw Schiller's unfriendly eyes, so he immediately changed his words: "It's okay, I just saw a group of good friends who can take you with them. past."

Ten minutes later, Schiller looked at a group of dolphins in the sea. He sighed deeply, looked at Arthur and said, "Why do you think they can carry me?"

Schiller can't judge the specific species of this group of dolphins very well, but their bodies look relatively slender and not large, and there is no place on their backs to ride people.

There are many different species of dolphins, and perhaps the larger ones can indeed be manned to swim, but the group in front of them is obviously not.

Arthur thought for a moment and said, "Wait, I'll look for it."

After about half an hour, Arthur came back. He floated in the deep water area far away from Schiller, and looked a little tired. Schiller shouted: "What's the matter with you? Did you swim far?"

"No! Mainly, I have to talk to him..."

Before Arthur could finish speaking, he was swept into the water by a jet of water. Then, Schiller saw a huge creature floating on the sea surface. It was black as a whole, with a white patch on both sides of its cheeks. It looked very much like a giant panda. , that's a killer whale.

"You can step on the dolphin's back first, and then ride the killer whale over there. This guy is big enough to carry people."

Arthur swam over, then whistled and brought the group of dolphins over, only to see them floating on the surface one after another, turning into a ladder, Schiller looked around, sighed, and went up to his fate. up the sea.

Fortunately, with the gray fog control, Schiller's balance is much better than others, so even though it was not solid to step on one foot deep and the other shallow, and the shoes got on the water, it still came to the killer whale smoothly. on the back.

There is a very tall dorsal fin on the back of the killer whale. The dorsal fin of this killer whale is almost 1.7 meters. The boat is much more stable.

Arthur said while swimming in front, "It's not easy to find a quiet guy. These guys are always naughty and let them carry people, but they have to pay a lot of benefits."

Schiller grabbed the dorsal fin of the killer whale, feeling a little fresh, looked at the sea and asked, "Then what benefits did you use to convince him?"

"I have to play with him. In fact, in the half hour just now, I only spent five minutes communicating with him, and the rest of the time was spent playing with him."

When the killer whale floated half of its back on the water, it didn't swim very fast, so Arthur even swam in front of the killer whale. He turned around and stopped, touched the head of the killer whale and said, "This is a good boy. , I have just grown up, but my body is not small, and I will definitely grow into a big guy in the future."

"I've heard that there are killer whales in the Gulf of Mexico, but I didn't expect to find them so easily." Arthur said as he swam, "Also, killer whales often come in pairs or families. form, such a single one is very rare."

Although it was unpleasant for one person and one whale to swim, it didn't take long before they came to the isolated island that Arthur had surveyed before.

This time, there were no dolphins to pave the way for Schiller. After Arthur went ashore first, he looked at Schiller who was still on the back of the killer whale and said, "The killer whale can't get to the shoal, otherwise it will be stranded!"

"Sorry, professor, you may have to swim over this short distance..."

Then, he saw that Schiller disappeared on the back of the killer whale, and the next second, he appeared beside him dry.

Arthur widened his eyes and muttered to himself:

"Is this the professor at Gotham University?"

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