American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 604: Owl nursery rhyme (middle)

About a few minutes later, Constantine appeared outside the door of Wayne Manor, and he was greeted by the butler Alfred, as well as protective clothing and disinfectant spray. Alfred with a disinfectant spray gun faced Constantine. After spraying for a few minutes, when Constantine came out of the thick white mist, the smell of disinfectant was all over his body.

He coughed twice, waved his arm in front of him, then walked into the hall of the manor, and stopped about two meters away from Elsa and Dick, not that he wanted to stop, but put down the disinfectant gun Alfred, has begun to wipe his double-barreled shotgun.

Just as Constantine wanted to protest Alfred's attitude, he heard Elsa sing that weird and ethereal tune, and in an instant, Constantine looked up, he stretched out his arms, his hands lit up with magical light, and then his face was solemn. looking towards the ceiling.

Bruce also looked up, but he couldn't see anything. He narrowed his eyes and observed Constantine. There was a faint light in Constantine's eyes, which was similar to the magical light in his hands.

Just when Constantine wanted to cast the magic with a serious face, suddenly, his gaze fell from the ceiling to Elsa's face, Elsa opened her mouth and clicked, and Constantine was stunned there.

During the whole process, the two acted in the air like mime actors, and Bruce Dick and Alfred saw nothing.

Suddenly, Konstantin stood up straight, put his hands down, looked at Elsa, and then looked at Bruce and said, "Your daughter, she... Has she behaved abnormally before?"

Bruce wanted to describe, but all of Elsa's life was abnormal, and there was no normal time at all, so Bruce couldn't even speak if he wanted to describe.

"She may be like me, born with an affinity for magic, or she is also cursed and destined to deal with these strange things." The magic light in Constantine's hand went out, he raised his head and looked at Wayne Manor The ceiling said: "A long time ago, I also used to cast a spell to summon demons without knowing it, and then..."

He shook his head and didn't describe the situation after that, but Bruce could already imagine it. Bruce frowned and didn't ask him: "You mean, Elsa just summoned the devil?"

"No, it might be worse than that, it's a kind of dark monster I've never seen before, but..." Constantine looked at Elsa's vertical pupils and said, "He ate them all and bit them in the head. up, and then, swallowed in the stomach..."

Elsa started screaming again, saying things like "so full", "delicious", etc. Bruce picked her up, and I looked over and over again, but I didn't find any scars, and there was no major change in temperament , so he asked Constantine, "Can I see that monster?"

"You can't use magic, so you can't see," Konstantin wanted to refuse, but Bruce and Alfred kept staring at him, and he waved his hand and said, "Well, for the sake of your loan from me. superior."

Constantine snapped his fingers, and clusters of flames appeared in front of him, he waved his hand forward, the flames formed a straight line, and then formed a circle in the air.

The flames landed with a "huo" sound, and with a sound of "Teng", the flames jumped up, and all the flames were connected to form a line, forming a complex magic circle. The moment the lines lit up, Bruce felt that the world in front of him had changed. look.

All the surrounding furniture and walls were twisting and emitting different lights, as if they had been poisoned by some psychedelic potion.

Bruce shook his head vigorously, and he heard that when the song in Elsa's mouth sounded, it was no longer just the original simple nursery rhyme, but also accompanied by an ethereal and weird giggle.

Suddenly, a strange scream came, and Bruce looked up. He saw that between the twisted ceiling patterns, black monsters with wings flew in, and they wanted to fall on Aisha's head and shoulders~www.mtlnovel .com~ But she grabbed it and put it in her mouth.

The screams were extremely harsh, and almost instantly broke Bruce's illusion. When he lowered his head again, what he saw was the innocent Aisha.

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind, looked at Constantine, and asked, "Is this the world in your eyes?"

"Not exactly. I only use this vision occasionally. What you just saw is not an illusion, but another real world. We call it the spiritual world."

"You must be skilled in releasing magic in this world, and you must not be disturbed in any way, or you may be swallowed up by this world forever."

"So, what is she singing about? What is that black monster?" Constantine also asked in confusion. Just as he was about to walk forward, he heard the sound of a shotgun being loaded. He took two steps back and stretched out. Shot and said, "No, don't, don't point a gun at me, I won't come near her."

"That's a nursery rhyme." Bruce understands that the current situation may not be solved by him alone. Fortunately, he is not the lone wolf riddler in the future. After a few calls, Konstantin, Ha Er and Schiller appeared in the hall of Wayne Manor.

These people are known to Bruce. The users of special energy have experience in using magic-like energy, and they also have some understanding of mysticism.

Schiller picked up Aisha. He used the vision of the gray fog to look at it and found nothing unusual. Haier's green light ring scan could not be used on the parallax monster, but he dutifully checked Dick, and the scan results showed that Nor was he affected in any way.

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