American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 595: Long live the cat! (middle)

"I know you're confused." When Alfred the cat spoke, Batman felt his heart tugged. He had never heard his housekeeper make such an old and weak voice.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of anger began to emerge from Batman's heart, but he took a few deep breaths, suppressed this anger, and began to concentrate on listening to Alfred's past stories.

"It's a cat city, and the inhabitants are all cats, but what they don't know is that there's another story here, that Gotham's birds aren't as extinct as the rest of the world."

"After the cat family developed and prospered, other races retreated to other remote places in the world, and then gradually became extinct. However, only the birds in Gotham survived with the help of the special dark power here."

"They've been dormant in Gotham, plotting an opportunity to attack the surface, until they found an opportunity to kill the Batcat's parents, followed by the godfather cat who has been ruling the city, and the most powerful cat. Prestige priest cat."

"I knew that their target would be the bat cat, so I secretly sent him away, and in the end, when they invaded the manor, I was imprisoned by them, but I knew that one day, the bat cat will be back."

Just after Alfred Mao finished these words, Batman suddenly felt that the moonlight became dim, the rain clouds blocked the moon, the thunder was loud in the distance, and the rain suddenly poured.

Only then did Batman realize that it hasn't rained here since he came to the city.

And when the rain fell, the bat cat saw that the bright green on the green cat on the opposite side began to fade, and the dye was washed by the rain and fell to the ground, revealing his original coat color, which was black, and the bat Hero-like black.

"In order to disguise my identity and accumulate strength, I have been working in Gotham's sewers and dyed my fur very brightly to cover the black."

"In order to prevent the dye from fading during the event, I made a weather controller to make Gotham stop raining." The clown cat, or the real bat cat, stood wet in the rain, he was very Thin, but his eyes are still bright.

Batman froze for a moment, then looked down and said, "So, back then, that rock and roll party you made..."

"Just to cover up the sound of the weather controller," replied the real Batcat.

Batman remembered that he did hear a different sound amid the chaotic and loud rock music, and he stopped to listen carefully at that time. Unfortunately, the sound information captured by the cat's keen hearing was different from his brain. Common sense doesn't match up, so he just heard some noises, but he couldn't tell what it was.

All this is connected in series. In this world, the parents of the bat cat were killed by the owl dormant here, and the owl also killed the godfather cat and the priest cat, and imprisoned the Alfred cat.

The Batcat, who was hidden by Alfred the cat, was still young and had no power. He could only hide until the owls changed their way to rule Gotham, and the Batcat disguised as a clown cat finally began to show up. …

Even without this group of outsiders, the final battle between him and the Court of Owls will come, because, as the Court of Owls continues to deepen its control of the city in this way, he will have nowhere to hide, and the final battle is about to begin.

However, this group of outsiders provided more opportunities for the bat cat, so the bat cat disguised as the clown cat, when meeting Batman for the first time, used the clown-like madness and obscure language. It hints at the weirdness of Batman's city, and while these outsiders make trouble and attract fakes, go to rescue his butler, Alfred the cat.

It has to be said that the plan of the Batcat disguised as the clown cat coincides with Schiller's plan. The focus of the two's plans is to use Batman.

Batman sighed and said, "Since that's the case, we've dealt with the owl, so..."

Suddenly, Constantine let out a low roar, his eyes instantly lit up with magical light, and a magical shield enveloped all the cats, and at the moment when the shield formed, an extremely turbulent dark force , erupted from the ground.

"This is far from the end." The drenched Batcat said: "There are more than one owl, they have a group, they control the darkness of Gotham underground, and now, their plan has been revealed, we have to face, It was the attack of these dark owls."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dark power condensed into a huge owl. When its sharp claws attacked the shield, the hair on Constantine's whole body exploded and made a sharp cry.

"Get out of here! Don't hold on to my shield for too long, I don't have that much power!" Constantine gritted his teeth and said, "No wonder the demons were summoned before, that useless magic circle would light up, that's why they were acting. !"

"This power is exactly the same as the power that condensed into the demon cat before! The strange smell I smelled at the time was the smell of bird shit! ... Damn, I can't summon a demon, and I can't stop it for long with my own power!"

At this time, Clark, who was floating in the air, was directly grasped by the dark force that condensed into a solid body. He wanted to break free, but the dark force kept invading his body, making him powerless.

Superman's physical attack is very high, but his magic resistance is not so high. However, he is not completely controlled by the dark owl. Just when he was about to break free, a turbulent black wave broke out, facing his Companions attacked the past.

But Batcat didn't show any fear, he turned his head to look at Batman and said, "Find a way to hold him for a while."

"Where are you going?"

Batcat came to the edge of the building in three steps, looked back at Batman, and said, "Remember what I said? I'm going to throw them a surprise rock party."

Just as Constantine was struggling to support the magic shield, he suddenly caught the tremors of the ground keenly. Batman ventured out of the shield, stood on the edge of the building and looked down, and then he saw, downtown Gotham. The floor of the turntable suddenly cracked, and a huge stage rose up.

The robotic arms that are not inferior to the giant robots made by the fake Batcats rose up, and countless incredible instruments that were huge for cats were in place, microphones, basses, guitars, drums, keyboards...

Each musical instrument is the size of a building, and countless mechanical light strips gradually light up. The circular robotic arm control room dances above the musical instrument. The lampposts of the spotlights on the edge of the stage are inserted into the sky, lighting up the entire city.

Batcat stood in the middle of the lead singer, and he shouted into the microphone: "Come on, join me! This is the first time Batcat has participated in a party!"

Constantine's shield could no longer hold, and after it shattered, several cats fled.

Constantine jumped over there first, and said, "You're careless! Batcat! Didn't even notice what a great bass player there is! If any rock festival doesn't invite me, then their host Fang should jump into the sea to feed the sharks!"

Saying that, he took three steps and two steps, jumped along the drum stand to the control room of the robotic arm, and manipulated the two robotic arms to pick up the huge bass. Vibrato, so that all the cats could not help but fall to the ground and pull their ears back.

And the huge owl made of black energy exploded its feathers instantly, Batman jumped to the side of the drum, and nimbly dashed into the control room floating above the stool, he said: "So, you originally Said that loud music would be their weakness, that's what it means."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and even without playing, the raindrops made a loud tremor on those metal instruments. Clark came to the control room next to the huge guitar, rubbed his paws, and said, "Thanks to my multi-talented father, but May I still remember the **** he taught."

"Come on! Only the keyboard player is left!" Constantine was more excited than Batcat, he said: "Come on, baby, music is my forever love, let's go into the arms of psychedelic rock together!! "

Finally, a figure that looked extremely bright in the dark and rainy night jumped over, climbed along the shelf to the keyboard, jumped into the circular control room, and the Gordon Cat pressed the button.

"Da! Da! Da! Da!" After the rhythmic percussion sounded, the drum rhythm of "Bang Cha Cha" followed closely, the bass and guitar sounded at the same time, and the tight tremor pierced the sky.

This huge stage, which occupies the entire city center of Gotham, floated from the ground, and the background board of the stage just lifted up Schiller's tower of thinking, so various musical instruments played around the tower, and the mechanical arm was in the rain. fly.

Those dazzling vehicles, flying saucers, and neon billboards all became the audience for this concert.

I don't know when, I don't know who sang the first lyrics:

"We were born to be free - long live cats!"

"Are you mad for fiddling with jars on the floor, breaking plates and cutlery, scratching sofas and carpets?!"

"Hey! How about some more? Get the gun! Pull the trigger! Long live the cat!"

"We live for freedom! This is the cat, oh! Hooray!"

Accompanied by the loud music, the dark owl began to go crazy. The owl's hearing is more sensitive than that of a cat. When such a loud music sounded nearby, he could hardly control his power.

And when those dark forces swept through the city, not only broke the buildings, but also broke the locks of those steel cages, and the cats rushed out of the cages to the balconies and the streets, despite the loud music. It made them dizzy, but they were still dancing to the rhythm. …

I don't know which cat started to sing along, and the song spread among the cats.

"Hey, we live for freedom, this is the cat, long live the cat!"

"Mess up the yarn! Eat the treats! Break everything that can break, we live for fun! This is the cat! Long live the cat!"

"Oh! Oh! Hey! Are you mad?"

Constantine held the cat's paw high, stretched out a paw to point to the sky, shook his head constantly, all the cats shook their heads along with the rhythm, the singing resounded throughout Gotham, the rhythm was getting faster and the drums were getting stronger and stronger, The suspended flying saucer began to revolve around the stage, and the traffic returned to This chaotic and chaotic scene reveals a touch of cuteness in the cat city. The chaos of Gotham and the freedom of cats are combined to complement each other. .

Finally, the dark owl, who was finally unbearable, let out a shriek, and his body grew bigger and bigger, until the shadows shrouded the Getai again.

Obviously, he does not intend to keep the results of his own construction, but wants to kill all these nasty cats.

The music entered a trough, the cats in the carnival all looked up at the sky, and the night rain of Gotham fell on them, making each of their cats wet, but once the crazy flame of Gotham was ignited, It can no longer be extinguished.

All the cats arched their bodies and stretched out their claws, but at the moment when the huge darkness fell, a voice sounded from the tower behind the stage:


In an instant, the rain clouds dissipated, the sky returned to light, and the darkness disappeared.


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