American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 577: We are the same kind of people (Part 1)

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"Murphys! I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"How dare you..."

When Morpheus turned his head, the first thing that caught his eye was a huge sailboat. Morpheus has not seen such an ancient and huge ship in human dreams for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, he floated up and wanted to talk to Schiller at the bow, and then he saw that the deck was densely full of Schiller.

The second half of his sentence was directly held back, and changed to: "...What are you going to talk about?"

Morpheus is not a coward, but he is very aware of the consequences after Schiller puts Schiller from this ship. Whenever he thinks of that scene, Morpheus feels that his retirement is imminent.

The current dream **** Morpheus is a relatively competent god. He is working hard to maintain the dreams of all intelligent creatures and make dreams one of their few pure places. As an abstract entity that builds the origin of the DC world, they are in the world. Almost invincible.

Neither Schiller nor the Joker could destroy the Dreamland, let alone kill Morpheus, but they had a way to get Morpheus to negotiate terms with them.

Morpheus looked at Schiller in that boat, he sighed deeply, and then looked at his dream realm. The damage that the clown came in last time was just repaired, and it was just the damage caused by a clown.

Now, on this ship of Schiller, what Morpheus saw, there was the clown who came in last time, another green-haired Schiller who was very similar to him, and several strange things that were hard to describe. object.

Therefore, not only can Morpheus not attack the ship, he also has to make sure that the ship must land smoothly. If it shakes and spills one or two, who can be responsible?

Therefore, the dazzling light of the dream kingdom surrounded the huge ship of the underworld, and it slowly landed. Standing on the bow of the ship, Schiller, who was wearing a black suit and holding an umbrella, opened his umbrella and hit it on the top of his head, and then turned to Murphy. "It's like this..."

"One...or more than one, not high professional level but not low in courage, came to the place where I worked and killed several people."

"His daring isn't the reason I'm going to trouble him, the only problem is that his professionalism is really bad, and I have to explain it to him and get him out of my field of expertise. His lack of knowledge pollutes academia."

"Of course, if I go to him in the real world, it will be arrogant. I don't like to make enemies everywhere, so I plan to talk to him in his dreams."

"If he's willing to stop being involved in my area of ​​expertise, then maybe we can still make friends. I love making friends, just like now, more friends means more paths, doesn't it?"

Morpheus opened his mouth, and Schiller had already said this. He felt that if he did not agree, Schiller might use practical actions to bring the kingdom of dreams into his professional field, and then let himself get out.

In fact, for Morpheus, finding someone is not a big deal. He doesn't even need to do it. He only needs to move his thoughts to know where the entrance to the dream kingdom is connected to the consciousness space on the opposite side.

The only thing that made him feel dissatisfied was that Schiller actually drove a big ship and crashed into the dreamland. This is really not an attitude to ask for help.

He was about to speak when he heard Schiller say, "Of course, what he did made me so angry that I drove a boat in here and disturbed your sleep."

"As compensation, I can leave a part of my staff to help you rebuild the dream kingdom here, and ensure that the flowers and plants here are restored to their original state, absolutely not..."

In front of Schiller, the portal opened with a "swoosh", and Morpheus stretched out his hand and pointed inward and said, "Hurry up!


The horn sounded again, and the big ship slowly entered the portal. Morpheus looked at the backs of the Schillers leaving, sighed, and officially put his retirement on the agenda.

When the ship entered this space, Schiller didn't know who was here, and he had some guesses in his heart, because there were not many villains who would be associated with psychology and hypnosis in the entire DC world.

And when he saw a fairytale-like beautiful manor appear in his field of vision, he knew that his guess was right.

However, Schiller didn't directly drive the big ship into it. He didn't like the slightly brutal style of Marvel Schiller's work. He parked the ship a little farther from the manor, then disembarked and walked on foot. At the gate of the manor.

Somewhat strangely, the door of the manor was not closed, so Schiller skipped the step of knocking on the door, and he walked in directly along the door.

The courtyard in front is a very common garden courtyard in a European-style manor. There are symmetrical lawns on both sides. There are low wooden fences around the lawn. There is a huge fountain along the road leading to the gate.

Around the fountain, the flowers are fragrant, and the water mist splashes gently, reflecting a beautiful rainbow-like light in the sun.

Continue along the road around the fountain, and after entering the main building of the manor, here is a very beautiful hall. The piano in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows makes a crisp and pleasant sound. Even if no one is playing, the keys are also dancing. Note.

Going up the curved stairs, after reaching the second floor, the sunlight shone through the window, and the mottled shadow on the corridor floated slightly. As soon as Schiller entered the corridor, he heard a half-closed door. The voice of two people talking.

One of the voices, Schiller, was somewhat familiar, and the voice said, "You ruined our plan first! I really don't understand, why are you controlling that girl and attacking Thomas' fiancee? That's not good for our plan at all! "

"Because...because of that **** Thomas! He killed my lover! I want revenge on him!" Another voice was a little shrill, an unfamiliar voice Schiller had never heard before.

"How absurd! Are you crazy to think that Doris is your lover?"

"She's not Doris, she's clearly Alice! She's my Alice! Besides, the two of us have never met. Ever since we met at the Central Research Institute, we've been in love with each other... "


! "The sharp voice became a little crazy: "That **** David!" I shouldn't have hired him as an assistant, he ruined the relationship between the two of us, and he actually went after Alice in front of me..."

Suddenly the room became quiet, and there was a whimpering cry: "But now, Alice is dead, such a pure, beautiful, ignorant girl, was killed by that **** Thomas... Of course I want revenge. He! He killed my lover, then I'll kill his lover!

! "

"But you failed, you didn't succeed in killing Belena, and you made Thomas out of our control!"

"Impossible! I can hypnotize anyone! That girl named Angel just resists a little longer, and soon she will kill Berenna under my control..."

"Look!" The sharp voice suddenly raised its tone and said, "Look here! It's like a real dream. This is the result of my research over the years, a beautiful wonderland that has never been touched before..."

"It is impossible for someone to create such a real world in the conscious space like me! No one can resist my hypnosis, because I can modify their conscious world at will to make them believe in memories that don't exist..."

Another, deeper voice sighed and said, "You're not the only one, otherwise how would I find you through the space of consciousness?"

"Hmph." The sharp voice snorted coldly, and he said, "You are just relying on luck, Hugo, don't think I don't know, you are just a bereaved dog who was kicked out just because the illegal experiment was exposed!"

"Abandon your stupid and useless plan! I'll kill Thomas and his fiancée, and hypnotize Gotham, and Metropolis! With my newest brainwave controller..."

"Teich, I have to remind you that in the realm of spirit and consciousness, there is a person you don't know but is very dangerous. I advise you to stay away from Gotham..."

"No! No! The man called Teich shouted: "My love died there! I have to go, I'm going to find my Alice there, my Alice..."

He started to get excited again, and kept repeating several names. Hugo seemed to be a little bit unbearable. He turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, in the originally silent room, there was a sudden knock on the door. Voice.

In an instant, the room became quiet. The beginning of this classic horror movie made Hugo break out in a cold sweat, because he knew very well that this place was not a real building, and there could be no unexpected visitors. He immediately turned his head and asked Teich. : "What the **** are you doing? Who's knocking on the door?"

Tai Qi also restrained his obsessive expression. His face suddenly became gloomy and irritable. He stepped forward and opened the door, but saw no one.

Hugo also stepped forward, and the moment he opened the door, he saw a few light marks on the floor, like ruts.

Looking to the right along these traces, Hugo walked out the door, and at the end of the corridor of the manor, saw a small doll riding a tricycle.

The doll was wearing a black suit, a red bow tie, a white mask, and a very exaggerated spiral of blush on his face.

This is completely inconsistent with the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in the fairy tale manor at this time, but what is even more bizarre is that when Teich and Hugo saw the doll, it suddenly moved and rode the little tricycle along the way. The corridor and stairs rushed out of the manor.

Tai Qi ran after him without thinking, and said, "Hey, ghost! Get out of my sweet dreams!"

Hugo tried to stop but was unsuccessful. Teich was short and fast in his dream.

As a result, Hugo could only chase after Teich, but the doll riding a bicycle was faster than both of them, and passed through the hall of the manor at a rapid speed. He suddenly turned a corner and went around the back of the manor along the lawn on one side.

As if remembering something, Teich shouted, "No! No! Don't go over there!

! "

The creaking sound of the tricycle reverberated in the manor, and together with the melodious sound of the piano, it constituted an increasingly strange music.

At the back of the manor, there is a small garden, white dining tables and chairs and classical European-style flower stands are scattered, and next to the courtyard fence, there is a huge tree, which is lush at this time.

Under the big tree, in the thick grass, there was an inconspicuous rabbit hole. The doll riding a tricycle staggered into the rabbit hole, and Teich, who was chasing behind, screamed, and then, Headed down the rabbit hole.

Hugo, who was chasing the two, hurriedly stopped, but it was too late. A gray fog suddenly filled the rabbit hole and pulled him in too.

Hugo, who was caught up in the rabbit hole, felt like he was falling into the darkness, as if a century had passed. After the long darkness, when Hugo opened his eyes again, he found himself in a classical manor study.

Red-brown solid wood bookshelves are placed against the wall, heavy dark red curtains are fixed on both sides of the window by golden curtains, and the candles on the metal candlesticks by the door flicker with dim yellow light and shadow.

In front of the desk, there was a figure that Hugo was somewhat familiar with, Schiller Rodriguez.

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