American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 574: Fully sewn (top)

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Batman and Cobot froze together when Thomas finished shouting this sentence.

Batman didn't know what he was talking about because he didn't respond for a while, and Cobot didn't understand the murder case that happened before, and thought that the serial murder case Thomas said was actually Lex.

Thomas panted heavily and said in a hysterical voice: "This is out of my plan! I didn't do the eucalyptus, it shouldn't be like this, I clearly planned it..."

Seeing that Thomas was a little bit broken, Batman realized that this might be a good time to ask the truth, so he looked at Thomas and asked, "You said your fiancée is in danger, and the serial murderer, why? What's the matter?"

Thomas' voice trembled, he seemed extremely reluctant, but he also knew that only Batman could stop this now, so he said:

"I killed Doris, the javelin I borrowed from the sports equipment room, pierced her chest, killed her, but my purpose was not to kill her, I just wanted to borrow this eucalyptus... …”

"...go and make an alibi for yourself." Batman interrupted him in a calm tone, and Batman continued: "You put yourself in jail and let your accomplices go and kill Elio. The special couple, make an alibi for you, and then try to find a way to clear the case for yourself, so that you can get out of prison innocently and inherit the Elliott family."

"And the way you open the case is to let your accomplices continue to make murder cases similar to Doris's case outside, and make this a serial murder case, so that it can prove that the person who killed Doris is not you. ."

Thomas was stunned, but then a gritted, hateful look on his face that quickly turned to a mixed emotion, saying, "'re a genius, and so should I. Yes, I should too..."

"Then what about your fiancée and the serial murder case you said?" Batman asked.

"Yeah...yes! You guys go find Belena! She might be in danger now! Someone's eyeing her..."

Thomas's arms were shaking, and he said: "I did the second victim of the cheerleading group because as long as the serial murder case continues, it means that I am innocent in prison... …”

"But, but the third case is not me... There is another murderer! His next target is my fiancee Belena!"

What Thomas said was a bit out of place. Batman didn't hear any logic. He only heard Thomas admit that he killed the first and second victims, but denied that the third victim was him. made.

Logically speaking, if he confessed that he killed two people in person, then he would not deny the third victim. At this stage, in any case, Thomas could not be exonerated, so he did not need to It wasn't him who killed the third victim.

"First of all, you have to tell me who your accomplices are? How did you commit this crime?" Batman ignored Thomas' anxiety, he would not fall for this, because whether Thomas was acting or not, he had to Find out what's going on here.

Thomas seemed to ignore it, and he explained: "Just, just about two weeks ago, I wanted to see a doctor because of anxiety, maybe at that time, I left my phone number, and I didn't call it. How long before a psychiatrist calling himself Dr. Hugo called me..."

"He said that he is very experienced in this area and can help me with treatment, and I don't want my parents to know that I have a mental illness, so I can't go to a regular hospital for treatment. He said that he has experience in treatment, and I plan to go and see."

"When I arrived at the agreed location, I found that there was no psychiatric clinic there. Later, I found out that they were hiding in Gotham's sewers."

"There was a refrigerated warehouse that was excavated there, but it was abandoned for some reason, and they were hiding there."

"At that time, I wanted to leave, but that person named Dr. Hugo stopped me. We chatted for a while. I think he is indeed an excellent psychiatrist, maybe because he is down for some unknown reason, so I expressed my willingness. Fund him, but only if he cures my anxiety."

"He chatted with me a lot, and I confided a lot of my inner secrets to him. He said that my anxiety and stress came from my parents. As long as there is no source of stress, my anxiety will naturally improve."

"He instigated you to kill your own parents?" Batman asked, narrowing his eyes.

"That's right." Thomas swallowed. "He made a series of plans, he said. As long as I follow the plan, it's fine, but right now, it's not part of our plan at all!"

"He said that after I was in prison, he would kill my parents, and then he would do another case, pick a girl with the same identity as Doris, commit a similar case at the same location, It made a serial murder case, so that it could exonerate me and get me out of jail."

"He said he would only do one more case, but after that, I heard that there was a third case, so I tried my best to contact the lawyer, and then contact Dr. Hugo, but he told me that the first case was The three cases were not made by him."

"That's when my fiancee, Belena, got on the phone with me. On the other end of the phone, she cried a lot and looked very sad and scared. She said that someone threatened her with emails and notes, saying she was going to kill her. with her..."

Cobot, who had been on the sidelines, said: "Belena? I seem to know her. She is a student of the School of Environment. She has not come to the laboratory these days. Originally, the project she was responsible for often borrowed this laboratory. , but I haven't seen her in days."

"That's why I came here to find her!" Thomas yelled: "I know she's doing experiments here. The handbag she threw at my house has the keys here, as well as special gloves and protective clothing. I knew it was used in a low temperature laboratory..."

"So, you can open the door of this laboratory?" Cobblet looked at Thomas' hand, and he did wear a glove, but because this special glove is very thin and fits the hand. Gloves, so not easy to spot.

"She must have disappeared!" Thomas became more and more emotional, he said: "It is even possible that she has been killed, I want to find her!"

As Thomas's mood became more and more unstable, the arms he held on Lex became more and more tight. Lex was a little breathless by him, his face was red and his lips were even turning purple.

In any case, Lex's physique is really bad, let alone a tall and strong adult man like Thomas, even a very thin Cobot who is armed with a murder weapon can push him back step by step. Hold back, he has no room for resistance at all.

No matter how talented the brain is, in this case, there is no way to convert intelligence into force. His genius brain, even because of lack of oxygen, has fallen into a light coma.

Batman obviously observed this situation, he took two steps forward, trying to press Thomas, but Thomas didn't back down, because he knew that there was a window behind him, there was no going back, he had to give himself longer In order to deal with the possible attack of Batman.

So he retreated to his left rear, the side further away from Cobot and Batman.

In that direction, inside the larger laboratory, Batman pressed closer, and Thomas stepped back, all the way in that direction, until he leaned his back against the largest instrument in the center of the room.

As I said before, it is a very large machine, with a cylindrical shape as a whole, connecting two floors. In addition to the surrounding consoles and fixtures, there is a cylindrical liquid storage device inside. It's the ingredients that Victor uses to make super ice.

Due to some material science reasons, this thing cannot be stored in a solid state. It can only be placed in a special cabin in liquid form, and it must be constantly stirred, and another chemical preparation is required to maintain it. the stability of existence.

At this time, in the cylindrical liquid storage device that Thomas was leaning against, the blue liquid kept surging, like beautiful ocean waves and unpredictable nebulae, cold light shining on his back, but because of good The airtightness, nothing chill comes out.

It turns out that the necessary stimuli may increase one's vigilance against a dangerous item, just as one's hand will instinctively retract when it touches a hot kettle, and now, because Thomas is not from behind He felt anything unusual on the thing he was leaning against, so he didn't realize what a dangerous thing he was approaching.

Batman's attention is all on Lex, or, no matter who Thomas is holding hostage, Batman's first goal is to rescue the hostages.

At this time, because of the pressure from Batman, Thomas seemed to be a little broken, and he began to squeeze Lex's neck with his hands, saying: "You are all the same! You bunch... huh, genius? Genius Do you think you are a genius?!"

"Why are you born superior? Why can't I! Answer me! Is this fair?!"

"Bruce Wayne!" Thomas raised his voice suddenly and said, "Do you think I don't know who you are? Batman! I've been investigating, since the moment Batman appeared... …”

"I saw through your tricks! You are not a superhero in the dark night! You **** hypocrite! You are just relying on your extraordinary talent and wealth, and now, I want to have it all..."

However, as Thomas expected, the shocking scene of Batman being uncovered did not occur, and he did not even react to such a scene.

But this is not surprising. According to the current timeline, in the plot changed by Schiller, almost everyone knows the true identity of Batman. Schiller knows it, Gordon knows it, Victor knows it, and Constance knows it. Ding knew it, and so did Hal.

When they got together in private, no matter what clothes Bruce was wearing, whether he was wearing a normal sweater and jeans, or that cold bat suit, these people said "Bruce".

Although Bruce emphasized to them many times that he would call him Batman when he was wearing a bat suit, but those few people seemed to have a coaxing attitude to play with children. Never mind.

Therefore, in the circle of Gotham people, Batman belongs to the Internet under his real name. After a long time, he is too lazy to correct it. Call him Bruce. Forcibly correct the name, except for being laughed at in exchange. What will change, let them go, the desensitization treatment is successful.

Seeing that Batman didn't respond, Thomas became even more hysterical, and the strength in his hand was even greater. At this time, Batman knew that he had to take action, otherwise Lex would be in danger.

At this moment, there was a figure faster than him. The thin Cobot rushed to Thomas's side at an extremely fast and then raised the sharp knife in his hand, Thomas ducked to the side .

At this moment, "Whoosh" sounded twice, and two bat darts rubbed the side of Thomas' neck and flew over.

In order to avoid the situation of being double-teamed by the front and rear, Thomas had to find cover, and the console next to him was a good choice, but if he wanted to dodge, it was impossible to grab Lex, he was too much in the way.

Thomas threw Lex aside, then rolled over, and hid behind the console, but at this moment, the two bat darts thrown by Batman did not stop, but hit them directly. the glass above the liquid storage device.

Batman took into account the possible damage to the things behind Thomas, so he used very light force, the sound of the bat dart hitting the glass was very soft, and then fell to the ground, seemingly without causing any damage.

However, a tiny crack burst open from the place of contact, and at this moment, both Batman and Cobot quickly retreated, only to hear a "bang", the liquid storage device exploded.

Batman and Cobot, who had already hid on the other side of the room, were not affected, but felt a biting chill, but Thomas and Lex, who hid behind the console and had no time to escape, were thrown aside by Thomas, It was directly submerged by the blue liquid that was sprayed out.

Then, Batman saw that a series of bubbles suddenly appeared in the dreamy blue waves.

Immediately afterwards, a pale and thin hand stretched out from the liquid, and at the same time, the eternal nightmare of Gotham, resurrected in madness, came again——

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

! "

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