American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 570: Black Sun and Bat Lamp (Part 2)

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Batman remembers, when he was just debuting as a hero, someone asked him if he needed evidence too, what was the difference between him and the cops who did nothing?

And now, the facts he has personally investigated prove that what Schiller said to him at the time was right. In Gotham, the law is not even a joke.

In other words, no matter where the law is, there is nothing for a person like Falcone. He has never killed anyone with his own hands, he has not even abetted a person, and he has not instructed the gunman to assassinate others.

All his enemies were killed by others, swallowed by wolves who wanted to follow him for the greater good, and Falcone, Gotham's uncrowned king for decades, was revered by everyone Your Godfather, is much more innocent than everyone else.

It makes all the laws, trials, convictions seem like a joke, the people who kill for him, just driven by profit, have helped Falcone remove all obstacles to his progress, Batman knows, even if he now Falcone was brought to court, and the judge could not try him.

Just like, they can't try the murderer who killed the Wayne couple.

While Batman was thinking more deeply about the meaning of the law, he received a call from Schiller asking him to go to the office, and in an instant, this esoteric sociological question was put behind him, because He knew he might be in for a bigger problem.

When Bruce came to Schiller's office and found that Lex was there, he knew that this bigger trouble could be multiplied by two.

If there is one thing in this world that requires him and Lex to work together to solve it, Bruce has begun to think, is Schiller a little dissatisfied with the position of the sun?

Both Bruce and Lex sat opposite Schiller, and to their surprise, after Schiller spoke, he did not mention the topic of moving the parking space for the sun or the moon. He just pointed to the top of his head, and then Say, "Did you see any difference there?"

Bruce and Lex looked up together, and they found that the lampshade on the ceiling had been removed, and the bulb was missing where it should have been.

"You should also know that Gotham University has had frequent power outages recently. After each power outage, it is easy to burn out the circuit and damage the light bulb. This is the case with the new light bulb we just replaced today."

Schiller stretched out his hand, waved it, and motioned the two of them to look at the surrounding environment. The entire classroom was dark now, but the light bulb next door was not broken, and there was a shimmer of light from the window, so they could barely see people clearly.

"This is the environment in which I work now. In order to improve this situation, I have established a research group. You are the first group of researchers in the research group. Now there are two topics to choose from."

"First, let Gotham immediately return to normal weather with more than 8 hours of sunshine all day..."

"I choose the second one." Bruce replied without hesitation, but Lex turned to look at him and asked, "Why are you answering in such a hurry? Is it because you are not confident in your level of weather science?"

"Because I don't want to move the sun." Bruce replied blankly.

"Where do you need to move the sun? Can't you just use chemicals to disperse the clouds? Don't tell me, you don't have the equipment for launch, didn't the Wayne family prepare early?"

Bruce pursed his lips. He glanced at Kes with sympathy. Sure enough, he heard Schiller say: "Well, since you have a difference of opinion, let's deal with each other."

"I choose the second one," Bruce repeated, for fear that Schiller would change his mind and let him and Lex study the first topic together.

Fortunately, Schiller said: "So, Lex's topic is to completely change the weather in Gotham, making it a sunny day with plenty of sunshine, so that even if the light bulb occasionally goes out, the office will have enough light."

"No problem." Lex agreed, and he couldn't wait. In his opinion, if he could complete the task that Bruce desperately avoided, it would prove that he was much better than Bruce.

Bruce gave him another sympathetic look, then looked at Schiller and asked, "What's the second topic?"

"Make a light bulb that will stay on forever."

"Bat lights will do," Bruce replied immediately.

Schiller was choked, and he asked, "You wouldn't really use a fusion-made bat lamp, would you?"

Bruce lowered his head and began to study the pattern on the table. Schiller shook his head and said, "I don't want to share a light bulb with the traffic lights on the central turntable. That's very unlucky. Do you want my office to be destroyed three times a year?"

Schiller glanced at Lex, who was still here, and said to him: "Your topic selection has been completed, and now you can go to work. If I open the curtains tomorrow and can see a sunny day, I will You'll get an unprecedented grade on your final assignment."

Lex paused for a moment, then quickly left the chair and walked out the door. Bruce looked at the back of him leaving again with sympathy.

After he left, Schiller took out a model from his drawer, which was the original Ark reactor model he had taken from Stark's laboratory earlier.

Schiller put it on the table and said, "Don't say I won't cook a small stove for you, take it, I want a light bulb like this, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

Bruce took the model, and at first, he didn't feel anything, until he saw part of the internal structure through the gap, Bruce narrowed his eyes, showing that classic Batman expression, and then looked up at Schiller.

"It's not something you can make." Bruce was very blunt, but Schiller wasn't angry, he wouldn't argue with anyone in this regard, he really didn't know anything about physics or engineering, and had no interest in it either. .

"This is a friend of mine..."

"Where is he? What's his name? Male or female? Where does he study? Where does he work?"

"Stop, if you want to ask such details, I won't give you this kind of thing next time. I believe that Lex should also be interested in it."

Bruce showed a rare hesitant expression. No researcher could refuse this kind of inspiration from heaven, especially according to Schiller's meaning, this kind of opportunity more than once.

Hold on to his own skepticism, get more technology and inspiration, or continue to follow instinct, doubt everything, and then push Schiller's gifts away, Bruce has to admit, he's starting to struggle again.

A few times before, Schiller took out some technology out of thin air, and Bruce had begun to doubt it, but he really had no good way to investigate, and could only expect Schiller to tell him, but now Schiller has expressed his attitude and wants the truth , there is no technology, if you want technology, there is no truth,

Bruce's grip on the model was getting tighter and tighter, and just as his hesitation reached its peak, he heard Schiller's devilish whisper:

"I kicked Lex out on purpose, not because I think he doesn't have the technology to make the lightbulb I want, but because I think I've known you longer and know you better than him. , the two of us are closer, so I chose to give this thing to you."

"I know, you never trust me, or you don't trust anyone, given your childhood trauma, I can understand your attitude, but if I choose not to trust you, then what will stay today is to come Kx."

"You should know that Lex is different from you and Clark. He is more like me. We both ignore laws and rules, and are not afraid to use means to break the bottom line to achieve what we want."

"So, you will meet one day. It stands to reason that if I stand on his side, it will be the best revenge for your distrust, but I don't want to do that."

"Why?" Bruce asked, looking Schiller in the eyes.

"Because, there are not only one goal after another in this world, and I do not have to use the highest efficiency to accomplish them. The reason why people are called people is because, in addition to judging profit and loss with reason, they also pay attention to emotions. ."

"You mean, your feelings prompted you to make this decision?" Bruce's tone was a little stiff.

"If I use pure rational thinking to judge this matter, it should be a better choice to hand this thing to Lex, which can not only create an opponent for you, limit your development, but also find a position for yourself Same ally, just in case you plan against me someday."

"But I chose another way, which is to give this thing to you and make it clear why I chose to do so."

Bruce found that this office was still his nightmare, because every time he was here, he would face such a choice.

He would rather that Schiller didn't make it so But now, Bruce already knows that Schiller chose emotion between rationality and emotion. In Bruce's opinion, this is not the right choice. , but he is the beneficiary.

This made him face a thinking dilemma. His brain, which used to think rationally, was telling him that Schiller was wrong and that his behavior and personality should not have caused him to do this. So Bruce's brain started Analyze Schiller's motivation for doing so.

And Schiller's remarks have clearly told Bruce that his motive for doing this is emotion, and for a long time, in Bruce's brain, the emotional part of the brain does not work, and is surrounded by a thick layer of emotion. The door is isolated.

Alfred's existence is the key to the door, and his relationship with Catwoman is that he turned the key a little, and Elsa and Dick slammed into the door, leaving the door open.

If everyone else is opening the door through external force, what Schiller does is more like opening the door from the inside out.

Schiller looked at the back of Bruce leaving. The model was faintly visible in the dark office, but because it was just a structural model, not a real Ark reactor, it wasn't bright and couldn't provide any light.

But Schiller knew that, with Bruce's genius, it wouldn't take long to light up the Ark reactor.

And this ark reactor with countless contradictory thoughts illuminates not only a certain street, a certain room, but also something that has been hiding behind the gate to peep at the outside world.

If the bat insisted on lighting up the dark city, Schiller didn't mind, and replaced his bat light with a brighter bulb.

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