American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 562: What Schiller does best (Part 1)

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"Thor! Calm down! Listen to my explanation! It's not what you think it is!

! "Stark's roar echoed in the deep space of the universe, but Thor didn't listen to his explanation at all, just kept attacking with thunder.

Judging from Thor's attack method, we know that he has been stunned. In fact, although Thor's fighting style of always charging forward has been criticized by many people, saying that he is not like a successor and a king, but there is no way The denial is that his strength is really strong and he has excellent tactical intuition, so he can charge forward every time without losing his life.

But now, this melee tactician has been so angry that he can only beat the punches. Normally, the power of the God of Light composed of thunder and flames can be used in many ways, and to a certain extent, it also restrains Stark. fleet, because thunder is very easy to conduct from machine to machine.

In fact, it is the best tactic to use the power cage to control the speed of Stark's progress while consuming the mechanical parts around him, because Thor actually knows that Stark can't last long.

The peak of the single universe is an embarrassing position for Stark. In this position, the group is directly integrated into one, no longer shackled by any energy, and itself becomes a part of the origin of the universe, so it no longer needs energy, Under this position, driving the human body and mechanical parts does not require much energy.

However, at the level of the peak of the single universe, it is necessary to forcefully use magical energy to maintain such a strong strength, but obviously, the magical energy in Stark's hand is not enough, so Thor and him fighting a war of attrition is the best way. .

But now, the demented Thor doesn't attack the mechanical parts around Stark at all, but the maximum power output is one after another sturdy thunderbolt, moving towards Stark's skull, as if he will not die. This scumbag promises not to. give up.

"Warning, lack of energy! Warning, lack of energy! Sir, the current energy of the magic core can only be maintained for another minute and a half, it is recommended to send a signal for help immediately!"

"No, I can't ask for help!" Stark refused. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you call them all over, isn't that a joke from me?! Thor will definitely make up my rumors, Me and Loki Not at all…”

"Warning! The output of core energy continues to decline... Some unnecessary protective measures have been removed, and the frequency of attacks has dropped, continuing to decline... Continuing to decline..."

"Remove all attack energy!" Stark made a last resort decision, he said: "Concentrate all energy on defensive measures, otherwise he will not be able to withstand his thunder at all."

The dense thunder is still falling, and Thor's divine power is not completely exhausted. After his initial wave of explosions, with the consumption of divine power, he finally calmed down a little.

But this was even worse for Stark. As Thor regained his senses, his tactics began to become cunning. Instead of using thunder to evenly attack the entire shield, he kept hitting a little bit. Stark, whose energy was in a hurry, even flashed a warning.

Suddenly, Stark heard Jarvis say: "An unknown energy source was detected, the magic energy is abundant, and it is being absorbed... The energy is replenished to 60%, and the shield strength has been fully improved."

"Energy? Where does the energy come from?" Stark asked in confusion, and Jarvis continued to reply: "Environmental scan... Captured the portal that is about to open... 3, 2, 1..."

"Tony! Next!" A portal opened, Strange flew out of it, and threw a crystal ball shining with magic light to Stark.

Stark caught it subconsciously and asked, "Why did you come here?? Also, I don't even know when you started delivering food part-time!"

"Don't ask so many questions, Schiller asked me to come, hurry up and absorb the energy, Thor won't let you go so easily."

"Oh!" Stark said suddenly to Strange, "Hurry up and explain it to me! It's not what Thor thought it was! That child wasn't born to me and Loki, but... well, also. Yes, but not the kind of life he thought..."

"What? Rocky? Child? You mean, you and Rocky have a child?!

' Strange asked aloud.

Before Stark could explain, "Katha" was another thunderbolt. Thor, who had just woken up a little, was stimulated by this sentence again and continued to attack Stark.

The energy that Stark had just absorbed had not been adjusted, and he could only temporarily avoid its edge. So, he started running again, Thor started chasing again, and the two started racing in the universe again.

Stark somehow felt that he was a little bit wrong. After all, it was a fact that he let Loki pigeons. Even if that child was mostly made by Schiller and some outrageous plans, but, after all, he had already decided to adopt Helen. It's not good to really do something to Thor.

Therefore, he is running and fighting, not fighting, hiding as much as he can, and intends to use the magical energy of Strange's attack to exhaust Thor until he is exhausted. When Thor is exhausted, he will naturally listen to him. explained.

But as soon as he ran, other things in the universe would suffer, whether it was a celestial body or a demon god, as long as they were encountered by these two cosmic bombers, they would suffer a big blow at light, and they would be wiped out.

However, unlike the last member gift event, this time, there was no group of cosmic demons with huge mouths in the abyss to eat, but a strange combination of Gu Yi, Strange and Mephisto. , holding the sack in the back.

Originally, the deposit business didn't want to pull Mephisto, the old goat. This is the business inside the Holy Sanctuary, but it happened that Mephisto met Thor and Stark in a fight, so they could only be divided. He has a piece of the pie.

Mephisto helped the sanctuary pick up these deposits, and the sanctuary gave him a better interest rate condition, and then attached some financial products. Mephisto didn't care about these interests. The key is to get it from the sanctuary Picking up the wool is a kind of magical achievement for him.

Just before, the broadcast of the Holy of Holies has been broadcast to every member customer. When they listen to it, they can also save the member gift? And not only does it not charge, but also pays them interest? Then it must survive!

Although I need to digest and can’t eat for the time being, there will always be a day when I will be hungry. Who would think that there is too much food in reserve?

The way the Sanctuary distributes member gifts this time is to first pick up all the corpses of the demon gods that have been affected by Stark and Thor, and then distribute them according to the proportions they ate last time, put them into their personal accounts, and then Start calculating interest.

In the early days, this business seemed to be very beneficial and harmless. It would not miss out on membership gifts, but also get free interest, and even some clever demons were already consulting and taking some of the rest in their hands before it was too late. The digested energy is stored in the Holy of Holies.

Especially when I heard that the higher the deposit amount, the better the interest rate. Many demon gods have this plan.

At present, the credit of the Holy Sanctuary is still relatively good, and these things are originally lost money from the sky. Even if they are gone, they have nothing to lose themselves, but they have become stronger because of the energy they have absorbed.

Therefore, there are many demon gods who are willing to use a small amount of energy for testing. If the interest increases as the Holy of Holies said, then can't there be more energy in the future?

Perhaps, anyone who knows the banking industry should know that, in simple terms, the reason why banks are willing to provide interest for the money that customers save here is actually because the money can play a greater role by pooling the money. .

Whether to encourage saving or borrowing depends on the market. If you want to encourage consumption, you will give more concessions in terms of lending, and if you want to attract more deposits, you will have more favorable conditions for saving. .

The relationship between banks and the market is inseparable, and if the Sanctuary can really become the bank with the most credit customers in the universe, it can have a huge impact on the universe market.

At the same time, human civilization, which has absorbed huge savings funds, can also use this part of the stored funds to develop itself, and this is the ultimate goal of Schiller's plan.

First, use Doomsday, Stark, Loki and the thunder on the hammer to create a child, and the Ark Reactor will appear directly on Helen, which is indeed unexpected by Schiller, but even if the Ark Reactor does not appear With Helen, Schiller also has a way to convince Thor or others of the Asgardian pantheon that there is something between Stark and Loki.

This is actually not difficult, because the two people communicated a little too often, and it is easy to gossip. As for the child, Schiller is sure to persuade Stark to adopt, and in this way, Thor will and Stark A fight is inevitable.

Seeing that this wave of member gifts was almost received, Schiller directly instructed Strange to persuade the fight, and the best way to persuade him was to take Helen over there. Thor was angry, and he would definitely not be able to do it when he saw the child.

Of course, Helen's hatching also had Schiller's share. Schiller would definitely not take such a small child directly to the universe to face the two demon gods at the peak of the two single universes.

Therefore, Schiller first turned into gray fog and brought Helen to the high altitude of the earth. Helen was not afraid at all. If it was higher, when the oxygen was thin, Schiller had already started to control the gray fog to give Helen oxygen. As a result, Helen immediately evolved the ability to survive in an oxygen-deficient environment.

And further up, after entering space, Helen simply stopped breathing, and just like the Doomsday in the original book, she was able to absorb the energy of the sun, and was completely unafraid of the sun's radioactivity and heat.

In this way, Schiller felt a little more relieved. He removed the restrictions of the gray fog. At first, Helen, who was floating in space, was still a little unclear, but soon, she could control her body in space.

Immediately afterwards, she stayed in place for a while, and suddenly began to fly in space. The brilliance of divine power covered her body. Obviously, Helen evolved the ability to use divine power as a driving force to travel in the universe.

Seeing this, Schiller knew that there was no need for any adaptive training. Throwing Helen on the battlefield of Thor and Stark for dozens of minutes, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold these two energy exhausted. People blast hammer.

Seeing this situation, Schiller picked up Helen and called Strange. After a while, the portal opened above his head, Schiller flew in, and descended upon Stark and Thor. Not far from the battlefield.

At this point, the battle between the two has come to an end, and there is not much energy, but before, Stark got the supply from Strange, so now he has more energy than Thor.

Thor, who attacked without brains before, wasted too much divine power. By now, the blue bars are basically empty, but fortunately, Thor himself is also a berserker. It doesn't matter if there is no blue, just go up and shake his fist.

But Stark was not He didn't plan to fight Thor closely, so he avoided Thor while using the energy beam from his palm to block Thor's actions, intending to wait for his energy Completely exhausted, and then explain to him.

Helen, who was picked up and held by Strange, tilted her head and looked at the battlefield intently. While Strange was chatting with Schiller, he didn't notice that the little guy in his arms actually showed an extremely inappropriate age. thoughtful expression.

"The harvest this time is more than the last time, but the quality is not as good as last time. After so many crises, anyone with a little brain knows to hide. It seems that the future business will be difficult to do." Strange sighed. said with a breath.

"Don't worry, the reduction in the number of demon gods is a good thing for the entire universe, and it is a good thing for human beings. No matter which aspect, we are not at a loss. In the worst case, it is just that the business cannot expand."

"It's easy to say, but I think... ah! Helen! Helen! Come back!


' Strange exclaimed as Helen jumped straight out of his arms.

With a wave of his cloak, Strange hurriedly wanted to chase after him. However, the little guy was so fast that Strange narrowed his eyes. He realized that Helen didn't use it to run, but to teleport directly.

I saw a flash of divine power, and Helen appeared directly in the center of the battlefield. Stark saw his figure and shouted, "Helen?? Why...leave here!

! ""

Suddenly, Stark froze. He saw a small figure in the dark universe, posing in the most classic pose of Iron Man——

The ark reactor suddenly lit up, she stretched out a hand, and the energy beam erupted from the palm of her hand.

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