American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 559: Every Marvel Schiller plan comes down to… (Part 1)

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"Do you remember that you released Loki's pigeon?"

Stark nodded stiffly and said, "But I didn't mean to, Jarvis told me that the news was too sudden, I still had to order the cake, and I had to inform the rest of the Avengers... "

"No need to explain." Schiller held out a hand and said, "I will ask you, did you let her pigeons go?"

"What does it have to do with me letting go of her pigeons?" Stark pointed out to the little girl, his wise brain, it's been a long time since such a lake of puddles passed.

"Rocky is very angry, she's going crazy." Schiller put the little **** the table, put his arms around her, and told her not to run out, and then said very seriously: "You know, Thor Loving his sister so much, he lent Loki his weapon, Mjolnir, for self-defense."

"Before, Thor became the God of Light. He integrated the first thunder in the universe into Miaoernier, which enhanced the power of this artifact. At the same time, the first thunderbolt often meant a new life, which made Miaoernier The Thunder of Er has the function of igniting the fire of life."

When Stark's eyes fell on the little girl, he gradually recovered from the shock, and then began to observe the little girl carefully.

She is very young, she doesn't seem to be able to walk yet, she is beautiful and cute, like a doll, but it is difficult to get rid of the immediate sense of sight of young Rocky.

At the same time, what puzzled Stark was that the little girl had some spikes on her shoulders, neck and ankles, which made him look less like a human, but more like some kind of beast, and, Her eyes were vertical, and when she grinned, she showed a set of fangs.

The characteristics of Doomsday are well reflected in her body, except that she is not so strong and cruel, she has all the characteristics that she should have.

When looking at the little girl carefully, Stark finally focused his eyes on the reactor on her chest, he wondered for a moment, and said, "Wait, this is not the latest version of the reactor... this... this is not The one you used as the light bulb in the hall?"

"This is the problem." Schiller said innocently: "Before, I got a monster egg, but the soul of the monster in the egg has disappeared, so it can't hatch, so I put it in the basement of my nursing home. inside."

"I installed your reactor in the center of my hall, but who knows, when Luo Ji was looking for revenge with a hammer, the Rainbow Bridge was closer to my sanatorium, and she recognized this light bulb as Now that it's your armor, hold up Mjolnir and go to the light bulb."

"But who knows, after the light bulb hanging on the ceiling was choked off, it smashed through the floor of my sanatorium and directly into the egg."

"And even more coincidentally, Mjolnir has the new power of the first thunder in the universe. The egg that has lost its soul was rekindled by the flame of the soul, so it was hatched."

"However, your reactor smashed into its embryo, maybe this new life didn't know what to do with the light bulb, and in the end, she turned it into a body part."

"Since the person who rekindled the soul flame is Luo Ji, she looks more like Luo Ji, and because your reactor happened to smash into her body, so..."

Schiller stretched out his hand, pointed at the little girl, and gestured to Stark, which was the case.

"Wait! What did you say before calling me here? Are you going to give her to me?? Damn it, stop kidding me, I'm not married yet, how can I raise a child?!"

"It doesn't matter, if you don't want it, I'll take her to fly over New York. Anyway, more than 90% of New Yorkers know your reactor. Tomorrow's front page headline is that Iron Man is irresponsible. Give birth to a daughter, abandon her ruthlessly and cause her to live on the streets..."

"I..." Stark was choked, he said, "But they should know, how could my daughter be born with a reactor??"

"Go and explain this to those reporters and media..."

Saying that, Schiller was about to leave with the little girl in his arms, and Stark hurriedly walked up to stop him and said, "No! Don't! Wait! You can't damage my reputation like this! ... Well, I know I No reputation, but it can't be like this..."

Schiller directly shoved the little girl into Stark's arms, and Stark hurriedly hugged the child, but he didn't know how to hug the child at all. Like holding a mechanical part.

After fiddling for a long time without adjusting his posture, Stark simply dragged the little girl's armpits with both hands. He first straightened the arms of both hands, took the little girl as far as possible, and then pushed his head back hard. She shrank, even squeezed out her double chin, then narrowed her eyes and looked at the little girl.

Suddenly, he leaned his neck forward again, widened his eyes, and observed her carefully, as if he were observing a toy that had just arrived.

"You don't have to pay too much attention to the details, because the matter is irreversible. Is there any way you can put her back? I don't have it anyway."

Stark turned his head to stare at Schiller again, Schiller shrugged and said: "Ethically speaking, you should indeed be her parents, because before, the soul in that egg has disappeared, that is to say, the original egg has disappeared. The embryo inside is dead."

"The software device that revives this embryo is the thunder that Luo Ji stomped off. She re-lighted the fire of the embryo's soul, and the hardware device is your Ark reactor, although I don't know why he Absorb this light bulb, but perhaps, this is the fate between your father and daughter..."

Hearing the word "father and daughter", Stark grinned. He shoved the corners of his mouth down, making his mouth form an inverted U shape that only appears in cartoons, and then continued to focus on that little girl.

"What the **** is that?" Stark asked.

"I said I didn't know, would you believe it?" Stark kept staring at him as soon as Schiller finished speaking, so Schiller could only continue: "I can only tell you that it was originally a very, very A powerful monster, she just died in an egg for some reason, so her body is still this monster, but her soul has been reborn."

Stark put the little girl down and covered his forehead with a headache. He said, "If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have given you that Ark Reactor..."

"But the culprit in this matter is yourself. If you don't let Loki pigeons go, will she choke you? If she doesn't choke you, will she choke the wrong person?"

"No, I'm not referring to the birth of this child, but the Ark reactor I gave you is not the latest version, and there are many problems." Stark stared at the reactor on the little girl's chest and said: " Besides, she's just a child, don't you think this reactor is a little too big for her?"

"The mechanical implantation of carbon-based organisms has to take into account many issues, and the follow-up maintenance is also troublesome. Even if she is not a human being, the reactor and the body are so forcibly combined, there will definitely be problems."

Considering that Schiller really only twisted light bulbs, Stark had to explain the matter in detail, he said: "After getting the material of molten steel, I found that it combined with the flesh of carbon-based creatures very well. Well, a lot of structures that weren't possible before because of weight, density, or safety can be made with it."

"So, after obtaining this material, I completely upgraded the Ark Reactor. Although the overall appearance looks similar, the interior is far worse."

"And this one on her is the old version of the Ark reactor. The whole thing is made of vibranium alloy. It has been eliminated by me because of too many shortcomings. If you didn't say you were just using it as a light bulb, I wouldn't use this thing. to anyone."

Schiller also leaned down and looked at the thing on the little girl's chest.

This ark reactor is actually not big. The chest of the steel battle suit looks big because Stark has added a lot of external mechanical structural parts. To put it bluntly, it is just to be handsome. The really useful part can be accommodated in one hand. .

This size is nothing for ordinary adults. If it can be successfully implanted, it will basically not affect daily activities.

But this little girl who turned from Doomsday is even smaller than Aisha who turned from Parallax, maybe because the jetlag who turned into Aisha is already an adult, and Doomsday is still in the egg, So the little girl Doomsday turned into was almost the age when she just learned to walk, and she was younger than Elsa.

In this case, the Ark Reactor with a big fist occupies a large proportion of her body. Her entire chest cavity is the Ark Reactor, and from the perspective of the combination, it is obviously not scientific.

Schiller did not expect that the embryo of Doomsday would actually fuse with the Ark reactor on the shell. The process he told Stark also had a certain rationality, because Schiller suspected that it might be the thunder that put the The ark reactor was sunk from the outside into the eggshell.

And Doomsday, who is in the process of hatching, may not know how to deal with this foreign body, so he combines it into his body, which is also in line with the characteristics of Doomsday's infinite evolution.

Stark frowned deeply and said, "In any case, this combination method is not feasible. Even if it is feasible, it is best to replace him with the latest version, otherwise I will have no parts when this technology is eliminated. to maintain."

"So, you promised to adopt her?"

"Uh..." Stark was choked for a His complexion changed several times, and a complicated expression appeared on his face, he stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, and said, "No, I don't know at all. Not ready, I know I will have a daughter in the future, but not now, it's too early, I just..."

"But now, only you can adopt her. She inherited the ark reactor on your chest. Like you said, he may need to improve and maintain. This is not something that can be done once or twice..."

"If you're sure you can't, I'll go to Loki and ask her to bring the child back to Asgard."

"No." Stark subconsciously refused, and after the rejection, he was stunned for a moment, and then instinctively said his thoughts:

"Asgard is not a good place at all, the education there is a mess, Thor is reckless, Loki lacks love, Odin is still the kind of patriarchal father, and the goddess Frigga may also be a doting mother, no..."

Then, he took another deep breath and said, "Okay, this is the mess I made, I'll clean it up myself."

He was silent for a while and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Stark...of course you can, you won't be the same bad guy as him, you will do better than him, you will definitely teach more Excellent kid..."

"Actually, you don't have to put too much pressure. This child's talent may be better than you think." Schiller lifted her up again, and then shook her gently up and down. The little girl seemed very happy. She raised her hands high and wailed.

Then, Stark saw that her eyes and hands lit up with a bright light——

That is the brilliance of magic.

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