American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 550: When the flame is lit (top)

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Stark looked at Schiller in surprise. He found that Schiller's expression was serious, not joking. He also frowned and looked at Pym.

Confused by them, Pym scratched his head and said, "What's wrong with you? What did I forget? What did I forget?"

Seeing both Stark and Schiller staring at him, Pym explained, "Yes, I'm working on artificial intelligence, but not in the same direction as Howard's..."

"I think human brain waves are very magical. If you want to give intelligent life a real soul, you can create it in combination with your own brain waves. In this way, you can achieve..."

Schiller interrupted him, saying, "I'm sorry, Dr. Pym, but the most important thing right now is that I have to check your mental state and see if you've been hypnotized."

Schiller did this because, in the original comics, Ultron was not created by Stark and the Hulk, but by Dr. Pym, the Ant-Man.

The principle is similar to what Pym said. Pym used his own brain waves to combine with an intelligent life, resulting in this artificial intelligence having a real consciousness. This artificial intelligence is the later Ultron.

After Ultron was born with self-consciousness, he began to hate his creator, so he attacked Dr. Pym and hypnotized him, making him completely forget that he had created Ultron.

Ultron's hypnosis was very successful, so he had enough time to evolve himself until he appeared, causing continuous trouble for the Avengers.

Ultron has a strong hypnotic ability. In the comics, he even hypnotized Stark and asked Stark to create a body for him, that is, Ultron 9, and soaked this body in a solution. Among them, let him have an indestructible shell.

Schiller's attitude was very mild, so Pym quickly calmed down. He frowned and asked, "Do you think there is something wrong with my mental state, what is the problem?"

"I suspect you may have been hypnotized," Schiller said, looking at Pym.

"But we just met, how do you judge?" Pym instinctively questioned.

But at this time, Stark had already guessed Schiller's intention. The keywords of artificial intelligence research, hypnosis, and amnesia are linked together, and it is not difficult to think of the plot of the omnic crisis. As the same master of artificial intelligence, Stark knows better than anyone how harmful intelligent life can be without the control of its creator.

Schiller is the owner of mind-reading, and he doesn't want to talk about his profession. It is very likely that Schiller saw some abnormal signs in Pym through mind-reading, which can explain why As soon as he saw Pym, he thought there was something wrong with him.

Nick also persuaded: "Dr. Pym, I think, I should have told you the purpose of coming here before, and you must pass the psychiatrist's test before doing the universe work. You should know this, right?"

"I know this. Could it be that this is a psychiatrist?" Pym just said this, he looked at Schiller's white coat, looked at the medical record book in his hand, and patted himself. head, and said, "Oh, well, I'll go back to the original size first."

Pym pressed on his wrist, and with a "pop", a normal-sized Pym fell to the ground. He was also a smart person, so he guessed what Schiller was worried about? He asked, "Are you worried that my research has hypnotized me?"

The two of them walked to the experimental bench of Stark's laboratory together, and as they walked, Pym said, "But I've just started researching, and the method I'm talking about is still in the theoretical stage and hasn't been put into practice at all. ."

Schiller shook his head. "What if your research hypnotized you into believing it all?"

Pym's face suddenly changed a little, he stammered and said: "It probably won't... I never knew that artificial intelligence can hypnotize, even I can't..."

"Don't let me question your professional ability." Stark stood beside the chair, crossed his arms and asked Pym, "What is the most powerful ability of artificial intelligence?"

"Learn," Pym replied immediately, spreading his hands. "But that's ridiculous, you mean, I've created a powerful artificial intelligence and was hypnotized by him?"

Pym shook his head, obviously not believing this, Schiller patted the back of the chair and said, "In special circumstances, I won't ask you for the consultation fee, sit here, and we will conduct a test."

"Okay, what am I going to do?" Pym sat down.

He seemed very cooperative, so Schiller's attitude was also very good. Schiller moved a chair and sat across from him, with Stark and Nick standing beside him, watching the conversation between the two.

At this moment, Schiller didn't know where he came from and took out a bottle of wine. He gave Stark a wink, Stark winked at Jarvis, and Jarvis controlled the robot to take two. wine glass.

When the golden wine fell into the wine glass, tiny bubbles appeared at the bottom, and a rich aroma of wine permeated. Drunkard Stark sniffed hard, as if he was intoxicated by this aroma.

"Hey, where did you get such a fragrant wine?" Stark sniffed and said with some dissatisfaction: "There is such a good thing, why don't you share it?! Schiller, I really misunderstood you, hurry up Get me a drink!"

Schiller didn't say anything, just handed the glass of wine in front of him to Stark. Stark was about to drink it, but the wine in the glass suddenly turned into blood soaked in eyeballs. Ke shook his hands and threw the wine glass out.

The wine glass crossed a graceful arc in the air and fell into several pieces. With the crisp sound of shattering, the scene of Stark's laboratory shattered like glass.

In its place was an unpretentious-looking bedroom, and Pym reacted from the initial shock by saying, "What? Isn't this my bedroom? What's going on? What the **** are you doing?!"


Schiller clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention. He said, "Now, in Pym's dream, we can also find evidence of him being hypnotized here."

Stark raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there something wrong with that wine?"

Schiller explained: "Actually, you can go to the base of the Radiance Alliance, but it is a bit troublesome. Since I have already come here, it is better to go directly to the dream, which is faster."

Saying that, Schiller waved his hand, and the scene in the bedroom shrank sharply, turning into a small ball that floated on his hand, and then more **** appeared. Pym found that there were all his life in there. One scene after another, the bedroom in the apartment, the barn on the old farm, the laboratory on the west coast...

Schiller lined up those **** of light into a wall, and before Pym could speak, Schiller said, "No, I'm not interested in prying into other people's privacy, I'm just looking for what might happen... Oh, here, see? It's the keyword, artificial intelligence."

Schiller was a little on the ball of light, and instead of a laboratory, it turned out to be a field, and Pym explained: "I first had the idea to study artificial intelligence here, but that was a long time ago. already."

"Well, for your privacy, can you tell me when was the last time you did this kind of experiment?"

"About half a year ago."

Schiller rummaged through the pile of light **** again, and Stark frowned at him and said, "Can you actually do such a thing now? Just rummage through other people's memories to find out the possible existence of clues?"

"Actually, I have always been able to do it, or in other words, many psychiatrists can do it, but they do it in a way that you can understand, such as letting you lie down on a chair, play a piece of music, and guide you. You make memories."

"And this..." Schiller reached out, took a light ball, and said, "It's just a more intuitive method, but the principle is the same."

"Many people don't care about their memory. When they can't find something in their memory, they feel that they have forgotten it. But many times, it is just because there is no suitable method and habit to sort out memory. It is recorded in the brain, but cannot be found because of more redundant information."

"Memory is rhythmic, so a trained psychiatrist can help you sort through your memory, and in the absence of a real physical illness, this treatment can help you keep your mind awake and improve your thinking efficiency. ."

"Sounds like a liar's speech," Stark concluded. "It's the kind of drug salesman who claims to improve human IQ and memory..."

"This can't improve IQ and memory." Schiller was still rummaging, and while looking, he said: "I remember I mentioned this issue in the September issue of last year, and I heard that you are very interested in psychology recently. Interested, didn't you see it?"

"Uh..." Stark was choked for a moment and coughed twice with a guilty conscience, but Schiller didn't seem to be checking the homework, he just said casually, and soon, he got another ball of light and said : "Oh, here it is."

"Did you see it?" Schiller pointed to the light ball and said, "It looks a little dark, and the scene inside is not very clear."

"What does this mean?" Pym walked up, crossed his arms, and stared at the ball of light. Schiller explained: "It means that your memory during this period is not stable enough, and it is very likely that it has been disturbed by external forces."

Schiller crushed the ball of light, and several people appeared in the laboratory. Another Pym was working in front of the computer. After a while, he suddenly stood up, then sat down again, and Stark stepped forward. , asked Pym, who was standing beside him, "What are you doing?"

"I think the memory after he stood up should have been erased, and the memory of sitting down and continuing to operate the computer is all artificial. doing what,"

Pym frowned, as if trying to remember, but Schiller continued, "You remember everything we see here, Dr. Pym, I think with your memory, you should be able to remember. What you were doing with the computer at the time, even if it was some very complicated programming, at least you can remember it.”

"No, I can write them all down." Pym frowned. "Every line of code is stored in my head."

"Then obviously, there is a problem. One second, you remember everything in the The next second, the information in the computer becomes unclear. The only possibility is that someone Modified your memory and implanted you with this memory that you've been working in front of the computer."

"But maybe he's not very skilled, he didn't add any details, he just added a summary like 'Dr. Pym has been working in front of the computer'."

"It's enough for the average person, just say to them during hypnosis 'you've been working and doing nothing' and they'll believe it because they don't remember the time at work. specific details. "

"But for you, or smart people like Tony, if you check carefully, it's easy to find loopholes, because you remember all the details of your work, and your strong memory makes memory replacement very difficult."

"Then can you hypnotize us?" Stark asked.

"A newly born artificial intelligence life can hypnotize Pym, and make him not aware of it, do you think I can hypnotize you?"

"But..." Schiller changed the conversation and said, "Whether the hypnosis can be successful and whether it can escape such a detailed examination are two different things. There are many ways for people's brains to deceive themselves, and many people will not check it without any problems. Your own memory, as long as you don't check it, it's hard to find."

Pym and Stark looked at each other, and Schiller looked at them and said, "So, today's event has reminded you all, and if you have nothing to do, check your recent memory regularly to see if there is anything abnormal. It's a good way to prevent you from being hypnotized by all kinds of strange things."

"Next, let's go back to reality and see if your research really hypnotized you."

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