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"This..." Charles stared at the big ship that couldn't be called "small" in any way, his expression changed several times, and finally showed a very complicated expression, and then said: "No, I can't ."

"Although I don't know how you got it, I think the process should be very dangerous, and if it can travel through the dream world as you said, it will be a very precious Transportation, it's too expensive, I can't take it."

Charles' reaction did not exceed Lele's expectations. Charles' ability to single-handedly pull the moral bottom line of the Radiance League above the average line fully shows that he is a noble person.

"Don't get me wrong, Professor, I don't mean to give you this ship, but, I have this ship, and it's impossible to run around in the dream world every day, it's a pity that it's idle there. , so you can borrow it as a school bus."

"And now, I'm just going to use this ship. You shouldn't mind being a temporary captain and going on a magical dream trip, right?"

Hearing this, Charles relaxed and said with a smile: "Of course, I'm actually curious about the dream world, it's so mysterious, but I'm stuck in the hustle and bustle of the real world and don't have time to explore here. ."

"Trust me, professor, with your ability, even in the dream world, it is hard to have an opponent. If you add this ship, then we can freely roam here."

The two smiled and shook hands and reached a perfect agreement. Mark, Jack and the hippo, who were watching here on the boat, sighed in unison.

Mark turned to look at the hippo, and said, "I guess, if you go down and say this boat isn't theirs, I'm afraid..."

"I'm not going down!" The hippo made a prayer gesture in the Egyptian pantheon, and she said, "If they like it, take it, it's not mine anyway."

"Not yours? Then why are you staying here?" Mark asked.

Then he saw that the hippo rolled his eyes very humanely and said, "I owe the owner of this boat a favor, so after work, I have to pick up his soul for him. In fact, I've had enough of this. Work, I'm a hippo, and the river here is only sand..."

"Oh, Your Majesty, please forgive the unreasonableness of my other personality. He is just a child. I apologize to you on his behalf. I hope you can guide us on the next journey." Schiller said to the hippo.

The hippo snorted softly, and then said, "I won't care about a child, because I am the patron saint of women and children. I understand that these mischievous little guys are not bad by nature, but you should also teach him, Don't break things casually, or you'll have a headache..."

This hippo goddess is very much like a human mother in both behavior and speech, which makes several people feel kind, and then she reveals the reason.

"During my years as a god, I will bring the orphans abandoned by the ancient Egyptians back to my temple and raise them, and when they grow up, they will become my followers, but I don't want them to stay there, I'll teach them the skills to earn a living, and then put them back into human society."

"I've been doing this kind of work for thousands of years. My last adopted child went to Los Angeles to work as a programmer, and he would call me on weekends. Seriously, you humans have such a weird concept of time. His phone calls are too frequent, and I don't have a moment to spare..."

Hearing this, Charles felt a little moved, he stepped forward and shook hands with the hippo goddess, and said, "You are a kind **** and a great mother. In fact, I often feel headaches in educating children. …”

Seeing that one person and one **** began to discuss the parenting scriptures, Schiller, Mark, and Jack simply walked into the cabin, which still had a strong ancient Egyptian style, and the murals, carpets, and wall tiles were all carved with ancient Egyptian gods. pattern used.

Schiller sat on the sofa in front of the fire, Jack stood against the post, and Mark sat across from Schiller, and he was very curious now, so he asked, "Where is this ship going now?"

"If I guess correctly, after some exchanges with them, the goddess should take us to her former hometown."

"She was a hippo in her former hometown, is he going back to the African savannah?" Mark said with a sneer.

Inside and outside the cabin, the voices of Schiller and the goddess of the hippo sounded at the same time: "...If you have heard of Egyptian mythology, then you should have some understanding of the heavenly world, where the water and grass are lush and full of life, and there are countless ancient gods living there. , but it's not as peaceful as it seems..."

The sails were raised again, and the giant ship sailed towards the thick white fog. After the last shadow disappeared in the hazy white fog, the fog began to gather, condensed into tiny raindrops, and floated down from the sky. In the real world, the night rain has not yet appeared. stop.

At the moment when the blood burst out, no one present realized the seriousness of the problem until Schiller's body fell to the ground, and Jarvis' slightly different voice was remembered in Iron Man's suit:

"Locked target status scanning...scanned...target is dead...lock released..."

"Lock again, scan again," Stark said.

"Locking...locking completed state...scanning...scanning complete...target dead...lock released..."

"Scan again!"

"Sir, the error rate of scanning results does not exceed 0.002%. If there is a need to reduce the limit error rate, we can provide higher output for the scanning equipment..."

"The contribution is the highest!"

The magic energy on the chest of the steel battle suit lit up with a bright light, like a lighthouse in a rainy night, but the light only lasted for a moment, and then slowly faded away. Everyone was watching Stark, while he was a little stiff. He stepped forward and walked towards Schiller's body.

It is not difficult to judge that it is indeed a corpse, because almost the entire chest cavity and the heart have disappeared, there are still black marks near the wound, no pulse, no heartbeat, no breathing, the blood in the whole body is no longer flowing, and the body temperature is gradually increasing. churn.

Iron Man half squatted down, and he touched Schiller's arm with his fingers. The data sent back by the sensor did not have any accident. Just like the conclusion of the high-power scan just now, this is a corpse, and there is no other possibility.

Strange cursing and putting away the crimson ribbon, he also walked towards this side and said as he walked, "Shiller, what are you doing? Stop making trouble, get up quickly, you didn't see us here. Are you fighting?"

After he came over, he also half-kneeled beside Schiller's body. His movements were not as careful as Stark's. Strange patted Schiller's shoulder directly, but he was just touching his shoulder. For a moment, Strange was stunned.

Afterwards, he showed a somewhat flustered expression, and then put his hand on Schiller's forehead, and the magic light flashed on his hand, but just like the energy in Stark's chest before, this light quickly extinguished, Sturt Lankey stayed there.

"His soul... the soul is gone!

! ' Strange withdrew his hand tremblingly, then stood up, his eyes lit up, and he glanced around, but saw nothing.

Stark also stood up, his visor "Katha" rose up, stared at Strange with his eyes and said, "What did you just say?!"

"I said, his soul is gone!" Strange shouted anxiously: "I don't know what the **** he's doing, now there's just a corpse lying here, and his soul doesn't know where to go where…"

"Ha ha ha ha!

! A series of laughter came, Arthur, who was holding the scepter in both hands, laughed loudly. His long hair was wet by the rain and pressed tightly against his face, and his eyes flashed with purple light, like a bird crawling from hell. Evil coming up.

"You stupid ordinary people! The death of the body and the disappearance of the soul, what else can it mean? Of course, it means that he is dead!"

Arthur shouted: "I don't know what you are still confirming! He is dead! Do you understand? This **** murderer has finally received justice!

! Amit is the real justice! "

Steve's arms began to tremble. He took a deep breath, but stepped forward a little anxiously. He grabbed Stark's arm and said to him, "Tony, calm down, Tony..."

Suddenly, in the quiet rainy night, there was an inaudible sound of gear friction in the sound of the rain.

The sound was so small that it would be impossible to catch it if you didn't listen carefully, but it was so loud that it was as if the earth was shaking.

Suddenly, it was dawn.

The dazzling light rising from the skyline illuminates the earth, the arc of light is dazzling, the night sky is smudged into a blue from light to dark, and the color of the glow is so mysterious and dreamy, such a scene tells everyone that the dawn has come.

But when the people of the Avengers greeted the light of the dawn, all their faces were illuminated with serious expressions as if they were facing a great enemy.

Because it is not the sun that rises on the horizon, but Iron Man.

At the same time, in Asgard, Thor led the newly restored guards across the long Asgard Bridge, and when they were halfway, they suddenly stopped.

He turned his head abruptly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at the border of Asgard, where the branches of the World Tree could be vaguely seen, and at the same time, the borders of several other major countries could be seen.

In the familiar starry sky background, a star lit up, and the star became brighter and brighter, until the deafening mechanical sound reached the ears of everyone in Asgard, and Thor flew into the air. Gaze across the infinite galaxy.

After just a second, he fell, turned his head and walked back. The janissaries who followed behind him were puzzled, and then they heard Thor say:

"Open the dungeon! Quick!"

The leader of the guards quickly chased after Thor, and he said suspiciously: "But didn't you just say that the dungeon will never be opened for a thousand years? You also said that no matter who issued the order to open the dungeon, he is... Yes…"

"...They're all liars." Thor continued. He walked back and looked at the light on the border of Asgard. He said, "I don't want to change the order, but... In short, open the dungeon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling light erupted from the ground of Asgard, a petite figure fell on the ground, and Luo Ji also walked towards Thor with a serious face, and before Thor could speak, she said: "I You know, 300 years for the jailbreak, but what's going on now? Why did Stark suddenly..."

Thor shook his head, and the two brothers and sisters looked at the place where the light erupted together. Thor's power of the King of Light spread, trying to find out the reason for Stark's sudden outbreak.

He didn't hear any words, only endless mechanical sounds.

When he listened carefully, he heard the unusual emotions among the friction of the gears, the whistling of the air whistle, and the symphony of surging energy—

It was steel screaming.

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