American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 500: The moon is like blood tonight (Part 2)

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The dim light fell on the smooth tiled floor, dazzling the warm shadow of the sunset. A leather shoe stepped on such a shadow, and the black shadow cut through the halo of the sunset, just like the sun had fallen.

Stop, turn around, and stand in place. Through the legs of the suit pants, I can see the glass cabinet of the museum. There are some slightly broken papers, which are covered with dense ancient Egyptian characters.

At this time, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the side, and Mark hurried over with a box in hand. The figure standing in front of the glass showcase still lowered his head and focused on the exhibits in the showcase.

Mark said helplessly, "Why are you still here? I've got the things, let's go."

As he said that, he lowered his head and looked at the box in his hand, which contained a beetle model like a gift. In terms of appearance, it was no different from the souvenirs sold in museums.

Mark looked at Schiller who was watching the exhibition without saying a word and said, "Are you really a KGB? Can you be more professional? We are on a mission, is it time to watch the exhibition?"

Schiller turned his head, and instantly, his eyes lit up with white light, like a cluster of white flames ignited in his eyes, Mark instinctively took a step back, and suddenly reacted, he said, "It's not the moon god. Do you have the power? I have it too, stop playing, let's get out of here!"

Mark turned and left, and Schiller didn't say anything, but followed behind him.

As soon as they left the museum, they saw a car coming from the darkness. Standing in the light in front of the museum, Mark made a cautious gesture. He touched the gun on his waist and sensed the power of the moonlight. After confirming that it was correct, I walked down the steps.

The car stopped in front of the museum, and came out was a long-haired man with a walking stick. Seeing that there were two other people in front of the museum, the man seemed very surprised, but he immediately said, "You see Pete, the deputy curator. Is Luo? He invited me to see the collection for auction..."

Maclik narrowed his eyes and said, "You're lying, the moment you saw us, you straightened your back, your arms stretched, you were on guard, and you hesitated for a second before saying that name. , should be making up a pseudonym..."

"Who are you? Why are you like a startled security guard?" The long-haired man was unmoved, he said, "My name is Arthur Harrow, I'm a general practitioner. Long Pietro has an agreement, this museum has a collection to be auctioned, I need to take a look at the collection in advance to determine whether I want to buy it..."

"You don't need to explain so much to us at all." Mark didn't let his guard down at all, he said: "You are justifying your actions, but it is also a manifestation of your guilty conscience..."

Seeing Mark's action, Arthur raised his hands and said helplessly, "Okay, if you don't believe me, let's go to the deputy curator together, okay?"

Mark picked up the pistol and loaded it, but instead of pointing at Arthur, he just held the gun in his hand. He looked at Arthur and asked, "Where are you from?"

"The neighborhood next door, where I rented an apartment." Arthur looked at Mark, then said, "You are an American, is this the first time you have come to Austria? This museum is indeed worth seeing, it is a rare preserved ancient Egypt The Austrian Museum of Civilization Collections…”

Arthur and Mark were chatting, and Schiller was standing in the light from the door of the museum. He had his back to the light, and no one could see his expression. Arthur, who was under the steps, glanced at Schiller from time to time. Seems to be wary of Mark's accomplices.

Mark, who found that things did not progress, inadvertently revealed the box that he had put into the inner pocket of his clothes. The box that kept the beetles was the common outer packaging of museum souvenirs. There was a diamond-shaped opening on the front cover. You can see what's inside.

The moment he saw the beetle again, Arthur took two steps back. Just as he was about to raise his cane, Schiller finally came down the steps and touched Mark's arm to let him take the box back. Go, and say to Arthur:

"Find a place, let's talk."

Mark's eyes widened slightly, and he turned to look at Schiller, but not because of what he said, but because of his voice.

Just now, Schiller's voice was completely different from when he was in the interrogation room before. His voice was very dry and swallowed very badly. Mark didn't even know that human vocal cords can still make such a sound like a tape jam. Weird and awkward like a kid just learning to talk.

Fortunately, Arthur understood what Schiller meant. He looked around with some vigilance. There were still many windows in the nearby buildings. It seemed that he was also afraid. He turned back and opened the door. Schiller. Followed into the car, and sat in the co-pilot.

Mark hesitated, squeezed the pistol in his hand, and got into the car.

The atmosphere in the car was very silent. Arthur felt that Schiller's attitude seemed to be shaken, so he said: "You two should both come from the United States, in fact, I am too, but I came earlier..."

"I didn't lie to you. The deputy curator here holds a collection that I am more interested in. He showed this collection on the Internet before and aroused my interest, so I came here to trade with him."

"But I didn't expect that he actually broke the agreement with me and sold this collection to you first..."

Arthur sighed, and then said: "I am committed to the study of ancient Egyptian civilization and culture. The collection in your hands is very important to me. I hope I can buy it. How much did you pay for it? I can Raise some prices appropriately…”

"Your lies are unconvincing." Mark commented: "It is inconsistent and full of flaws. You said before that this is a collection to be auctioned, but now you say that you have a personal agreement with the deputy curator. Said you were a general practitioner, and now said you left your post and lived here for a long time..."

"Is this friend of yours always like this?" Arthur asked while driving, looking at Schiller, who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Could he be a mental patient? The kind with persecutory paranoia?"

As the car turned a few corners and gradually left the crowded streets, the street became darker and slower, and the speed of the car became slower and slower. Mark had raised his pistol and placed it on Arthur's head.

At this time, Schiller pushed the door to get out of the car and stood in front of the car, seemingly waiting for the two people in the car to get off.

Seeing this, Mark didn't move his arm with the gun. After pushing the door with the other hand, he continued to point the gun at Arthur's head. Arthur pushed the door and walked out. He didn't panic when the gun was pointed at him. He was holding his cane in one hand and the hood of the car in the other.

He turned his head, looked at the environment here, faced Mark, his eyes flashed a strange light, and he said, "I see, you are a sinner full of chaos, and your sins are almost unforgivable. In the soul of , see that evil flame..."

Facing his words, Mark hesitated a little. He didn't know what was affecting his spirit. However, the darkness in front of him began to flicker, and Kong Su's huge and terrifying figure loomed in the darkness. flashing...

Suddenly, Arthur heard the sound of knocking on the hood. He turned his head and saw Schiller in a suit with an umbrella in his hand, lightly tapping the hood of the car.

The sound of the metal being struck is a little disturbing, UU reading www. Arthur turned his head, the light in his eyes lit up, and suddenly, his figure froze.

Mark didn't know what Arthur saw in Schiller with that mysterious vision, but the moment Arthur turned to look directly at Schiller, the light in his eyes flickered twice, and then went out.

Arthur took two steps back, his face turned pale, and he pointed at Schiller with a cane and said, "You, you..."

He waved his cane, and the top of the cane measured a strange light, but at this moment, with a "bang", Schiller grabbed the umbrella with both hands, lifted it up, and knocked the cane out of Arthur's hand. , thrust forward again, hit Arthur's chest, and knocked him to the ground.

Just as Arthur was struggling to stand up, a leather shoe stepped on his chest, and the umbrella turned around in Schiller's hands, turning into the tip of the umbrella pointing down, with a sound of "Zeng", a sharp knife appeared at the tip of the umbrella," Puchi", the umbrella knife pierced Arthur's throat.

When Schiller raised his hand, the moment the blood spattered, the umbrella opened with a "bang", and he didn't get a trace of blood.

When the blood splattered on Mark, he didn't even have time to hide, it all happened too fast, the series of movements were precise, elegant, and deadly.

Mark froze in place, and suddenly, he saw that Schiller turned his head and set his eyes on him, and his eyes "Zeng" lit up with a white light.

Mark suddenly remembered that he was a CIA agent, and just a few hours earlier, Schiller said he was a KGB.

Mark swallowed, took a step back, and said, "No, no, we're in a partnership now..."

The last thing that appeared in his field of vision was the umbrella handle that gradually enlarged.

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