American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 498: The moon is like blood tonight (Part 1)

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"Squeak... Squeak... Squeak..."

The wind blew the window and made a strange light sound, the curtains fluttered in the wind, and the unknown light filtered through the window, casting bright squares one after another on the floor. When Kong Su followed Schiele through the corridor of the madhouse, it was like a finger stroked the black and white piano keys.

Kong Su is different from other demon gods. He will possess the moonlight knights in the form of moonlight power and take risks in human society with them. Therefore, he is not ignorant of things in human society, at least he Recognizable, this is the corridor of the human hospital.

But at the same time, this corridor made him feel a little unfamiliar. There were no curvy letters here. Instead, Kong Su felt familiar with square characters, just like the ancient Egyptian characters he used to use. Lines Complex, like a painting.

Between the lakes, Kong Su recalled that he seemed to have seen this kind of text in the mind of a certain agent, which came from a distant eastern country, as old as the ancient Egypt where Kong Su was located.

As Kong Su walked forward, he turned his head to look at the walls of the hospital corridor. The lower part of the wall was painted with blue-green paint, and the bottom was covered with white skirting, but the colored paint was already mottled. Appears a bit shabby.

Kongsu is an ancient demon god, but at the same time, he is also the closest to human beings among all the demon gods in the universe. He gained faith from the ancient Egyptians, and at the same time, he has been guarding the ancient kingdom and human beings in the temple. .

His way of thinking is different from that of humans, but because he is so close to humans, he can better understand these little beings.

In his opinion, human beings have endless and beautiful fantasies. They will exhaust all their imaginations and create an ideal land for themselves in their minds. The former moonlight knights would do the same.

But now it seems that the person walking in front of him is a little different. Kong Su doesn't understand why there is a slightly dilapidated mental hospital in Schiller's mind?

The sun-stained window frames, peeling wall paint, potholes and baseboards, small advertisements with text and numbers on the doors and walls, and even the glass and tiled floors are foggy Yes, apparently it hasn't been wiped for a long time.

"Where are we going?" Kong Su asked, "Where is your strongest personality?"

"Don't worry, before that, we have to negotiate the conditions." Schiller said as he walked forward.

"Yes, you humans like to negotiate conditions the most. Everyone I have met is like this." Kong Su was not surprised.

"Before that, should you introduce yourself to me? Moon God Kongsu, who are you? Why did you choose an agent with multiple personality disorder?"

"I don't know if you know anything about the divine position, but if the organization called the Holy of Holies in your mouth has contacted many demon gods, then you should know that human belief is very important to us."

"There are two ways to gain the belief of humans. The first is to come to the world, show the powerful power you have, show your real name, and make people believe in him as a god."

"Another way is to incarnate into natural phenomena that humans already believe in, such as the sun, moon, birth, death, spring, winter, etc."

"You chose the latter?" Schiller asked slightly back.

"Yes, but there are many demon gods who have chosen this path. These natural phenomena will also give birth to some conceptual demon gods, but there are not many of these phenomena that humans worship, so the gods will inevitably overlap."

"As far as I know, there are gods such as the sun god, the **** of thunder, the **** of fire, the **** of water, etc., almost every **** system has one, and their priesthood is the same, so how to assign beliefs?"

"This is exactly what I want to say." Kong Su's deep voice echoed in the corridor. It was because of Schiller's specialness that he had the patience to explain more. He said: "There are many sun gods and moon gods on the earth. , but we work in different ways.”

"I represent the change of the moon. The ancient Egyptians carved the different shapes of the moon on the wall in the form of pictures and incorporated them into their writing. They used the change of the shape of the moon to represent the passage of time. Therefore, I will Became a priesthood representing every form of the moon."

"This is why, unlike other demon gods, I only give power to agents, but I can live in the host's mind and come anytime, anywhere."

"There are as many forms of the moon as there are me. I change in several forms all the time, and there is no exact body."

"That's why I choose agents who are in a similar state to me, and choose them to be Moonlight Knights, because I'm not sure, and they're not sure, and in this state, they can use my power better. "

"So, if you choose me as your agent and project your power on me, what do you want me to do?"

This question from Schiller silenced Kong Su. It was the first time he heard that a human being asked the price of his own strength, but after being silent for a while, he still said: "In fact, this is what you should have done. Because all this happens because of the Holy of Holies."

Schiller felt as if he heard Kong Su sigh, and then he heard Kong Su say:

"The Egyptian gods who participated in the Holy of Holies broke the peace of the heavens, and they gained more powerful power, so they also sought a higher status."

"Although, a long time ago, I was exiled from the heavens, but there were other beings who were also exiled, and one of them was Amit, who shared the responsibility of punishing sinners with me."

"He made a deal with the celestial gods, gained more power, and made his followers walk on earth, establish sects, and gain faith, but I can't sit back and watch this happen..."

"Why? Because his responsibilities overlap with yours?"

Kong Su shook his head, he said: "We have some grudges in the old year, but more of it is a disagreement of ideas. The moonlight is the supplement of the sun's light, and darkness and light go hand in hand. I just walk in places where the light can't see it, punishing walking. Sinners in the dark..."

"What about Amit?"

"He wants to destroy all the sinful people in this world."

"How does he define guilty?"

"That's the problem, in Amit's view, as long as you have the potential to commit a crime, or even a little bit of criminality, then you deserve to die."

"He should be under the **** of death, right? Want to help his boss improve his performance?"

After Schiller said this, it was obvious that Kong Su was stunned for a moment, and then Kong Su continued, "I don't know what you are talking about, but he does have something to do with the Underworld God."

"The relationship between the gods in the heavens is very complicated, and the power provided by the Holy Sanctuary to some of the gods broke the original balance. If Amit really gets out of trouble completely, it will be a disaster for mankind."

"You want me to kill Amit?"

Kong Su nodded, but shook his head again, he said, "I will give you the power of the Moonlight Knight, and you just need to make sure that Amit won't really get out of trouble."

"Deal." Schiller agreed without hesitation.

They kept walking forward, looking out the window, Schiller's figure was a little small by the tall Kong Su.

Two figures, one tall and one short, walked slowly in the corridor. The terrifying skull falcon head floated slightly in mid-air, but the human in front of him seemed to be unaware and just walked forward without looking back.

The picture looked eerie and mysterious, and as they moved from one end of the window to the other, Schiller finally stopped, and he stopped in front of a door with a sign that read "1003."

Kong Su stood behind Schiller, and through the surveillance window on the door, he could see that the room was dark, only a small light bulb above his head emitted a faint light, and in the dim light, he could see a figure of a person Stand in the center of the room.

But Schiller did not open the door, but stood silent for a while in front of the door, and then said to himself:

"A person's upbringing will shape their personality, and a particular experience may add certain qualities to their personality."

"And it is these qualities that constitute a complete personality, frankness, shyness, enthusiasm, indifference, gentleness, violence..."

"Me and him..." Schiller stretched out his hand, pointed at the figure in the room, and said, "Including all the Schiller you see here, we are different traits of one personality."

"There's actually only one personality here, and that's the tower you've seen before."

"I've never seen such a person." Kong Su's words were always straightforward, sounding strange and unworldly.

Schiller reached out and pressed his finger on the surveillance window of the door. He said, "Any personality traits that appear here do not appear out of thin air. They are born from a certain experience in my life..."

"Then what do you represent?" Kong Su asked.

"Greed." Schiller, who was wearing a white coat, replied.

It seems that it has been a long time since I have discussed similar issues with people, and Schiller seems to be quite talkative. He said: "When I first came to this world, the emotion I had was not fear, not dazed, but greed. …”

"What are you greedy for?"

"Power." Schiller replied without hesitation. He said, "But not the kind of power used for fighting."

"A long time ago, I found that I could get the inner drive that made me feel satisfied and allowed me to carry out activities from the communication with others, from the behavior of figuring out their psychological state and analyzing their personality. strength."

"After I first came to such a new world, I knew that there were too many people and things I was interested in, how did they grow into what they are today, and what kind of mentality did they hold to carry out their careers? , these questions make me curious."

"So, when I first met someone I was very interested in, the greedy trait came up and became who I am now."

"Very interesting state." Kong Su commented.

"The appearance of a certain facet of a personality is determined by when that facet mainly emerges."

"In the past, this trait often appeared when I was a psychiatrist. In the process of being a psychiatrist, I was curious about his mental state and mental journey described by the patient to me, and I was curious about peeping into other people's hearts and writing profiles. Feeling greedy in the state of other people’s personalities and dissecting the spiritual world of others to obtain satisfaction.”

"So, the manifestation of this trait is a psychiatrist, whether in reality or in the spiritual world, it exists as a doctor."

The moon **** Kongsu is a very good person to talk to. He is an ancient demon **** who cannot understand the so-called psychology and psychoanalysis of human beings. Even if he understands it, he will not spread it. There will be someone who has the patience to listen to his mental state.

"So, what about you in this room?" Kong Su asked, "What does he represent? Why do you think he is the best at fighting?"

"He represents the violent nature of my personality." Schiller's answer did not exceed Kong Su's expectations, because according to normal logic, if you must look for someone's personality to be the most aggressive and able to play the role One of the characteristics of the greatest combat power, that must be the characteristic of violence.

"Then why don't you open the door?"

Schiller didn't answer the question directly. He just looked up and looked around the corridor. He said: "There are certain qualities in my personality that are very dangerous, such as violence, madness, indifference, morbidity, etc..."

"These qualities will stay in their unique buildings, which is often a memory I have, such as violent qualities will stay in this insane asylum..."

"So, you once lived in this lunatic asylum?" Kong Su asked.

Schiller nodded, as if he had remembered something, but he did not explain the problem, but continued: "To enter the building where they are, you need to have special keys, and these keys are in the hands of the 'superego' , if the superego, which represents social rules and morality, does not give the keys, these qualities cannot rise."

"According to the logic of ordinary people, when people use violence or fall into madness, they will be restricted by social rules and morals in their thinking. Once they think about this aspect, they will have concerns, violence or madness in their personality. The factors will be temporarily suppressed.”

At this moment, at the end of the corridor they walked, there was a series of hurried footsteps, and a small figure ran over. Kong Su saw that it was a juvenile version of the seat. Le, still holding a gray unidentified object in his arms.

"Here's the key," said Schiller.

The young Schiller ran to the door with a "da da da", then stopped, turned around and handed Schiller a key in his hand.

Moon God Kong Su asked: "He is also a trait in your personality? What does he represent?"

"He is the id, representing my instinct."

The moon **** Kongsu bent down and touched the head of the young Schiller, but the young Schiller looked up at him and did not seem to feel any fear. The moon **** Kongsu asked him, "What are you holding in your arms? "

The young Schiller looked down at the group of slimes he was holding in his arms. He pursed his lips and shook his head. Kong Su straightened his body again, looked at Schiller and asked him, "Why doesn't your instinct speak?"

As Schiller opened the door with the key, he said, "Remember? I just said that all the qualities are born out of a certain period of my life..."

"The content of this experience determines the appearance and characteristics of this trait..."

Saying that, Schiller opened the door and turned his head to look at the young Schiller, who was holding the gray slime and gradually ran away. When he thought of something, he forced himself to turn his head back and look into the room.

The figures in the room were wearing full-body psychiatric restraints, with several iron chains wrapped around their bodies, the ends of which were fixed to the walls and ceiling on all sides, with a metal shield over their mouths.

The only part of his body that was not wrapped in his clothes was his eyebrows and eyes. Kong Su saw that he looked exactly like the Schiller in front of him, but he was much younger than him, just a teenager.

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