American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 483: The simple folk customs of Gotham City (Part 2)

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The car was parked on the road in front of Gotham University, and the tires rubbed the ground making a screeching noise. Victor quickly opened the door, got out of the car, and saw the brightly lit Gotham University dormitory building. At that time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've said it a long time ago, Gotham City is so big, even if dozens of people fall, it won't happen to hit Gotham University by chance." Harvey patted Victor on the shoulder,

Victor took a deep breath, did not relax, but continued to walk quickly towards the university, he said: "No, not sure yet, the laboratory is far away from the dormitory building..."

Harvey shook his head helplessly, but kept up with him. The two walked quickly through the buildings in the university, through the teaching building, the administrative building, and the dormitory building, and finally came to the experimental building on the east side.

On the surface, the laboratory building was completely dark, because it was already early in the morning, and there were no students or teachers at Gotham University who would stay up late to do experiments, so the laboratory building was always very quiet at night.

However, this stimulated Victor a bit and reminded him of many bad things. Perhaps, he had rehearsed the occurrence of this situation countless times in his mind, and the madness brought about by paranoia was about to drown him. .

"Calm down, Victor...Victor! Come back!" Harvey shouted from behind, and Victor had already trotted into the laboratory building.

Heavy footsteps sounded in the stairwell, and Victor rushed to the floor where the laboratory was located. Just as he stopped at the entrance of the stairs, he saw a faint light coming from a door in the corridor.

Like a moth fascinated by the light, Victor walked straight towards the door. When he opened the door, he saw a few children standing under the cold light projected by the freezer. Outside the hatch, he looked up at his wife.

Hearing the movement, the children turned their heads, and after seeing Victor, they chatted around them. Victor was a little overwhelmed, and he recognized that they seemed to be the newsboys who had been sending letters to Gotham University.

"Professor Victor! You're finally here, we'll fall asleep if you don't!"

"Yes, yes, we arrived ten minutes ago. We thought you would not come, and we planned to leave."

"What's the matter? Why are you here? Where did you get the lab key?"

The group of tabloids began to explain again, that Victor was a little headache from their arguing, he held down one of the little boys' head and said, "Don't be arguing, you talk first."

The little boy raised his head proudly, cleared his throat and said, "Originally, we all lived in the guard room of Gotham University, the one at the east gate. You should know that there is exclusively for newsboys. "

"About ten minutes ago, we received a call from the boss of Cobot. He asked us to get the key hidden on the door frame, and then come to the laboratory to wait for you."

"The door frame is too high. We were a few of us together before we managed to take off the key. He said that if someone invaded the laboratory, we would freeze them with the freezer gun next to them."

"You haven't finished yet!" a little girl added, raising her voice, "Boss Cobot said that if the lights here are all dark and the switch doesn't respond, go to the next door and turn on the generator."

"Yes, that's right, what button did he say to press!"

"We waited here for a long time, no one came to invade, and there was no power outage. We were almost falling asleep waiting..."

These children are very young, only about seven or eight years old. They are all a group of little peas. When they talk, they chatter like sparrows falling in the snow.

Victor looked down at them, and when he heard that Victor did not speak, they all quieted down, and everyone raised their heads and looked at Victor.

Victor squatted down slowly, hugged the little boy who was in the lead in his arms, touched his head and said, "Thank you."

This is what Harvey saw when he walked in. After the two sent the group of children back to sleep, they returned to Victor's laboratory.

They stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at Gotham City, where the fires were all over the place. The changing light outside the window made their shadows come and go. Harvey heard Victor say:

"Many people say that this place cannot be saved, that the darkness here is hopeless and endless..."

"People say it's Gotham who make up this darkness, so chaos and madness are what they deserve. Do you think they're really hopeless?"

Harvey turned his head and looked at the buildings in the city. He said, "I always adhere to the belief that there is no place in this world that is hopeless, so I came here."

"The environment creates people, and people create the environment. I don't know what the darkness here originally came from, but I know that when the dark night falls, there is no light left, but human beings still create fire, illuminating their own civilization."

"Did you hear what the group of people were shouting?" Victor looked at the scene outside the window, he said, "They said they wanted to remove evil and maintain peace. They said they wanted to save this place..."

Harvey shook his head and said, "If Gotham could be saved as simple as that, I wouldn't have been dormant until now, getting nothing done."

"Justice? Why do they decide Gotham's justice? If they have never lived in this city, have never understood the people and things in this land, and can't empathize with the people here, then their so-called justice, It's going to be like this..."

Said, the two of them looked at the city at the same time, where the chaos continued.

They all understand that this is not the so-called labor pain in the process of change. This group of justice messengers who have fallen from the sky can do nothing but disturb the good night dream of Gotham people.

At the central turntable of Gotham, it was very lively at this time. Tyrone raised the green light ring in his hand and shouted loudly: "The green light is always bright, the light of all ages, the joint shield!"

All the Green Lanterns who were driven to the central turntable stood together, and they simultaneously activated the little remaining Green Lantern energy to form a shield, and Hal, who was standing beside Tyrone, shouted: "Where's Carol? Why didn't he come?!"

"He was attacked by a magician before!" Tai Long replied: "The magician seemed to find him through some curse mark. The energy in his ring was exhausted and he was unconscious!"

Howl stretched out his hand and tried to concentrate. A rich green light bloomed from his hand, and Talon couldn't help but stare at him.

But at this time, their condition was very bad. The bat fighters on their heads kept projecting bombs, the gangsters kept firing fire all the time, Clark was staring at them, and the Green Lanterns didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Concentrate! Shoot down that plane!" Tyrone began to command, and the Green Lanterns focused their attention and continuously launched green light waves, but the Bat fighter flexibly dodged.

At this moment, Clark heard Batman's voice from among the bat fighters flying by him: "Attack!"

"No, I can't do it in the city center! That will ruin everything here." Clark said hesitantly.

"Hands on, I can rebuild."

"No, that will affect a lot of buildings!"

"I have money!"

Clark was speechless, but looking at the Green Lanterns who were gradually organizing the attack, he also knew that it was time to act.

Clark opened his arms, the blizzard swirled around him, with a blistering cold current, he swooped down like a falcon with snow as its feathers, and as he approached, Tyrone shouted: "Concentrate on defense! Stop him !"

The green energy converged in the direction of Clark's dive, forming a more solid shield, but the moment it touched Clark, the shield shattered.


Clark was like a humanoid missile, and the aura around him blew all the Green Lanterns out.

In the face of an almost irresistible force, many Green Lanterns don't even have the strength to stand up. Once the Green Lantern who relies on willpower to fight, once they start to feel fear, they have almost lost all their fighting power.

Even the commander of the army, Talon, did not have the courage to face Clark directly. He collapsed on the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

But at this moment, a more intense green light lit up beside him.

Hal floated into the air and confronted Clark. Tyrone saw that the ring on his hand had begun to flicker, indicating that the energy was running out. He wanted to open his mouth to remind him, but he heard Hal say:

"You can't hurt them, back off!"

The biological force field around Clark is getting stronger and stronger, Hal's figure is crumbling in the storm, all the Green Lanterns on the ground are extremely nervous, and despair spreads.

But suddenly, a strong green light pierced through the snow like a sharp sword, and a green shark with a somewhat illusory figure swam over from the clouds.

Talon widened his eyes and said, "Green Lantern Ion Shark?! How is this possible??!...Ion Man! Hal is the new Ion Man!"

The green shark swam slowly into Howl's body, and a green sun rose from the wind and snow.

Not to be outdone, Clark also emitted strong sun rays all over his body. Just as the two huge light **** were about to collide, a small black fighter jet passed through the rays of light.

A phone was thrown out of the Batfighter, and Batman said to Clark, "Then, here's your phone!"

Clark's momentum was stagnant. After he answered the phone, he was a little stunned, but soon, the harsh phone rang, and Clark subconsciously picked up the receiver and put it to his ear.

"Hello? ... uh, professor, sorry! I was delayed by something! ... Is it? You've been waiting for me for a long time? God! I'm so sorry! I almost forgot what I was here for. !"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away... Ah, don't be angry, I'll explain to you later, I'll go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Clark withdrew his radiance and said to Hal, "I'm in a hurry today, wait for me next time!"

After he finished speaking, he flew away. Hal put his hands on his hips in midair and looked at his back, but the Green Lanterns below were already cheering.

They shouted the name of Ion Man, and Hal slowly landed in the center of the turntable. After having enough green light energy, he waved and took everyone back to the headquarters.

Landing on the ground of the headquarters, Tyrone breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped forward and said to Hal: "Excellent recruit, your performance is beyond my imagination."

He glanced at Hal's chest, which had the looming ion shark logo on it, and said, "It seems that the green light beast ion shark has chosen you, and you have become a unique ion man."

Speaking, he took a deep breath, then sighed again and said: "After the original Green Lantern Corps commander, Senesto, betrayed the Corps, I was also ordered in danger and underestimated various situations."

He looked around the Green Lanterns and said, "Hal, if it weren't for you, we would all be lost there. You saved everyone and deserved a promotion. From today, you are an official Green Lantern."

Everyone cheered, but Tyrone pressed down with his hand, and said: "In addition, the original adjutant Carol was not seriously injured, I am afraid that he will go back to recuperate for a while, I hope to invite you to become my adjutant to make up for it. I'm not working enough."

Just when Hal wanted to be humble, Tyrone said, "Please don't refuse, I have a hunch that you have the potential to surpass your predecessors. Perhaps, you will become the greatest Green Lantern ever..."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, Hal paused on the spot and sighed, but he went up and held his hand, the two of them clasped their hands together, and the faith in the eyes of both parties was stronger. firm.

At the same time, in Rodriguez Manor, Schiller was leaning on the back of the sofa, and Batman opposite looked at him and asked:

"So, you deliberately created so many and went around in such a big circle, what exactly are you doing?"

Schiller leaned on the armrest of the sofa and asked, "Remember that mysterious list that made CIA agents search the entire East Coast?"

"You mean the Philby list? What does that have to do with it?"

Schiller smiled, and when he looked up, Batman was sure that he saw a light called wisdom in the professor's eyes.

"Maybe, we're about to have a 'Hal list'."

In the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, the wounded and exhausted Green Lanterns all dispersed. After the Legion Commander Talon handed over the work to Hal, he also left.

In the central core of the headquarters, only Hal was left. He sighed with emotion and looked around. There were all equipment and screens that he could not understand.

But just when he turned his head to look to the right, he suddenly found that a screen was lit up.

He stepped forward and found that it seemed to be the office interface that Tai Long forgot to close. Just when he wanted to reach out and touch it, a line of words popped up on the screen: "Encrypted information, permission confirmation... Confirmation completed."

Hal didn't do anything, and saw the ring on his hand light up, and then, the entire screen was covered with dense information.

On it, there are detailed deployment maps of all sectors of the Green Lantern Corps, and detailed personal information of all official Green Lanterns.

Howl's heart skipped a beat.

A series of pictures flashed before his eyes, the dark corridors of the mayor's manor, the initiation courses of Elsa and Dick, the mysterious and old housekeeper...

He remembered that at that time, in the course taught by Alfred, there was a skill called... the self-cultivation of spy.

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