American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 479: Talents come out of Arkham! (middle)

"Crazy! Crazy! Why are there crazy people in this city?!"

Carol, clutching his injured shoulder, and the Green Lanterns zip through Gotham's high-rise buildings, using the energy of the green light to fly low.

And the reason why they don't fly high is because there are bat fighters loaded with missiles patrolling in the sky.

Huge tall buildings are lined up, green dots of light flying like fireflies, and the huge screen on the wall of the tall building is full of brilliance. When the green dots pass, a smiling face with a clown costume on the screen says to the camera:

"Here is the late-night weather forecast brought to you by Jack the Clown. Today's weather is fine, there may be heavy snow at night, and a magical creature named Green Lantern will appear in the sky..."

"Okay, today's weather forecast is here, because Jack, the host, is going to get off work... What? You ask me what I'm going to do after get off work? Of course, take this opportunity to drive!"

"After all, today will be Gotham's most green-lighted night, hahahahahaha!



After flying over the screen, Hal dodged a rocket, and then turned back, the huge screen had been blasted with sparks.

He accelerated his flight and came to a position shoulder to shoulder with Carol, who was in the lead.

"What the **** is going on in this city? Why are there so many lunatics?!" Carol was puzzled. He looked down. The ground was full of gangsters chasing them. They each had an armed truck. There are all kinds of weapons on it, and they are chasing after them at this time.

The ring can indeed help the Lantern to resist bullets and explosions, but it also requires energy, and flying and dodging also consume energy. Once the energy is exhausted, Carol can't imagine what will happen to these lunatics. as a result of.

"Hal, haven't you been here for a while? Is there a safer place for us to fix?"

Carroll glanced at the Green Lanterns, who had been unable to fly, and asked Hal.

Originally, most of the members of the second team were novices. Although they had already undergone training, they rarely participated in high-intensity tasks. The experience in Gotham can no longer be said to be high-intensity, and it is not difficult to start hell. Not too much.

Green light energy is just a tool, it has no self-awareness, and there is no way to control the actions of the Lantern. All the actions of the Lantern are made by their own thinking and then control their limbs. That is to say, although they can fly, they need them to fly. They think for themselves, and they need to adjust their own limbs to make any movements.

Now, the density of Gotham's firepower network makes them have to focus on high-intensity all the time to deal with the stray bullets and explosive fragments that hit from all directions.

The difficult aerial maneuvers averaged once every three seconds made Hal, who used to be a test pilot, a little overwhelmed, let alone those novice Green Lanterns who had no experience in aerial work.

With the sound of "Boom", it was another explosion projected by a fighter missile, and the young Green Lantern who landed at the end of the team was directly blown away.

His reaction was a little slower, and he didn't dodge the aftermath of the impact. The teammates next to him were about to fly over to save him, but they were also stunned by the flashbang, and then he was hit.

Hal and Carroll, the two Green Lanterns with the best flying skills, hurried back to rescue, and it took a lot of effort to get them back.

Howl used his Green Lantern energy to connect to the weak Green Lantern, fly with him, and then said to Carroll, "There's hardly any safe place in this city, so let's get out of here first."

Hal looked up at the three bat fighters flying in circles in the sky, and said, "Someone has to divert them away, I'll go."

Looking at his resolute expression, Carroll couldn't help but be moved, he said, "Even though I have served in the Green Lantern Corps for so long, you are the best newcomer I have ever met."

Hal turned to look at him and said, "For justice."

Just as Carol was about to leave with the other Green Lanterns, Hal stopped them again and said, "The troubles in this city haven't been resolved, you'd better move to another city on Earth and wait for the headquarters. support."

"I'm afraid we have to do this too, because the energy left in the ring is not enough for us to teleport directly back to the headquarters. You are a local, do you know where it is safer?"

Hal thought for a moment, then pointed them in a direction, Carroll nodded, and said:

"When we find a safe base, we will call for support immediately, and then return to pick you up immediately."

Hal saluted him, then turned his head and flew away. The other Green Lanterns watched him leave with solemn emotions in their hearts.

In their opinion, staying even one second longer in this chaotic and crazy dangerous city requires great courage, and Hal is obviously a lone hero who overcomes difficulties.

Howl flew near a bat fighter. I don't know what he said to the people in the fighter plane. The fighter plane chased him away. Then, the remaining two fighter planes were also led away by him, and the Green Lantern They took this opportunity to fly out of Gotham City.

"Anti-God Evil God"

After they flew far, Hal stopped, he disappeared instantly, and then appeared in the co-pilot position of the Batfighter, Batman turned his head and squinted at him.

Howl also turned to Batman, shrugged and said, "I think you should know who to go to."

Batman turned his head back, pressed the button on the operation panel, and the navigation voice made a pleasant sound: "Navigating, destination... Rodriguez Manor."

By the time Batman stepped into the Rodriguez Manor, Schiller and Constantine were already sitting on the sofa drinking.

The cup collided with the surface of the coffee table and made a crisp sound, and the golden wine fell into the cup, splashing bright water.

Batman raised his glass expressionlessly, but he didn't drink. Hal, who was sitting next to him, poured the whisky into his mouth without any scruples.

The cold wine sobered his brain a lot, and also relieved the exhaustion from the flight. Schiller opened his mouth to speak when Batman said, "Don't explain to me why you want to deal with Green Lantern, in this regard, I I agree with your position."

Schiller took a sip of wine, then stroked his chest with his hand, raised his glass at Batman and said, "That's why I like talking to smart people, let's skip the big truths and excuses that don't matter. Well, this has to start from the last time Constantine called me and said that he was going to be hospitalized at Arkham Psychiatric Hospital..."

Konstantin took a swig of wine with the glass in his hand, then picked up the bottle and filled his glass again.

He leaned on the back of the sofa relaxedly, put his hands on the back of the chair, shook his head and said, "No way, my personal charm is too strong, a little boy named Bruce chases me all over the city, he is dissatisfied with me going to the red light district, So there is a lot of trouble there, even if I go to relax for a while, he will stick to me..."

Hal spit out a sip of wine, Constantine caught a glimpse of the sharp light of Batman's bat dart, he cleared his throat and said, "Okay, no kidding, originally, I called Schiller, Just looking for a place to hide."

"But this damned stingy, the damned Grandet, won't let me go to the hospital until I do something for him."

"So, you're the one who started the gangs in the hospital?" Batman asked.

"According to the original plan, it was really me who did this, but I didn't expect that there were two guys in the hospital who were just about to make a move. They wanted to make some trouble, and then took the opportunity to get out. a little."

"What's the matter with the green light?" Batman looked at Schiller again, but Schiller turned to look at Hal, who shrugged and explained to Batman how he went to Oastar to ask for help .

"You first stirred up the gang's fire and and then let the Green Lanterns fall in the middle of the chaos, the purpose is to make the Green Lanterns aware of the danger of the earth?"

"But I'm afraid, this is not enough to deter them, and it will not keep them away from the earth, but may make this group of green flies that have been brainwashed by a sense of justice buzzing around the earth." Batman gave an evaluation.

It can be heard from his words that Batman has no good feelings for the Green Lantern Corps, but it is also understandable that he is the only Gotham native among the four people present, and just now, this group of guys with green lights all over their bodies , swaggeringly flying over Gotham, not only caused many car accidents, but also let the gangsters blow up many buildings.

More importantly, Batman has always regarded Gotham as his own territory. He has an almost perverted desire to control Gotham, and this group of people broke into this place without anyone's consent. If it wasn't for Hal just now It stopped Batman from catching up with his fighter jet, and now Carol and the others haven't run out yet.

"My intention is not to deter them." Schiller put down the glass.

"Then what are you going to do? Your series of actions will only make them stare at the earth and attract them all."

"My purpose is to lure them here."

As soon as Schiller finished saying this, he heard the phone rang, Merkel walked down the stairs, picked up the receiver and said, "Hello, this is the Rodriguez Manor, yes, he's in... "

With that, he took the phone to the coffee table and handed the receiver to Schiller, who said to the phone, "Oh, is that right? You're already on your way?...Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

Batman stared at Schiller, and seemed to have a hunch. At this time, he heard Schiller say to the other end of the phone:

"See you later, Clark."

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