American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 472: When Schiller found a new street light (Part 1)

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The location of Arkham Psychiatric Hospital is relatively remote. At the beginning, when Arkham chose the site for this hospital, it mainly considered that the technical level of security measures was not enough, and some dangerous patients could easily escape, so the hospital was selected in a relatively remote location. place, you can increase the difficulty of jailbreaking.

But later, after Schiller became the attending doctor here, he knew a truth, that is, if you want to get rich, you must build roads first.

So, with the mayor's approval, construction began on a main road leading to the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, and it opened to traffic late last year.

The funding for the construction of this road mainly comes from the voluntary donations of the patients here. After all, the winding dirt road cannot give them room to extend their luxury cars and modified sports cars. Came to the hospital every weekend.

At this time, the uniquely shaped Batmobile was speeding on the main road, and the roar of the engine spread far away along the woods on both sides of the road.

Just as Batman was rushing to the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital with the Joker who had been knocked out by him, in the hospital, in the dark corridor, a faint light flashed by, and a strange green color was reflected on the smooth marble floor. .

With a "click", the window was suddenly opened, and the cold wind whistled in. When passing through the dark corridor, it made a whimpering scream.

But at this moment, with a "bang", a door in the corridor opened, and a big man with a beard came out, he shouted:

"What the **** are you shouting, go to the 2nd floor for drugs, stop screaming here!"

After shouting this sentence, he realized that there was actually no one in the corridor. He held the door handle, looked left and right, and found that the window at the end of the corridor was opened. He spat and walked to the window cursing. Next, the window was closed.

At this moment, a skinny man also came out of the door, and he asked, "What's the matter? They played another game, just waiting for you, come in quickly."

"Don't mention it, those crazy nurse girls didn't take a good look before they got off work. The windows were not closed and the wind was blowing open. I thought it was some poisonous ghost sitting in the corridor screaming."

The bearded man clapped his hands, walked into the door, and closed the door with a bang, leaving only the light leaking from the crack of the door below in the corridor.

Several people in the room were playing cards. Originally, during the inactive time, all patients should stay in their own wards, but they had a good relationship with the nurses. They said hello during the rounds at night and passed by the lake. Time is playing on top.

But at this moment, there was a whimpering sound in the corridor, and the bearded man impatiently threw down the card in his hand, stood up and said, "I will find a hammer sooner or later to nail that window..."

He strode to the door, and slammed the door open again, but at the moment when he opened the door, he suddenly caught a strange light that flashed from the corner of the corridor.

Beard glanced at the dark corridor, hesitated, but walked back and said to his companion, "Bring me a flashlight, and the shotgun we brought in earlier, bring it to me."

"What the **** are you doing? Go out and close the window with a gun?"

Everyone laughed at Beard for being timid. Beard took a breath through his nose, let out a cold snort, and walked out of the room with a gun in his hand.

He walked to the corner of the corridor with a shotgun in hand, and just as he reached the entrance of the stairs, he saw a ghost with a green light floating on the stairs.

This ghost looks like an old man, with a gloomy face, a grim face, and a strange green light all over his body. When he saw the bearded man with a gun, he screamed and rushed towards the bearded man.

Big Beard was stunned for a moment, then he picked up the shotgun and shot with a "bang". The bullets shot through the ghost's body without causing any damage to him at all. Big Beard fired another shot, but it was still hurt. No ghosts.

The ghost grinned and pushed towards the bearded man. At this moment, a series of "bang bang bang" sounded, all the doors in the corridor were kicked open, and dozens of burly men rushed out with guns.

The man in the lead, with his short haircut, sock sleeves, and tattoos all over his body, shouted in a Texas accent, "What's the matter? Who the **** dares to shoot here, don't you want to live?!


The bearded man took two steps back, slapped the barrel of the gun with his hand, spit, and said, "Come and help! There are ghosts here!"

"A ghost? You've seen a ghost, fisherman, you've been drinking too much medicine again?! How is it possible here... Damn it! There's a ghost!

come out faster! come out faster! There are ghosts!

! "

"Shoot! Boom! Boom! Boom! No... don't take the shotgun, it's useless!"

"Automatic weapons! Who has automatic weapons?!... Don't sleep! Go upstairs and shout the bosses, the hospital is haunted!


Suddenly, a hail of bullets flew, and the gangsters in the corridor ran quickly in an instant, forming a cross-fire network. Shotguns, single-shot rifles, miniature grenades, and even bazookas were taken out.

The person who didn't have a gun in his hand hurriedly lifted all the cabinets, tables, and chairs in the room. Within a few seconds, a layered bunker defense system was in place. The flames of the mouth lit up continuously, like flowers blooming one after the other.

In the utility room at the end of the corridor, cleaning supplies were piled up in a corner. There were four or five small beds in the room. One of the boys with freckles suddenly jumped up from the bed and said: "Listen, are there gunshots?"

"My God, who dares to shoot here, is it dead?"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Go and see!"

The other children who were awakened sat up, opened the door a crack, and looked out.

At this moment, the bearded man who had withdrawn to the rear of the front waved his hand and said to several people: "Come upstairs! Send a letter to the bosses, saying that the third floor is haunted, and we need fire support!"


The little boy was startled at first, but soon, he jumped out from the crack of the door with agility, and ran up the stairs with a bang. After a while, he came to the fifth floor.

At this time, the gunshots from the third floor had come, and the gang leaders wearing expensive silk pajamas opened the door sleepily, and in the corridor you looked at me, I looked at you, not knowing what happened downstairs.

When the little boy came up from the stairs, he bumped into a gangster who wanted to go downstairs to check. He was almost knocked down. After seeing who it was, he quickly apologized: "Ah! Sorry, sir, I came up to deliver the letter. , didn't hit you?"

"It's okay, what's going on downstairs? Why does it seem like there's a fight?"

"That, the fisherman from the southern area of ​​the living hell, asked me to come up and deliver a letter. He said that the third floor is haunted, uh... He needs fire support."

"Haunted?" The gang leader squeezed his eyes, seeming a little puzzled.

But soon, he heard the gunshots coming from downstairs getting more and more intensive, and knew that it was not a prank. He came to the center of the corridor and waved to the others, and several people gathered together.

As the little boy ran back and forth on several floors, the windows of the Arkham Asylum building were lit up one by one, and it didn't take long for the windows on the third, fourth, and fifth floors to light up.

Batman, who had just pulled into the ramp, slowly slowed down, pushed open the door, looked at the suddenly brightly lit Arkham Building, and narrowed his eyes.

Just as he was thinking about what was going on in Arkham Asylum, what he didn't notice was that the **** clown Jack he had thrown on the back seat slowly opened his eyes, and then revealed a sly look. smile.

Looking at Batman's line of sight, at this time, except for the third, fourth, and fifth floors, which were already lit, only one room on the seventh floor was lit.

At this moment, in this room, Jonathan, Hugo, and Constantine were frowning, watching an image played on a magic screen.

Constantine said helplessly: "I said it before, it definitely won't work like this, my poor little pet is about to be killed by them."

"Ghosts can also be shot?" Hugo looked at Constantine and asked with some disdain.

"Ghosts can't be shot, bullets are not lethal to them, but they are afraid of the fire and heat when shooting. Light and heat are both deadly to ghosts." Constantine explained with a sigh.

The plan of these three people is relatively meticulous. They originally planned to start from the upper floor, open the door of each ward, and then let all the patients out.

Generally, the higher the floor is, the more dangerous the detained patients will be. Therefore, releasing the dangerous patients first and letting them hunt those patients on the lower floors can cause more chaos and stimulate their murderousness. sex.

The method is that Constantine controls the ghost to get the key, and then opens the door.

The process of getting the key went smoothly. Constantine's skill in manipulating ghosts was really good, and he didn't disturb anyone. After successfully getting the key, he successfully opened the doors on the third, fourth, and fifth floors.

But after opening the door, they found a problem, that is, they were completely ignored.

Because Constantine created a magic screen that can follow the ghost's perspective, they can clearly see that the ghost did not deliberately hide the sound when the ghost opened the door. The sound of the door being unlocked was very clear, but the patients did not seem to be awakened at all. .

Hugo thought it might be because the patients here were overdosed on tranquilizers, so they slept deeply at night.

So, Hugo, a psychiatrist, let Constantine manipulate the ghost to smash the glass, making a high-pitched noise, and then let the cold wind from outside the window blow in, causing the temperature to change, and the ghost keeps going flashes, creating dramatic changes in light.

These are all things that can stimulate sleeping patients, but they spent a long time there on their own, but no one came out.

In the end, Hugo came up with a solution, which was to let the ghost of Constantine deliberately reveal his whereabouts to attract people.

But soon, they found out that Gotham really deserves to be the most dangerous city in the world. As they expected, this group of patients is extremely dangerous. The first time they hit the ghost, they didn't scream, Fleeing away, but planning to physically save the ghost.

The ghost that Constantine put on the third floor has been compressed into the corner, and the continuous fire, loud noise, explosion and heat have made his body more and more radiant.

"It can't go on like this, we have to lead them outside, hurry up! Let that ghost run outside!" Hugo said loudly.

Constantine could only raise his shining hands. Before he could move, a pure white flash suddenly appeared on the magic screen, and the three of them covered their eyes.

"Flashbangs? Where did they get military flashbangs?!" Hugo shouted, covering his eyes.

When the light faded, they were about to open their eyes, and then there was another flash bomb. Constantine's dazzled eyes began to weep, and he waved his hand to close the screen.

"Damn it, where did this group of patients get so much firepower? Hugo shouted in a puzzled way.

"Sufficient? Why do you think this is enough?!" Constantine, who had been hanging out on Gotham Street for a few days, also shouted.

"That's not enough, so what else..."




! "

Batman, who had just driven his car to the downstairs of Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, watched helplessly as a corner of the hospital building collapsed in a violent explosion.

Batman had a bad premonition, he hurriedly turned the steering wheel and wanted to drive the car in the other direction, but at this moment, the Joker Jack in the back seat jumped up and put his hand around Batman's neck.

Batman struggled hard, took his hands off the steering wheel, and the out-of-control car spun out and hit the steps in front of the hospital gate.

At this time, several rockets flew out of the window directly above, and banged on the back of the Batmobile.

The entire Batmobile was blown away by the violent aftermath of the explosion, and after two and a half weeks of free rotation in the air, it slapped on the door of the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital with a "pop".

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