American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 462: The Secret of the Past (Part 2)

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"Doomsday, this name is too strange, isn't it?"

"Literally, when he appeared, it was the day of the destruction of the entire earth and even the entire universe."

Bruce and Lex felt their hearts stop for a moment, especially Bruce. After he walked over, he looked straight into Schiller's eyes and said, "Can't you do anything?"

"I'm not sure." Schiller gave an ambiguous answer, but Bruce was clearly not satisfied with the answer, but he didn't ask again, because he was not a person who pinned his hopes on others.

"What's his weakness?"

"I don't know, maybe there is no weakness." Schiller gave another desperate answer, but at this time, Clark's calm and determined voice sounded:

"Impossible, everything that exists in this world must have weaknesses, maybe I can deal with him..."

"Maybe you can kill him once, but when he reappears, the weakness the first time is gone."

"He will evolve?" Bruce instinctively grasped the key to Schiller's words.

"Yes, but..." Schiller deliberately dragged a long tone, and everyone's eyes turned to him, he said: "But it seems that someone has come up with a solution."

Saying that, he got a little closer and looked at the egg.

The eggshell of this egg is opaque, so you can't see what's inside, but you can see that the whole egg is shaking slightly, it seems to have a heartbeat, but it's beating very slowly.

"Will kryptonite affect it?" Schiller said to himself, and then he looked up at those strange devices that emit kryptonite light, and said, "...What kind of formation is this? "

"It looks like someone sealed the egg in a way?" Lex also stepped forward, his brain was constantly thinking, and then came Bruce, although his eyes were solemn, but also contained with a hint of curiosity.

"The situation is not as dangerous as I described, because the monster has not hatched yet, and someone has found a way to suppress the egg."

"But he'll hatch eventually, right?"

Schiller looked at Bruce with a scrutiny, as he recalled a law of the DC universe.

All of DC's universes are light and dark, and in the dark universe, everything slides down inexorably, that is, all bad things are bound to happen.

If this is the dark universe, then this egg will probably hatch soon, but before, the egg of laughter in Bruce's body, not only did not hatch, but also was killed by Schiller using the righteous gang fight method, and was finally killed by Parallax backdoor listed.

This shows that the probability that this universe is a dark universe is not high, but in a bright universe, there may not be strong villains.

Doomsday, in fact, is Superman's nemesis, and in the famous comic about the death of Superman, it was he who killed Superman.

The comic "The Death of Superman" has a relatively complicated historical background. At that time, the DC company was not doing well, and they needed some gimmicks to attract more fans to buy their comics, so they planned to put their most famous One of the superheroes, aka Superman, was in trouble.

In order to create enough gimmicks, this comic is named "Death of Superman". In order to achieve the purpose of killing Superman, Doomsday is set to be very strong, defeating the Justice League except Superman with one hand , and even pulled the running Flash out of the Speed ​​Force.

After running to Apocalypse, he didn't die after eating the Omega ray of Fakseid, and later developed the ability of Doomsday spores, and finally infected Superman, creating Doomsday Superman.

In short, it is a strong and outrageous villain, like all villains created by rush work, although the ability setting is unreasonable. Of course, the background setting is almost equal to none.

Schiller thought, it seems that the origin story of Doomsday in this universe is a bit complicated, and it is not the product of Kryptonian scientists.

In the comics, when Doomsday appears, it is already a complete body, and the complete Doomsday is not completely invincible. Schiller has some ways to defeat him or seal him, but because of the comics, Doomsday is often resurrected. , It seems that he will not die completely, so Schiller has no confidence that he can kill him completely.

However, Doomsday, which is here now, is an egg, which gives Schiller some other ideas.

At this time, Bruce discovered some details. He walked to the wall of the underground cavity and reached out to touch the slightly wet rock. He said, "From the state of the rock, it should have been excavated decades ago. , at least twenty or thirty years ago..."

He said to himself, "What happened then?"

"So, what happened after that?" Kayla asked Alfred in the corridor of the manor.

"When I learned that the force called the Court of Owls might want to create a terrible monster to rule the entire Gotham, I had to consider the danger of this monster."

"If an uncontrolled super monster is created, it may not only threaten the United States, but also all human beings living on the earth, those lunatics can ignore it, but I can't."

"So, I went to Falcone and showed him my intention. At first he didn't want to believe me, but he had no other choice..."


"Because, in Gotham, people who can do equations are considered a rare species, and I graduated from the mathematics department of Cambridge University..."

Keira was silent, thinking about what she had seen and heard in Gotham before, and felt that what Alfred said was not an exaggeration.

"Of course, there is another reason. Although Falcone and Daniel noticed all this, they had very few intelligence sources, because they were not professional agents and couldn't get much information at all. At that time, they even had owls. The name of the court is not known."

"And I'm a professional agent who can investigate this matter for them, so the three of us reached an agreement and cooperated. In the end, we made some troubles, but we still got the egg."

"Oh, I remember, the dossier said that during that time, there seemed to be a lot of vicious incidents in Gotham. The FBI went to investigate, but it also lost a lot of manpower, and some of them had a glimpse of some mysterious phenomenon, so this case The eucalyptus becomes more and more mysterious..."

"Yes, that group of people is not easy to deal with, and we have paid a lot of money. Because of this, Falcone will never allow this egg to be sealed in Gotham, because Gotham is his territory."

"So you chose Metropolis?"

"This egg has been in our hands for a long time, and we haven't been able to find a reasonable way to deal with it."

At that time, the limelight had passed, and I could have left and returned to Moscow, but at this moment, Moscow sent me news that Kim Philby had escaped, and he had returned to Moscow. "

"Although I have some understanding of MI6's style, this is still beyond my expectations. Obviously, since Philby himself has successfully escaped, this list is not that important for Moscow. No It is necessary to cross the ocean and bring it back."

"However, this list is still very important to other countries. Because the Soviet Union has it, they must have it too, otherwise they will be one step behind forever. Therefore, the news of Philby's escape not only did not reduce the list in the eyes of various countries. Importance, on the contrary, they are even more crazy trying to find out where the list is, to get the same information as the Soviet Union."

"The Soviet Union didn't need it, but other countries needed it. In fact, the best way is to find a place to hide it, so I hid it in Gotham, and after the limelight passed, I returned to Moscow first. , looking for a solution to that egg, but..."

"In the end, I went back to England."

"About a dozen years later, my father asked me to inherit the position of hereditary steward and go to the Wayne family to become their steward. At that time. I told the news to Moscow, and they thought it was a good opportunity. The En family is the richest family on the East Coast and even in America..."

"So, at the beginning, you were on a lurking mission in the Wayne family?"

"That's right, but something happened later, and the Wayne couple passed away." Alfred's expression was a little sad, and he said: "There is only the young master left, and I have to raise him. "

"At that time, I was already planning to give up the profession of an agent."

Kayla nodded her understanding and said, "Many people think that agents should always be loyal to their goals, but we are also human and have feelings, and we are not machines that get things done..."

Alfred shook his head and said, "My feelings for the young master are not entirely the reason why I want to give up the profession of a secret agent..."

"Then what's the reason?"

Alfred was silent, his expression showed a hint of hesitation, as if he didn't know if he should say this, but in the end, he still said: "You are still young and have not experienced too much, so you can't feel her feelings. Change……"



Kayla still wanted to ask, but Alfred chose to keep his mouth shut. After a while of silence, Alfred spoke again. His voice was no longer so full of air, but instead revealed his old age.

"Maybe, I'm a shameful deserter, or maybe I just don't want to face some cruel facts."

"It may also be that I know that I can't keep my senses in the face of the deterioration of those great ideals and glorious years..."

"But in the end, I chose to say goodbye to the past completely."

"When I returned to Gotham and became the Wayne family's housekeeper, Falcone told me that they had properly disposed of the egg. I don't know the exact process, but in the end, the egg was placed in the the grounds of Metropolitan Manor."

"Falcone told me that at first, they just found a place outside Gotham and put the egg there, but then they found a fallen alien mineral that seemed to be able to suppress that very well. Egg's Life So, they transformed it into a giant seal."

Kayla frowned and asked, "Is this seal strong?"

"It can only be said that the hatching time of the monster can be postponed, and we still have no clue on how to eliminate this monster."

Alfred put down the shotgun in his hand and leaned on the ground with the muzzle. He looked out the window and said, "That's one of the reasons why I asked Bruce to come here."

"In the guest list you gave me, I saw the professor's name, I know, he is not an ordinary person, he has the ability to keep everyone safe, I raised Bruce, and I know how amazing he is... …”

"If there is only one way in this world to decipher the secret of this mysterious monster and destroy it, I believe that the combination of these two will be the best answer."

At this time, Schiller, who was meditating in the underground cavity, heard the voice of gray fog in his mind:

"Rice! Lots of food! Eat!"

"Rice? Where did you get the meal?" Schiller asked suspiciously.

"The green stone is so fragrant! Let me take a bite!"

"Green stone..." Schiller turned his head, looked at the kryptonite device closest to him, and asked in surprise:

"You eat kryptonite???"

"Hmm! It smells delicious!"

"Why didn't you tell me when you were outside?"

"That's not delicious, only the one here is delicious!"

"But the kryptonite here is going to seal this egg..."

"I'm hungry! I've been hungry for a long time! I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat!"

Bruce, who was studying the rock formation next to him, found that Schiller's eyes when looking at the egg suddenly became a little strange.

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