Batman's arms began to tremble, layers of apparitions appeared in front of his eyes, and the blue light formed a blizzard in front of him that made him chill.

At this moment, a "click" sounded in the ear, but it was like a heavy blow, slamming Batman's heart fiercely.

The monitoring room door opened.

Batman stood there, his body was very stiff, his entire leg muscles were exerting force, his limbs wanted to control him to turn, but another voice in his mind told him not to do it.

because. Another bad premonition was constantly circling in his mind, he knew. All of this is a conspiracy arranged by the clown, and if he gets out of this door now, he will just fall into his trap.

For some reason, this time, Batman was not sure of winning, because the other Joker he saw on the surveillance screen had Schiller's face.

Batman recalled the dark years when he first debuted, and the place that impressed him most during this time was not the criminal-filled Gotham alleys, but Schiller's office.

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

Did the Joker become Schiller, or did Schiller become the Joker?

Batman didn't know, but he hoped it was the former, he hoped it was just a trick that the Joker did, not that Schiller really became the Joker.

Because if that's the case, he can't imagine what kind of torture he will face after leaving this door.

Batman took a deep breath, and finally turned around and strode out of the room. Before leaving, he glanced at the bat doll that fell on the ground.

In the banquet hall, the tables and chairs that used to be ornately decorated were scattered aside, the tablecloths were pulled to the ground, and the silver candlesticks were shattered by the impact. Except for the shimmering light from the blizzard, there was no longer anything here. light source.

Clark lay in a mess, surrounded by these broken wreckage, blood flowing from his forehead, through his eyebrows, and fell straight to the ground.

At this time, the clown Schiller came over, crouched down, looked at Clark's face, and said:

"You know what? The man who wanted to crucify **** was called Judas."

"People have written a book to record the misdeeds of Judas, and they have made the teachings in this book their scriptures."

"But until today, when people face a merciful, kind, just, and tolerant Son of God, everyone is Judas."

"Clark, do you know why this is?"

The Schiller with clown makeup is different from the other clown. His voice is not so sharp, but low, and even reveals a gentleness:

But what he said was brutally destroying Clark's last ray of faith, making it impossible for him to pray to ease the pain.

"People only pray for God to come when they need God, and if they don't need it, they will crucify God, like **** and like you."

"No matter how perfect you are, they will find a reason to kill you, and when they don't need God, your perfection will be your sin."

Clark closed his eyes in pain, his Adam's apple kept shaking up and down, as if he was swallowing saliva constantly, and even the muscles on the side of his neck kept shaking, he turned his head to the other side, as if trying to avoid Schiller's voice, but the devil's whispers are pervasive.

"No..." Clark wanted to deny, he said hoarsely:

"I don't save anyone because they will thank me, I just want to save people..."

"Even if the person you saved actually wanted to kill you?"

Clark's jaw trembled, and the clown Schiller tilted his head, looked into Clark's eyes and said, "What are you thinking when you're thinking about this?"

Clark closed his eyes again, his eyelashes trembling, his lips pursed tightly, as if he didn't want to say the answer.

"You find out that you're actually not that great, do you?"

"When I asked the question just now, you realized that you couldn't forgive them completely."

"You are not great enough, you must give your life to save a group of people who want to kill you."

"Why do you feel guilty about thinking like that?"

Clown Schiller kept staring at Clark's face, and he asked in a very curious tone, "Do you really think of yourself as a god?"

"Does this idea of ​​yours really come from your kindness and justice, or does it make you feel happy by playing the role of a savior from the top?"

Clark's chest rose and fell faster and faster, and an emotion was brewing in his chest, but the Clown Schiller continued to say:

"When they tried to kill you, the most intense emotion you felt was the sadness and loss of being betrayed, or..."

"For these lowly creatures weaker than you, unsurprisingly stupid, and... want to laugh?"

"Enough." Another icy voice came, and a dark figure walked into the banquet hall. When he came in, there was still the chill from the wind and snow outside.

Another voice came from the hall that had been silent for a long time, causing many bystanders to come out of the room, and someone shouted loudly:

"Hey, that weird clown! Why haven't you done it yet?!"

"Hurry up and kill him! Otherwise he will lift this house up again later, and we will be killed!"

"Yes, what if that monster goes mad? You are irresponsible for our safety, why don't you kill him quickly?!"

Because of the last collision, everyone was more or less injured, and most of these high-class people did not start from the bottom, but cultivated respect from childhood, and the pain made their emotions become more and more Going to extremes, everyone screamed and told the Joker to kill Clark quickly.

"Did you feel it?" Jack smiled and looked at Batman and said, "They were terrified, and now they're terrified, but not because of you."

"They're scared of this guy called Clark Kent, guess why? Because he hurts them, they feel the pain, and they're terrified of the bigger pain that might come next."

"Batman, maybe you didn't think that one day, the person who can give everyone the greatest fear is not you."

"If you want to take back this title, it's very simple. You know better than me what they are more afraid of than pain."

Jack opened his arms again, spun to the center of the patio, looked up at the group, pointed at them, and said to Batman:

"They're just a bunch of ungrateful villains. Even if you kill them, you're just doing justice!"

"Just think about it!" The Joker gave a series of snickers, he said: "The actors in the show defeated the terrible monster according to the script, but in the end they were killed by the audience who rushed to the stage, how humorous. "

Batman didn't look at Jack the Clown, but turned his head and looked at Schiller the Clown, and he said in a very positive tone: "This is in a dream, right?"

"Why do you think so?" Clown Schiller didn't look back, still staring at Clark, as if curious about his reaction.

But Batman suddenly became nervous, because Schiller's tone made him feel very familiar, just like every time he came to Schiller's office and accepted Schiller's questions.

"The timeline doesn't match up. In addition, there are more weird details. The most important thing is that you are not a clown..."

"Why do you think I'm not?"

"Professor Schiller is not a clown."

The Joker Schiller finally stood up from Clark, he came to the opposite side of Batman, looked at him and said:

"What are you going to do if this is a dream? Do you think you can break free?"

"What you don't know is that since the last time I fell asleep, I have been able to control the power in my heart." Batman narrowed his eyes and said, referring to the blackness that erupted from his dream. tide.

"That's enough to break this dream."

When his voice fell, the ground began to tremble slightly, and then, the trembling became faster and faster, and the entire mayor's mansion began to shake. Everyone turned to look out of the window, to the "rumbling" wave where the sound came from.

At the end of the horizon, a black line suddenly appeared, and in a flash, it came to the front. It was an endless black wave, like a gluttonous mouth that devoured everything.

The highest wave peak is far higher than the top of the spire of the mayor's manor. In front of this black behemoth, the originally magnificent manor is as small as a grain of sand on the beach.

At the moment when the wave slapped, the glass of the window shattered, and the black tide was like a shock cannon, directly hitting the two people furthest from the patio.

They didn't even have a chance to scream. When they were hit by the pressure of the water cannon, they turned into minced meat. Their limbs and blood erupted together. They hit the railings of the patio and landed in the banquet hall.

In an instant, the Kuroshio stopped, and Batman's expression froze.

Because it's all too real.

Blood fell on Batman's mask, and the strong smell of blood rushed into his nose. Even fine muscle lines could be seen between the broken limbs, and fat, internal organs, and brains were clearly visible.

Suddenly, there was a burst of fierce laughter in the banquet hall, and the clown Schiller almost bent down with a smile.

Soon, he slowly straightened up, looked at Batman and said, "Have you forgotten? I'm a psychology professor."

"Why haven't you considered that this might be a trap I laid?"

"Deliberately not doing the wrong thing at the right time, making all kinds of weird details, arranging unreasonable plots, making you think it's all in a dream..."

"But what if, I tell you, it wasn't a dream?"

Batman's hands began to tremble, and the thick smell of blood surrounded him, and the terrified screams of those who witnessed the death of their companions broke out, screaming, wailing, crying, everything seemed so real.

"...Impossible." Batman maintained his sanity for the last time, but his voice had begun to tremble: "I don't have such power in reality."

"Really? What happened to the battle that broke out over the living **** that"

But at this moment, the clown Schiller suddenly said:

"You are right, this is indeed a dream."

This answer is like the announcement of the end of the show, but some comedies have only just begun after the curtain falls, and the cadence of Clown Schiller's tone echoed in the banquet hall:

"Batman, you claim to be a hero who upholds justice, walking in the dark night of Gotham, and treating yourself as the **** of Gotham."

"But when you fight crime, when you use your advanced equipment to beat criminals and break their bones, listen to their wailing..."

"Does your motive for this kind of behavior really come from your kindness and justice, or does it make you feel happy to play the role of a destroyer with the power of life and death?"

Clown Schiller wiped the blood on his face with his hand. He didn't always have a playful smile on his face like another clown, he was more like a philosopher.

"Answer me, Batman."

"Just now, at the moment when I told you that this might not be a dream..."

"Look at them..." The Clown Schiller stretched out his hand, pointed to the broken limbs on the ground, and said, "Look at these weak and lowly creatures, these ungrateful Judas who sent their benefactors to the gallows..."

"Look at this group of villains who let you witness all this and make you feel extremely disappointed in human nature..."

"Looking at them, when you get the punishment you deserve because of your great power..."

"When you learn that the price they have to pay is not just waking up from a nightmare, but actually being killed, divided, and crushed to pieces by you, and the death is extremely painful—"

"Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to laugh?"

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