American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 435: Metropolis Doubt (21)

"Wait, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with superpowers." Clark suddenly reacted, and he continued:

"Isn't this another explanation for 'doing things with consequences'?"

"Yeah, but I think your parents should have told you countless times that you need to consider the consequences of doing things. Did you listen?"

Clark opened his mouth, a complex expression appeared on his face, obviously thinking of some unpleasant experience, he sighed deeply, and said, "Yeah, my parents don't know how much I emphasized this sentence to me again, but I..."

"I only felt at the time that they didn't understand me at all. I felt that they were unwilling to consider me from my point of view. I didn't know how much I sacrificed, and I felt very sad. He even ran away from home for this.”

"However, this kind of decision seems to be my own business. I decide whether to pay so much according to the harvest, and evaluate the harvest based on the price paid. It seems that there is really no superpower in it... Then I was struggling before. what?"

"What do you think superpowers are? Is it your main personality?"

"Of course not, I am me, I am Clark."

"Or, that explanation would satisfy you, that your personality is made up of things like your education and your environment, and that superpowers are just a tool you have."

"You could say the same," Clark replied somewhat uncertainly.

"Then what's the difference between it and other tools? Your father and your mother fall in love and marry, raise you, and educate you, make friends with the neighbors, and get along with them, which is the same as the grass he used to do farm work. Does the fork matter?"

Before Clark could answer, Schiller said, "It might have something to do with it, if he didn't have that pitchfork, maybe he wouldn't be able to work and have no money to support his family, but that thing certainly wouldn't decide whether he wanted to propose to your mother or not. , isn't it?"

Clark suddenly laughed, as if thinking of some interesting things between his parents. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief, looked at Schiller, and said very sincerely:

"Thanks, Professor, I think it makes me feel better to say this and hear your advice."

This breath came out, and Clark seemed to suddenly relax, he fell on the bed, rested his head on the soft pillow, put his hands on his chest, and said, "God, no one knows, I've been so sad recently. ."

He covered his eyes with his arm, and then said: "Wherever I go, I am worried about meeting people from the track and field club, and I am afraid that the members of the track and field club will speak ill of me to my roommate, and I am worried that I will disappoint the coach by withdrawing from the competition. And always feel like a cheating villain..."

"It's all normal. Anyone in this age group will have similar troubles about relationships, life trajectory, etc. This is a stage of personality formation."

Schiller seemed to suddenly remember someone. He said, "Even people with more mature personalities than you will feel similar during this period."

Clark seemed to know who he was referring to. He glanced at the door and said, "Are you referring to those two guys just now? Who are they? How do I feel that they are a little dangerous?"

"It's hard to explain to you now. After you have been in contact with them for a while, you will know that these two people will definitely play an important role in your future life."

"Really? You mean I'll be friends with them?"

"Yes, in a sense, they will be the people who know you and you best."

"No way?!" Clark sat up from the bed again, looked at Schiller and said, "Don't tell me you have the ability to predict, Professor, how I think those two feel a little strange."

"Of course, this is not necessarily the case. Now it seems that the two of them have a better relationship."

"Relationship... ok? But why do I feel..."

Clark showed a somewhat hesitant expression, and then he lowered his voice and said to Schiller: "First of all, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on purpose, but I have a special ability to know what happened outside the wall anyway. "

"I heard the two of them, and one of them said something about the treasure to the other, and that there were secrets under the Mayor's Manor..."

"Underground?" Schiller frowned, but soon, he said, "However, this has nothing to do with me, I'm going up to sleep."

With that, he stood up, took his umbrella, and said to Clark before leaving, "You can stay up all night because of a small problem at your age, but I can't."

"Tonight, I didn't sleep for a total of two hours. According to that theory, the price I am willing to pay for a good night's sleep is beyond anyone's imagination."

After speaking, Schiller left, and Clark turned over. He was still thinking about the questions Schiller asked him. Recently, he has not slept very well, so he slowly fell asleep after thinking about it. .

After Schiller returned to the guest room, he changed into pajamas and prepared to go to bed. Although it was already daytime, the weather was gloomy due to the non-stop heavy snow outside, which was a good time to sleep.

Just after he changed into his pajamas, as expected, the door of the guest room was knocked on again, Schiller sighed unsurprisingly, then stood up to open the door, and Lex Luthor appeared outside the room.

"What are you going to do?" Schiller asked directly.

Lex watched Schiller silent for a while, then asked, "Why do you seem to be keeping an eye out for me?"

"Aren't you worth being guarded against?"

"I just don't understand..." Lex kept looking into Schiller's eyes, but didn't see any emotion worth analyzing in his eyes, so he could only continue:

"Bruce is your student, you are more familiar with him, so you are more inclined towards him, I can understand, but why do you trust that man named Clark so much?"

Lex frowned and said, "If it was him now, would you let him go into the room and talk about it?"

"You seem to have some extra-factual basis for our judgment, what is that?" Lex asked.

Schiller was silenced by his question. He was silent for a while, then stepped aside and said to Lex: "Come ahead and talk about it."

Lex walked in, and he heard Schiller say as he closed the door, "That's... a prejudice that I'm having a hard time explaining."

Then, he heard Schiller sigh deeply again. After Schiller closed the door, he turned around and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

"I just wanted to ask you, do you really have amnesia?" Lex lowered his hands, stood in the middle of the room, looked at Schiller and said.

Schiller stood across from him, nodded, Lex frowned, and said, "You really don't remember that you met me?"

Schiller was fascinated, and he had to admit that during this period of time, he still hadn't fully learned the lessons he had learned before. He still looked at people in reality through the filter of the original characters.

For example, he has always had a positive attitude towards Bruce and Clark, because they are positive characters in the original, but he has always been more wary of Luthor.

Although Luther's question just now made him realize this, when Lex said this, Schiller still felt that he might be brewing some conspiracy.

"You shouldn't have said that you saved me before, right?" Schiller looked at Lex and asked.

"On the contrary." Lex's answer surprised Schiller, and Lex continued: "You saved me, and it's here."

"Two years ago, I was still under the control of my father's drugs. At that time, I was very young and could only be at his mercy. In order to monitor me, he and I were inseparable. Even when he came here for a banquet, he brought me with him. follow me."

"I don't know what happened in the middle, but after that, Leonel took you to my room and said to treat me, and then you knocked him unconscious and gave me a mysterious liquid that made me regained consciousness."

"Wait a minute, mysterious liquid? What is that?"

"I don't know." Leonel shook his head, he said, "I just remember, for a moment, it was very painful, I saw a lot of crazy hallucinations, and some hallucinations still appear in mine to this day. In the dream, it just became more and more dreadful with the passage of time, and now it is almost gone."

"Can you describe the appearance of that liquid?"

"At that time, you took out a reagent tube, which should be the smallest size. There was some liquid at the bottom, and the color could not be seen clearly, but when the lid was opened, I could smell a very strong aroma of wine."

Schiller's brows got deeper and deeper, and he had to repeatedly ask Lex for confirmation, but Lex's description was always only a few words: he couldn't see the color, had the smell of wine, and would make him have crazy hallucinations...

"Wine?" Schiller murmured to himself in a low voice, his tone full of doubts: "How could I have good wine before? It wasn't in the underground of Gotham Cathedral... I've been to Gotham before. already?"

"I know that you don't trust me. Even if you put aside your inexplicable prejudice, I ran to a stranger like this and said that you once knew me, and no one would believe me..."

"No." To Lex's surprise, Schiller denied this, explaining: "The thing you just described is the proof."

Schiller felt that Lex had just been in contact with the Dionysian factor, and it is unlikely that he would make up such a A few random lies, just hit the attribute of the Dionysian factor, maybe less sexual.

In addition, if this is the reason, then Lex's previous attack on Benjamin and Bruce has been explained, so what he said is likely to be true.

"Okay, but since you've lost your memory, I think it's necessary for me to tell you..."

"As far as I know, you left in a hurry, but you seem to have left something behind."

"I don't know if this has anything to do with the treasure under the manor, but I have already tried to give the key to Bruce, and he will find the way for us."

"How do you know he's going to find the way, not just take that treasure?"

Lex shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. That treasure is not the gold coins piled up in the treasure chest in the fairy tale. It may be dangerous."

"Also, I don't care if he takes that thing away, I just want to help you get back what was left behind."

Lex sighed and said, "Leonel wants that treasure because he's heard that it can improve human intelligence, but obviously..."

"Improve wisdom? I don't need it."

"Is it possible, I don't really want to get my old things back." Schiller sat on the bed and sighed.

"You don't seem to care much about your amnesia?" Lex asked very puzzled: "Don't you want to know what's going on?"

capstone novel

"You know what I want to do more now?"

"...What?" Lex suddenly had a bad premonition. He felt a chill behind him, so he took a step back silently.

Then, he heard Schiller's slightly sleepy and indifferent voice:

"I just want to sleep right now."

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