American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 418: Metropolis Doubt (4)

The moment the figure fell from the sky and touched the ground, time slowed down, the bright red blood spread out like a wave, and the tassels that fell from the gorgeous tablecloth were hit by the splashed blood droplets, swaying back and forth violently, silvery. The candlestick fell, and after the candle was extinguished, only the smoke lines of the birds remained.

At the moment when the loud noise of the fall sounded, all the elegant ladies and ladies fell to the ground in panic, and the gentlemen were not much better, regardless of the damage to those expensive leather shoes during the stepping, as if they were Like sardines in unloaded fishing nets, they shoved and screamed at each other, and began to flee desperately.

Schiller turned his head and saw Leonel took two steps back, and then covered his mouth with his hands, as if he was terrified by the sight in front of him.

But soon, he took a few deep breaths, tried to calm himself down, and shouted: "Don't move! We have security personnel!

! "

His shouting didn't have any effect. Those violent screams covered all the voices. People desperately wanted to stay away from the corpse, to stay away from this terrible place. Going down and blocking the way again, the situation is even more chaotic.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three gunshots came, everything was quiet, and the pause button seemed to be pressed in the entire banquet hall. Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the group of people who came in from the main door.

The man in the lead was dressed in a special police uniform and had a pistol in his hand. The people behind him were all dressed in the same way. They could be seen as an organization, but they were completely different from the Metropolitan police.

"Federal Bureau of Investigations."

The person who took the lead walked to the center of the banquet hall and said, and then showed his ID with a "pop" and showed it to the left and right. After putting it away, he reloaded the pistol, and then waved, the two agents behind him. Step up and examine Mayor White's body.

At this time, Laonel quickly walked out of the crowd, his face still pale, he bypassed the place where the messy body fell, walked to the leading agent, shook hands with him and said, " Benjamin, you are finally here, I was just about to send someone to invite you!"

"This charity dinner was jointly organized by the Luther family and the city government. How could such a thing happen?" Laonel's facial features were crowded together, and his face showed an unprecedented tiredness.

He showed a very sad expression, and then said: "I know that the security situation in the Metropolis recently is not optimistic, and the police chief can't give an explanation, so the mayor and I agreed to let the agents move in, who knows..."

The agent, known as Benjamin, frowned deeply and looked indifferent, but many people in the meeting erupted in dissatisfaction.

Before the banquet even officially started, the protagonist of the banquet, Mayor White, had already turned into a corpse.

Many people in the crowd asked loudly, "What the **** is going on? Why did the mayor die?!"

"How did you check?! Can't even check the gun?"

"Didn't you look very carefully when you searched me?"

"Yeah, you don't even let me bring fans, how can you let others bring guns in?!"

This banquet invited celebrities from almost the entire East Coast, including wealthy businessmen, politicians, scholars, and well-known media people. After the initial panic, this group of people gradually calmed down, and they began to constantly criticize the group of agents in the center of the venue.

Among them, a famous man on the Chicago radio waved his fist and shouted angrily: "Look! This is the result of letting us sacrifice privacy! This is their conspiracy to implement surveillance laws!"

"That's right! Why are you still blocking the door?"

"Go away! I'm going home! I don't want to be in the same room with this horrible corpse!


"Get out of the way! Let me go..."

Benjamin's expression didn't change, he looked around with a cold expression, stroked the lines on the pistol with his thumb, he opened his mouth, and his cold voice echoed in the room.

"The mayor is dead and no one can leave now."

"What do you mean? Do you want to keep us here?!"

"How can you do this?! You are illegally detained!


There were various voices of dissatisfaction from the crowd, but the agent named Benjamin didn't seem to hear it. With a wave of his hand, several agents poured in from the door of the banquet hall and blocked the place.

What was even more frightening to the crowd was that all the agents were fully armed, and a few participants who reacted too strongly were stunned by the anesthetic spray, and then dragged into the corner by the agents.

At this time, no one dared to protest loudly, some gritted their teeth and cursed in a low voice, some frowned and admitted that they were unlucky, and some smart people secretly took out their mobile phones or other communicators, trying to contact some friends they knew. , to get rid of this trouble.

At the moment the corpse fell, Bruce had secretly pressed a contact device on the back of his watch. This satellite signal communication device would link the laboratory of his manor and the equipment of the bat cave to provide him with data analysis support at any time, but Just now, he found that all the signals were cut off.

The agents gathered around Mayor White's body to check for clues, while Bruce was watching from the sidelines, and Schiller, who was standing still, was also out of the way, observing the situation.

The position he was standing was further inward than the position where the mayor fell. Therefore, the crowded crowd did not affect him. He still stood there, holding a glass of wine, quietly watching the group of agents go up and down near the corpse rummage.

Although it was far away, Schiller was looking over there when the body fell. Therefore, he could see very clearly that Mayor White was shot in the head and killed by a single shot, but it just fell from the top of the patio. Falling down, let him, like all those who jumped off the building, add another layer of visceral rupture.

After finding that all communication tools lost their signals, Bruce began to move in the direction of Schiller without a trace, but he found that his professor shook his head with a glass of wine, turned and walked deep into the hall.

Not only did Bruce discover Schiller's change, Benjamin also discovered it. This anomaly was too obvious, and only Schiller was moving in the entire banquet hall.

At most, the others were just looking in the direction of Mayor White's body, while Schiller directly strode past the fallen candlestick and walked towards the back of the banquet hall.

Taking advantage of the gap between the other agents driving all the crowd to the wall, Benjamin strode over, stopped Schiller on the only path, then looked at him coldly and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Schiller gave a reason that Benjamin could not refute. Logically speaking, even if the sky fell, people could not stop people from going to the toilet. This is a reason that can be used confidently in any situation.

However, when the corpse had just landed and the agents were patrolling the venue, the first person who dared to move was definitely not an ordinary person.

Benjamin still looked at Schiller with the kind of scrutiny and cold eyes that are unique to special agents, and Schiller looked at him, the expression on his face did not change, as if he was just stating a simple fact.

"The situation is special, please cooperate." Benjamin still didn't let go, but Schiller didn't plan to step back. The two were stuck here. At this time, Laonel also strode over and smiled at Benjamin. :

"Benjamin, let me introduce, this is Professor Rodriguez, a world-renowned psychology expert, a master of criminal psychology, who has participated in the detection of many serial murder cases..."

"Besides, he is the honored guest I invited here, and I also want to hire him to be my son's tutor."

"My son Lex is about to come of age. Originally, I wanted to introduce him to the social circle at this dinner. He is already waiting in the reception room upstairs. I was about to introduce him to Professor Rodriguez. You Look……"

"Mr. Luther, I'm just doing business. The turmoil in the last Metropolitan mayoral election was very ugly. This time it happened again. If you don't strictly investigate and handle it, you want the whole world to see it. Is it our joke?"

"I know, of course I know, Benjamin, it's not been a day or two since you came to the Metropolis. We've been together for a few months, don't I know you yet?" Laonel didn't retreat because of Benjamin's cold face. He still kept that amiable smile, and said:

"But Professor Rodriguez doesn't want to leave here, he just goes to the bathroom, what's wrong?"

"If I let him go, within two minutes, everyone here will want to go to the bathroom."

"I can prove that I'm not suspect." Schiller's words were astonishing, and Benjamin immediately set his eyes on his face, and then stared at his face.

"Yes, I can also prove it." Laonel hurriedly said: "Professor Rodriguez was talking to me when the body fell, and the two of us were standing in this position, everyone could see it, certainly not Maybe we did."

"That's not what I meant."

Contrary to Leonel's expectations, Schiller denied Leonel's explanation, he just looked Benjamin in the eyes and said, "I think you should have been able to contact you by now through the hidden device on your wrist. The intelligence agency that arrived sent my name."

"Now, my resume should appear on your phone, you might as well open it and take a look."

Benjamin's eyes didn't move, he just quietly took out his phone from his pocket and looked at a text message on the screen.

Halfway through, his fingers paused for a moment, and then he didn't look down. He put the phone back in his pocket and said to Schiller, "The results of the investigation will be out in five minutes at the latest. Hope to see you here before then."

"No problem, Mr. Onnell, would you like to come with me? This is a rare opportunity, and maybe he won't let anyone go to the toilet tonight."

Benjamin didn't look at the two of them, but turned to leave, Laonel hesitated for a while, but kept up with Schiller's pace.

"What's in your resume? Why would he agree?" Laonel asked Schiller, looking at him.

"Shouldn't you have read my resume?"

"Oh yes……"

"Do you think that if I did it, I would shoot him directly in the head?"

Lai Onel opened his mouth, he couldn't refute, but soon, he recalled Schiller's amazing resume, and had to admit that compared with the murder cases in his resume, which were basically indescribable, Long White's death was too banal.

On the way to the bathroom, Schiller said to himself: "A gorgeous ball of laughter and feasts, a group of celebrities from the political, commercial and artistic circles, a group of ubiquitous agents with no purpose, a spy that fell from the sky. Corpse..."

"This opening is too much like a scene from some old-school detective I think the person who started it should be a fan of this type of novel."

Laonel heard Schiller muttering to himself in a low voice: "The topic is very good, but the timing is a little short..."

"Professor Rodriguez, do you think this has something to do with the serial killer who was active in the Metropolis recently?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "I haven't seen the so-called serial killer's crime scene, so I'm not sure if he is a real serial killer."

"What do you mean?" Leonel asked in confusion.

"The criminal who commits the serial murder case is different from the real serial murder case murderer. The real serial murder case murderer is a natural killer, cold-blooded, ruthless, and takes pleasure in killing..."

"And today..." Schiller stroked his wrist, stopped at the door of the bathroom, turned to look at Lai Onell and said, "The person who started today should be just a crappy criminal who killed for some kind of profit."

"How did you come to this conclusion?" Leonel asked with some doubts.

"You know, what would I do if I did it?"

Laonel looked at Schiller and asked him, "How?"

Schiller turned his head, did not look at him, but said to himself: "At the beginning of the banquet, there will be a host to introduce important guests, right?"

"The host would shout, 'Next, we have our most respected mayor, Mr. White!', and then..."

"Our esteemed mayor, will fall from the sky."

Schiller turned his head, revealing a smile that made Lionel creepy.

"Precise, humorous, and full of drama."

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