American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 413: Hal is unlucky (middle)

The operation of the Green Lantern Corps is actually based on a permission system. All Green Lanterns who are recognized by the Green Lantern Corps can get the token of permission, that is, the Green Lantern Ring.

However, there is a threshold to use this permission token. You must have strong willpower to drive the green light ring and green light energy. That is to say, it is not just for anyone who picks up a green light ring.

Generally speaking, even if Green Lantern loses their Green Lantern ring, it won't cause too much trouble, because the person who picked it up has no way to use the ring, and they don't have enough willpower to drive the ring and the energy inside.

But obviously, the current situation is an exception, which starts with how the green light ring works.

Green Lantern wants to use the green ring and energy, he must use his willpower to drive it, after sending the command to use, the green ring will judge whether this willpower is enough to drive it, if so, then it will start Work, which is to transmit energy to the Green Lantern.

The current situation is that when Hal launched the green light energy, he wanted to use teleportation. He sent this command to the green light ring. After the green light ring was tested, it was found that he had this permission and could use the ring and energy, so Work started.

The energy had been sent out, covering Hal's entire palm and half of his arm, but at this moment, Aisha bit him.

The reason why Green Lantern is afraid of the yellow light is because the parallax monster was originally stuffed in their lamp stove, and now, the parallax monster has not only come out, but has also become a little human girl. It stands to reason that the green light energy should not be afraid anymore. Yellow light.

But this does not mean that the green light energy can pass through the body of another lamp beast, Elsa bites on Hal's arm, the green light energy pours into half of the arm, and hits Elsa's body, no matter what she is now Whether it is a pure human being, at least a part of it comes from the parallax monster. The green light energy cannot be compatible with the body of the yellow light beast parallax monster, so it is blocked.

The blocked Green Lantern energy did not become one with Green Lantern, and naturally it did not produce the effect that Hal wanted.

Coincidentally, Hal got rid of Elsa's movements, causing the green light ring to be thrown away, and then picked up by Dick.

Dick wasn't the Nightwing later, he wasn't even Robin, he was just an ordinary kid in school. At most, he knew a little more acrobatic skills than other kids. He couldn't have the willpower to drive the green light ring.

But as I said before, Howl had sent the order and used his willpower to unlock access to the green light energy.

That is to say, if the green light ring is likened to a safe, Hal has already opened its door with the code, but handed it away, and Dick is the lucky one who picked up that safe, because the door is already open, So he doesn't need to unlock it again, he can directly take the contents inside.

The only problem is that the last command Hal gave to the ring before throwing it out was teleport, and the first thing Dick did after he put on the ring and received the green energy in it. Things are also fleeting.

Thanks to the reliable security measures of the Green Lantern Corps, the teleportation ability of the Green Lantern will not get stuck in the wall. If there is an obstacle in front of it, it will either pass through or hit the wall with a "pop".

Dick couldn't control this energy himself, so he was slapped directly on the wall.

Fortunately, the green light energy will provide their host with a whole body of energy shield. Dick didn't feel pain or injury after being slapped on the wall, but he felt a little dazed when he fell to the ground.

Alfred's face was even more ugly.

And the one who reacted more than Alfred was Elsa. She didn't know whether she was hurt by the movement of Hal's arm swinging before, or was frightened by the sound of Dick's teleportation hitting the wall. She was stunned for a moment. Then open your mouth.

Howl had a very bad feeling, and in an instant, it came true.

Under the dark night of Gotham, an unimaginably violent scream, like a thunder that exploded in the quiet winter, cut through the night sky of Gotham——





! "

At this moment, Batman, who was looking for clues in Gotham Cathedral, suddenly froze.

At the same time, Schiller, who had just fallen asleep, heard this sound.

It was already late at night, and even if Schiller was used to sleeping late, it was his sleep time, but the scream was all too familiar, as if it had happened when the last hapless alien landed in Gotham, so It was very smooth to wake up the sleeping Schiller.

He didn't feel angry after being woken up. On the contrary, he was like a sower who planted seeds and finally saw the harvest, full of joy in the harvest.

The reason why he is not called a farmer is that although he sowed the seeds, he did not manage the ploughing, watering, and fertilizing. In the end, he planned to take a bite of the bread baked from the crops.

Merkel was awakened by Schiller's rattle. When he was woken up, his first reaction was a little panic. His biological clock told him that it was late at night.

The housekeeper is most afraid of this situation, because once someone rings the bell in the middle of the night, it means that there may be a very urgent matter.

Two minutes later, Merkel, who was neatly dressed and meticulously dressed, appeared in Schiller's bedroom. Schiller was still wearing pajamas. He took out a wine glass and bottle and poured wine, while saying: "Call me to Wei Wei. En Manor to..."

Merkel didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't know whether the focus was on "Wayne Manor" or "calling", or the focus was actually on the current environment. He looked up and hung on the wall. , which said it was 3:30 AM.

The brain just woke up from sleep is not enough for Merkel to sort out the logic of this. He even wondered, could this be Schiller expressing his dissatisfaction with his work mistakes?

However, seeing the serious look on Schiller's face, Merkel could only go downstairs resignedly and pick up the phone placed by the stairs.

With one hand on the phone that was ringing constantly, Alfred stood at the telephone table, picked up the receiver, and said:

"...Oh, did you?...Professor Rodriguez heard Elsa scream?...Yes, sorry, did you disturb him to rest?"

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine, you know, kids of this age are prone to nightmares, especially when his father doesn't come home at night..."

With that said, Alfred's eyes fell on Bruce who was standing by the sofa. At this time, he was still wearing a bat suit, but in the face of the current situation, he didn't plan to act at all.

Dick, who was covered in green light, sat across from the sofa, twitching every now and then, as if suppressing the urge to teleport and shoot himself against the wall, Elsa was still crying, although there was no tears at all, it seemed Also not tired.

At the telephone table, Alfred held the phone, and Merkel kept teaching parent-child education and the importance of parental company.

Batman couldn't believe it himself, facing the current situation, his headache is much stronger than before facing all kinds of vicious criminals.

So, where is the certain Green Lantern who caused all this trouble, or Hal, the Green Lantern who lost his Green Lantern?

He is now strapped to a chair next to the sofa.

It is unknown whether the fledgling Green Lantern with the green light ability can beat the also fledgling Batman, but Hal, who does not have the green light ability, must not be able to beat Batman, so he was tied to a chair, At this moment, he was staring at Dick with a hopeless expression on his face.

Batman felt that the best way to solve the current situation was to start with Dick. He turned to Dick and said, "Can't you take it off?"

"It" refers to the green light ring, Dick glanced at his hand and said, "No, no, I just tried it, and no matter how hard I tug it, I can't get it off..."

"It's useless. The green light ring has a safety lock. If it falls off so easily, wouldn't it be easy to be plotted in battle?"

As soon as Hal finished saying this, he found Batman staring at him, he understood what Batman meant, and explained: "Parallax... your daughter is so special, she must have some way of restraining the green light. Ring, I haven't seen any Lantern being dragged from his hand..."

Batman set his eyes on Aisha again, and the moment he looked at Aisha, Aisha suddenly stopped crying, and then opened his arms, Batman walked over helplessly and picked her up , Elsa yells, but Batman doesn't understand what he means at all.

Dick understandably translated: "She seems to want me to learn to control this power, but I can't help it, it doesn't listen to me at all, oh, here it is!"

With a "swoosh", Dick's figure disappeared, and then he appeared in the restaurant next to him, knocking down a lot of dining tables and chairs.

small book booth

Like last time, the energy of the green light protected his body. The only thing that was worse was the beautiful and spacious dining room at Wayne Manor, which was now in a mess.

Batman didn't feel bad about the house, but he found that the distance of teleportation seemed to be getting farther and farther. If it continued like this, no one knew whether Dick would be teleported directly into the universe. If so... Batman looked again to Hal.

Hal shuddered, then said, "I can assure you that he himself will not be harmed in the presence of this power."

"When I first gained this kind of power, I once tried to follow the test plane to the sky and then jump down. Even if it fell to the ground from a high place, I was unscathed."

"Where will he teleport farthest?"

Hal glanced at Dick and said, "I think the green light ring may have fallen into a logical error and had to rigidly execute my last order."

"At the same time, the security lock of the green light ring may have noticed that it is not its owner who is using it When this happens, the light ring will automatically return to the green light headquarters..."

"The logic error and the safety lock are superimposed together, and it is very likely that the child will be continuously teleported until he returns to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps..."

When he finished saying this, Hal felt that the temperature in the room dropped several degrees in an instant.

"Oh, wait!" Hal immediately tried to remedy, he said, "You can try to get Elsa to take the ring off his hand, just like taking the ring off my hand."

Batman looked down at Elsa, Elsa bit her finger as if she didn't understand, Batman continued to stare at her, and finally Elsa couldn't hold on anymore, she jumped from Batman's arms Go down and run to Dick with a bang.

However, the green light ring seemed to have a mind. As soon as Aisha passed by, it teleported with Dick. Although Aisha was very fast, she still ran on her legs after all, not as fast as teleportation, so she couldn't touch it at all. to Dick.

After chasing for a while, Elsa seemed to be a little tired and stopped in place to gasp for breath. Alfred hurriedly put down the phone and walked up. He picked Elsa up and said, "Miss Elsa has enough exercise today, or, in other words, It's a bit over the top for a kid this age, and she should go back to bed."

With that, he carried Elsa upstairs.

At this time, Batman couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, and then he looked at Hal again, and Hal thought hard, he said, "I think I have another way..."

After speaking, he tried to move his body, turned to Dick's direction with the tied chair, and shouted to Dick:

"Keep calm! Feel the power in you and try to control it..."

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