American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 407: I won't say who is the bad luck (middle)

It's impossible to say that Batman isn't curious about magic, someone like him is born to want to investigate everything clearly, and then come up with several sets of solutions to deal with possible situations.

Ever since he'd known Constantine, he'd put two labels on this rotten guy, a hopeless scum, and a source of information that would allow him to learn about magic.

If you want to investigate someone, you must first figure out his life, rest and movement trajectory, and the best way to figure out all of this is to follow him.

When Batman was dealing with this kind of thing before, it was not that he had not encountered a situation where some people would go to some places that were more difficult to describe, or in other words, when investigating some people in Gotham, they could not avoid these places.

These places inevitably involve some less-legal industries, but the presence of Gotham wouldn't surprise anyone.

The only exception to this is his professor of psychology, whose life of two points and one line made Batman even come up with a plan that he might be a robot, but except for this professor, everyone has a bit of a Little hobbies, and Bruce's friends are no exception.

Harvey Dent likes to play billiards and will go to the game room with his court colleagues after get off work. Gordon will go out for drinks with his colleagues and go hunting in the suburbs in his spare time. Although Catwoman is a thief, she does not steal. When it comes to things, they also go to dance parties or go to the playground to play. Since all the places they have been to above are gang industries, there are some shady transactions in them.

When investigating these people, Batman usually chooses to knock people unconscious when he sees these transactions. If there is too much, he will talk to the boss of the industry, but these places are only in the lives of these people. played a very small part.

Unlike Constantine, these industries played a part in his life.

Bars, dance halls, game rooms, casinos, pharmacies, red light districts, Constantine shuttles through these places every day, without a day off.

Stopping the nefarious deals in these places he's been to during the time Batman has been following him has been a lot more work than keeping track of him.

More importantly, these places often have some unpleasant odors, the smell of alcohol in bars, the smell of cigarettes in casinos, the smell of strong sesame oil in the place where addicts gather, even if Batman has prepared some odor removers, But it still couldn't escape Elsa's nose.

Aisha is not an ordinary person. Her senses are extremely sensitive. Not only is she born with night vision, but her sense of smell is far superior to ordinary people.

One night, Batman followed Constantine to an underground stronghold where drug addicts were having a party. Because it was underground, he could not observe the situation there from other upstairs, and could only sneak in by himself.

There, he found out about Constantine's usual doses, and found that he was indeed a downright mad addict, but again, he also had some of that smell on himself, which Batman didn't realize at the time. , what happens when you come home with this smell.

That day, as usual, he came and went through the courtyard like the wind, and came to the balcony with a hook. Just as he was about to change his clothes, he heard a movement outside the door.

Batman instantly assumed a defensive stance. Just as he was about to move towards the door, the whole door flew out with a bang, and Aisha appeared outside the door. She sniffed hard. Then started to cry.

Coincidentally, Catwoman Selena was also staying at Wayne Manor that day. Her bedroom was next to Batman, and Elsa ran out of her room. When she heard Elsa's cry, Catwoman hurried. ran out.

At first, Catwoman didn't know why Elsa was crying, but when she got close to Batman, she frowned fiercely, took two steps back in disgust, and said, "Did you go? The most famous drug dens in the North District? Do you know how stinky you are now?"

"My God! That smell is disgusting!" Catwoman clutched her neck and walked into the corridor with Elsa in her arms. She didn't seem to want to get close to Batman, she said, "I know it's inevitable in Gotham and this You have to deal with all kinds of smells, but don't you think about it, do you have two children at home?"

Catwoman's tone was very dissatisfied, as if she was on fire. Although she is a thief, she is also the most annoying to those drug addicts who do damage everywhere, and she is also a bit of a cleanliness, and hates the smell of those drugs.

Not to mention, three or four hours ago, Catwoman put a lot of effort into coaxing Elsa to sleep, but now she's woken up again, and she's crying so hard.

It's like a mother who has been tiring with her child for a whole day. After a lot of hard work, she finally put the troublesome baby to sleep. As a result, the father, who was drunk, rushed into the bedroom and slept soundly. The child was crying and crying, and it is conceivable that this father must be in bad luck.

Moreover, the noise here also woke Dick up. He changed to a day school. The school was quite far from Wayne Manor, so he had to get up early to go to class the next day. Looking at this, he definitely couldn’t get up. going to be late.

After waking up everyone in Wayne Manor again, Batman had to come to the living room to accept their criticism. If facing Selena, he could also explain that he went to such a place for investigation work. , But in the face of Alfred, Batman really has no room for explanation.

Because in the eyes of the old housekeeper, even if the sky is falling, one cannot go to that kind of place.

Unsurprisingly, Batman was scolded. Although Alfred did not reprimand him in the tone of a real elder, but only gave very gentle advice, Batman knew very well that he had better listen honestly. Then do the same.

Since then, I don't know what agreement Alfred and Elsa have reached. Elsa has become a humanoid detector. As long as she finds that Batman is not home at night and returns to the manor in the middle of the night, she will immediately join in Come up, smell Batman's body, and guess where he went.

If there is any bad smell, Elsa will immediately wow and wake everyone up, followed by a Batman sparring in the middle of the night.

After bat phobia, Batman felt that he suffered from Elsa's phobia. Even if he saw the figure of a little girl about the same age as Elsa on the street, he would feel like he wanted to go around.

I don't know since when, it's hard for Batman to say that kind of very cold rejection when confronting the people at Wayne Manor.

If he had to go his own way, he could just turn around and go back to the room, close the door, put on pajamas, go to sleep, and continue the same action the next day, whether it was Elsa, Dick, Catwoman, or even Al Fred, can't shake him.

But Batman thought that maybe he had rejected others too many times outside. Whenever he saw the dim light in his own lair, he felt that the indifference and stubbornness were gradually washed away.

So, like an adult participating in a children's play, he participated in it with a slightly lame, naive look that he could tell at a glance.

Or maybe, in fact, he is the only child in this children's drama.

Aisha's special situation is not only discovered by Batman alone, but also by Green Lantern Hal, who came to Gotham because of the advent of the Yellow Lantern Ring.

He also participated in the battle of dreams, so he also knew how Aisha was born, and now there are two problems he faces.

The first is, will Aisha, who was reincarnated from the Yellow Lantern Parallax Monster, pose a threat to the security of the universe like other Yellow Lantern Demons?

The other is, who in the end let go of the army commander of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Sinesto?

These were also the two investigation tasks that the Green Lantern Corps assigned him after Hal reported what happened in Gotham to the Green Lantern Corps, but regarding the first question, Hal was a little disdainful.

It may be because the little girl reincarnated by the jet lag looks cute and doesn't seem to be lethal, and she seems to be more interested in finding something to grind her teeth than the safety of the universe, so Haier doesn't think she can threaten the safety of the universe. .

However, Hal is just a fledgling Green Lantern, still at the stage where he will complete whatever orders the Green Lantern Corps

So, he had to stare at Aisha a little sneakily. Fortunately, the green light ring has many functions suitable for tracking, such as teleportation and invisibility, which prevents him from being caught for tracking a little girl.

As for the second question, Hal checked and found Constantine, because the only strange outsider who came to Gotham recently was Constantine. So, while following Aisha, He was also following Constantine.

But at the same time, Batman is also following Constantine, so it is difficult to judge whether Hal's behavior is following Constantine or Batman.

In the beginning, Hal's actions were very smooth. There was no character like him in Gotham, and everyone didn't know what the function of the green light ring was. He could come and go freely in Gotham.

Batman, who is obsessed with investigating magic, has no time to ignore him. After all, he is also one of his comrades in the process of facing the fear of laughing. Compared with Constantine, who knows magic and is unknown to friends and foes, Green Lantern Hal priority is lower.

Hal was also satisfied with the progress of his investigation. He suddenly discovered that the horror rumors about Gotham he had seen on TV and in the newspapers were really nothing more than that.

Although there are many gangsters and villains here, most of them are ordinary people without superpowers, and as a Green Lantern with various superpowers, he has not encountered any obstacles here.

Whether it was the most chaotic Eastern Docklands, the North District with many gangster family estates, the southern part of the New Rich District, or the western part of the Old City, he could swim freely without being targeted by anyone.

Until one day, the Green Lantern with green light all over his body came to the middle of the central turntable, on the tall traffic light post.

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