American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 388: Outrageous Stitching (Part 1)

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In Stark's field of vision, Schiller, who was wearing a doctor's uniform, slowly walked up a few steps and came to the center of the open space in front of the door. When he opened his arms, the light falling from the top of the tower shone on him. It is layer upon layer, as if there are endless floors and stairs.

"Welcome to my hall of thought."

They heard Schiller say this, and then saw him lower his arms, bow his head, and say, "Anytime, anywhere, someone who is different from ordinary people is called a patient."

"But when you can't gain an advantage in a group with ordinary methods, then being the most sick person is the only way to get out of this mediocre and boring life."

They heard Schiller's tone become cadenced.

"If you can't cure this madness, turn it into an unrivaled force and give up being in the same boat as the common man...

"Be a fearless, terminally ill lunatic."

Although Charles had seen such a scene, he was still amazed by the unique temperament that Schiller exuded at this moment.

The most powerful mind reader in the world knows very well that the spiritual world of man is his greatest charm, and he has never seen anyone as special as Schiller, possessing such a unique and irresistible power. The spiritual world of charm.

Both Stark and Steve were silent, and now they finally understood why Charles said Schiller couldn't be healed, or that he didn't need to be healed.

If a person can possess such a magnificent spiritual world, but only appears to be slightly different from ordinary people on the surface, then in fact, no one has the position to regard him as a patient, and no one is qualified to treat him.

Just when Stark was about to speak, he heard the sound of "kara" coming from behind him. He turned around and saw a large lock on the door that had been closed by Schiller.

"I don't like to leave the guests without saying goodbye, especially one of them threatened to treat me." Schiller showed a smile and said, "Since you have already come to my house, how can I not find something to entertain you? ?"

Steve also glanced back at the lock and said, "Are you going to lock us here? Is this a treat?"

"No, why would I use a lock to entertain others? That's just to prevent you from leaving too early. After all, I don't have many visitors here. If there are guests, of course I have to stay for a while."

Stark had a bad premonition. He found that these bad premonitions have been increasing recently, and they have all come true. As soon as this feeling appeared in his heart, he heard Schiller use a calm The tone of voice said:

"I really want to show you the way, but I think that since you are so confident, it shouldn't be hard for you to visit freely."

"You can go up the stairs on the left, and then choose a room each. Any room may have a key. You can't leave here until you get the key."

"Then now..." Schiller raised his head, raised his voice, and said in a slightly excited tone: "The game is on!"

In an instant, Schiller disappeared. Stark tilted his head and looked at Charles. Professor Charles understood what he meant. He shook his head and said, "No, I can't force you to leave here."

"If it was me, I could try to do it, but Steve, including you, are just ordinary people in terms of mental strength, and I'm afraid you can't accept the way of shuttle that is too violent."

"To forcibly leave here, I have to punch a hole in the wall, but the aftermath is likely to affect your consciousness, so..."

"Okay." Stark crossed his arms and looked up at the situation on the tower. He said, "I'll see what's going on here."

The three walked up the stairs that Schiller said, and their eye-opening tour had just begun.

As soon as they came to the flat corridor, several people saw countless figures shuttle between them.

Just as Stark took two steps forward, he saw Schiller coming towards him. Stark wanted to ask a question, and Schiller passed him by. Stark turned to look at his back, As a result, the left shoulder was bumped by another Schiller, who hurried over.

"Oh, sorry! Please let me go!" The Schiller walked past him quickly, and Stark wanted to reach out to stop him, but another Schiller knocked him around again.

Schiller, who was the last to walk past, seemed to be in the state of a teenager. When Steve turned to look at him curiously, he saw another child running past.

In the corridor opposite the patio, Schiller was talking on the phone, and Schiller had just come out of the door. Stark stalked his neck and said after a while: "...I really underestimated the extent of his madness. ."

"Don't tell me, these are all his personalities?" Steve said, looking at the scene in the corridor opposite, he hesitated and said, "Is this really necessary for treatment?"

Charles sighed and said, "That's what I said before, I can't treat Schiller."

He explained: "Most patients with multiple personality disorder have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. After being stimulated, their original personality could not bear the stimulation, so a new personality was created to replace them to deal with a certain kind of stimulation. something they can't bear."

"Of course, some people may split into multiple personalities at one time, or they may split into multiple personalities due to repeated stimulation."

"However, the more split personalities, the heavier the oppression of the main character, the lower the proportion of his consciousness in his own consciousness, which will lead to shorter and shorter time for him to control the body and lose the Consciousness is getting longer and longer.”

"This will seriously affect the normal life of the patient. Therefore, the main personality may have very great malice towards other personalities and not accept them, which will lead to more and more severe separation."

"And when the master personality is malicious to other personalities, the other personalities will become more and more uncontrollable, and even do things that hurt the master personality. "

Charles also walked to the railing and looked at the people coming and going in the corridor opposite. He said, "I don't know if you have fantasized about creating a new personality to do some troublesome things on your behalf."

Steve smiled and said, "That's right, when I was a cartoonist, I fantasized about how nice it would be to have another me draw the lines instead of me?"

"Many people see multiple personalities as a 'convenience' disorder, and they believe that having personalities with different abilities and identities can help them gain more abilities."

"That way, they can run away from things they don't want to do and throw those things on to their other personality, but in reality, that's not possible at all."

"Without intervention and treatment, it will eventually turn into a cannibalistic situation between personalities."

"So..." Stark looked at the tower with countless floors, and he asked as if to himself, "How did he do it?"

"It's not difficult to split personalities. Anyone with strong control over their own consciousness can do it, including you and me, Tony."

"But the difficulty is how to make these personalities live in peace and perform their duties, which is almost impossible."

"Any born personality will not feel like a sub-personality, they will all want control over the body, and they will naturally want to kill the main personality."

"So where exactly is Schiller's main character?" Steve asked.

"I'm afraid, we have to go deep into this tower to find out." Charles turned and said, "I have been here a few times and have not explored deeply, but I must remind you that this must be a very dangerous place. ."

"In the people I've seen with dissociative identity disorder, one or more of their personalities can be dangerous."

"Among so many personalities, there must be a few extremely dangerous elements." Charles said, then turned to Stark and Steve and explained: "You should also have nightmares, if you are injured in this world , it is equivalent to having a very serious nightmare, this will not kill you, but it will damage your spirit, it may take a few days of cultivation to recover."

"So, if you are really in danger that you can't deal with at all, just concentrate and recite my name silently, and I can force you back here."

"Although this will consume some of your energy, at least it will not make you need to lie in bed for a few days."

"Thank you, Professor." Stark looked at the situation in the corridor, and said, "Just now, Schiller said that we should pick a room each, does that mean that only one person can enter a room?"

"I think it's safe to do and do what he says." Steve stroked his chin and said, "Looks like we have to split up."

"Which floor are you going to?" Stark asked, looking at him, Steve shrugged and said, "You pick first, I can go anywhere."

Stark snorted coldly and said, "You'd better not underestimate the enemy. Your mental strength is only an ordinary person, and you don't have a strong control over the world of consciousness. You'd better choose a simpler room, otherwise..."

Steve turned his head from side to side, his eyes fell on the door closest to him, and he said, "How about this."

talking. He stepped forward and looked at the door. There was no mark on the door, but the door handle looked like a building block. Steve didn't look closely, he took the handle and turned it around, then pushed the door and walked away went in.

Stark glanced at the doorknob and said, "I think I should have stopped him just now. There's absolutely no good place behind that."

At this time, Charles also turned and walked towards the stairs. He said, "You can choose a room on this floor, and I'll go up and take a look."

Stark stood in the middle of the corridor, looked left and right, and then walked to a room at the end of the corridor, where the door was not marked, but the handle was a wooden door handle that looked a little old, and there was a strange drawing on it. symbol.

Stark deliberately observed the symbol. The entire symbol is composed of lines. The outside is an equilateral triangle, the center is a perfect circle, and there is a vertical vertical line in the center of the perfect circle.

Stark was sure he had never seen the symbol, but he twisted the doorknob and walked in.

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