American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 350: S: Shining Event (30)

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The winter nights come very late, but the darkness is also deeper. In the night when Christmas is approaching, human dreams are always more changeable. Santa Claus drives a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Bring holiday fantasies.

On the top floor of the Stark Building in the dream, Schiller touched his chin and said, "I didn't expect you to memorize such a large set of words, and the final free play was also very good..."

"God knows how long I've been reciting it, and I have to practice my expressions in front of the mirror. Do you know how difficult it is? Can you make your own plan..."

"Where did I get the magical power to give to the symbiote? I'm just an ordinary person." Schiller walked to the sofa and sat down. Stark watched the two of them discuss. He rubbed his eyes and felt that his morality The bottom line doesn't fit here.

He said, "Is it really good for you to lie to the symbiote's feelings so much? Even if it's a help in the snow, you don't need to be so affectionate, right?"

"Do you know who the technical advisor for this set of performances is?"


"It's Venom. He said that cosmic agents love the sense of mission and responsibility. As long as humans start from this point, they will definitely be moved."

Stark asked suspiciously: "What kind of hatred does that mud have with the space agents?"

"Their feud is serious. The cosmic agent has been looking for Venom before because he poured **** into the star port of the brimstone dwarf in Andromeda..."

"But now, their hatred must be resolved." Strange also walked back and sat down, saying, "Because the Brimstone Dwarfs have become enemies."

"That's not necessarily true." Schiller yawned and said, "The Brimstone Dwarves declared war on the Commonwealth civilization, and the Commonwealth civilization and the symbiote broke up. Now Andromeda is a tripartite, the enemy of the enemy is the friend."

"But the sulfur dwarves shouldn't be united with the symbiote, right? The hatred between the two of them is deeper, and the symbiote is very afraid of the sound waves and flames when the dwarves make metal. He will definitely not parasitize the dwarves." Luo Ji said while fiddling with the branches in her hand.

"If you don't say it beforehand, what are you doing?" Stark asked, looking at the movement in Luo Ji's hand,

"Can't you see? I'm weaving a wreath."

"I'm asking you this question because I see that you're weaving a wreath. Let me first explain that I have no opinion on you becoming a goddess, but isn't making a wreath a bit too much?"

"You just have an opinion, why can't I make a wreath? The goddess of Asgard does three things every day, bathing in the lake, making wreaths, and peeking at me."

"You stop putting gold on your face." Strange dismantled Loki and said, "Since you became a goddess, where has anyone peeked at you?"

Luo Ji rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Yeah, now it's a group of soldiers squatting by the lake, wanting to see if I will take a bath..."

Stark showed a look of disgust, but Luo Ji said to herself: "The Queen said that the garlands she made in those days were much more complicated and beautiful than now, and it will be the Asgard celebration in a few days. Now, I want to make a wreath of that era for her."

"Aren't you going to change back?" Strange asked Rocky, Rocky winked to the side, Strange looked at Schiller, knowing that it was Schiller's ghost again, he didn't asked.

"You led Sithorn to the vicinity of Klinta Star to disturb the situation in the Andromeda Galaxy. I understand this, but you asked me to call the Supreme Mage and ask him to send the demon gods who are fighting to the fairies. Constellation, do you want to kill the Brimstone Dwarf with the help of the Demon God?"

"This is just one of them." Schiller put the water glass on the table, making a crisp sound, he said: "Christmas is coming, I have to prepare some Christmas gifts for our esteemed members."

Then he asked Strange, "Did you open the galaxy portal to those symbiotes?"

"Not yet, but I'll be there soon, what's the matter?"

"Bring me someone."

"Pick whom?"

"Magnetic King."

At this time, in the Andromeda Galaxy, the moment Sishorn was about to start, he heard a quite familiar voice:

"Gu Yi. You have no way to escape! The flames of **** will burn everything!"

A huge demonic shadow appeared in the center of the big nebula, and Sishorn whispered with some doubts: "Mephisto, why did he come here?"

Immediately afterwards, another familiar voice said, "Light will return to darkness, and everything will return to the Lord of darkness! Gu Yi, you bug, give up your senseless resistance!"

"Dormammu??" Sishorn was even more puzzled. If Mephisto is a communication expert among the demon gods, then Dormammu belongs to the most nerdy otaku among the demon gods, and will not easily leave his darkness Dimension, why did he run so far?

Soon, the ancient one they were talking about appeared. The endless magical brilliance was almost as bright as a star. The yellow robe was automatically in the air without wind. Her voice was distant and low: "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight."

Before Sishorn could react, in an instant, the area he was in was plunged into an endless energy storm.

Although Sishorn has not appeared in the universe for a long time, he is not a vegetarian. With his low drink, the chaotic energy condensed into a solid barrier. He resisted all the power back, and before he was proud, Mephisto's voice sounded:

"...Sishorn? I thought you fell asleep, what? You want to meddle in our grievances too?"

Just as Sishorn was about to refute, Gu Yi's magical storm had already hit him in the face.

The big ghost Sishorn is not without temper. He said to Gu Yi: "Supreme Mage? A small human mage dares to provoke me? Even the Weishan Emperor behind you..."

"Sishorn, you don't sleep with your chaotic power, what are you doing here?" Weishandi wrapped in white light slowly descended into the universe, Sishorn seemed to be choked, he did not expect Weishandi really come.

Sishorn's situation is very embarrassing now. The power of Chaos has just been dug away, resulting in a shortage of his stock. If he really starts with Wei Shandi. I'm afraid he will suffer, but he has already put his ruthless words here, and it is not appropriate to eat it back, it is really detrimental to face.

so. Sishorn can only bite the bullet and say: "Vishanti? Don't you think you are too broad? Besides, why are you here?"

Just as he was talking, Gu Yi and several dimension demon gods had already dealt with each other, and somehow. Every move is directed at Sithone.

Sishorn is just sitting at home, the frame comes from the sky, and he has to fight if he doesn't.

As soon as he shot, Weishandi was of course dragged off the field. Saitolac and Weishandi had no hatred. The power of crimson and the power of light did not conflict. The power of crimson, as an extremely inert force, and Nothing happens to any force.

However, the power of chaos mastered by the great ghost Sishorn is in conflict with the power of order in the light, and Weishandi is of the eternal camp. While Eternal calls Sithone a cancer, the two of them are mortal enemies.

But the unknown situation of Sishorn and Wei Shandi didn't really fight. The two sides were just confronting each other and testing each other, but the aftermath was enough for others to drink a pot.

The really fierce fight is the combination of Ancient One, Mephisto, Dormammu, as well as Odin, Hela and Balder.

The so-called gods fight, and mortals suffer. Originally in the Andromeda galaxy, the brimstone dwarves and the combined civilization were in a tense tug of war, but suddenly, the aftermath of Sithone's power swept across the planet, and the entire planet turned into powder. Fang's fleet was stunned.

The Andromeda Galaxy is not without demons, but they are relatively weak and weak. The strongest one, Gnar, is still locked in the planet and cannot get out. These two civilizations are still young, and they do not have a deep understanding of the power of the origin of the universe. How to prevent.

The sulfur dwarves have a good control over the source power of "fire", but most of them are used in alchemy and forging, and there is no corresponding planetary shield, so in just one encounter, they lost two an industrial planet.

At first, neither civilization thought that this was done by the group of dimensional creatures, they both thought it was the reinforcement of the other side.

But as the battle in the center of the battlefield became more and more fiery, the planet fell, the space shattered, time condensed, and the entire battlefield danced wildly.

Both civilizations finally realized that this was not a war they could participate in.

The two sides began to retreat, assembled the people at their fastest speed, and fled outside the galaxy.

Although the war of the demon gods has affected a wide area, it is not large compared to the entire galaxy. If they withdraw in time at this time, they can preserve at least half of their power.

But at this moment, some fluctuations that cannot be directly felt by carbon-based creatures are getting stronger and stronger. The brimstone dwarves found that their spaceship was out of control, the deck and bridge were constantly shaking, and the Commonwealth civilization also found that energy protection. The hood and totem began to fluctuate.

"what is that?"

Everyone is asking, and they repeat the sentence one after the other.

In an instant, a tiny spot of light erupted from the center of the Andromeda Nebula, and within a second, it bloomed into a dazzling jet, and the energy storm swept the entire universe.

Silently, the storm destroys everything.

The super black hole at the core of the Andromeda Nebula exploded.

The countless particles released from both sides of the black hole formed a gorgeous crack, like a tulle floating in the universe.

That incomparably powerful force turned most of the things in this universe into powder, including all the fleets of the Brimstone Dwarf civilization and the Andromeda Commonwealth civilization.

Of course, it also includes those little devil gods who have no strength to block them and have no time to run.

Gu Yi put away the magical brilliance all over her body. The one just now was really powerful. If she hadn't accumulated a lot of energy recently, she would have been injured.

Most of the great demon gods who responded quickly took the most labor-saving method, which was to run away and avoid them directly.

After a while, the great demon gods came back, Mephisto stretched his muscles and bones, UU reading www. looked left and right at the messy universe, and the large and small corpses scattered around the universe. He and Gu glanced at each other, and there was no more tension than before, he rubbed his hands and said, "We just opened the door directly. eat, or..."

Before he could finish speaking, Dormammu had already opened his mouth wide and swallowed the densest spot of light.

The demon gods who had participated in a similar incident suddenly reacted.

A brace, right? ? ?

Our membership gift is here again? ? ?

Gu Yi had already eaten up before, so he did not participate in the division of Christmas membership gifts, but flashed and came around the super black hole.

Sure enough, she saw a human figure there - it was Magneto.

As the aftermath of the explosion subsided, Schiller was also in the dream base, finishing all his plans.

After the meeting, he woke up from his dream. When he opened his eyes, the sun had already filled the whole room. He stood up, walked to the window, and looked out the window.

After the tiny planet made another turn, the star's brilliance flooded the earth.

The snow from last night has already begun to melt, and the snow-melting weather is extraordinarily sunny, as if condensed in a piece of ice, everything is sparkling, and the pedestrians on the road are bustling, making final preparations for the upcoming Christmas.

After the night, the earth was still peaceful and peaceful, Schiller stretched and yawned, and started his ordinary, ordinary and boring day again.

------off topic-----

If you have seen how the cosmic demons fight in Marvel comics, you will know how many brain cells the author killed in order to write the demons.

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