American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 348: S: The Great Incident (28)

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"So, do you want the mages to open the portal and send you back to the Andromeda Galaxy?"

"That's right." Lan Ling's voice was full of worry, he said: "Our home planet is now surrounded by the forces of chaos, we don't know what the devil called Sithorn wants to do..."

"If according to what your mage said, his source of power is the same as Gnar, then they are likely to be accomplices. He appeared on Klinta Star, probably to release Gnar, we must not allow this kind of thing. occur."

"All creatures that want to spread chaos in the universe will bring destruction to the universe, and we must stop this."

Strange shook his head and said to Lan Ling: "I can understand your mood, but the intergalactic portal is a very special thing, which is dangerous to human civilization, and may make us suffer to the invasion."

"Therefore, all mages must obtain the consent of the Supreme Mage when opening the intergalactic portal."

Before Lan Ling could open his mouth to ask, Strange said, "I am not the Supreme Mage, but a student of the Supreme Mage. Under the order of the Supreme Mage, I temporarily manage Kama Taj and the Holy Sanctuary, and the Supreme Mage himself, We are still roaming the universe now, and after we get in touch with him, we can send you back..."

"Then Asgard..."

Strange shook his head again and said: "Last time I helped you send back several members of the Commonwealth civilization, we already owe Asgard's favor, and besides, now the master of Asgard, the father of the gods Odin is not here, the Rainbow Bridge must be used. It must also be approved by the Father of the Gods."

Lan Ling sighed and said, "Well, in fact, I also know that intergalactic teleportation technology is very important no matter which civilization it is in. Without the consent of the leader of this civilization, I am afraid it cannot be easily enabled."

"But I really hope you can help us. The cooperation between symbiotes and humans is very pleasant. Our tacit understanding is rare in the world. If you can help us, the Shentar family will remember this friendship."

"Yes, I know." Strange also showed a regretful expression, he said: "In the past few days with you, I have found that you are indeed a creature full of wisdom and good character. It is rare in the universe, and humans are very happy to make friends with this species, but we are still a surface civilization after all..."

Strange showed a very embarrassed expression, and Lan Ling was reluctant to say more after seeing this. In fact, he also knew that asking humans to send them back was a bit difficult.

Human beings have traveled the farthest distance without ever leaving the solar system. It is simply impossible for them to go to such a distant Andromeda galaxy to help the symbiote.

"Personally, I am very happy to help you, so I will try to contact the Supreme Master recently. If there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Seeing that Strange's serious expression does not seem to be fake, Lan Ling is also a little moved. After all, they are not facing a developed interstellar civilization, but a primitive civilization on a planet that has difficulties in self-protection. In times of difficulty, a billionaire gives you 100 yuan, and a poor person who can't even afford to give you 100 yuan feels different.

Although the symbiotes clearly stated, the information in their gene catalog has already explained everything to them. Whether human beings are developed or physical, they belong to the bottom of the various races they have included, and the only relatively strong development potential. , is not fully released yet.

There are potential civilizations in the interstellar space, but most of them will die prematurely. Lan Ling can't force Strange any more. He turned around and left. After he left, Strange really began to contact Gu Yi. .

This is not because he found out in his conscience and sincerely wants to help, but because Gu Yi has been out of contact for a long time, and now he doesn't know where he has gone.

Although Kama Taj's mages and Strange are not worried about Gu Yi's safety, but they feel that Gu Yi is not worried about Kama Taj's safety, is it a little too big?

So, the ancient one who left the earth early and wandered the universe, what is he doing now?

He is picking up dead bodies.

Gu Yi was very happy to pick up the corpse.

This has to start from the confrontation between Hela and Baldur, Mephisto came to mix a kick, and all the demons were mixed into a pot of porridge.

After Gu pulled Odin away, the two had a deep and sincere conversation, and then initially reached an agreement. When Gu Yi and Odin also participated in the battle, the scale of the battle began to snowball. come bigger.

The universe is very empty. Even if there are many demon gods, they don't live very densely. But if they can't stand it, they find a place with a lot of people to fight. As a result, more and more demon gods are involved in the battle.

The demon gods born in the cosmic energy have different personalities, but one thing is the same. They are more inclined to chaotic creatures. In short, they have a bad temper.

The demon gods don't have any thoughts of comity, humility, and tolerance. You've all come to my house. Don't you allow me to fight back?

In this way, most of the demon gods affected also joined the battle angrily.

The scale of this battle is getting bigger and bigger, like a plague spreading recklessly in the universe, and the biggest phenomenon caused by this is the involution of the devil's combat power. You can fight, and the more you can fight, the larger the scale of the fight, and as a result, more and more people who cannot fight will die.

The Demon God has no teammates. Even if there are teammates, they will not care about the life and death of their teammates. They are very crazy when they move their hands. Chiyu, who is affected, can only admit that he is unlucky. The big fist in the universe is the boss, because he is weak. Death is the least worthy of sympathy.

But this kind of situation makes one person cheaper, and that is Gu Yi. In this world, if you want to say that the most professional person in the world to kill the devil and pick up corpses, then Gu Yi is the second, and no one dares to say the first.

The devil is fighting in the front, Gu Yi is picking it up in the back, Gu Yi's recent mood can no longer be described as happy, there are only two moods, happy and very happy.

As the strongest licking monster in the universe, Gu Yi is quite professional. You can do whatever you want, and I am the licking king.

The earth will be fine for a while. Kama Taj has a Strange top. This is a great opportunity to lick the bag. If you miss it, you will wait 10,000 years.

However, there are also some necessary conditions for licking the bag. At the beginning, the most quintessential energy left by the ancient demon gods after being beaten to death was poured into his body as the energy stored for casting magic.

But after a long time, he discovered that the human body has an upper limit, and no matter how much he compresses this energy, it can't be stored.

Gu Yi also doesn't have time to sort out the energies and bring them back to Kama Taj, because there are more bags ahead to lick.

So, she turned to his big boss, Eternal, but Eternal is also very busy every day, and the mess of the lack of chaotic power in the universe is still waiting for him to clean up. Eternal waved his hand and transferred the request to Wei Shandi.

Although Emperor Weishan didn't know what Gu Yi was going to do, he fulfilled her wish and transformed Gu Yi's body into a proto-spirit-like existence. Although he had an entity, it was no longer a carbon-based creature and no longer had a lifespan. limits.

In this way, Gu Yi's lattice backpack is much larger, and he can go back to the battlefield and happily lick the bag.

But what followed was another problem. Although it was likened to a lattice backpack, in fact, these energies were mixed together in Gu Yi's body.

As mentioned before, the energy of the origin of the universe has many different properties, many of which are in conflict with each other, such as the power of light and darkness, the power of new life and destruction, etc. These powers are stored in the ancient one's body. , they always fight each other.

For a while, the conflict between the forces of light and darkness exploded, and for a while, the forces of chaos and order were incompatible. Once every three days, the proto-spirit Gu Yi's body was riddled with holes.

When she went to Weishandi's to ask for an upgrade, Weishandi was shocked. They couldn't understand how a human mage in Gu Yi could make a high-level star spirit body like this?

The Trinity Weishandi is also considered to be a very ancient existence in the universe. Among the three demon gods who constitute Weishandi, two are from the earth. They are also concerned about the current situation of the earth. They have long heard that modern human beings There was a big bomb that could blow the earth into ruins many times. Originally, they thought that Gu Yi was stable, but it turned out to be the same. It seems that human beings are really explosive monsters.

But they still have to figure out a way to make Gu Yi's body stronger. After all, Gu Yi is the agent of white magic and the incarnation of Eternal Will. Before Gu Yi and Eternal talked about matters after retirement, even if If they do not transform, Eternity will certainly transform the ancient one into the body of the Holy Spirit.

Simply, Emperor Weishan directly replaced Gu Yi's body with the body of the Holy Spirit, which is a body forever cast by the origin of the universe, infinitely close to immortality.

Wei Shandi thought. Gu Yi should be satisfied now, right? This is almost the limit that the emissary of eternity can achieve. After all, the foundation of the ancient one is only the human body, not the cosmic devil. The eternal body constructed by the source power is already a carbon-based creature. the upper limit that can be reached.

It didn't take long for Gu Yi to put forward new requirements, and the body of the Holy Spirit was indeed strong enough to accommodate all kinds of conflicting powers, but the problem was that the conversion rate for power was too low.

Simply put, the bandwidth is not enough. Whether it is extracting power from the Demon God's body or converting the stored power into magic, the efficiency is not high enough, which seriously affects the speed of her licking.

This question of hers stopped Wei Shandi. In theory, the output of the Eternal Body is infinite, but Gu Yi is not a cosmic demon, and the bandwidth of the human soul is limited, and it is impossible to absorb power without limit. And control it, once the upper limit of bandwidth is exceeded, the force will definitely get out of control.

In the end, Gu Yi, with his rich licking experience and strong desire to lick buns, forced Weishandi to upgrade his magic technology and came up with a method to forcibly increase the bandwidth of the human soul.

After coming up with this method, Emperor Weishan wanted to test it on Gu Yi, because if it was successful, the followers of human beings would be able to borrow more power of white magic, which would be beneficial to themselves.

In addition, they are also very curious about what Gu Yi is doing, what is he doing to blow up his body so many times?

So, Emperor Weishan personally came to the area where the ancient one was.

At this moment, Gu Yi, who had just hung up Strange's phone, was shining with endless magical light.

In the center of the Demon God's battlefield, in the chaotic and shattered storm, a portal suddenly opened, and Gu Yi stepped out. In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds were quiet, and her voice resounded throughout the universe:

"…all things end, but I am eternal."

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