American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 344: S: The Great Incident (24)

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"I found that the human civilization seems to be really lucky. We are not only born on such a habitable planet, but whenever we encounter any trouble, there is always a suitable solution, so that we can solve the trouble." In the gram laboratory, Stark said while debugging the equipment.

"Perhaps, human beings are a little luckier than you think." Schiller said while writing the medical record, Stark looked up at him, and Schiller asked: "For example, what do you most want to do now?"

Before Stark could speak, Schiller said first: "I guess, you must want to go to the planetary battleship where there are still a few remains after the star is blown up."

Stark waved his hand and said, "No scientist can refuse this opportunity. In fact, I think its wreckage is more valuable than a complete question, because when those energies turn all the unsturdy parts into ashes, , I can see the overall support structure of the Star Warship."

"To build such a large warship, the gravity problem alone is difficult to overcome, and it is impossible to operate without a good support structure."

"Many people think that the anti-gravity system and propulsion are the key parts, but for me, as long as there is enough energy, this part is easy to solve, but what has been bothering me is the most basic structural problem."

"Like your mecha?"

Stark raised his eyebrows, looked at Schiller in surprise, and said, "Finally, you can't only twist light bulbs? Grams."

Then he lowered his head and said while writing, "Yes, sometimes, I wish I could change my limbs into a shape to adapt to my mecha and perform more functions."

"When the structure and shape are fixed, how to arrange the internal structure to maximize the efficiency is a very important issue. Even if this battleship is the size of a planet, there are more things to be installed. I really want to know , what structure does it use to realize this idea.”

"It's a pity, I'm afraid it will take a long time to go up and take a look. After all, even if my mecha can resist a part of the radiation, the temperature on it is terrible enough."

"That's why I said that human beings are luckier than you think. Isn't this a coincidence? There is an Omega-class mutant whose ability is to ignore the rules of physics and transform molecules into ice..."

"And even more so, he has a very good reference."

Stark said thoughtfully: "Dense ice?"

"Yes, just yesterday, Banner told me that with his explanation, Poppy the Iceman has made great progress, not only putting ice cubes under other people's feet."

"He can use the principle of water molecule spillage to instantly cool an area. It is non-toxic, harmless, and has no side effects. It is convenient, efficient and sustainable."

Stark touched his chin and said with some doubts: "It seems that since Magneto blew up the star, the mutant students have worked harder. What happened to them? Suddenly they got enlightened,"

"Perhaps, it was Magneto who made them see that the future of mutants is not only on Earth." Schiller closed the medical record and put it in his hand.

Polaris took her hand away from the textbook. She stood up from the chair and moved her stiff shoulders and neck. The shock wave stuck her head over and asked her, "You finished your homework? Why so fast?"

"Because this is a physics homework, and it's still about magnetism." Polaris stretched out her hand, only to see her wrist move, and crackling electric light flashed between her fingers.

She turned her palms over, looked at her own and said, "It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Okay, I said why your sweaters are always fried recently, can't you stay away from this woolen fabric before you play the game?"

Polaris retracted her hand and glanced at her clothes. It was a dark gray sweater. At this time, the fluff on it stood up, making her look like a hedgehog.

At this time, Iceman walked in with the phone, and Polaris asked him, "You just ran out with the phone, what happened? Who called you?"

"I have a new mission. I have to take people to the planetary battleship that was blown up by a star explosion with only a little wreckage left. Anyway, it's their group of scientists who went to the scientific expedition. I'm just responsible for opening the way."

Hearing Iceman's words, Polaris' expression was a little hesitant, and the shock wave looked at his face and said, "Don't you think about it? This is not good, you are not Magneto, and you can't make ice to cool yourself..."

"Uh, if you want to go, I can take you there too. Anyway, protecting one person is not much different from protecting a few people."

"Polaris, Professor Charles is looking for you, it seems that he has a new mission." Blink suddenly appeared beside a few people, Polaris nodded, and then left, when she came to Professor X's office, Charles was already waiting for her .

"Lorna, here's a new topic, which is your extra homework." Charles handed a stack of documents to Polaris. After Polaris opened it, he asked with some doubts, "...Black holes? We haven't learned this yet?"

"So it's an extra assignment. I believe you have the ability to complete it. After all, you are also the master of the magnetic force."

Polaris lowered her eyes, she glanced down at her toes, and said, "I tried it yesterday..."

"Tried what?"

"It's... just like he did in the classroom that day, making a sun..."

"you succeeded?"

Polaris shook his head and said, "No, I have absolutely no idea how to light that kind of flame, and whenever I try, I get exhausted very quickly, and I just don't have enough energy to do this kind of thing. ."

"Actually, I think you don't have to dig in so deeply. Why don't you ask your father what skills are in this?"

Polaris tilted his head, as if he didn't want to speak, he said, "I know, you still resent him for leaving you and your mother, Wanda and Quicksilver also care about this, even if I'm Eric's friend, I I have to admit that he is not a good husband, nor is he a good father..."

"But recently, a friend of mine gave me a new idea. If you treat him as a mental patient, you will think he is not bad. My friend is a psychology professor. He thinks that Eli Gram may have Asperger's syndrome."

"what is that?"

"Simply put, the inability to appreciate other people's emotions, social difficulties, stereotyped behaviors, limited interests..."

Polaris covered his forehead and said, "It really looks like him."

"Thinking about it this way, do you think he seems to be okay with you?"

Polaris pursed his lips for a while, then said, "What do you think I should do... I mean..."

She sighed and said, "Well, I admit, what he did that day shocked me a lot. I never thought that magnetism is such a powerful ability."

"In this way, he didn't kill the red-haired and his younger brother, he was good enough for them." Polaris said angrily,

"Don't be like that, Lorna, that's your brother and sister."

"Okay, I'll ask him, but I think it's mostly the same as before. He won't listen to what I say."

After Polaris left, Charles shook his head, and then he called again. After a while, Quicksilver appeared in his office and he said, "Professor, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I want to ask, where is your sister? Last time you said she wasn't on Earth?"

"Oh, she was in a bad mental state before, she seemed to have nightmares or something, and then one day, she left in a hurry, as if she was called by someone."

Seeing Charles' worried expression, Kuaiyin comforted him: "It's okay, Professor, Wanda is very strong, even if there is any danger, he will definitely be able to run back."

"Okay, you go back first."

The next day, Polaris appeared in front of the desk with a Christmas crystal ball in her hand. She put down her schoolbag and carefully placed the crystal ball on the table. Shockwave saw the crystal ball and said suspiciously, "This is What? Who gave it to you? It's not Christmas yet."

"Don't worry about it." Polaris sat down on the seat and picked up the crystal ball.

That crystal ball is a little weird, because it's neither a snowy Christmas house nor a reindeer figurine, but a strange little black spot.

The shock wave probe probed his brain and wanted to see what the little black spot was. Iceman also looked over curiously. Polaris held the crystal ball and muttered to himself, "Theoretically, it should be like this..."

Just as she exerted her strength, Kuaiyin rushed into the classroom at his usual jogging speed. In the past, he should have disappeared in an instant, but this time, with a bang, he fell to the ground, and then "Ow. ' screamed.

The three people in the first row all looked down at him, and Polaris looked at the crystal ball in his hand, showing a happy expression, and said, "I didn't expect that black holes have this effect."

"Is that a black hole?" Shockwave asked in disbelief. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and said, "This is given to you by your father?"

Polaris didn't answer, but just activated the magnetic force again, and Kuaiyin, who just stood up and wanted to run out, was like a dog whose tail was caught, kicking his legs and not moving.

Polaris laughed happily, but Kuaiyin couldn't.

After that, Polaris took the research tool Magneto gave her, an extremely tiny black hole, tossing Quicksilver every day.

She can use the magnetic force to slightly excite the gravitational force of the black hole, and the gravitational force of the black hole can hold the running Quicksilver. Polaris and this brother have always hated each other. The two fought several times in the past few days, but in the end both It is Polaris who has the upper hand, because Quicksilver really doesn't have any powerful means of attack other than speed.

On this day, Polaris was still the same, holding the crystal ball and pressing Quicksilver to the ground, but just as she was about to activate the crystal ball again, a female voice came: "Stop."

In an instant, the magnetic field that had just been excited by the crystal ball was suppressed, and Polaris hurriedly adjusted the surrounding chaotic magnetic field to prevent it from exploding.

A red-haired woman came out of a crack, surrounded by misty magic power, Polaris looked at her and said, "Wanda?"

Kuaiyin got up from the ground, he took two bites and spit out the grass clippings in his mouth, Wanda rolled his eyes at Polaris, but didn't seem to plan to bother with her sister, because she knew, If Polaris really wanted to hurt Quicksilver, Quicksilver would not only be pressed to the ground.

Wanda patted Kuaiyin's shoulder and said, "Take me to the Holy of Holies."

"The Holy of Holies, where is that?"

"How do I know, but it must be somewhere on Earth anyway."

"Wanda, are you back?" Charles appeared on the playground pushing his wheelchair, Wanda nodded and said, "Good morning, Professor, do you know where the Holy of Holies is?"

"The Holy of Holies? I heard Strange mention it. It seems to be on Wall Street. What are you doing at the Holy of Holies?"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, I'll explain to you when I come back, Kuaiyin, let's go."

Quicksilver hugged Wanda, and in an instant, the two of them were gone.

In the Holy of Holies, Strange was looking at a form when suddenly, with a "swoosh", a shadow slid past him.

Strange turned around in a circle and saw nothing, then turned back and saw a man and a woman standing behind him.

Just as he was about to say something, Wanda reached out his hand to stop him and said, "Hello, are you the Supreme Mage Strange?"

"I'm Strange, but I'm not the Supreme Mage."

"Okay, that's right, listen, there's a demon named Sithone, let me come to the Sanctuary and ask you a question..."

"what is the problem?"

"Recently, the power of chaos in the origin of the universe has been lost very much. Do you have any clues?"

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