American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 295: "Preaching and Teaching" (middle)

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Gotham's afternoon always seemed a little drowsy. The originally not bright sunlight became weaker through the tulle curtains, and when it fell on the floor, it was like the sunset and the waves floating in gold.

Schiller is standing behind the table, fiddling with a telescope from the Great Voyage Period, which is the collection of the original owner of this manor, who accompanied his ancestors across the ocean and came here from thousands of miles away in Europe.

Most of the decorations on Schiller's table were left by the original owner of the manor, so they all have some British classical charm, such as the old and yellowed globe, the gramophone in the corner of the table, There are also walking sticks hanging from the side of the bookshelf.

Schiller was looking forward with the telescope. Suddenly, a black shadow flew across the sight of the telescope. Schiller put the telescope down and turned to look at the uninvited Batman.

Batman picked up the globe at the corner of the table very naturally. In his field of vision, the globe blocked Schiller's head, as if everything had returned to a dream.

Batman flicked the globe with his hand, but soon it stopped, and Batman said to Schiller, "You know what I'm here for..."

Schiller was turning to take something from the bookshelf, and as he rummaged, he said, "It's not going to arrest me, is it? Detective Batman?"

"Gordon told me it's a good idea to come to you whenever incomprehensible weird things happen in Gotham."

"Oh, how come I don't know what happened to Gotham recently? Are you referring to those few unremarkable murders?"

Batman read the words "unremarkable" in his mouth, and suddenly felt that his next series of introductions and explanations were a little awkward.

Schiller turned around, a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hands, and he sat Batman across the table, saying, "The language of the statement is always a little dry, it's far less immersive than being there. It's interesting, what do you think?"

Perhaps because he didn't want his next topic to be evaluated as "unremarkable and boring", Batman drank the glass of wine in front of him like medicine, and Schiller also took a sip of wine and then relaxed. The body leaned back on the chair, drunk and drowsy.

With the afternoon sun floating in the air, Batman suddenly woke up. He saw that the globe on the table began to rotate slowly, but Schiller's head on the opposite side was normal. After he opened his eyes, he paused, and then said: "Oh, I forgot."

Then he leaned forward, reached out and took the globe on the table, in front of his face, in Batman's field of vision, the globe and Schiller's head overlapped, and Schiller's head became the globe .

Now Batman knows how the globe-headed Schiller in the dream came to be.

After Schiller stood up, Batman also stood up, the two walked to the center of the room, Schiller made a please gesture to Batman, and Batman began to concentrate, recalling the details of Rich's room in his memory.

This is the first time he has constructed such a large-scale scene in a dream, and even with physical memories as support, Batman consumes most of his energy in an instant.

As he slowly raised his arm, the scene in the room began to change. The books on the bookshelf melted back into the wall one by one, the partitions were removed layer by layer and melted into the side walls, and the desk retreated. It sank into the floor, and the floor turned over piece by piece, turning from dark brown to light brown.

Rich's body appeared on the floor, and the blood spread out on the light-colored floor, and then gradually seeped into the gap.

Schiller tutted his mouth and said, "It's tragic enough, right?"

"Three days ago, the head of the Lawrence family of the Gotham Twelve family was found dead in his bedroom. There were seven wounds on his body, of which a penetrating wound in the heart was fatal. Anesthesia was detected in his body... …”

"Two days ago, the Hawke brothers of the Hawke family, who are also members of the Twelve Family, were found dead in their study. After being tied to a chair in the study, they died of being beheaded and killed with one knife."

"One day ago, the head of the Rich family of the twelve families was found dead in the living room. He was sawed from the middle of his body and died of excessive blood loss."

"What these three cases have in common is that they all died in the way of the martyrdom of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Gordon and I both thought it was a case of serial murder, but until today after Rich's death, I found that , The murderer's trick is different from the previous two cases."

Schiller grabbed his hand into the air, a cane appeared in his hand, and he tapped the ground lightly with the cane and said, "Why do you judge this to be a serial murder case? Just because the way they died is related to a certain in a religious story?"

"Doesn't that fit the character of a serial killer?" Batman asked, "I remember hearing that in class, that most serial killers like to find a backstory with numbers to apply in the In the process of committing yourself, such as the most common seven deadly sins, Black Friday, Sabbath, etc..."

"Then I said it in class, why is that?"

"Because of the 'sense of ritual', serial killers, especially those who are randomly selected as murderers, do not kill for revenge, but simply enjoy the thrill of killing the same kind. Therefore, for them, it is important to It's a sense of ceremony."

"Even if you kill seven people in seven days, it may greatly increase the probability of them being caught by the police, and the various clues left behind may also increase the possibility of being caught, but they will still do it, and they will not experience this sense of ritual. The joy they bring, killing them becomes meaningless to them."

"That's right, that's why for a smart detective, serial killers are sometimes better to deal with than ordinary murderers, because they always take the initiative to leave all kinds of clues."

"So, this should be a very typical serial murder..."

Schiller shook his head and said, "Maybe it looks like this on the surface, but in fact, I can only say that this is a poor imitator."

"Imitator? What do you mean?"

"It means that the person who did it is not the psychopathic murderer I once told you, that is to say, he is not a real serial killer, but the kind of lame imitator."

Batman looked Schiller in the eyes and asked, "Why?"

"First of all, I don't take any legal responsibility for what I said next, because this is just a dream, and precisely because this is just a dream, so I will only tell you this in a dream, and you don't have to think about it in reality Activate some audio or video device to use some of my dreams as evidence..."

With a cane in hand, Schiller started pacing around Richie's body lying in the middle of the room. He said, "You know, if I were to make this eucalyptus, what would I do?"

Batman didn't expect that he started this topic, but he really couldn't think of an answer, and in the end he could only answer: "I don't think you would do this kind of thing, because it's unnecessary."

"I'm glad you still know me a little bit, but we're assuming, assuming, I just suddenly changed my mind and started planning a serial murder case..."

"First of all, let's start with the topic. Since you said that the murderer's topic is **** and his twelve disciples, then I will also use this topic."

"I think you must have read the story of **** and his twelve disciples carefully?"

Batman nodded, and Schiller looked up, showing an expression of memory, and he asked, "Do you remember who was the first to die among the Twelve Apostles?"

" it St. James?"

"Yes, in the biblical records, he was the first disciple who was martyred for Jesus. Do you know what kind of person he was?"

"The brothers James and John were both sons of Zebedee, and their mother was also a disciple of Jesus. James was beheaded by King Herod. He and John were both strong-tempered people..."

"That's why I say the man who did it was just a poor imitator. Who was Lawrence? Did he have anything in common with Jacob? How did he become the first martyr?"

Batman didn't understand what Schiller meant, and Schiller continued: "If it were me, the first target I chose would have to have brothers, just like Jacob, and Lawrence Sr. should be an only child."

"Secondly, Lawrence's temperament is not strong enough. His appearance and interior are too different from Jacob's."

"And you also said that the first martyr was beheaded, not crucified."

"So, if I were to do this, my first target would be a man with an extremely strong character, with a living brother and mother, and his method of death would be to be beheaded."

"What if Lawrence corresponds to St. Peter?"

"Oh, yes, St. Peter is known as the closest person to Jesus, and he was also named the first If he was the first to die, that would make sense, but old Lawrence and St. Peter What do they have in common?"

Batman was silent, Schiller tilted his head, looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "Not to mention, the process of crucifying old Lawrence upside down by the murderer is simply telling you very bluntly that he is a fake."

"If you've read history, you know that in crucifixion, the person on the cross should not die of vital organs being pierced, but should have been crucified through limbs, exposed to the outdoors, and died of bloodshed or extreme exhaustion. heart failure.”

"Crucifying the heart is part of the legend of the vampire, not the story recorded in the Bible, and it has nothing to do with the Twelve Apostles. The victim who was crucified upside down should also die of brain congestion, not the heart being pierced."

"Obviously, the person who did it either didn't read the story carefully, or didn't have the patience to wait for the other person to die slowly."

"If it were me, I would have patience. I could use a year to set up a scene where he would be nailed in the bedroom for ten days without being discovered. This is the way to die in line with this background story."

"Not to mention, the murderer nailed his head through with spikes. My God, I feel horrified when I think of him hammering people's heads with spikes..."

"Your wording always strikes me as...a bit surprising," Batman commented.

"And, the biggest flaw is that he actually used narcotics? God, if he is really a serial killer, then he should be nailed to a cross, this **** heretic has no sense of ritual... …”

Batman saw Schiller's rather dissatisfied expression, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

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