American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 293: Descend a great responsibility to the people of this country (below)

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Early in the morning, in Gotham University's office, Schiller was reading a newspaper with a coffee cup. Victor had just arrived, and he asked Schiller, "Have you read the report on the fire on the high street?"

"I'm seeing this part."

Schiller shook the newspaper, and then set his sights on the front page headline of the Gotham Daily, which used an entire page to report the fire in the central commercial street, but the accompanying picture was not the disaster situation on the commercial street. It was the back of a man in black leaving.

The title was written in bold text: "Batman - the vigilante who saves Gotham, or a hypocritical actor?"

Although the title is a question, the answer has already been given in the text, which vividly describes a reporter who rushed to the scene during the fire and saw that Batman just stood on the roof and glanced at the fire scene, The scene of leaving in a hurry.

In the reporter's description, Batman looked at the disaster-stricken commercial street below him indifferently, and turned to leave without any hesitation.

His description is convincing when combined with the picture of Batman walking in the opposite direction of the fire, and when Bruce puts down the newspaper, he holds down his temple and sighs deeply.

At that time, when Elsa launched the Dad Summoning, Bruce happened to change into Batman's suit, so he appeared in front of the two children in the image of Batman, and Dick also knew that Bruce was Batman.

He also saw the report in the newspaper, and said a little indignantly: "You have saved so many people, but they actually say that you are a coward who is afraid of rescue and turns away? How can they..."

"Okay, Dick, are you ready for school?"

"... um." Dick snorted, looking a little frustrated, and said, "Batman, can't I really go out with you to get justice? I think you need a helping hand, and if I'm here this time, I can Stay where you are and then you go to another fire so they don't get you wrong..."

"I don't care if they misunderstand me."

Dick looked at Bruce's extremely tired face. If it was said that Bruce's too young face made Dick a little awkward before, and he couldn't think of him as an elder, then facing Bruce in this state, Dick did not dare to raise it again. objected.

Bruce's current face is not bad enough to describe. He seems to have aged several years overnight. After all, the past two days of his life can be described as inhuman.

During the day, he has to deal with the rioting clowns, play games with his life at stake, make up for the shortage of Gotham police detectives, help Gordon investigate the serial murder case related to the Twelve Apostles, and On the other hand, I have to investigate the matter of the twelve families and the big boss. At night, when I open my eyes, it is the four unlucky things...

The busyness of day and night is not the same, but they are related to each other. The complicated things during the day give him no time to carefully analyze the weaknesses of the four murderers in his dream, and he cannot formulate a plan to deal with them.

And at night, because there was no plan, he was always in the embarrassing situation of encounters. He tried many times without progress. At present, there was still no good way to deal with the two strongest killers.

And frequent failed attempts will only make him use up all his energy, and then pass out in a coma before returning to the real world, and because he consumes too much energy, he is dizzy during the day, and he is inefficient in doing things. In short, he has entered an extreme situation. Vicious circle.

The public opinion incidents about Batman also began to intensify. Although I don't know if this was deliberately directed by the Joker, Bruce did fall into a kind of mental torture, because everything was falling infinitely downward, in the opposite direction of his expectations. Develop as if nothing is going to get better.

Whether physically or mentally, Bruce's state began to get worse and worse, but at the same time, because of this multiple torture, a certain string in his mind began to be honed and toughened.

When a person is pressed to the limit, his potential will begin to be realized at an extremely fast speed. After Batman debuted for a year, his growth trajectory is like a small slope, and from these two days At the beginning, the line of the trajectory was directly pulled up and turned into a vertical vertical line.

After three days passed, Bruce lost a lot of weight visibly, but at the same time, his eyes under the eyebrows began to contain another kind of determined look.

During the day, he followed the clues to trace the intricate relationship between the twelve families, investigated the scene of each murder case, and deduced the murderer's method and purpose. A plan against four murderers.

After falling asleep at night, Batman began to gradually realize his plan. With repeated failures, Batman's energy limit became higher, and he could even try dozens of times in a row without feeling dizzy and exhausted.

After repeated attempts, Batman found the best way to deal with these murderers.

He found that although these murderers were ferocious, they did not cooperate with each other, they all killed their own, and once there was a conflict between them, no one would back down, which gave Batman a lot of room for manipulation .

Moreover, he found that using his willpower to resist attacks or manifest weapons is a thankless behavior. Schiller's will has been interfering with him, causing the weapons he manifested to have various defects. Or simply a one-off, not easy to use.

But Batman never lacked alternatives. He began to use willpower to create obstacles in this alley. At first, he tried to change the structure of the wall to create a corner with blind spots, but soon, he found , which drained energy so quickly that he started to make some smaller, but better-utilized, obstacles instead.

The first is some garbage piles of construction waste. Although it can't completely block the view like a wall, it gives him the opportunity to hinder the other party's movement. Then there are small traps such as glass shards, flying newspapers, or It's a flashlight to dazzle your eyes, a horn to make noise to distract your attention, and so on.

Batman deeply appreciates the benefits of diversified operations and localized operations. Compared with the bat darts or daggers that appear in one's mind to kill the opponent, sometimes the interference of these small objects can provide better tactical opportunities.

In this way, after countless attempts, Batman carefully created a trap.

He used the behavioral logic of these four murderers-as soon as he appeared, these four people would start chasing and killing him until he was killed.

When he was standing at the gate of Wayne Manor, the order of the four killers was that the whiteface mask and the hockey mask were on the outermost side, the Chainsaw Massacre was the third, and the ironclaw monster was on the innermost wall.

When he stepped out of the door and came to the alley, four people began to move towards him at the same time, the two tall killers came out first, then the Chainsaw Massacre, and finally the Iron Claw Monster.

At the entrance of the alley, Batman placed two garbage dumps on the left, one on the right, occupying most of the area of ​​the alley, and rushed over at full speed with the best physical strength. The murderer walking in the direction of Wayne Manor will turn around and chase him.

Except for the iron claw monsters that can walk on the top of the wall, the other three have to land on both feet. The tall white-faced killer and the hockey-masked killer have almost the same chasing speed, so they will be stuck at the junction of the two garbage dumps. .

At this time, Batman has rushed to the central part of the alley, facing the chainsaw massacre.

But Batman did not choose to use fighting skills to bring him down as he did before, because it is meaningless, even if Batman can grab the chainsaw, it is not a very useful weapon, even with this weapon, Can't deal with the other three murderers either.

He placed four oil drums at the far right end of the alley. When he caught the attention of the Chainsaw Massacre, he slowed down and leaned toward the oil drums.

At this time, the attack of the steel-clawed monster at the end of the alley should just come. Batman rolled and hid behind the oil drum. Although the claws of the steel-clawed monster could easily penetrate the body, when Batman concentrated his attention to strengthen the oil When defending the barrel, his steel claws could only make a mark on the oil barrel.

This is the conclusion Batman has come to after several failures. He believes that the metal surface of the oil drum is hard enough to block the steel claws.

If it misses a hit, the steel-clawed monster will go to the side, trying to bypass the oil drum and continue to attack Batman. At this time, the chainsaw killer with a chainsaw just arrived, and it is inferred from the walking speed that the The Whiteface Mask Killer and the Hockey Mask Killer should also be right behind the Chainsaw Killer.

The chainsaw sparks when it rubs against metal, so when it cuts through the oil drum, it detonates the oil drum, creating an explosion that blasts everyone out.

The key point of the whole plan is that the speed of each killer must be calculated at each step. When the oil barrel explodes, the four killers must be close enough. Another difficulty is that Batman will also be blown out at the same time. He had to believe that he was not injured after being blown up.

When calculating speed and movement, Batman made many mistakes. In fact, the first time, he completed the complete process in his mind. The difficulty is that he has to concentrate and keep these props real. change, and move precisely while controlling the speed of the murderer.

After dozens of repeated failures, Batman found that not only did his energy limit increase, but his focus and control abilities also took a qualitative leap. In the end, he could even float the oil drum and hit the chainsaw.

With the continuous growth of willpower, the fault tolerance rate is also getting higher and Finally, with the roar of the chainsaw, the oil drum exploded, and the four killers and Batman were blown out at the same time.

At this point, he should have believed that the Murderer would be wiped out, and he would be unharmed. After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Batman stood up from the ground.

He was not unscathed, on the contrary, the entire bat armor was blown to pieces, and at the last minute, Batman decided to take a gamble and focus on improving the effect of the explosion and the lethality of the opponent.

The consequence of weakening the defense is that he suffered a lot of trauma, but at the same time, after he was determined that he would cause the greatest damage to the opponent, the four murderers on the opposite side were also seriously injured.

Among them, the hockey mask was the least injured. His clothes were just a little rotten. At this time, he was getting up from the ground. The white-faced mask was similar to the chainsaw massacre. The monster with steel claws was covered in black smoke, as if he couldn't control his direction.

Batman's purpose is not to destroy them, but to leave this alley as soon as possible. He looked up and saw the tower in the city center still standing silently in the black night sky. He knew that his destination was there.

After leaving the alley, those terrifying eyes that were a little far away for him were getting closer and closer, and endless monsters appeared in the streets and alleys of Gotham.

Facing them, Batman found that at this moment, the emotion that surged in his heart was not the initial confusion and exhaustion, but an indescribable...excitement.

------off topic-----

Sorry, I'm not feeling well today, it's a bit late.

If there is no update around twelve o'clock, you don't have to wait, and the next day will be the same.

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