American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 276: Sharp turn in the plot (Part 1)

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A gray light appeared in front of Batman's eyes, followed by Schiller's voice, as always, he seemed to be able to see what Batman was thinking, Schiller said to Batman: "I will put everyone's Consciousness pulls into the dream and then draws the lamp ring by amplifying their emotions in the dream..."

"But the lamp ring can only recognize the master through the consent of the host. After their consciousness is pulled into the deep dream space by me, the lamp ring will find that there is no consciousness in the body they found, and they want to find the consciousness of the host. , you must enter the dream, then the body of the lamp ring cannot enter, only power can enter."

"In this way, these people didn't really wear the ring, but only got the blessing of the energy in the lamp ring. I fused these energies together to create a new lamp furnace in the dream world and create a brand new lamp beast. …”

"But also, this is limited to the dream space. This gray lamp ring has no entity, so it will not work in the real world. As long as your dream wakes up, it will be as if it never happened. "

"Or rather, it's not a new light ring that's been admitted, because it's just a dream we had."

"Then what's the use of it?" Batman asked.

"Now. The Laughter Egg you are fighting against can use the dark energy deep inside you to nourish himself, and even accelerate his hatching speed infinitely, while you have little power to draw upon."

"If this goes on and on, the monster hatched from this egg, after killing you, will occupy your body and even run into the real world."

"And the gray lamp ring that absorbs the energy of several lamp rings can provide you with energy to compete with it..."

Batman stretched out his hand slowly, the gray light flew towards his hand, and before he put on the ring he asked, "I heard Hal say that every lamp ring represents an emotion, so this What does the lamp ring represent?"

"Invisible, indistinguishable, all-encompassing... Chaos."

The moment the gray lamp ring touched Batman's finger, his whole body was covered in layers of gray fog, and the gray dragon flying out of the lamp stove made a humming sound that shook the entire consciousness space, and fluttered its wings across the sky. , to the top of Batman's head.

Batman suddenly felt a mysterious link between him and the dream dragon, and when he thought about it, the gray dragon flew towards the fearful laughing devil.

The dream dragon guides countless gray mists to follow behind it, and behind the fearful laughing devil is an endless black tide. When the two forces collide, they form an extremely bright spot like a cosmic explosion, and then spread out. Countless huge ripples.

This huge and shocking battle situation can no longer be controlled by one or two people, and the consciousness of everyone else has retreated to the edge of a dream.

Because the power of the lamp ring was swallowed up by the gray fog, the light on several people disappeared, but Victor's tone was quite relaxed, he said: "It's fortunate that it didn't take long, in fact, that kind of power made me It's kind of weird..."

"How does it feel?" Schiller asked him.

"It was as if something was watching me, or it was trying to control me, it wanted some kind of emotion out of me."

"This is normal, because the lamp ring comes from the emotional spectrum, and the emotional energy within you can complement the energy of the lamp ring..."

"Hey, I said, what the **** is going on?" Hal came over, interrupting Schiller and Victor's conversation, and the green glow on him disappeared.

There was a little panic in Hal's tone, and he said: What have you done to me? Why is my green light energy gone? "

"I just absorbed all the energy in the ring you are wearing now, and you can go back to the lamp furnace to recharge it later."

Hal was relieved to hear that the power wasn't gone forever, but Schiller's next words silenced him: "Don't you think you're a little too dependent on this energy? Are you controlling it, or Is it controlling you?"

At this time, the battle situation on the field became more and more anxious, and the way of fighting has changed from physical combat that can be seen clearly to a more mysterious competition of spirit and will.

The gray fog representing Batman and the black tide representing Laughing Dread created a tornado in the shape of a spindle in the center of the battlefield. Batman and Laughing Dread were the bodies. In this huge tornado, you came and went and carried on the spirit. confrontation.

Judging from the current situation, Batman is still at a disadvantage, because he not only has to suppress the monster's actions and attack the monster's body, but also has to devote part of his strength to suppress the monster that is about to crawl out of the embryo. Batman's keen intuition told him that once the monster really hatched, it was all over.

So, a wisp of gray mist entangled the hand that had just stretched out, and tried to press it back into the shell, and a part of the thin mist wrapped the egg shell, constantly thickening the outer wall of the embryo.

And just when the battle was deadlocked, a wisp of gray mist came into contact with the tail end of the entire body of the fearful laughing devil along the spinning tornado. At this time, Batman, who was linked to the gray mist consciousness, felt an emotional transmission. into his mind.

It was a brain wave that contained information, but it was very confusing, and Batman deciphered the message that the brain wave wanted to convey, which was probably: "I'm a parallax, and I want to cooperate with you..."

Batman quickly deduces what the **** this is all about, and apparently Parallax never wanted to work with the Laughing Egg.

Although the jet lag is a chaotic creature, its way of thinking is completely different from that of human beings, but due to its inability to act independently, in fact, he has been with human-like intelligent creatures for a long time, and the cooperation is also tacit.

Parallax can be regarded as a symbiote in another sense. If there is no host, he cannot stay in the real world for a long time. He must live in the body of the yellow light host, and the yellow light host must have an independent Wisdom and consciousness can move freely, so he is very adaptable to get along with the host's spirit in the host's conscious space.

But when there is a third consciousness in the host's mind, the jet lag will definitely feel uncomfortable, as if a pet dog can share a house with its owner, but it can't accept the neighbor's dog also living here.

Not to mention the neighbor's dog, who also suppressed his consciousness, took control of his body, and gave him an ugly head.

This ancient creature that only represents fear is surprisingly angry, no matter how it will get along with this host in the future, now it just wants to kill this monster that grabbed his territory with the host's consciousness.

Batman and Parallax communicate continuously through the gray fog, but the orderly thinking of humans and the thinking of chaotic creatures are completely different from each other, and they communicated for a long time. Only a preliminary cooperation intention has been reached, and there is still no clue as to how to do it.

At this time, Schiller's voice sounded in Batman's ear:

"The use of the gray lamp ring is not only to extract the energy in its body, but more importantly, to use the power of the dream rules."

"The power of dream rules?"

"Yes, it is the so-called wish come true."

"I know that in a dream, it is possible to achieve what you want, but you and the egg of laughter are both the masters of this dream. You are two beings with two sides of one body. He also wants to let you die as he wishes, and at this time, the two of you can only compete for willpower."

"But it's still the same sentence, he was dug out of your body, you are him, and he is you, so theoretically, he also has the willpower you have, and if you continue to stalemate like this, you can't completely erase his Existence, he can't completely erase your existence."

"so what?"

"I connected my dream with your dream, and used the energy of my mind hall and other lamp rings to create a gray lamp ring, which represents my consciousness space."

"That is to say, when you use this gray lamp ring, it is equivalent to superimposing my will and your will, so that you have enough personality to obliterate the existence of this embryo..."

Batman narrowed his eyes, he understood Schiller's words.

Originally, his battle with this Laughter Egg was like arm wrestling with one person's left hand and right hand. Because they were the same person, there was not much difference in strength and will.

The Egg of Laughter can mobilize the dark side of Batman, just like he is the dominant hand, stronger in muscle strength than Batman, but not too strong, so when Batman draws out the gray lamp ring After the energy was used to fight against the Kuroshio, the two fell into a stalemate of equal strength.

At this time, if the will of Batman and Schiller are superimposed, it is like after the left hand holds the right hand, a kitchen knife appears out of thin air and chops off the right hand, providing a key factor that can determine the battle situation.

A few people watching outside the venue suddenly saw that the spindle-shaped tornado started to get bigger and bigger, and the Kuroshio and the gray mist became more and more sparse, allowing everyone to see the situation in the middle.

They saw that the crack in the embryo on the top of the monster's head that confronted Batman was starting to get bigger and bigger, the pale hand was tentatively reaching out, and soon the entire front half was stretched out, then the elbow and the upper arm. .

"What's the matter? He's about to hatch?? Batman has fallen behind??"

Schiller shook his head and said: "Batman is letting it hatch, he can only do so, because the eggshell of that egg is not only the limit of the monster, but also its protective cover, if it only reaches out a hand , I'm afraid Batman's attack won't be fatal to it, and must wait for the crack in the eggshell to get bigger."

While talking, the monster had one arm stretched out completely, followed by its head. Batman saw a pale head with steel thorn goggles on its eyes and a wide grin. At this moment, he I was rubbing the mucus film inside the embryo with my head, and it was just about to come out completely.

At this moment, the entire consciousness space began to vibrate, and the condensed gray mist descended from the embryo's head. The moment it touched the hatching monster, the image of the monster began to disappear out of thin air.

It was as if the monster had been frozen into a drawing printed on paper and then erased bit by bit, starting from the head.

But the monster immediately reacted to what Batman was going to do, and it began to resist, erasing more and more slowly, and at the same time, it kept struggling to break the shell, and the outstretched hand began to tear the top of the head. film.

But at this moment, the parallax monster gave the monster a backstab, and at the same time began to compete for control within the body. The action of the Laughter Egg stopped for a moment due to the interference of the parallax monster. At this moment, most of his arms And half of the head was wiped clean directly.

Everything happened silently, but everyone could see the intensity of the battle. Hal almost held his breath, for fear that the movement he made would affect the battle.

The gray mist on the monster's head was getting thicker and thicker. Batman closed his eyes and focused, exerting his own willpower to the maximum. except its body.

The parallax kept interfering with the and made its movements stop from time to time, and soon, the arm exposed outside the eggshell and most of the body inside the eggshell were wiped Except clean.

At this moment, the monster, who found that he was powerless, let out a scream similar to laughter, and then the whole dream began to collapse.

"He's already exhausted, and it seems that he wants to perish together." Schiller's tone was still very calm, without the urgency of a crisis, he turned his head and said to the others: "Follow me first into my hall of thinking, If this place collapses, I will send you out."

After the figures of several people disappeared, only Batman and the monster remained in the entire dream space.

At last. Batman and Parallax joined forces to launch a fierce attack. After the last half of the monster's head disappeared completely, the dream began to collapse.

But Batman, who had exhausted all his spirit and will, did not see that the yellow body of the Laughing Demon except for the head began to shrink continuously, and then the whole got into the eggshell left by the egg of laughter, which had not been completely destroyed. among.

The gray ring on Batman's finger voluntarily flew away from his finger, and then flew towards the sky-high tower in the middle of Gotham.

At the same time, an egg glowing yellow floated to the door of the tower, riding the turbulent flow of the dream.

Schiller put on the gray ring and felt the chaotic consciousness coming from the egg. He paused for a while, and still put the egg into the tower.

Then Schiller raised his arm, and the gray mist was extremely thick.

At the moment when the dream completely collapsed, Schiller's voice came: "Return to reality."

The entire tower, along with the gray fog that filled the sky, completely disappeared from the collapsed debris full of turbulence.

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