American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 274: lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp (middle)

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In the deepest depths of Batman's consciousness space, the battle continues, and the dark tide brought in by the Dread Laughing Devil becomes his own stumbling block, as aquatic birds can attack the monster's legs from below the surface.

The penguin that Cobot transformed into can not only attack with beaks, but when he **** his wings, he can stir up the water to form a vortex, and approach the Dread Laughing Devil. The legs will be pulled in one direction, causing its center of gravity to become unstable.

And whenever he stumbled, Alberto, who was flying in mid-air, would fold his wings, swooped down, and slammed into the side of his body, even if he didn't fall down, he would let this huge The monster shook for a long time.

The blizzard in the field and Gordon's fire suppression did the most damage to the monster. Bullets and bullet-like snowflake ice cones hit the monster without interruption, causing its skin to rip apart. It took a lot of healing just to heal. energy.

Green Lantern Hal mainly played the role of field control. In the process of attacking the monster with Green Lantern energy, he discovered that he was at a loss for the lower body of the monster, that is, the part of the parallax monster. There is a special layer of defense that can withstand the power of the green light energy, no matter how Hal attacks, it will not move.

Although this monster looks ugly, I have to admit that his size is very beneficial for dealing with sieges, because its lower body is a centipede-like multi-legged structure and a long tail, which makes it more attractive. The center of gravity is relatively stable, and even if one foot is injured, it will not fall down easily.

The upper body is a humanoid, with two sturdy arms. Every time it is swung, the combat units in the air need to avoid it, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable if it is hit.

"The head, his weakness is the head." Cobot's voice resounded in everyone's ears, and soon Victor's voice also sounded: "In dreams, we don't need to talk close, we just need to communicate with our minds. Just like me."

"I also agree that his weak point is the head, and whenever we try to get close, it's there with its arms."

"My goal has always been headshots!" Gordon said, crouching on the roof of a building, "but it's too tight on the head, I can't find a chance!"

"I'll go to the sheep attack to attract its attention, you guys find an opportunity to attack its head!" Alberto's voice came from mid-air, and after speaking, the wind sounded, and he circled quickly along the monster, so that the fear and laughter would not Stop turning his head and look for his figure.

Cobot was also constantly attacking the lower plate of the monster, making it unable to turn around and could only parry in a hurry, while Victor seized the opportunity to condense a huge ice crystal in the air and shot it towards the monster's head.

The ice crystal appeared behind the Dread Laughing Devil, so it had to turn its upper body and cover the back of its head with its arms.

But at this moment, Gordon in front was also in place, and a large and outrageous missile rushed out along the launcher. Almost in an instant, it came to the front of the fearful laughing devil, and then collided with him. on a small head.

With a "Boom", the monster screamed fiercely, and his body began to tremble. Obviously, the attack worked.

And it's not just the superficial effect. It can be said that this attack has helped a lot, because there is also another war in the monster's body.

Just as Schiller expected, Parallax Monster, Laughter Egg and Batman, these three can never coexist peacefully. Laughter Egg is the aborigines of this space of consciousness. His main opponent is Batman. The introduction of the monster originally wanted to deal with Batman with the parallax monster, and then allow himself to escape smoothly.

But the parallax monster is a very chaotic creature. It is difficult for you to reason with it. In the past, it was the only one in the consciousness space of its parasitic host. But it turned around and took a bite, biting on the body of the leading party, wanting to devour the egg of laughter and monopolize Batman's consciousness space.

And Batman can't allow two monsters to make waves in his consciousness space, whether it's the Laughter Egg or the Parallax Monster, it's not a good thing, Batman doesn't want to cooperate with either of them, so both are his enemy.

The Laughter Egg wants to escape, the Parallax wants to monopolize Batman, and Batman wants to destroy both of them, which leads to the fact that these three parties are fighting each other in the body of the Dread Laughter.

Originally, the Laughter Egg had the upper hand. Even if the deformed and weird embryo had not hatched, it was so powerful that the Parallax Monster and Batman could barely resist his attack.

However, the attack from the outside world could still help them turn the tide of the battle. A heavy blow hit the fearful laughing devil's head, which is the part occupied by the Laughter Egg, causing it to be severely damaged in one fell swoop.

This is also one of Batman's plans. He knows that after this monster is born, neither the two clowns nor Professor Schiller can ignore it, and will definitely find a way to attack it.

This monster consists of three parts, the head controlled by Laughter Egg, the upper body controlled by Batman and the lower body controlled by Parallax.

Whenever the attack approaches the head, Batman controls the monster's arm to block the attack, but this is not to protect the Laughter Egg, but to send a signal to the outside world that the head is the monster's weakness.

Batman believes that these people in the outside world must be able to understand his hints, and sure enough, they used a wave of beautiful cover and sheep attack to make the Laughter Egg hit hard.

The head controls the movement coordination of the entire monster, and the head injury weakens the monster's control over his own will. Batman took the opportunity to escape. After the monster screamed, the yellow scales spread to the upper body, and the black and bat patterns gradually fade away.

Soon, the dread laughing devil became a parallax monster with a laughing egg head, the bat element completely disappeared from the monster's body, and Batman appeared in the sky above Gotham.

He looked around the surroundings, except for the man who looked like a green light in a traffic light he had never seen before, and soon he guessed who these strangely-shaped things around him were.

Batman did not rush to attack, but came to Gordon and asked, "Did you see the two clowns?"

"Clown? What clown?"

"Who brought you in here?"

"Oh, it's Schiller, what's wrong?"

"Then where did he go?"

"He said he had something to do."

Batman narrowed his eyes, he guessed that Schiller was planning to make a big one, but he didn't think of what way Schiller would use to reverse the current situation.

Just when he was thinking about this question, he suddenly heard a crisp "click" sound in his consciousness space.

It's a bit like the sound of a door lock being opened, and it's also a bit like the sound of a truck connecting up, but after this sound, Batman looks to the sky, where there is a cloud-like mist.

The gray fog came quickly and drowned the entire city in an instant. Batman recognized that it was the ability Schiller used during the battle of living hell.

But this kind of fog did not cause damage to anything on the field, as if it was really just the fog in the natural world, coming silently and leaving silently.

The gray fog rose and rolled between the cities, as if the whole city suddenly floated into the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and the fearful laughing devil who lost Batman didn't care about the fog that didn't cause any harm.

But soon, the fog began to thicken and rise higher and higher, and even the tallest buildings in the entire city were submerged.

The fearful laughing devil realized that something was wrong. After a sprint, it wrapped around the Wayne Building in the consciousness space like a centipede, and then squatted on the roof.

The gray fog under his feet rose up like a bone-encrusted gangrene, changing from a dull light gray to a rich dark gray, and the bottom layer became pitch black.

No one knew where this fog came from, but they all felt an indescribable mystery and danger from this fog.

The fog filled the entire consciousness space, occupying all areas including the sky, and in the sky, a shadow like a mirage loomed.

Batman looked up and saw that it seemed to be a sky-high tower. He carefully looked at the tower from top to bottom and found that it was at least 300 stories high.

As the fog thickened, the shape of the tower became more and more until after it condensed into a complete entity, a towering tower of Babel landed in the center of Gotham.

Everyone's attention fell on this huge tower, and just as they were watching, the top of the tower began to be piled up, bricks and tiles were built up, and beams and columns were supported upwards, but only a short period of time. In an instant, there were more than ten layers.

After the fearful laughing devil saw the tower, the keen intuition from the parallax monster made him feel the great danger, he flew towards the tower quickly, and Batman's voice resounded in everyone's ears: "Stop him. "

Suddenly, the birds screamed, the wind and snow blew, and the machine guns roared, but none of them could compare to a black figure.

Batman's dark cloak fluttered in the gray fog, and the whole person could fly fast without any tools, even faster than Green Lantern.

He rushed in front of the Dread Laughing Devil, and then slapped it, and the invisible force directly slapped the huge monster. Obviously, no one can compete with Batman in terms of willpower.

The rest of the people all followed and began to besiege the monster, forcing it back from the tower, and as the battle became more intense, the tower became higher and higher, until it resisted the deep and superficial consciousness. barrier.

Regardless of the blocking force of the barrier, this tower is still getting higher and higher, breaking through the layers of dreams, and realizing the surface consciousness from the deep. Then rush out of the body along the soul, just like the terrifying Kuroshio, crossing the sky, the atmosphere, and the obstacle avoidance of the ordinary universe, extending like an endless mysterious universe.

At this time, Schiller's voice echoed in the consciousness space, and he said: "Everyone is ready..."

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