American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 246: Snow Night Campfire (1)

"Does the treatment plan for the second stage need to be extended?"

In the shimmering laboratory, Schiller stood in front of the freezer, holding a notebook, and asked Victor as he wrote.

Victor stood behind the freezer to adjust the equipment. He said, "I think it's much better. Maybe I can go directly to the third stage of treatment."

"The drug regimen for the second phase of treatment may need to be adjusted. Let's end it with another week." Schiller raised his eyes and wanted to see Victor, but in the freezer, Mrs. Frith's fingertips moved slightly. one time.

"Am I wrong? Her fingertips seem to react?"

Schiller squatted down and looked into the freezer. Victor also stepped forward and said, "It shouldn't be an illusion. Last night, I saw Nora's eyelids moved..."

"I haven't adjusted the power of the freezer, so it shouldn't be her voluntary activity, but the brain active agent."

"Would you like to increase the dose of nerve repair medicine? After all..." Schiller turned to look at Victor. Under the cold light of the freezer, the man looked a little old.

"You've waited so long."

Victor shook his head and said, "Just because I've waited so long, I don't mind waiting longer."

"Schiller, I know you want to help me, but that's enough." Victor sighed, a strand of white hair on his temples being reflected blue by the lights in the freezer.

"The recent changes have been more than the past many years combined. Nora's condition is no longer worse. The kind of nerve healing medicine you provided has allowed her nervous system to gradually repair."

"After solving the problem of brain activity in freezing state, many sequelae that may be caused by long-term hypothermic dormancy have also been eliminated..."

He put one hand on the freezer, and looked into the freezer with affectionate and focused eyes, then he turned to Schiller and said, "It's getting late, Professor Schiller, you go back first, I'll put the freezer Debug it again and see you tomorrow."

Schiller raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already 1 a.m., and he said, "I still have morning classes tomorrow, and it's too late to go back to the manor. Let's just stay here, just in time to chat."

Victor didn't say much, but the corners of his lips moved the lines on his face, as if he had hidden all the moving emotions in his heart.

Schiller walked to the table on the other side and sat down. Then, while sorting out his thesis materials, he asked, "How is the vocational education school? I heard that you went to extra classes last night?"

"To be honest, it's better than I thought." Speaking of this topic, Victor sighed with some relief: "Though those little **** refuse to accept discipline, they still learn things quite quickly."

"When will those gang bosses find teachers for basic education? You can't always let a university professor like you teach a bunch of elementary school students, right?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I have experience in children's education."

"When Nora and I lived in Florida, Nora was a substitute in middle school, and at that time, before I became a professor, I took those kids to activity classes with Nora and taught them that water freezes into ice. The principle of..."

Victor's voice was full of nostalgia, and if there was one problem with interpersonal relationships as a person, it was that no matter what the topic was, he always recalled his previous life with his wife.

But this is not objectionable, because the stories he tells are always full of sincere emotions, and the little things in life can always make people feel the happiness of two people in those peaceful and beautiful days.

"At that time, I lifted the water pipe like this, and then I asked, 'Does anyone know how water freezes into ice?', you know, the tone of coaxing children..."

"The pressure in the water pipe that goes to the fire hydrant is very high. I just opened the valve and a child who ran over was washed a somersault."

"They didn't think it was dangerous at all, and they thought it was fun. They lined up and rushed to the water pipe. Nora was pissed, because her good class turned into a water fight. She complained about me for a week..."

Victor spoke in a light and gentle tone while debugging the equipment. Schiller sat at the table to finish his thesis, but at this moment, a series of rapid bells interrupted the peaceful atmosphere in the laboratory, Victor picked up The phone said, "Hello? Oswald? What's wrong? What?...Ok, don't worry, I'll be right there..."

Schiller turned to look at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You know that student from the Vocational Education College, right?" Victor put down his tools and stood up, then started to change his clothes, as if he was about to go out.

"It's that little Oswald, Oswald Cobblet."

"What's up with him?"

"His mother committed suicide, but failed. The situation should be very urgent now, but he is not competent enough to deal with this matter. I have to go there..."

"I'll go too."

Schiller also put on his coat, Victor went downstairs and drove, and when the car was on the road, Schiller, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked, "You and Oswald seem to have a good relationship. I only knew that you were very good. Appreciate him."

Victor held the steering wheel and drove, and the streamer from the window reflected on his face, he said: "Oswald is a rare good student, he is different from those little **** whose parents are gangsters, he has a clear The goal is to learn very well and learn quickly.”

"I think he looks a bit like me when I was a kid."

Schiller looked at Victor and said, "I remember you said that you come from a middle-class family, and you have been a good student with excellent grades since childhood."

"Yes, my father works in shipping. The children of his business partners have been on ships with their parents at a young age and know their family business very well."

"But I've been a nerd since I was a kid, addicted to all kinds of chemical experiments, and have no interest in doing business."

"Oswald is like me. We are like lettuce mixed in a carrot field, thinking completely different from the people around us."

"Also, I don't think he's inherently bad."

Victor twisted the steering wheel, turned a corner, and continued: "His father died too early, and his mother has no ability to take care of himself. He has already struggled to take care of himself, but he also has to take care of his mother, so that he can live in Gotham. It's a blessing to survive, no one can ask him more..."

"Or rather, he is a rare normal person in Gotham." Schiller continued Victor's words: "Just like you."

"Me? Of course I'm a normal person! ... Well, actually I know, you guys are a little crazy about me freezing my wife in a freezer, but I'm pretty confident in my skills, and I do. It's getting better, hasn't it?"

"The people you mentioned don't include me. I don't think it's crazy. Maybe in the future, this will become a very normal medical method, and it will be popularized in thousands of households."

Victor turned his head, his eyes were full of weathered vicissitudes, and there was hope like a child, he said with some anticipation: "If that day comes, maybe I can take Nora back to my parents, too. I actually miss them, but…”

Victor's voice fell, and Schiller looked out the window and said, "Actually, they understand you, but you don't want to go back, right?"

"I don't want my shocking behavior to turn them into aliens and monsters in the mouths of neighbors."

Victor is always very good at expressing his emotions bluntly. He always uses words to describe his mood very clearly, which is why Schiller and him can chat very well. It is rare that when facing him, he is still duplicitous and self-deceiving.

"They love me very much. In the early days of my research on the freezer, my father sent me a lot of money, and my mother and sister also wrote to me, they wanted me to go back, but I knew it wouldn't work... "

"I can't bring such a freezer and the big living people frozen in it back to my home, so my family will live in the eyes of others looking at monsters, and I know how hurtful those eyes are. "

"But I can't give up Nora..." Victor's voice was a little sad: "Just like she didn't give up on me when I had an accident in my research and was fired from school."

"It'll get better soon." There was always a calm force in Schiller's tone, and he changed the subject.

"I remember you said before that you and your wife never had a wedding. What's the matter?"

"Oh, that's it." Victor said with a little guilt in his tone, "Didn't I say before, when I was just promoted to professor, an unexpected experimental accident caused me to lose my job, At that time, Nora and I were already planning our wedding, but you know, there was no fixed job, no project or funding, so..."

"It was Nora who was supporting me at the time, and we couldn't afford a wedding."

"After that, I was hired by a cryogenic laboratory in Los Angeles. After the situation improved, I wanted to prepare a surprise for her, but at this time, she found out a neurodegenerative disease..."

"Even if we have medical insurance, it can't offset the cost of traveling to various states to seek medical treatment. If it weren't for the funding from my father, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to make the initial freezer."

The car drove slowly, and soon, a fine light rain fell in Gotham again, but the rain was not heavy, and it was a little soft. When it slapped on the window glass, it did not interrupt the atmosphere of the conversation in the car.

"Sometimes I think, I'm really lucky, when I'm in trouble, there's always someone to help me, when I lose my job, Nora is there for me, and when When Nora was ill, my father kept funding me, and when research stalled again, you showed up again..."

"That's probably how people are." There was a warmth in Victor's voice.

"No matter how bad the situation is, as long as you see a little hope, you will feel very satisfied."

"The most important thing is this hope." Schiller also sighed: "Even if you are already in hell, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, you can still live as a human being, instead of degenerating into a devil of hell, or outright. Complete lunatic."

"I like to compare this kind of hope to a campfire in a snowy field." Schiller adjusted his posture on the seat. He and Victor often talk about some literary and philosophical topics like this, and they don't feel blunt. and embarrassing.

"A traveler who has been in the snow for a long time. On the white land, he can't see anything but snow. Every snowflake here makes him feel colder..."

"But once there is a ray of fire in the distance, no matter how fierce the wind and can't stop him from moving forward."

"When he walked to the campfire, he would feel warm, as if the snow was not terrible, but he knew that it was because the last traveler lit the campfire."

"So, before he left, he also took out a small amount of firewood and threw it into the fire. No matter whether the next traveler came, the campfire would not go out."

Victor controlled the car to slow down, smiled and said, "You can sum this up in one word, that's giving help in the midst of bad weather."

Schiller shook his head and said, "Giving help in the snow will inevitably carry the pity of the successful. I always believe that this world does not need a savior, and Gotham does not need it."

"If possible, I prefer to be the traveler who left the campfire, no matter which direction the latecomers come from, they can stop here. If they really want to thank anyone, then thank them who have not given up on the long journey. Be yourself."

Saying that, Schiller pushed open the door to get out of the car and walked into the rainy night.

Victor was silent for a second in his seat, and then regained his moving expression, then turned around, opened the door to get out of the car, and walked into the cool rainy night.

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