American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 238: Saka Brigade (Part 2)

The life in the Red Ring Mine was more terrifying than expected, but Thor didn't do anything, didn't say anything, and almost shook him down a few times, but he didn't mean to change his posture at all.

When it was time to get off work, Supervisor Sarkar came over and said, "You're lucky, it's not hungry today, get off from there immediately, don't waste my time."

The new miners climbed down slowly. One of them, because he was stiff for too long, accidentally slipped and fell down. His piercing scream disappeared into the abyss, but no one was in the mood to look at him.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives, but they were also terrified of the dark fate that followed. The expressions on their faces were complicated, both fortunate and fearful, except for Thor, who was expressionless.

Thor's abnormality attracted the attention of the overseer. When he brought all the slaves back to the prison, he pointed at Thor to the jailer guarding the cell. The jailer showed a bad smile and nodded to his companion. .

The place where the slaves live is very dark, each cell is like a coffin, so narrow that it can't even turn around, and the so-called meals are just poor quality supplements common in the interstellar market, and some slaves use their own language to make trouble. The movement seemed to say that he couldn't absorb this tonic, but the jailer didn't even look at him. Soon, the cell was quiet, and it seemed that everyone was desperate.

Thor looked at the tonic in his hand, he squeezed the outer packaging, of course he had seen this kind of thing in the interstellar wars for years, but he would never look at this kind of thing once, or in other words, even A Even the most common soldiers in Sgard would not be able to use this inferior supplement.

But he ripped open the package in a slow motion, and poured his head back into his mouth. The strong smell of chemicals hit his brain, but Thor ignored it. He leaned against the wall again and said nothing. ,do nothing.

After that, the lights in the cell dimmed, sinking into darkness, and when Thor woke up again, he was awakened by severe pain.

The jailer tugged at the chain fixed on his shoulder, Thor bled a lot, but he still didn't say a word, he heard the jailer say: "Could it be that you are dumb? Answer me? Otherwise, I'll make you look good!"

Thor stared at him, but didn't answer. The jailer seemed to be irritated by his eyes. He pulled the chain fiercely, and Thor was brought down to the ground. He coughed a few times in embarrassment. The muddy hair blocked his vision, and the dust on the ground blocked his breathing.

Thor lay on the ground and coughed twice. The excessive blood loss made his eyes darken. He just lay on the ground and let the jailer drag him forward with the chains. In the end, the jailer stepped on his shoulder, and then Pulling the chain out, Thor twitched and screamed, blue veins crawling up his neck, and his eyeballs almost protruded from his sockets.

After the spikes were pulled out, Thor was completely unconscious in one of his arms. With his head turned and his cheeks on the ground, he could see the fearful expressions of the aliens in the cell next to him.

But he still said nothing and did nothing. There was no pain or fear in his eyes, blank like a dead man.

The jailer's goal was achieved. He took the chain Thor had used, found the slave in another cell, and drove the spike into his body.

Thor's breathing became slower and slower, he began to slowly close his eyes, and there was an expression of despair on his face that I didn't know how to describe, as if all the emotions were concentrated at this point and burst out, this The expression only existed for a moment, and then changed to numbness and sluggishness.

Then he dragged the stump slowly, followed the overseer out of the cell, the light of dawn made him narrow his eyes, but he didn't look at anything, didn't think about anything, just kept walking, the chain left his body, But there was always the "da-da" sound of the chain dragging around his ears, and it seemed that it would never stop.

A few days later, more than half of Loki's body finally turned from phantom to solid, only the right calf and a cloud of black mucus were working hard. Schiller poured Loki a cup of coffee and said, "Last night. Did you sleep well?"

Loki didn't answer, just poured coffee into his mouth mechanically, and Schiller turned his head to look at Venom, who was still working, and he said, "You have to thank his first few hosts who are very hard-working people who can work without sleep. For a few nights, otherwise, you will still only have one head."

"What are you thinking?" Schiller moved a chair and sat down, "Or, what are you regretting?"

"I..." Loki spit out a word, and Schiller continued: "You never thought about watching your brother suffer so much, did you? You thought you could watch him having fun, watching him lose his soul and suffer. Feel relieved and happy to be tortured, right?"

"When you realize you can't, you can't help but start thinking, why the **** is that?"

"You accomplished all your goals, yeah, you beat up Thor's comrades, badly wounded them, washed your own priesthood and started over, and threw Thor in Interstellar garbage dump, let him survive hard..."

"The goal was completed perfectly, the plan was a great success, and now you should be chatting with me leisurely with a coffee cup in hand, laughing at Thor's miserable state, but you find that you can't even act."

"The problem is really big." Schiller put the coffee cup on the table at hand and said, "You managed to make yourself so uncomfortable with a series of wonderful actions, I want to say that the title of God of Deception is really suitable. You, you are ruthless, you even deceive yourself."

With that said, Schiller turned back and asked, "What is it that makes you always believe that you will be happy about Thor's tragic situation?"

Loki didn't say a word, but Schiller said in a relaxed tone: "I appreciate your brothers hurting each other and blowing up fireworks to make fun of me. If everyone was as smart as you, life would be so beautiful. ."

Then Schiller put a hand on Loki's bedside, he smiled at Loki, Loki looked at his smiling expression no different from ordinary people, but saw sharp fangs behind him.

"Welcome to Arkham Sanatorium, where we provide a variety of medical services, including helping you quickly repair your body and get you back on your feet within an hour."

Loki stared at him and asked, "What about the cost?"

"It seems that you do know me well, but if you don't inherit the throne, Thor must be paying for you, so you don't have to worry."

Loki didn't look happy at all, but he pursed his lips and said, "...I accept, hurry up."

"Okay..." Schiller reached out and touched the venom on his calf. The venom suddenly stopped, and then a pure energy surrounded him. The size of the venom instantly doubled, and the work efficiency increased tenfold. more than.

"But you have to think clearly..." Schiller continued: "Although your body has been repaired, your divine power and priesthood have not recovered at all. Like your brother, you have lost your power and become a person with better physical fitness. Ordinary people... oh, your physical fitness is not good."

Schiller looked at Loki's body and said, "Now you are a pure ordinary person, even worse than Thor who just came to earth, at least he is stronger than you."

"As the wisest and most cautious person in Asgard, you shouldn't want to cross a long distance, go to that desolate and remote planet, and save someone you say you hate? Huh?"

After speaking, Schiller picked up the coffee cup and left the ward. Loki lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. After a long time, he muttered to himself, "Ordinary people..."

The situation on the planet Saka has changed somewhat. Thor's special features were discovered by Prince Ashan, who oversees the Red Ring Mine.

Prince Yashan is the youngest son of the Red King Anmo Yashan, the man Thor saw at the top of the mine that day.

Unlike most Saka stars, he is small in stature, but because of his excellent intelligence, he has always been loved by the Red King.

When Thor was brought to Prince Ashan, he had become very haggard, his strong body began to shriveled due to malnutrition, his handsome face with a classical charm began to sunken, and his eyes were sunken deeper in the sockets. The original strong warrior image was almost completely invisible.

Prince Ashan was different from the ordinary Sakars trapped on this planet. He reached out and took a bit of Thor's blood with his fingertips, put it under his nose, smelled it, and said, "...Asa?"

He showed a sneer and said, "You claim to be the richest and noblest race in the universe, how could you use such inferior means to expel your clansmen?"

Thor stared at him, and Prince Ashan continued: "Look, an Asa protoss has become my slave, I really should invite everyone to come here to see your embarrassed appearance..."

"Are all of you Aesir like this?" Prince Arthur paced around Thor. "But that's right, you war madmen don't have any brains, and you only end up fighting and killing. You can't even mine mines well, you idiot."

Thor's eyes flashed with anger, but Prince Ashan didn't look at him, but said to his subordinates: "Take him down, heal his wounds, and feed him something to eat next week. In a duel tournament, I need a good dog."

"Oh, yes! Did Lord Gao Tianzun say that he also caught an Asgardian there? Maybe they still know each other..."

"Next week's duel competition, Master Gao Tianzun should also participate? This is really interesting!"

Prince Ashan laughed. He said, "Asgard likes to advocate unity and honor. I want to see what it would be like to have two Asgardians fight to the death."

The Sakar who escorted Thor said: "I heard that the Asgardian that Lord Gao Tianzun caught was his enemy, and he seemed to have cheated his bet, and Lord Tianzun ruthlessly repaired him. For a while, he's locked up now..."

"If you suggest for the two of them to duel, Lord Gao Tianzun will definitely be very happy, and maybe he will say a few good words for you before His Majesty the Emperor."

Prince Yashan clapped his hands happily and said: Take him down and be cured! "

Then he looked at Thor with disgust and said, "Why does he look like the Aesir? Go and clean him up, then take out the golden armor before and let him put it on, Aesir. Don't you like to dress like that?"

Prince Ashan stretched out his arms and said loudly, "Let all the Sakars come and see how the noble Asa protoss are like dogs, biting each other in the duel arena! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !"

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