American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 217: Military trends (below)

The fact that Stark is Iron Man has caused a great public response, because both Stark and Iron Man are quite famous.

Stark's reputation is really not very good. The military has led public opinion to smear him once before. He is known as an unscrupulous arms dealer standing on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, a completely irresponsible playboy, and extravagant. The villain tycoon, if there is a star rating system, Stark's reputation should hover back and forth between half and one star.

But Iron Man's reputation is very good, not only because he saves people in New York, but also because he is on the front line of several major events that endanger New York. Many people have seen him and heard of his deeds. Many people also became his fans because of his handsome mecha.

Before the accident, Iron Man even had his own fan website, many people were doing charity work, and there were even many fans waiting on the roof to shoot Stark flying past the New York skyline.

So, when the identities of Stark and Iron Man overlapped, the largest superhero house collapse event in history happened.

Generally speaking, when people like a certain image, they will have a lot of fantasies about him. Iron Man fans are no exception. Fans have long guessed who Iron Man is, and his expensive mecha shows him. He must be a rich man, so most fans think he is one of those young rich people who are keen to do charity.

Some people speculate that he may be the son of the Osborn family. After all, the old Osborn is very keen on charity. Some people think that he is the owner of the largest construction company in the United States, or even the heir of an oil company, but it will definitely not be Tony anyway. Stark.

On the day the news was announced, Iron Man's fan site replaced the background image with blood red, and the person in charge of the site claimed that he was extremely disappointed that Iron Man would no longer be his hero.

At the same time, many self-proclaimed Iron Man fans have sparked a wave of public opinion on the Internet, and they have begun to shoot videos and mournfully describe the process of losing their fans.

Many acquaintances’ accounts began to analyze Stark’s purpose at length. Some said that he was using Xiaoshan to whitewash, some said that he was trying to fool the public, and some that he was just trying to satisfy his own vanity. Anyway, after reading the whole article, Nothing good to say.

The public opinion offensive this time was more than ten times stronger than the last time. Stark seemed to be labeled as hypocritical, and even with the identity of Iron Man, he was pulled down from the altar and fell vertically into the mud pit.

Originally, with Stark's character, this meeting should have been furious and desperate to fight back, but now, he has locked the door of the laboratory, and the trivial matters have nothing to do with me.

Since ancient times, no matter what kind of drama it is, there has been a concept called rival play. If the opponent does not accept the play, then you are likely to become a clown playing a one-man show. This is the current state of the military.

A big problem with public opinion attacks is that once the popularity passes, people will start to forget, so the best way to deal with public opinion is not to clarify or fight back, but to pretend to be dead.

Stark, who opened it, understood the key without a teacher. If you want to scold, you can scold. As long as I don't listen, see, or feel, all public opinions have nothing to do with me.

Stark's performance exceeded many people's expectations. Pepper is ready to clean up the mess for him. Obadiah's staff team has prepared three or four sets of public relations plans. As a result, the popularity of the military After being fired for three days, Stark was as stable as Mount Tai, and he never came out of the laboratory. He sang opera for the blind.

If one failed, another plan was made. The military found the Osborn group again, trying to impress the Osborn group with their interests, and stand on the same front as them to deal with Stark.

As a result, they didn't even enter the door of the Osborn Group.

Although Osborn is a businessman, he is very resentful for the military's preference for Stark and only considers the biotechnology of the Osborn Group as a backup plan. In addition, he is now cooperating with Stark for immortality. The factor industry is in full swing, and if his brain is burned out, he will no longer go to the military to beg for food.

The Osborn Group was unwilling to cooperate, and the military had not many choices. It just so happened that Drake, the boss of the Life Foundation, was sent to the SHIELD's little black room together with the riot. The military wanted to Take this opportunity to embrace Life Foundation's industry and support new agents.

After a long time, they finally found a not-so-good agent. He inherited part of Drake's reputation, claiming that he was a scientist for the benefit of ordinary people, and used to make Stark more evil.

As a result, just two days after he took office, Eddie used his personal connections to expose the detailed data of Dora's life foundation's experiments with homeless people. In this way, the Life Foundation also sent it.

The level of the military is not very good, but the perseverance is very strong. It is commonly known as people who are addicted to vegetables. Several well-known large companies are unwilling to cooperate, so they find Hanmer military industry, or in other words, Hanmer military industry was originally raised by the military. a dog of their own, at their command.

The Hammer military industry is anxious to express itself in front of the military to receive more orders, but compared with behemoths like Stark or Osborne, their size is not very impressive.

Hammer's military industry can only find another way and start to search the world for the black material that Stark may exist. The effort pays off, and they really found one.

A few days ago, there was a car explosion in the underground garage of the Stark Building. This event made no waves, because no one was injured at all. It was neither Stark nor the Stark Building sitting in the car. , the only living thing in the entire car is Jarvis.

Most people think that this may be an accident caused by a car test, but Justin Hammer, the boss of Hammer Industries, is keenly aware that this may be an accident caused by man-made.

He thought that the cause of this accident would be the crazy fans who lost their fans and stepped back, but he did not expect to catch a big fish.

Yin Fanwanke, a self-proclaimed enemy of Stark, in the version of the story he told Justin Hammer, his father developed the Ark Reactor with Stark's father, but the final research results were lost by Stark's. His father took it as his own, and his father was brutally murdered.

It is difficult to prove the authenticity of this story, because it has been too long, but the Hammer military industry and the military are treasured, and it is better to use it because it cannot be proved.

Stark turned a deaf ear to the smearing comments and closed his lab for research, but the military bet he couldn't ignore the smearing of his father's news, so the story spread quickly and widely.

The military exaggerated ten times what Howard had done. In the story, all of Howard's research results were denied, and the results of Yin Fanwanke's father were changed to be stolen by the evil Howard.

The only thing that remains is Howard's failed display of the suspended car, which is described as a true level of Howard.

"Looks like they've managed to catch your weakness," Schiller and Steve said while playing checkers in the lab in the Stark Building, while Stark sat on the lab bench on the other side. Read the information attentively.

"Actually it makes sense." Schiller continued, "If they describe your father as a piece of shit, then you've been trying to prove that you are stronger than Howard will become very much like a clown."

"I want to state in advance that I don't use mind-reading skills. This is a problem that anyone can see. You seem to be trying to emphasize that Howard is not as talented as you, but when someone says Howard is an idiot, you still Very angry, and as I expected, you should be thinking why you are angry by now."

"But I can give you the answer directly, because you don't actually hate it"

"Enough!" Stark shot up.

He walked out from behind the experimental bench quickly, stood beside the table where the two were playing checkers, and then suddenly stopped again. He looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely on the checkers board, and thought about himself and such two people. Personal care is not a bit down.

Then he held out a hand and said, "Okay, I'm going to hold a Stark Industry Expo and let them see Stark's latest work."

"I will tell them that no matter which Stark it is, it is thousands of times stronger than those idiots."

"I know that Yin Fan also has an Ark reactor, and I know that he had a stupid idea to use it, and he actually made one"

"Do you know who is the least welcome in my nursing home?" Schiller interrupted Stark suddenly.

Stark asked, "What kind of person?"

"A spoiler."

Off topic

I've been so busy lately, I haven't written an interlude for a long time.

I will summarize the plot that is exactly the same as the original movie or comic book. I don’t want to be a repeater. If you are interested in the specific plot, you can read the original work, such as the relationship between Yin Fan’s father and Howard.

In my opinion, writing a fandom and repeating the original plot is a bit like cheating money, and my conscience hurts a bit, but many people may not understand it if I don't write it at all, so I'll just write it briefly.

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