American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 204: Gathering of Talents (middle)

"The riot taught that human being a lot of knowledge about the symbiote race, and that human being used this knowledge to do a lot of experiments on me, and even used the symbiotic factor extracted from my body to create a lot of madness that can infect humans. offspring."

"I was made weak by them, that human wanted me to possess an ordinary person, and then conduct a new round of experiments on me, I don't want to do it, but I have no choice, if there is a host, even an ordinary person , may also find an opportunity to escape."

"When I found out that venom had parasitized you, I was going to despair. It's not as good as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect..."

The phantom asked Peter with some doubts: "Why are you so strong? According to what I know about ordinary humans, you can't have such great power."

"I don't know either." Peter shrugged and said, "We have to stop the two of them now, let me think..."

Peter used a spider silk to stick to a nearby building, then swung over the heads of the two fighting monsters, and finally stuck to the glass curtain wall of a building opposite, he said: "It's okay, it's late at night, there's nothing here People, otherwise it would be a hassle to just evacuate the crowd."

"Hey, wait, how did they get away?"

Seeing the riot that was chased by the hammer with Venom, Peter finally couldn't help it. One burst and jumped, crossed an entire street, and began to flee in the other direction.

"We have to catch up with them!" The phantom said anxiously: "The riot is a war madman, and Venom is even more of a madman. If the two of them fight, the whole of New York will be destroyed!"

While chasing in the direction where they fled, Peter asked the phantom, "You seem to be familiar with humans?"

"I said, before you, I possessed several ordinary humans. The first person I possessed was a nurse. I worked with her in the hospital for more than a month..."

"I have to admit." The hoarse female voice was a little emotional, and Peter even heard a hint of tenderness from it: "Humans are the most vulnerable intelligent race I have ever seen, but they are also the strongest."

"...Okay, Peter." The phantom's tone began to become low, and she said, "I am indeed not their power-type symbiote, but I also have special abilities that other symbiotes don't have, and control your body. Leave it to me, and I'll take you to catch up with them."

Just as Peter had a thought of consent, he felt that the scene in his field of vision began to recede rapidly, and from the glass of the shop window, he saw that he had turned into a translucent shadow, moving at an extremely fast speed in the air. In the middle of the flight, in one breath, it flew to the front of the two monsters.

"I am the weakest one among the space agents, but also the fastest one." The voice of the phantom sounded in Peter's mind: "I can fly in the universe without any foreign objects, faster than some spaceships. faster."

"At the same time, it can also be teleported, invisible, and cloned. That's why I call it a phantom."


Just after Peter finished evaluating, he saw that the two monsters turned a corner and ran towards Greenwich Village. The phantom wanted to fly with Peter again, but Peter shouted: "Wait! I'll hit first. a phone call..."

"Mr Strange..."

At the same time, Strange in the Sanctuary raised his arm to block the debris from the collapsed building. He shouted to the mages: "Evacuate ordinary people first!!"

"Wait! I'm signing a contract here soon!" one of the men in a suit yelled at the desk.

The mage next to him pulled him over and asked him to avoid the building debris that fell from the ceiling. The mage picked up the phone that he had dropped and shouted to the other side: "Sorry! We have some trouble here, We'll talk later!"

A cell phone on Strange's right hand suddenly flew up, and the staff member who was holding the cell phone stretched out his arm and shouted, "Wait!! Mr. Mephisto, if you have something to say, this is force majeure, calm down..."

There was a loud noise on the other end of the phone, which sounded like swear words in the devil's language, and suddenly, a cluster of **** flames erupted around the small phone, and Mephisto's voice came from inside: "Stellan Strange! What the **** are you doing?! Didn't I say, I'm going to negotiate with Satanish today! Is my advisor going to be online all day?! I've already paid the deposit..."

Strange waved the ribbon in his hand, pulled the phone down, held it in his hand and said to Mephisto: "Sorry, Mr. Mephisto, someone attacked the Sanctuary..."

"You also know that ordinary people work here. In order to ensure their safety, we must suspend business and let them evacuate here first."

"You bastards! My negotiation is at a critical moment! We have already talked about the issue of land prices near the central lava pool!! This is related to my income for the next 100,000 years, and you actually told me to quit ?!"

While helping other mages open the portal and letting ordinary people evacuate to avoid danger, Strange explained helplessly: "But it is indeed force majeure. Two monsters the size of a hill attacked here..."

He said this, the riot threw a punch, a building next to the Holy of Holies collapsed, and even the building with the Holy of Holies shook violently, Strange was staggered, he said : "The house here is now half collapsed. I'm afraid we won't be able to..."

Mephisto interrupted him and said, "Wait! You mean two monsters? ... Wait!"

The flames around the phone disappeared, and before Strange could realize what the Lord of Hell meant, the crimson ribbon in his hand suddenly shook violently, breaking free from Strange's control, and then I heard a scream from a financial advisor behind Strange.

"My computer!!! I did a two hour report!!!"

"Oh, yes, I'm really sorry... Mr. Setorak, something happened to us here, my computer was just smashed, so I'm afraid the data you want is only two days late..."

Strange looked at the crimson girdle that flew up in front of him, slowly bent, and then turned into a question mark with a "bang".

Strange took a deep breath, took out the phone and called Wang and said, "Wang, something happened to the Holy of Holies, I can only trouble you to go to Asgard and send a universe using their rainbow bridge. The broadcast said that the Holy of Holies was hit by a force majeure disaster and temporarily closed for three days..."

At this moment, Venom jumped high, slammed forward, and slammed the tyranny into the roof of the Sanctuary. After a loud noise, the only half of the ceiling collapsed. Strange sighed and said: " The destructive power of these two monsters is too strong, it is better to suspend business for a week... no, half a month."

The red ribbon in front of Strange slowly straightened again, and the bang turned into an exclamation mark.

At this time, Spider-Man had already jumped between the two symbiotes. Taking advantage of their brief separation from the scuffle, Peter stretched out his arm to stop and fight the two monsters and shouted: "Stop!! Stop fighting! !!"

Riot completely ignored Spider-Man in the middle. He opened his mouth and said to Venom: "Venom! You lunatic! What does the conflict between me and the space agent have to do with you? Why are you chasing me?!"

Venom watched the riot, and his voice gradually changed from low to high: "Because I am Venom...I am revenge!!!"

Spider-Man first looked left, then right, and the phantom said in his mind, "Looks like they're both crazy, we..."

In an instant, Spider-Man's spider moved, and he rolled forward to dodge. Above his head, two monsters, one black and one gray, roared and slammed into each other, like the collision of cold water and hot oil, and countless symbiont factors splashed out. The shock wave completely destroyed the surrounding buildings.

Strange grabbed the crimson girdle and jumped down from the second floor. The remaining mage who hadn't evacuated followed behind him. For a moment, the brilliance of defensive magic flashed.

Although Strange was an apprentice mage, the mage behind him were the mainstay of Kama Taj. As soon as the two monsters collided, the mage waving ribbons drove them apart.

Spider-Man was on the other side, pulling Riot's leg with spider silk, and the phantom shouted in his mind: "Riot is the most powerful among the first-generation symbiotes, and you can't fight him!"

Before she could finish her words, Spider-Man squatted down slightly, grabbed the spider silk and pulled it back, and the huge gray monster fell to the ground.

The gray monster turned around, and was about to turn over with force, Spider-Man took a deep breath, wrapped the spider silk around his wrist a few times, swung his arm vigorously, and the riot flew out like a meteor hammer.

At this time, it was late at night, and this was the commercial street of Greenwich Village. There was no one at all, so there was no need to worry about accidentally injuring the onlookers. Spider-Man, who gave full play to the riot, waved twice in the air, like a western cowboy throwing a noose. He threw it out.

The phantom said immediately: "From today onwards, I am a power-type symbiote, let's go and beat them!"

The figure of Purple Spider-Man became illusory, and in a flash, he appeared behind the riot again, punching the back of his head, and the riot that just got up from the ground flew out again.

When a powerful hero has extremely fast speed, he is almost invincible. What's more, the magic provides Spider-Man not only speed, she can also be invisible, teleport, and more importantly, Fly infinitely.

Originally, everyone was a ground force. You punched me, and I punched you. Even if they were knocked out, they could readjust their fighting stance while the opponent was approaching.

But the current situation is that Spider-Man kicked the riot out with one punch, followed by a flash, another punch, another flash, another punch, no CD, no cooldown, an uppercut followed by an uppercut, and the blow flew to You can also fly unlimited combos in the The riot turned into a sandbag directly.

Spider-Man was playing well, and the voices of Spider-Sense and Phantom sounded at the same time: "Be careful!!!"

The riot roared, and a strong airflow erupted around him. The phantom took Peter to dodge and landed on the roof of a nearby building.

Without external force, the flightless riot should have fallen to the ground, but a layer of black curtain caught him, and then, layers of dark power spread from behind him, with the airflow filling into a pitch black. the black hole.

The voice of the phantom gradually became serious: "Before he set off, Gnar gave him the power of chaos from the birth of the seventh universe, which is Gnar's most powerful power and the source of his immortality..."

"Retreat, this kind of power cannot be handled by pure brute force, we must first..."

At this moment, Spider-Man keenly felt a slight tremor on the ground, and then, the roar of the motorcycle sounded from the distant horizon, and where the endless flames lit up, a hoarse whisper sounded:

"You... guilty!"

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