American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 18: Wounded Daredevil

New York Hell's Kitchen.

On the bed of Schiller's Psychological Clinic, Daredevil Matt let out a scream, Schiller took away the alcohol cotton ball in the tweezers and said, "Although no one will come from this street, you continue to be like this. Tighten the muscles, I'm sure I can't get the bullet out."

He threw the cotton ball into the trash can, wiped the tweezers with an alcohol pad, and opened the wound on Daredevil's shoulder a little, and said, "I have to cut the wound a little with a knife."

Matt said, "You have to give me some anesthesia, or I will definitely go into shock."

"A superhero who is afraid of pain, I really don't know whether to laugh at you or admire you." Schiller said.

"There aren't many people who can hurt me, but Jin Bian found a great person this time," Matt said.

Schiller looked at Matt's pale face. His lips were almost bloodless. Everyone's tolerance for pain was different. Daredevil Matt was obviously the more sensitive type.

As Schiller said, such a person is a superhero, and I don't know whether it is worthy of ridicule or admiration.

Schiller thought that superheroes can also be injured and bleed, and no amount of powerful drugs can completely avoid the pain. Perhaps Batman abandoned his superficial thoughts of revenge in the unbearable pain again and again, and found a better way for himself. great goal.

Only the great ideal of "justice" can support these superheroes to lick their wounds alone night after night.

Schiller put down the tweezers and said, "You're lucky, Matt, I have some good medicine here."

He took out a small white bottle and handed it to Matt. Matt touched the package and smelled the smell, and said, "Damn, how come you have this painkiller? You addict!"

Schiller said: "Don't know the goods. This is different from the junk on the market. The concentration is the highest you can find. If you don't eat it, pay me back. This stuff is very expensive."

What Schiller took out was the painkiller he had taken when he went to Jonathan's to steal the fear gas. Jonathan needed painkillers when he experimented with the experimental objects. These were all extracted by himself, and were much better than the ones he could buy.

Matt still took a slice and said, "God help me get better soon, then turn around and punch you."

"Don't take revenge for grace. It's normal to carry a little pill with you in hell's kitchen. It's not a crime."

Matt felt the pain gradually receding. He couldn't admit that Schiller was right. In Hell's Kitchen, taking drugs was the most harmless hobby.

And Schiller thought, if in Gotham, a person only has a habit of taking drugs, then he is as kind as an angel.

Seeing Matt's complexion gradually recovering, Schiller asked him, "Why did you capsize in the gutter?"

Matt pursed his lips and said, "It's not easy for Jin Bing to find someone. I took precautions in advance, but those guys who call themselves 'ninjas' can lower their heartbeats. I can't hear them... Oh! Damn..."

Schiller used tweezers to hold the bullet he just took out. He turned the bullet from side to side and said, "The ninja you mentioned are still fed up and have nothing to do. They even carved the pattern of cherry blossoms on the bullet."

Matt looked exhausted, and Schiller shouted, "Pikachu! Bring the bandages I put in the closet!"

Matt heard a little creature jumping onto the table, and it said with disgust: "I told you not to treat him in the bedroom. Do you think the smell of blood smells good? Hey, bad luck, your bandage..."

Schiller caught the bandage thrown by Pikachu and wrapped it on Matt. Matt said, "You better hurry up, I have to get out of here later."

"And then died on the street outside the door?" Schiller asked.

"They have their eyes on me. Those ninjas have unique tracking skills. If they come here, we can't run away." Matt said.

After all, he was still a good person, and he didn't want to implicate Schiller. Although Schiller wasn't a good person in his opinion, he saved him after all. Matt said that he was powerful, but he actually didn't want to retaliate.

Schiller said while cleaning up the blood-stained tools: "They don't need any special tracking skills. You run all the way from the next street with a strong smell of blood. If they haven't found out..."

Matt suddenly heard a violent wind, and he shouted: "It's a dart!! Dodge!!"

He was anxious in his heart, because he could tell from Schiller's footsteps that he was just an untrained ordinary person, and faced with the group of ninja killers, there was almost no possibility of surviving.

But soon, he heard a "bang", the hidden weapon seemed to hit something, and Schiller was holding an umbrella, he thought, the umbrella is really a defensive weapon, especially for small things like darts, Can greatly reduce their impact.

There is only one person on the opposite side, because Schiller's telepathy is effective in a range, except for Matt, he can only feel the mood of one person.

"Miss, if you hesitate for three minutes before starting, why don't we sit down and have a cup of coffee together," Schiller said.

Before waiting for the other side to answer, Schiller continued to speak to the air: "You're right, your old friend is really merciful, I've never seen one that can just hit a bullet into the least fatal gap between the shoulder blades. Well, since you're here, why don't you come out and meet?"

There was a cold snort in the air on the opposite side, and then the killer on the opposite side left.

Matt looked bewildered and said, "What? What old friend?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "Didn't you find it? Since the killer you met has the ability to shoot you without you finding it, why didn't she shoot in the heart or in the head?"

"Isn't this bullet aimed at the heart?"

"It's a hundred and eight thousand miles away."

Matt's mind was a little short-circuited. Obviously, he hadn't reacted yet. The killer on the opposite side was actually his former classmate and ex-girlfriend Erica.

Schiller, who knows the plot, is very clear that Erica is afraid that she will be entangled to death at this time, and she has no love for Matt, but she is hesitant to complete the task. Her identity, she ran away in a hurry, obviously not wanting to let Matt know who she was.

This is true, don't guess a woman's mind.

Soon, Daredevil Matt passed out in pain and apprehension, and Schiller put the shutters on the clinic door down and locked them, and closed and locked all the windows. He stood by the bed, watching New York City night sky.

A shining meteor streaked across the sky, and countless couples made wishes to the sky, but it was actually Stark's mecha.

The people in Hell's Kitchen didn't have the time to make a wish on the meteor, but Schiller took out his mobile phone and called Stark. As soon as the call was connected, Schiller said, "Miss Pepper knows that you would rather drive around in the mecha in the air, Don't you want to go back to accompany her?"

Then, under the watchful eyes of countless couples, the meteor fell headlong.

After the meeting, on the roof of Schiller's Psychological Clinic, Stark was wearing a smoking Mark 5 and complained to Schiller, "I should have put you on the blacklist of my address book..."

Schiller lit him a cigarette and said, "A middle-aged man who doesn't sleep at night and goes out for a race car, and drives such a resentful curve, isn't it strange that he is arguing with his wife."

Stark also walked to the eaves and sat down. He took the cigarette from Schiller. He said, "...she put a lot of pressure on me. To be honest, I didn't think about it..."

"Don't think about anything? Do you want to marry Pepper?"

Stark coughed twice and said, "Marriage? Did you skip some important steps?"

"Oh, yes, in the eyes of a stallion like you, there is indeed an important step."

"Don't say that, Pepper is different from those women."

"I just don't know that you are different from other men in her eyes," Schiller said.

Before Stark could answer, Schiller continued: "But I think it should be about the same. You haven't been with her as long as the chief security officer."

"...Then I'll fire the security guard when I go back." Stark said angrily.

Obviously, he was avoiding some problems.

After a while, Stark touched his cheek, and he said with some confusion, "...You really know how to read minds?"

"I said do I believe you? If you don't believe it, don't keep asking." Schiller said.

"I want to find a way to make me believe that there is mind reading in this world, and then you can tell me what Pepper thinks." Stark said.

Iron Man is not a traditional "just and invincible" type of hero. He has a sensitive and sentimental heart, and has a perceptual brain that does not match his technological genius, so he always entangles his emotions into a mess.

In the face of Pepper, Stark was always unable to move forward He didn't realize that this attitude actually said a lot.

Schiller changed the subject. He said, "How's that kid in the red and blue tights in New York City lately? I heard you complain about him."

"Oh, yes, a kid in an ugly can't-ugliest tights jumping up and down the city, swinging around like a flea," said Stark, who said, "Jarvis said the kid should be Underage, I'm going to catch him and throw him home."

Schiller said, "I have some clues here, do you want to hear it?"

"I saw him a few times on the edge of Hell's Kitchen. He didn't dare to come in. I saw that he had a high school logo on his blue pants that day. It was from Queens..."

"You call this a clue?" Stark sneered, and Schiller continued: "It can be seen that he has no money to buy a good outfit for himself, and his family situation should not be very good, so it must not be those expensive ones. The terrible private schools are mostly students from Midtown High School or Forest High School..."

"Forest High School is a boarding school. If any students come out to hang around like this, their legs will probably be broken. And Midtown High School is much more rambunctious. Judging from his size, it is estimated that he is a freshman or sophomore."

"A little kid." Stark concluded. He said, "I guess he made a toy by himself. If he can use it to be majestic, he can't wait to come out and wander around."

"So, are you going to let him experience the dangers of adults?" Schiller asked.

"Of course, more importantly, New York City is not his playground," Stark said.

Although he has just recovered, he is an adult who has experienced major events after all. He knows that something will happen sooner or later when Little Spider wanders around like this. In fact, some media have already noticed him.

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