American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 128: R: Bat Big Event (10)

"Okay, let's repeat our combat objective now." Peter squatted on the roof of a building, Pikachu squatted on his shoulders, and his ears were blown by the wind on the roof of the building.

"After preliminary investigation, we have determined that the location of the commander of those bats should be the underground of this block."

"It's daytime, they must hide in a certain room and dare not come out. We have to cooperate with the vampire hunter called Sunwalker, and it is best to take down their command post in one fell swoop."

Peter's eyes were fixed on the street below the building, where there was a bar that seemed to be closed during the day, but there was something in it.

This is the point of contact for a group of high-ranking vampires, chosen as the base of the vampire commander after the invasion began.

"Later, the Sunwalkers will make some noise at the gate to attract their attention. I will be responsible for rushing in to carry out the decapitation operation, and you will enlarge the move when you find a suitable opportunity..."

"Don't worry." Pikachu patted his chest and said, "The energy stored in my body is enough for me to release 100,000 volts once, but there is only one chance. You must use your position to force them to gather together. This will maximize the killing effect.”

Peter stretched out a web and stuck it to the wall of the building across the street, swinging down and saying, "Look at me."

At this time, a car at the entrance of the bar suddenly exploded, and the fragments of the wreckage of the vehicle directly shattered the glass of the bar. The movement was not small. Within two minutes, several figures rushed out of the bar.

However, they did not dare to show their faces on the street, but leaned against the wall of the bar building and hid in the shadow of the building. The Blade Warrior squatted behind a truck not far from the street, observing the situation, he muttered to himself. Said: "These mice are still so timid, for fear of getting a little sun."

After he finished speaking, he walked out with a submachine gun, and there was a burst of fire. A few vampires were a little flustered by the sudden attack, and hurriedly retreated into the bar, but quickly reacted, a teleport , appeared in the shadow behind the blade.

Blade fighters are all too familiar with their routine. After all, he is also a half-vampire. He directly swung the machete in the other hand and slashed the vampire's arm with one strike.

This vampire doesn't seem to be a native of New York. He didn't expect the blade fighter's style of play at all. He was slashed and screamed into a bat and wanted to fly away.

But this was in the arms of the blade warrior. He swung the machete, dropped the machine gun, and quickly took out a somewhat strange pistol from his waist. The blue ice pick was fired from the muzzle and directly hit one of the bat's wings. , which instantly froze the entire bat into a big ice cube.

When the other vampires saw this, they hurriedly came to support, but they didn't find the back door of the bar. Two figures had sneaked in.

Spider-Man originally wanted to violently break the window, but at the suggestion of the great detective Pikachu, he chose to pick the lock, and he appeared on the ground floor of the bar with Pikachu without making any noise.

But this floor is just a disguise. Their real location is on the second basement floor. Peter bent down and glanced down the stairs and said, "I just counted, there used to be 5 vampires who were patrolling here, and they just went out. 4, and one should be guarded at the entrance on the second floor, we have to find a way to deal with him."

"Use the Frozen Gun." Pikachu jumped from Peter's shoulder to the ground, took down the Frozen Gun hanging from Peter's waist, and said, "I'm small, I walk along the blind spot of my sight, and I won't get caught. He found out that I'll shoot him later, freeze him, and you must catch him before the ice cube that freezes him falls to the ground, and don't make any noise."

Spider-Man gave him an OK gesture, and Pikachu slowly walked down the corner of the stairs with the freezing gun that was a bit big for him.

Just as they had planned, the vampire who was guarding the door had just finished fighting at night, and at this time it was in the form of a bat, hanging upside down on the beam to rest.

Pikachu walked up to him, and he didn't notice it at all. Pikachu felt a little boring. He raised his hand and fired a shot. As a result, Peter didn't need to shoot at all. The freezing gun directly froze the bat on the beam and did not fall. down, there is no sound.

Peter walked down lightly. He squatted outside the door, glanced into the room through the window on the door, and saw two figures. He was about to go in when he heard a violent quarrel in the room.

"Do you really believe in the nonsense of those humans? Why don't you understand, that's all they did to split us up!"

"You're the stubborn one! Don't you know what's going on among them now? They say that there is something in our blood that can give humans eternal life. Do you know how dangerous it is?" A female voice came from the room came in.

"So what? Do these weak humans still want to hunt down the great blood race? What are they capable of doing? This group of fragile ants should be the food of higher life!"

"Deacon, your arrogance shocks me. It's those weak creatures in your mouth who fought with your elite troops on the bridge for a day and a night!"

"Why do you still refuse to admit it? It's not thousands of years ago. Do you think humans are still monkeys fighting with sticks and stones?"

"They haven't changed at all!" Deacon's tone was full of contempt. "It's just that the sticks and stones they wielded were replaced by guns. This race has a natural inferiority. What is unity, their weapons will only be thrown at their own heads!"

"I have used my accumulation over the years to bribe many human politicians. These people have no bottom line, not even loyalty to their own race. As long as they are on our side, we can shake the human situation. As long as Until tonight, we'll have the whole of Brooklyn under our control."

"This is the most populous district in the whole of New York, which means that there will be countless food for me and my subordinates, and our strength will reach its peak."

"Stop dreaming." The female voice said coldly, "Don't you see it? Humans have already planned to unite, do you know why?"

"They say that we have factors that can prolong their lifespan. Humans, a short-lived species, will do whatever they can to live longer! You don't realize the seriousness of the problem at all!"

The female voice seemed to lose her patience. She said, "On behalf of the Presbyterian faction, I am here to warn you for the last time. Once your crazy actions bring destruction to our entire race, you will also be our enemy."

"You group of weak people without ambition!" Deacon said angrily: "We can obviously occupy this world! Let all human beings become our slaves, why are you just on the sidelines! Even hiding!"

"We do want to control human society, but it's for better enjoyment, and only they can create a society so prosperous that we just have to manipulate it in the dark."

"And you, you idiot with only war in mind! You are about to ruin our plan! Do you know what stupid prophecy you made that seriously interfered with the elder's next plan!"

"We originally intended to unite in the next general election to influence the outcome of the election, and for this, we have drawn many people, not only professors from several universities on the east coast, but also many medical workers headed by doctors from Presbyterian hospitals. and Wall Street financiers!"

"This power, if not allowing us to decide who the president is, can at least control a state's parliament!"

"There will be our base camp, Elder Sebastian has already deployed a lot of power in Hell's Kitchen in Brooklyn, we will control human society from above and below, and this stupid plan of yours has made many people Expose ahead of time! Whether you win or not, the Council of Elders will not let you go!"

"What infiltration plan! That's just an excuse for your enjoyment." Deacon's voice grew angrier: "Hundreds of years ago, how glorious our race was!"

"We can unscrupulously rob people on the street, and eat where we want to eat!"

"But since you appeasement bastards, after that negotiation with humans, we have had to hide, those cowards among you are even willing to accept stale refrigerated blood, and now I don't want to bear it anymore !"

"The final battle is tonight, and I will win! You have no idea how powerful the Bat God is!"

"I think you're crazy. You've been carried away by that mythology. Do you really believe that there will be any bat gods to help you?"

"Heh." Dickon sneered and said, "If I don't have a firm grasp, how do you think I dare to start this war against the opposition of so many people in my clan?"

The firmness in his tone made the female vampire hesitate, and she said, "I advise you not to have any delusions, the earth is not a place where everyone dares to come and go wild, you are far from living as those elders. Sir, they once warned me to be wary of all foreign beliefs..."

"Their cowardly words will be engraved on their tombstones," Deacon said.

"Are you really sure that the power of the Bat God will come?"

"Not only that, the Bat God will send his most capable guards to come here to help me in person, just at the moment when the moonlight is the thickest tonight, and those stupid humans don't know that the arrival of the Bat God guards does not require any ceremony. , their strict defense is useless!"

"We will share the world with Him!"

Peter listened to a cold sweat outside the door. He hugged Pikachu, ran upstairs, and quickly withdrew from the bar. The blade fighter quickly dealt with the vampires who besieged him, and when he saw Peter running out, he Said, "What's the matter? You got rid of them so quickly?"

Peter looked the Blade fighter in the eyes and said, "What else do you know about the Bat God?"

"What's the matter?" The blade warrior asked when he saw that his face was not very good.

"I just heard the conversation of the vampire leaders underground. One of them, the one who led the war, mentioned that the power of the Bat God will come tonight when the moonlight is the strongest."

Peter's tone was very determined, and the blade warrior frowned and said, "This is impossible. They should have made up this prophecy and the so-called Bat God."

Looking at Peter's dubious eyes, the blade warrior said firmly: "You should know that I am also a half-vampire. The difference between me and them is that my mother was transformed by a vampire, but in the process of my growth, It has also participated in the interior of this race, and the bat **** has only been circulated in the past few hundred years."

"It started with a negotiation in Kunlun about hundreds of years ago."

Then, Peter learned from the Blades, the unknown past of this race.

Hundreds of years ago, vampires had a war with humans, but unlike this time, it was extraordinary humans who clashed with vampires. Moreover, the battlefield at that time was in the Eastern Continent, and there were also some wars in Europe. Only the entire Americas He was alone, so the people here didn't know much about the war that year.

The process does not need to be elaborated, but the group of radical vampires in those days were almost killed by the extraordinary humans, and finally the undead Count Dracula came forward and negotiated with the humans, and the place of the peace talks was in Kunlun.

Since then, the vampire policy of avoiding the world has been carried out. In Asia and Europe, there are special investigation agencies to ensure that vampires who live in seclusion in human society will not cause too much damage to the entire society.

But there are careerists everywhere and will appear in any era. The new vampires are very dissatisfied with this humiliating treaty, and the representative of them is Deacon.

To put it simply, I haven't been beaten before, and I think I'm very capable.

Blade said to Peter: "The belief in the Bat God came with the gradual growth of these new radical vampires, and this belief was essentially made up by them for their own concept of aggression. Before this, never before. There is this saying."

"If there really is such a god, then it is impossible for him to only appear for a few hundred years and have such a powerful power, and I heard from some old vampire hunters that there has always been a mysterious power protecting the earth. It's not like that. All creatures dare to call themselves gods here."

In the end, the Blades concluded, "I think they may have been deceived by some supernatural being of great power, who may have called himself a god, and then showed them some miracles. They foolishly agreed. It's very dangerous to call him here, they're looking for their own way."

"The question now is, will this **** really come?" Peter's face was very serious, he said: "Those crazy bats will definitely launch a general attack at night. If any powerful creatures come down at this time, then Humans are absolutely unstoppable, and the losses will be very heavy.”

"Humans have the determination to resist these monsters at all costs, but what we have to do is to reduce these losses as much as possible." Peter's tone was firm, and he continued: "I think we have to continue to investigate."

"I plan to kill As long as Deacon is killed, and no one presides over that kind of summoning ceremony, the guy who claims to be a **** will naturally not be able to come," said the blade warrior.

Spider-Man fell into that very clear tactical thinking again, he stopped the Blade and said: "No, there is more than Deacon in the radicals, let's not say whether we can completely kill this vampire, even if we kill him Now, his subordinates will do the same. According to what you said, there are quite a few of them, and we can't kill them all before the night comes."

"From the content of the conversation I heard, that woman may be a representative of the moderates. I heard them say that there is a plan to control human beings secretly. What's going on?"

"It's normal," said the blade warrior, pouting. "Vampires have never been subservient creatures. They choose to live in seclusion temporarily, but only because they were beaten hundreds of years ago, and then they changed their way of aggression."

"Is there a deep conflict between the radicals and the moderates?"

"Of course, as you just heard, the moderates plan to accumulate strength and gradually control human society from the shadows, but the radicals have made one mess after another, making their plans always fail, and the vigilance of mankind is growing. The stronger it is, the infinitely slows them down in reaching their goals."

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