American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 118: Spiders and Bats (Part 2)

Parker's house, in Peter's room, Peter clung to the door frame and said, "Let me go! This is my body! I use it for whatever I want! I'm going out on a date with Gwen and then He looked up at his watch and said, "Please! It's 10 o'clock now, and we will meet by the river at 10:30. It's too late now, I can't make an appointment, she just encountered such a big danger yesterday, she definitely needs someone's comfort.

"But you haven't even finished a decent battle plan! You've been here for three hours! Only a third of it! You have to finish it before you can play!"

Me: "Are you crazy? Even the teachers at school don't ask anyone to do their homework for three hours! I'm going out now: let go of Peter's arm for a moment to relax, a moment to tighten, as if I was with Tug of war by himself, and finally Venom growled: "You are 16 years old! Two more years to 18! I've seen 18-year-old humans with more effort and self-discipline than you

"You're lying! My seniors are obviously like me, and we are normal! How can there be high school students in this world who are bored in their room doing their homework?? Let me go out! I'm really going to be late!

Twenty minutes later, Peter landed on a roof, and he warned Venom in his head, "I'm going on a date with Gwen later, and you're not allowed to peek."

"Have you never even held her hand?" Venom said.

"How could it be possible, of course we held hands..."

"Just holding hands, right?"

Peter blushed a little, and he said, "So what? We've only been in a relationship for a few months, and we haven't even dated more than 100 people.


After a while, in a coffee shop by the river, Gwen had ordered two cups of coffee, she was very happy to see Peter, and Peter ran over excitedly, he said, "Sorry, I'm a little late today, on the way ...a bit of a traffic jam.

"It's okay, I came too early. I've already ordered coffee. Let's go over there and sit."

As soon as Peter took the coffee cup, he felt that his body was suddenly out of control, and then he opened his arms and hugged Gwen, Gwen was startled,

Peter let go of his grin and said, "Oh, sorry! I... I just Then he saw Gwen's eyes suddenly flashing with tears, and Gwen said, "Did you see the newspaper? See what happened on the street next to the school yesterday?

Peter was there at the time, of course he knew, and then he said, "Ah... yes, I see you seem to be there too. Before Peter can continue to say anything, Gwen's eyes are red and he says, "You didn't know there was a How dangerous, I watched a young policeman die, oh my **** I just can't take it...

"Hold her."

"You are too much, how can you control me..."

"Listen to me, hug her."

Peter felt that his body was out of control again. He hugged Gwen tightly, and Gwen hugged him and started crying. After a while, he cried and trembled, and Peter had to caress her back.

After a while, Gwen recovered, she wiped her tears with a napkin and said, "I'm really sorry, I couldn't control myself, but she choked up again and said, "My dad's been under a lot of pressure. Now, I didn't even dare to show fear, because he was worried about me. If he was distracted at work, he might be sacrificed.

Seeing Gwen's sad and worried face, Peter felt very sad. He could hardly speak, but his arm was raised uncontrollably, and then he held Gwen's coffee cup. Hand, Venom said in Peter's head, "Aren't you going to say something?

"What should I say? I... this, this is too abrupt..."

"You are the most cowardly human I have ever seen."

In the end, Peter still mustered up his courage, looked Gwen in the eyes and said, "Don't worry, I've been with you all the time..."

After speaking, he quickly withdrew his hand as if he had been scalded, then took a sip of coffee from the coffee cup.

Gwen looked at his blushing face, and suddenly burst into laughter. She said, "You are really different today."

Peter complained in his heart, "It's all you, Gwen will definitely think I'm unreasonable."

Then he heard Gwen say, "But I think it's not bad, you were a little too introverted, I didn't expect you to be so active. Peter's face turned redder, and he hesitantly said, "No...nothing. , it should be..."

"You're really hopeless." Venom's voice sounded in his heart again.

Gwen giggled and almost choked on the coffee. She seemed to love seeing Peter look so shy and embarrassed.

"Let's go to the movies later, let's go to the movie theater we used to go to. I have a coupon for a big cheese ball bucket, which is just right for us. After the two left the cafe, Peter said to Gwen: " Sorry, wait a minute, I'll go to the convenience store. "

He ran into the nearest convenience store, came to the shelf, picked up a pack of chocolate balls, and checked out.

Gwen saw him coming out at the door of the store, and then she looked at the bag of chocolate **** in Peter's hand and said, "Why did you buy this all of a sudden? I don't remember you like chocolate?

Peter tore open the package, took out one, handed it to Gwen, shrugged and said, "I just think eating sweets will make me feel better."

Gwen was very happy, she put her hand on Peter's shoulder and said, "It seems that you have really changed a lot. In the past, my friends always said that you would not please girls at all, but now it seems that you still Not bad.

Peter blushed again, and then he also took out one, peeled off the package, and put it into his mouth.

"Oh, shit, why is this so unpalatable?" Venom's voice sounded.

"Then why did you let me buy it?"

Peter chewed it and said, "I think it's not bad. Isn't chocolate all the same?"

"You brat who hasn't seen the world, this kind of chocolate is really unpalatable beyond my expectations. Sure enough, there will be no good stuff for cheap." Venom said.

When they got to the cinema, Peter took a cheese ball bucket that was almost half his height from the sales clerk, Gwen said apologetically, "I didn't expect it to be this big when I bought it, it doesn't look like that much in the picture. …”

Peter hugged the big bucket a little hard and said, "It's okay, you know, I ate a lot before, I think we should be able to finish eating and the movie starts. The two chose a seat in the middle and the back row, Peter. Stuck that big bucket of cheese **** between the armrest and the back of the chair in front, right between the two, within easy reach.

After the movie started, the two ate cheese **** and drank Coke, and then discussed the plot of the movie in a low voice.

Just as Gwen reached for the cheese balls, she saw a black tentacle quickly rolling away seven or eight cheese **** from the bucket, she rubbed her eyes and exclaimed, "What is that???

"What? Peter turned his head to look at her, and when Gwen looked again, the tentacles had disappeared, and because there were too many cheese balls, it was impossible to see that they were missing. Gwen blinked and said, "It's nothing, maybe I was hallucinating.

Then Peter heard Venom complaining in his head: "This is not good either, it smells like puffed food."

"Why are you doing so much?" Peter said. "Isn't this delicious?" He grabbed five or six cheese **** and threw them into his mouth. When the movie was over, Gwen looked at the empty vat. , opened his mouth and said, "I know you can eat a lot before,

But shouldn't it be so exaggerated? This is a cheese ball for 10 people!

In Peter's heart, Venom burped and said, "Although it's not very tasty, it's quite filling."

After sending Gwen home, seeing that Peter was still going to hang out, Venom said, "Can you go back and finish writing that **** battle plan?

"God! Forgive me! I don't need any battle plan!" Peter squatted on a roof, took out the spider suit from his schoolbag and put it on, then said, "We'll wear this, and then go to that stronghold. Get rid of it, it's that simple.

"You'll be beaten badly," Venom said.

Half an hour later, Peter was running around in an alley, and a cloud of black mist enveloped him again, making his movement slow, and then a pair of sharp claws slashed towards his back, and a cloud of black mucus blocked the attack, Peter turned back and punched, and the other party instantly disappeared.

Before he could turn around, another vampire teleported in front of him, facing him with a claw. Peter lowered his head to dodge, but the other bat had already jumped down.

"Damn it, I've been tricked. They've been waiting for me here." Peter looked around, and at least four or five high-level vampires surrounded him. This kind of opponent just restrained Peter. Although Peter has great strength and spider sense, He has no good way to counter the magic fist. Although it is powerful, it is useless if it can't hit people. Although it is fast, it does not have wings. Once the opponent turns into a bat and pulls up, he will not be able to catch up for a while.

On the contrary, this group of vampires could take turns to harass, one was responsible for the main attack, and the others interfered from the side, and Peter was seriously slowed down by them.

"Listen, if you can't solve this trouble within 10 minutes, I'm going to take action," Venom said.

"Shoot? Will you still fight? Then why not now? You can't" Peter rolled on the ground again, dodging an attack, and said loudly, "... Come and help me now?

"This is the consequence of not making a battle plan!! Also, do you think I don't want to? Do you know how much disturbance I will make?"

Just as they were talking, the senior vampires didn't seem to plan to harass him anymore. They forced Peter to a dead end and attacked him in all directions. Soon, Peter's battle suit was scratched several times. , After a few more hits, I'm afraid it will break.

Venom said: "Okay, now, empty your brain, I'm going to do it"

At this moment, there was a sound of gunfire, one of the senior vampires let out a scream, a few wisps of black smoke rose from his body, and a black man in a leather jacket and blindfold turned over from the fence of the alley.

He slashed on the shoulder of another vampire, and the part where the blade and his body touched black smoke. The vampire wanted to turn into a bat and escape, but another slash cut off his wings, and he fell to the ground and fluttered. Twice, it was driven into the heart by a silver wedge.

The person who did it is called the Blade Warrior, a half vampire and a vampire hunter. He has been tracking this group of high-level vampires for a few months. Today, when they gather together, they can kill the blade in one fell swoop. As expected, he will fight after a few encounters. These vampires were killed and injured, but he patronized the vampires and did not notice the person surrounded by the vampires. When he came back to his senses, he saw black mucus erupting in the crowd, and a figure rose into the air.

In the huge amount of black mucus, a huge monster with wings on its back appeared in the air, and a bat symbol appeared on his chest.

Blade looked up, and he saw a huge black bat with a wingspan of more than ten meters, which almost covered the sky, appeared over New York.

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