The latest website: In a spacious and somewhat dim room, the stone walls are condensed with damp water droplets, hundreds of candles are fixed on the walls in random heights, and huge ribbons hang from the high ceiling supports. Descend, leaving interwoven shadows on the ground.

A huge long conference table was placed in the center of the room. At this time, several people wearing masks were sitting on both sides of the round table, watching a picture on a screen.

Here is the meeting room of the Court of Owls.

The Court of Owls is a mysterious organization in DC Comics that has been operating in Gotham since the early days of its existence. In some comic versions, it is described as being maintained by the founders of Gotham City or their descendants. Organization, the Dark Lord of Gotham City.

Of course, there are more comic versions that have designed more conspiracies for this organization. For example, the Court of Owls in Gotham City actually belongs to the world-class Owl Council, which is an organization under the command of Barbatos, the **** of darkness.

But no matter what, this organization has existed in Gotham for a long time, and has been secretly controlling the city.

The members of the Court of Owls only come together for a conspiracy about Gotham City, and this time is no exception.

Of course, this was their original purpose, but the situation was different at this time, or the nature of the whole story happened when they saw a huge black monster jump out from the surveillance equipment on the claw belt. Complete change.

And the speed and impact of this change is beyond everyone's expectations.

During the period of change in Gotham City, the Court of Owls is not without attention, but the problem is that any parliamentary organization needs to go through a series of discussion meetings and member opinions when deciding on a certain matter. , the Court of Owls is no exception, for Gotham is a recent change, they need to investigate, collect evidence, analyze, and then vote.

That's right, this **** evil organization is **** strict, and its case handling efficiency is much stronger than that of the Gotham Police Department.

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But in short, after a period of reaction, the Court of Owls finally found out from the clues that Gotham was the mastermind behind this change.

The Court of Owls is actually not worried about this change in Gotham, because the city has not actually developed in a better direction, and no one wants to save the city from its roots, on the contrary, it also brings the city. There is a huge benefit, which is actually in the interest of the Court of Owls.

What they can't accept is that there are people in a darker place who control and influence the city more precisely than they do. Once such people appear, the Court of Owls must eliminate them.

So, Sharp Claw found his target, the seemingly ordinary university professor, Schiller Rodriguez.

Originally, everything went very smoothly, and the Court of Owls also felt that they would still nip one opponent after another in the bud as before, but all this has changed since the appearance of that black monster.

It's not surprising that the Court of Owls will install surveillance equipment on the Talons. They were originally a conspiracy organization that monitors the entire city, but they never imagined that the next big play would directly shatter everyone's views. , and radically changed the purpose of this meeting.

At this time, Schiller, who was still entangled with the Venom bat, was also a little troubled. The battle between the symbiotes was not like what he had seen in the movie, two giant monsters smashing each other.

Symbiote is a kind of factor creature, and the battle between them is more at the micro level, that is, the symbiote factor that devours each other. This is like changing from a one-on-one duel to a legion battle.

It's not that Schiller doesn't know how to fight this kind of battle, but he is facing a dark bat that has gone crazy. Venom bat doesn't care how much symbiote factor he will lose. many.

There was no way to talk about tactics with such a crazy enemy, and defense would only cost him more, so Schiller had to start frantically attacking, and the two symbiotes began to devour each other fearlessly.

There is no fire or sound in this fight, everything seems to be shrouded in a mysterious and silent atmosphere, the visible begins to gradually become invisible in this crazy mutual devotion, the pulling of slime and mist makes it all seem It is more like a battle of light and shadow, and under the silent appearance, there are screams, confusion and frenzied battles that cannot be seen directly by ordinary people.

And the Court of Owls are not ordinary people, they do have some dark powers that ordinary people do not have.

Therefore, in the face of this silent and noisy battle, the court of owls who have never seen the creature, the symbiote, can only understand it as a higher-level mysticism within its own worldview.

This kind of battle that takes place on an invisible level makes it easier for them to think of the source of some dark power. Unlike ordinary people, the Court of Owls can realize that this world is not as simple and peaceful as it seems. They know that there are more Many great and dark forces are watching everything in the universe.

The forms of Venom Bat and Gray Mist Schiller are too easy to think of some transcendental demon gods.

The huge black bat has a terrifying dark power. Even through the screen, you can see the huge black tide gushing out from the dark side of Batman. Just looking at it makes people feel like they are strangled by the neck. , feeling suffocated and frightened.

And Schiller, the huge sun that rose from the gray fog, looked like a black hole that devoured everything. Those weird and bizarre fog patterns added a kind of religious ceremony full of sacredness to the weird and absurd. Seriously, it's really hard not to think of anything.

The infinite possibilities of this unique race of symbiotes make the changes of these two seem like nothing at all like a whim.

In fact, the owl court's judgment is correct. The symbiote race itself was born out of a cosmic demon, and the two currently fighting are the best among the symbiote races.

If possible, please allow Schiller to solemnly introduce a special enthusiastic netizen to the Court of Owls—

The oldest person in the seventh universe, the universe Satan, the master of the abyss, the emperor in black, the master of the black blade, the beheader of the **** group, the stepfather of the **** slayer Geer, the **** of Thor's friendship, and the headache of the tyrant occurred The ultimate nightmare of the three cosmic empires - Gnar, the **** of symbiosis.

Well, although the story of Gnar that I told before may sound a little disheartened, in fact, the demon **** who forged the all-black death sword is still not low in the level of the demon gods in the Marvel universe, and his record is also on the top. No. Although his special descendants are not independent cosmic demon gods, they are at least an immediate family member.

You know, in this era, most of the villains with names and surnames have not fully debuted, let alone those demon gods who are beyond the level of the earth, but the battle between these two people seems to have suddenly skipped countless power levels and directly Turn the level of fighting, from block fights, into cosmic events.

Can the court of owls not snort?

So, the theme of this meeting changed from whether or not to interfere with Gotham to whether to leave Gotham.

After all, they were unaware of this change, and they didn't even know why their closely monitored Batman suddenly became like this, and they didn't know what the outcome of this battle would be? Got the whole Gotham destroyed? The whole earth is destroyed?

But at least, they made sure of one thing, and it's best not to do it until they understand why Batman and the professor suddenly jumped from an ordinary person living on the ground to a cosmic monster. What a drastic move.

Moreover, what made them even more worried was that the changes of these two people were too sudden without any warning, and the Court of Owls did not find that the city was invaded by any mysterious force.

If these demon gods are organized and infected many people in Gotham, who knows how many such people will be in Gotham City?

In case they throw their claws out, poke one to explode one, poke one to explode one, then Gotham City will be stuffed with a bunch of cosmic demon gods, and their owls will be playing a fart!

If everyone in the citizens of Gotham had this fighting ability, the owl would not have the chance to run home and cry with Barbatos's thigh.

Originally, Schiller brought Venom to DC because he had seen in the comics that Venom filled the aging bones and nervous system of his host Eddie. He felt that maybe Venom could use the same method to freeze people. His wife treated him, but before he could do it, Venom actually ran to Batman himself,

Batman can't be parasitic on anything. You are a Marvel stinker, and you still want to come to our Gotham to beg for food?

Just thinking about it, Schiller found that the offensive on the opposite side seemed to have weakened, and the gray mist once again circled around a building. Schiller retracted his figure, stood on the edge of the roof of the highest building, and looked down.

The black bat made of mucus suddenly began to fly crookedly, as if it was fighting with itself, being dragged by an invisible force.

In the black bat's mind, another battle became more intense.

Wave after wave of black tides covered the sky, and Bruce's own consciousness of personality was like a lonely boat in a storm, shaky.

Even Bruce himself never thought that his dark side was so terrifying.

The one who teamed up with him to fight the enemy, and the miserable consciousness of venom, he has not yet figured out why he has stabbed the hornet's nest again,

Barely withstood a wave of black tide again, Bruce said to Venom, "Don't you call yourself an alien?!! Why are your aliens' wills so fragile?!!"

Venom is about to die of anger, is that my weak will? ? ? Why do you humans like to make so many wild storms in your mind so much? ?

Consciousness is the limit of survival, right? ? ?

Venom is really aggrieved. When he first debuted, the first host he met was Deadpool.

Deadpool's brain is just like being mixed up by an egg beater with thousands of revolutions. He can grow anywhere on his body, but his brain doesn't grow.

Venom is like butterfly swimming in a cesspool. Although Deadpool's brain is not very dangerous, it is disgusting, especially disgusting.

Venom got a little crazy by him. He finally went to ordinary people for a while, but he couldn't resist the temptation and ran to Stark.

Stark's mind is not confused anymore, but this damned rotten person has an average of more than 3,000 thunderstorms a day, and the tornado sandstorm blows his mother's head.

At that time, when Venom was shaken out of Stark's body, there was a sense of happiness that he had escaped from the dead.

Then, he was kept in a jar and starved for a long time, and finally found a chance to run out. Venom was still happy, because as soon as he entered Bruce's body, he found that he seemed to be a rich second generation with a good brain, and his brain seemed to It's not as fast as Stark, but his mind is full of irrelevant data such as ward beds and prison rooms.

Venom, who is full of longing for a happy life, thought that he had slipped into an egg happily. Just as he was drooling at the yolk and was about to swallow it, the egg hatched a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a click, and the venom head almost bitten off.

Venom can know from his genetic information that the universe is so big, and it is not only human beings. Why is he so unlucky? How did it happen to fall to the earth? ?

How can human beings be so outrageous? If one day, he can also write the gene bank of the symbiote, he must tell all his compatriots: stay away from human beings, safety is the first, the host is not standardized, and the symbiote will cry.

But grievances are grievances, complaints are complaints, and the battle is still to be fought. Venom said to Bruce, "I can stimulate your emotions. You must have an extreme emotion now to suppress this dark emotion."

Thanks to Stark, Venom's logic system comes from this genius who is cursed by knowledge. His current thinking is very clear, even a little clearer than Bruce. After all, Bruce is a fan of the authorities, but Venom is very clear. Dark emotions on the dark side, Bruce has to inspire enough positive emotions.

"Then what are you still doing? Let's start." Bruce said.

"The problem is that I can't find your positive emotions!!!"

Venom yelled: "Where did you hide them?! Hurry up and turn them out!! That's our life-saving straw!!

Venom was rushed by the Kuroshio again, and he said with a bit of a breakdown: "What the **** is there to hide! You stupid humans!!"

Bruce opened his mouth. He didn't even know how to answer the question of Venom. It sounded ridiculous, but even an alien creature that could spy on people's hearts couldn't find his positive emotions.

"You have to hurry!" Venom's tone was very similar to Stark at this time, and it was obvious that this genius had a great influence on him.

"There seems to be some other power in this dark emotion of yours. Once it fully erupts, your hometown, the city we are staying in now, will definitely be completely destroyed! Nothing will be left!"

Bruce pursed his lips, once again dodging the attack of the dark consciousness.

Destroy Gotham? This may sound crazy, but it is so reasonable, this crazy city should have been destroyed, what is there to miss here?

Alfred's face appeared in his mind, and he remembered the expression on the old housekeeper's face when he was sitting in front of the hospital bed, and the humming of the old phone when he was alone in the dark living room, cleaning the old phone. Pleasant tune.

This did not surprise Bruce, if there is the only person in the city that he has a crush on, it must be his butler Alfred, if there is the only place that makes him feel nostalgic , that's Wayne Manor with Alfred.

soon. His memory began to be hazy, as if he had returned to Wien Manor. He pushed open a door like any normal morning.

But what surprised him was that behind the door was the dark rainy alley of Gotham. Detective Gordon called him the freak in the corset for the first time. Bat, on the roof of the Gotham Police Department, they talked about justice and the future of the city.

When it was late at night, Batman turned to leave. When he returned to the manor, the dim candles were shaking, and an old friend was already waiting for him. Batman and Harvey were sitting on the sofa. There were endless topics that he talked about like a good teacher and a good friend. Bruce was already confused about the truths he was talking about, but the tacit understanding between the exchanges was still very clear.

Soon, he shuttled through the lights of Gotham's high-rise buildings, hugged and kissed Catwoman, and fell into a charming dream.

Those dancing veils, knocked wine glasses, spilled liquor, those gentle and crazy nights, those kisses that dyed a bat's icy body temperature with passion, the passion that fascinated him. Lover, tell him stories of jewels and castles that Batman would never have been interested in, and in memory he listened very carefully, but in his eyes, Catwoman's eyes were more than the jewels she had exhausted the words to describe, to be brighter.

The rustle of the pen falling on the paper sounded, and Bruce seemed to have returned to an exam site. He watched his classmates scratching their ears and cheeks in the exam room. He might be amazed or helpless.

Then, he and those people painted the wall together, watching the dark paint flowing down the wall, spontaneously forming some mysterious patterns he had never seen before, like a door in a time machine.

He passed through this door, and time traveled fast, advancing little by little in his dream-like memory to the present, and then began to reverse rapidly, all the people and objects returned to their original places like a reversed movie, until the When a black sun rose, he heard a familiar voice say to him, "Welcome to Gotham."

Venom watched as the space of consciousness began to vibrate, and some shattered fissures shone with intense light. He cursed inwardly, and quickly began to thread a needle in Bruce's emotions, trying to bring these fragmented positive emotions together.

A little bit of light gradually rose, and then gathered into a more dazzling sphere of light.

The Kuroshio's counterattack was even more violent, like black ink soaking the whole world, a black ocean began to spread out from the consciousness space, and the turbulent waves were overwhelming.

Bruce, who had already left his memory space, floated in the sky above the Kuroshio. Through the layers of black waves, he saw that in the deepest part of this black ocean lay a crouching little boy. That was him, he was Bruce Wayne.

Soon, Schiller saw that the huge bat made of mucus fell to the ground. The mucus began to slowly recover, and then all retracted into Bruce's body.

Schiller jumped off the roof and stood in front of Bruce, who got up from the ground, or rather, Venom was controlling his body now.

"How did you get out?"

"You have to ask the woman who ran to your house and stole that jar."

The woman who stole the jar? Schiller thought, there is only one female thief in Gotham who has this ability. Could it be Catwoman?

"I shouldn't have listened to Stark's bullshit," Schiller said. "He told me his symbiote had to live in a mansion worthy of being the richest man in the world, so he made one out of his weird instruments. The diamond jar, and I promise me that this thing is both beautiful and functional."

"Then I would like to thank him."

In an instant, the black mucus erupted again, but this time the venom changed into its original form, that is, the big mouth full of fangs and the bright red tongue.

"Then how did you end up on Batman?"

"Don't you think it's too slow to communicate in a human way? Don't waste my time." Venom said.

"Your tone reminds me of a very annoying guy."

Venom separated a stick of mucus tentacles, and the gray fog slowly dissipated a cloud of mist. The moment the symbiote factor came into contact, the two sides exchanged countless information.

Gray Mist said to Schiller in his mind: "...a woman with cat that car...a necessary process for human reproduction...don't let me see...he doesn't understand..."

"Okay, I get it..." Schiller covered his forehead, he already knew what was going on, and he said, "Don't tell me the details, Bruce just deserves it."

Then Venom grinned with that big mouth and said, "You can't catch me anymore! Hahahahaha! I'm free! I'm going to eat everyone's brains here! I..."

"I said before that before thinking about eating, you may still have troubles to deal with..."

Just as Venom was about to answer him, he felt that his consciousness was suppressed again for a moment, and he shouted unwillingly: "No! Damn human beings! Rotten people!"

But in the end, the mucus still returned to the body, and Bruce shook his head and said, "Did it work? What the **** is going on?"

"You should ask the rice bucket inside you."

"I'm not referring to this. He has already told me who he is and what he's going to do. What I'm referring to is..." Bruce covered his head in pain and said, "Why am I losing control? What are those terrible negative emotions? What's going on? Why... where did the darkness come from?"

"Looks like you've discovered it," Schiller said. "The darkness lurking in your body is terrifying. Although it has never been out of control before, once it is out of control, you may destroy everything."

"What exactly is that?"

"That's Batman, don't you know?"

"Batman? Who am I?!" Bruce squatted down with his eyes covered, he was half-kneeling on the ground, looking very painful, he said: "Impossible...I am Batman...I am Bat chivalrous…”

"You think you have become another you, but in fact, this is just an appearance."

Schiller's thoughts began to drift away, he began to gradually recall the Batman he knew in those comics, and his voice began to sound more and more ethereal, he said: "Batman? You are a little different from him, indeed. , he is not blindly pursuing darkness."

"He is the ultimate darkness and the ultimate light. He is in charge of this hopeless city with the ultimate darkness, and then uses the light to prevent the destruction that the ultimate darkness may bring."

It sounded more like a Schiller sigh, and Bruce's voice was weary as he said, "I thought, I don't need that, I'm an avenger in the night, I don't need anything that might shake my faith. Useless emotion, I'm not that ridiculous Bruce, that powerless, incapable of saving and changing anything, little Bruce..."

It was also the first time that Schiller heard such obvious tremors in his tone. Bruce's tone was almost so trembling that he couldn't finish the last complete word, or maybe he didn't want to say it.

It was the first time he had spoken about what he had been running away from—that night, the two gunshots, the two men in a pool of blood, and the helpless little boy named Bruce Wayne.

He thought that little Bruce was buried forever in that night.

So when he realizes that he's still just like the little boy, with the same happy memories of this world, of that night's movie, with undeserved fantasies, it's like all the hatred and hatred driven by all these years Efforts are like self-deception to escape.

Facing the little boy who lost his parents brought Schiller more violent mood swings than facing Batman. For the first time, he no longer gave advice like a bystander who stayed out of the matter, but really said like advice. : "...Even in Gotham, there are days."

Bruce's Adam's apple moved, he took a deep breath, as if he was suddenly injected with some vitality, he stood up, a little trembling, the cold wind of the Gotham night, blowing on his bat armor, brought no one to hear to the tremor.

He limped a little and walked slowly to the edge of the roof.

Standing there, he saw that a ray of light appeared on the skyline of Gotham City, a thin golden line that cut through the rich darkness like opening up the world.

Bruce has never seen the sunrise in Gotham.

He suddenly discovered that even in such a dark and gloomy city, the moment the sun rose, the light that cut through the darkness was still brilliant like he had never seen before.

The darker it is, the brighter it is.

Bruce closed his eyes, and he slowly gathered the fingers of one hand, as if holding the light that shatters the darkness.

Soon, Bruce took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The rays of the sun were contained in his eyes, and the arc of light from the horizon left a dazzling gold in his pupils.

No one knew that he had briefly seen the little boy lying under the dark tide in his conscious space, and it was not until he saw him that Bruce understood that he always regarded those happy memories as the first reward for his painful life. , and therefore, whenever he gets a little happiness, UU reading always wants to use ten times the pain to repay.

He is so eager to avoid these happy memories, just as instinctively avoid pain.

If he wants to become Batman, what he has to accept is not only the pain and darkness, but also the same. He has always been that little boy, he has been looking forward to that movie, and he has been yearning for the light.

Just like the dark night many years ago, without the expectation of light, there will never be the desire to merge into the darkness.

"who I am?"

He said softly, "Who am I?"

The light of dawn would not answer him, but he already had an answer in his heart, he said, "I'm Bruce Wayne..."

"I am Batman…"

His tone began to soften: "...I am, Batman."

A silent and heavy oath fell in his heart, like a heavy stone tablet, standing still under the scouring of the Kuroshio.

Starting today, there will only be one Batman in this dark city, Bruce Wayne, who is also Batman.

Starting today, he will assume the authority of darkness from the mad city of Gotham, and then hold a blade of dawn-like light.

He will stand above this living hell, the cold wind cannot penetrate his armor, and the fire cannot melt his heart.

He will be without any criteria, not afraid of all guilt, with the dawn as the boundary, the dawn as the name, in the dark, with the light in his heart, and forever toward the light.

Bruce thought he would be the dawn of Gotham.

He will be - Batman.

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