American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 103: Gotham Long (Part 1)

"...I'm going to say, that's it, as you can see, everyone knows what I used to be..."

On the counter of a bar, in an old TV screen, Roy Brown lifted a violin case from under the table and put it on the table, then opened the lid with a click, revealing a gun inside.

"I'm from Chicago, yes, I was a mob boss there, a member of the mafia as you know it..."

"Here's my weapon, see? This pretty darling, you call him Typewriter, but I like to call him Huff..."

"Where do you think this is? What do you think I'm doing now? Do you think I should be sitting in the mayor's office drinking tea? I'm telling you, it's not a threat..."

"I was born and raised in Chicago, so did my dad and grandpa. At that time, they said that this would be the second golden mountain. Many people came here, and they all had a dream of making a fortune. Many big companies, big machines, all night long. …”

"But this group left, leaving behind a fire and a pile of pollution. After Prohibition, what was left of my hometown? A mess!"

"The riots are rampant, everyone is in danger, what can we do? We must take up guns to defend ourselves..."

"So you're like, oh, there's a **** of a gang in Chicago, and I'm going to tell you right now, it's hell! A **** to eat you **** alive!"

"When the immigrants were killing people here with guns, the governor would just tell everyone to calm down. After the gang problem is rampant, the police station? Ha! How dare you mention this?"

"I have to ask you, where did the police department's funding go? Why does Chicago have the largest police training school in the East, but not a single new police officer wants to stay here?"

"Can you believe it? A year ago, the average Chicago police officer only had one gun for every three police officers, and even some logisticians could only use sticks to protect themselves!"

"Is this what you call a law and order bill?"

"Why are those **** public housing streets? Because there are so many unemployed people!"

"Why did they lose their jobs? Who's to blame for the economic problems? What did those old men sitting like fat pigs on Capitol Hill do? He let the people of Chicago fend for themselves! That's all!"

"Now you send a message to condemn, saying that Gotham made a gang leader the mayor, I want to tell you, I will be the best mayor here!"

"Because I am a member of the gang, if you don't solve the economic problem for us, then we will solve it ourselves. I can do whatever I want!"

"I know, some people say Gotham is worse than Chicago, oh, who else? Miami? Bludhaven? Imperial City?"

"Yes, we eastern cities are a **** in their eyes, but they just want to watch this **** put in front of them, do we get a little help from them?"

Roy took the Chicago typewriter out of the box, slammed it on the table and said, "Don't expect me to listen to your nonsense, those words about being a good baby, you go and talk to the people on the west coast. Bar!"

"The East is just like this, I only have one thing to do here, get a gun, kill everyone who stops me, and then lead everyone to make a fortune, I don't care if they are gangsters or someone else !"

After the speech, the screen of the TV on the bar flickered twice, and the bartender patted the TV and said, "Okay, it looks like this old guy is broken again."

The guests complained a few times in dissatisfaction, and a **** man sat on the side of the bar with a wine glass and said, "It seems that the new mayor is not bad. He is a tough guy. He said what I wanted to say..."

"I was born in Gotham, yeah, just two blocks away, you know, our boss took me out once before, where was it? Oh yeah, it's Metropolis, people hear I'm Gotham is like seeing something dirty..."

"If you want me to say, this mayor is quite special. The one who used to sit in the mayor's office will only be a tortoise in the face of reprimands from those reporters."

Then he let out a sneer and said, "Then he died, in a car accident more than a month ago..."

"Oh, it's him, I don't even remember his name, but I heard that he is the second-longest living mayor of Gotham."

"I think this one will definitely break the record now. He is the godson of the old godfather, and he is much stronger than those soft mayors."

The black man also said, "He's making a lot of sense, whether it's Gotham or Chicago, this is what the **** was like before we were born, what's wrong with living here and trying to make more money? call us bastards..."

"If I could be like the people in the metropolis, who had studied since childhood, went to college, and graduated wearing a suit and tie, and blowing the air conditioner in the office, I would be out of my mind and want to be a gangster and get shot!"

"He was just talking." Another black man came over and ordered a glass of wine and said, "Could it be that he can really be a mayor and lead all the gangs to make money? How can there be such a mayor? Even the reporters If you don't call him shit, the state government won't agree..."

"I don't ask him to bring us money, I just hope he doesn't come up with some civilized city regulations, some anti-gang law and order, like the mayors of the past, come and talk about it every day..."

"Damn anti-gang law and order, is there anyone in Gotham who is not a gangster? Why didn't he just smash the city down?"

Everyone in the tavern burst into laughter, and some even gestured for a nuclear bomb to explode.

The next day, Roy's speech made the headlines of major newspapers on the East Coast and even in the United States. You must know that this is not the period of Prohibition. Most of the mafia are scattered, and the gang culture is also mostly Brilliant is not there.

At this time, a mayor jumped out and said, "I'm a gangster, I'm a mafia. I not only admit that I'm a gangster, but I also say that I want to make money with the gangster. Of course, it will cause criticism from major media.

The Metropolitan Daily commented that this was an "appalling throwback of the times", and the Global Times said that Roy was a "vulgar and savage villain", but in any case, the name "gangster mayor Roy Brown" was almost overnight. resounded across the United States.

However, it is a little strange that several cities did not speak out on this very tacit understanding, and some of their leaders even deliberately suppressed public opinion, showing an ambiguous attitude, including Roy mentioned. those east coast cities.

In fact, every city with illegal industries as its pillar industry knows that Roy is telling the truth.

The history of these cities is similar, and the reasons for the formation of gangs are also historical problems, either to fight foreign immigrants, or the legacy of Prohibition.

Most people in these cities feel that Roy's scolding is very relieved, because no matter who it is, they only order and supervise every day. Except for verbal condemnation and warning, there is no practical action to improve the bad situation in these cities.

Most people will only say that they are high above and full of superiority. People born in these places are born bad seeds, and it is their evil that creates these crime capitals.

But in fact, the economic situation is the root of all this. Except for Gotham, which is a little special, most of the other gangster cities have become what they are now because of the high unemployment rate brought about by the economic recession.

People in this environment are born to be gangsters. If you say that you need to use the law and order to eliminate gangsters, you might as well take a nuclear bomb to level these cities.

In these crime capitals headed by Gotham, many gang leaders in them are very dissatisfied. Originally, it is not easy for us to put our heads on the belts of our pants and exchange our lives for money. , the investment is even more afraid to come, and the economy is even more sluggish.

In the past, gangsters also felt that they were at a loss. No matter what, the illegal industry really couldn't take the stage.

But now, Roy's speech reminded them of one thing, these cities have become what they are now, and it is not them who bear the main responsibility.

Not to mention the reasons left over from history, the inaction of the state government and Congress is also the main reason for the lack of improvement in the status quo.

I was born here and I have nowhere to go, I joined the gang, you say I'm a villain, my heart is bright, but those verbal reprimands and police bills don't give me bread, I don't join the gang, I'll starve to death ?

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Then why can't I be rotten? I'm rotten!

The most important role of Roy's speech is to give these gangsters who haven't read much a book a relatively concentrated guiding ideology, that is, it's not my fault, but the world's fault, that I am so bad now.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking in terms of the current situation of Gotham. People born in Gotham cannot choose their birthplace, and once you are born in Gotham, you can only choose this **** mode. life, or you will not be able to live.

Geniuses and superhumans are a minority in this world, and ordinary people who are unable to change their class are the majority.

In fact, those who condemned may not know this truth, but Roy put this matter on the table and pointed out that it was precisely because of the inaction of all parties and the incompetence of violent law enforcement agencies that the highest crime rate in the United States was created. In several cities, this is undoubtedly like tearing off the last fig leaf of those politicians and gentlemen.

This speech naturally caused a great backlash in the orderly society. The state government members who were bought by the Wayne Group were also unable to withstand the pressure. The state government ordered the mayor of Gotham City to suspend his post for review and intend to reopen the mayoral election. process.

In the past, this process in Gotham was just a cutscene. Basically, whoever Wayne said would do it, and the gangsters didn’t care, because the mayor of Gotham City actually had no rights, and the gangsters wouldn’t listen to the mayor. it's the same.

But the state government felt that Roy had gone too far this time, and even the federal government had sent a petition.

So they plan to hold another mayoral election.

This is the method they often use to quell similar troubles, as long as the election process is restarted, and the person who has done the wrong is defeated in the new election, to prove that his views are not popular, it will naturally calm most of the public opinion and The anger from the superior, in the past experience, this trick can be said to be tried and tested.

Until the state legislators saw that the first person in the new candidate was Carmine Falcone.

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