American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 100: Genius set off again (below)

"Wait!! You planned to let me use this method for a long time??? Then why did you let me read so many books????"

Schiller was pressing a headset into Stark's ear, and Stark said while dodging: "Is this cheating??? Damn!! Don't do that!! My ears! I've learned those things, I don't need..."

"You don't really expect you to learn what I did from college to Ph.D. in a few nights?"

"You've already thought about being an off-site coach!!! You liar! You clearly told me that if I can't learn these things, the Stark Group will be finished!!!"

"That's just the macro, and I'm right, one day you have to learn these things, so why can't it be yesterday?" Schiller said.

Despite Stark's dodging, Schiller pressed a headset into one of Stark's ears and said, "Don't make a fuss, I'm just an off-field translator, which is pretty common, right?"

Steve said next to him: "In fact, those politicians do this when they talk about things. Behind them are their staff, including when they accept some important interviews, they will wear this kind of headphones. Of course, in my time This kind of equipment is much more expensive and rarer, only the most important ones can have it..."

Like being bitten by a flea, Stark desperately fiddled with the earphone that was stuck in his ear, and he said, "Damn it! Then why did you make the atmosphere so desperate before? You also stuffed me with so many books. , I stayed up all night to memorize them all!"

"That's right, if I don't do this, you'll never look at them in your life," Schiller said.

"Okay, leave that alone, but are you sure this will work?"

"Damn...I should have thought about it sooner! You vampire doctor! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have used your old headphones, I would have made a more advanced, complete monitoring system..."

Stark patted his forehead very regretfully, he said: "Why didn't I think of it before! I can let you do it for me! I can just be a repeater at the venue, even if I can't, as long as you can't? !"

Stark was really angry, but he was not angry with Schiller, but why he hadn't turned this corner.

Of course, this is all to blame for Schiller. He was very anxious when he came to Schiller to find a solution, and Schiller used a very serious attitude and tone, using words to make Stark fall into a thinking. In the strange circle, it is abnormal to think that he does not know these things.

That is to say, Stark ignores common affairs all day long, otherwise he will know that there is also a whole think tank behind Obadiah, and the entire Stark industry cannot be determined by Obadiah alone.

Stark is a very rich man. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know these things. As long as he has money, there are people who can. If he spends the whole day on hiring staff, he would have formed a dream team by now. team.

But Schiller's misleading made him feel that he was paying the price for his former willfulness, so he didn't consider his ability to banknotes and genius scientific research in the slightest.

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If nothing else, even if he writes an AI expression analysis system, it may be much faster than his own endorsement.

"Is this psychology?! You liar!!" Stark gritted his teeth and said, "You study psychology just to get people into this predicament, and then pay you a lot of money for treatment?! !"

"Don't call me an unscrupulous quack."

"Aren't you an unscrupulous quack doctor?"

"Although it is a bit unscrupulous, it is definitely not a quack."

"Mr. Stark, the car has arrived." Jarvis reminded: "The meeting will officially start at 10:30, and you are expected to arrive at 10:20."

"Okay, okay, so be it." Stark still looked a little nervous: "That's the only way it can be."

Schiller patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, when you arrive, you will find out that you are not an alternative."

Stark got into the car and arrived at the negotiation venue after a while. He came late, and most of the people here were already seated.

Stark glanced and found that almost all of them were wearing headphones, and some of them were blatantly holding a computer video call. On the other end of the computer was a large group of people sitting at the conference table, which seemed to be another small meeting place.

Stark said to Jarvis, "Take off Schiller's medical bill...all off!!!! Don't let me see his name on the year-end financial report!!! This **** **** is playing a trick on me!! !!"

"The headset has been on for thirteen minutes," Jarvis said.

Schiller's voice sounded in Stark's ears: "It doesn't matter, of course you can deduct the previous consultation fee, but this kind of political consulting service also has to be paid, the price is 200,000 US dollars a minute..."

"Shit, you vampire doctor!"

"If you don't agree, I'll hang up immediately."

"No! No no no... Wait, I think we can still talk, $200,000 is too expensive, but don't hang up, the negotiation is about to start, what do you want me to say?"

On the other side, in the psychological clinic, Peter and Steve were sitting at the table listening to Stark's anxious voice. Steve was quite gloating, but Peter couldn't bear it. He said, "It seems a little too expensive. Now, doctor, I think we can be cheaper..."

"You are also considered Stark's staff team now. The money is in the account, and we are divided into half."

Before Peter could continue to say anything, Stark's voice came from the other end: "Hello? Hello? The negotiation is about to start, what should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just wait. In fact, for the first 30 minutes, you can completely lose your mind. You don't have to listen to what they say."

"Is this really okay?" Obviously, Stark was in a state of high tension. It was the first time he seriously participated in this kind of occasion, and he always felt that he should do something immediately to show results.

"Trust me, you can just stay."

After that, Stark sat on the spot dubiously, and soon, he found that Schiller's words were very reasonable, because the first person to speak, he actually started talking about World War II.

The military representatives began to recall their glorious days from the Pearl Harbor incident. Stark was already sleepy in less than 20 minutes. The battle is like a running account, and when the military's achievements and resumes are touted, there is always such a set of magnificent words.

No one can listen to this kind of speech for 10 minutes. Finally, when the first round of speeches by the military is over, most of the people below are drowsy.

The next person on stage was the representative of S.H.I.E.L.D., when he opened his mouth, Stark could not wait to faint immediately, because he started speaking from the Iron Curtain speech.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. can be slightly better than military representatives, and have a lot of history in various intelligence warfare and secret service organizations, but Stark thought that he was here to participate in negotiations, not to learn modern history.

After about 40 minutes, it was Stark's turn to speak, and Schiller said: "Open the first manuscript, then read it, and just read it."

As soon as Stark opened the manuscript, his eyes darkened, because this manuscript started from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

He read it for a full 20 minutes before finally stumbling over the manuscript. After reading it, he turned on his headphones and said, "God, this is the first time I have fully understood the history of Stark Industries... …”

To Stark's despair, this was not over yet. Then, starting with the military, they began to talk about the evolution of future military organizations, the development direction of future weapon systems, the possibility of a third world war, 20 minutes of chattering.

The same goes for the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., opening their mouths and shutting their mouths is the importance of the agency’s independence from the monitoring system, the future development of individual combat and intelligence information warfare, and the establishment of the global intelligence system…

Stark whispered into the earphone: "I ask for half of the consultation fee for this part, which has no practical significance at all. This is completely different from what I thought..."

"What do you think?" Schiller's voice came through the headphones. "Starting various conspiracy theories in a dark room?"

"The most important thing you need to know is that this negotiation is just a cutscene," Schiller said.

"Everyone knows what the other party has, and everyone knows what they have. The outcome of this negotiation has been doomed from the very beginning. In fact, even if you are a weirdo like before, you don't want anything, don't do anything. Listen, the results won't change either."

It feels more ridiculous than having Stark learn all that theory, as if you've learned all kinds of fancy fighting techniques, and it's still just a punch to take down the enemy.

Then, when it was Stark's turn to imagine the future, he had learned to close his eyes and read according to the manuscript, even if the development direction of the mechanical industry written on it was completely nonsense in his opinion.

In the manuscript, some nouns were mechanically combined to create some high-sounding words, very similar to that kind of technology liar, but Stark still closed his brain and read the manuscript without a wave.

Then it entered the part where the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and one of the old generals with gray hair said to Stark: "I remember the glory days of Stark Industry, you Starks are a group of geniuses, your father is, You too, the suspension car he studied at that time was surprising, but you also know that the military did not cooperate with him out of some conservative needs, and we are really sorry..."

Before Stark could answer, Schiller said in the earphone: "He's scolding your dad for what he can do. It's better to scold you than your dad, and scold you back."

Stark was stunned for a moment, and then he learned the words of Schiller Kiri: "Indeed, I believe that most people in the military, like you, a respectable general, have a long-term vision, but the development of this era too fast……"

At this time, Nick Fury, who was sitting at the end of the negotiating table, said: "In large-scale army landing battles, ordinary weapons still play a role. Although mechs can significantly improve the combat capability of individual soldiers, in group operations, they are also useful. Adaptability needs to be considered..."

Schiller's voice came from the earphone: "He is handing you steps to ease the negotiation atmosphere. You can return him a smile."

Then Stark smiled at Nick, and Nick got goosebumps when he laughed. He felt that Stark today was very weird, it was too weird.

Both the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. found something was wrong with Stark, so they got to the point earlier than ever.

Then Stark discovered that the main topic of this negotiation even took up less than one-tenth of the entire negotiation time.

First of all, Nick Fury pointed out the fact that the military might have kidnapped Dr. Connors. The military bit back and said that it was SHIELD self-directed and self-acted. Blame some of the officers who may have acted aggressively.

Listening to their arguing, Stark asked Schiller in his ear: "They really don't know that we hid Connors?"

"The military may not, but Nick definitely knows it. He just needs such an attitude to show that we should work together to deal with the military. He has already stated his position to me before, you can rest assured to take it..."

Next, Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. joined forces, and the military was a little powerless to fight. After all, they had a lot of chips in their hands. The body of the red iguana, the therapeutic serum that Connors may have developed, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Certain evidence, mechas delivered to the military by Stark Industries, etc.

In short, the negotiation ended with a very fast pace and a very absurd ending, and everything turned out as Schiller had begun to expect.

A faction of Tartu officers led by Robert was launched within the military. They were purged, and then the account was written off. The military and S.H.I.E.L.D. united to make up losses and jointly demanded an increase in military spending.

Stark Industries Group will establish a stable cooperation system with the military and to provide some auxiliary armored exoskeletons for individual soldiers, as well as restart medical research projects, and will occupy more of the results. big part.

Stark, who returned to the psychiatric clinic, tugged off his earphones and said angrily, "You **** **** doctor..."

Before he could finish speaking, a voice came from behind him: "You **** bastard!!! Stark..."

Stark turned, Pepper ran in angrily, her eyes were full of tears, Stark hugged her, and he heard Pepper's heart beating fast.

Pepper said, "I went to you early in the morning and you disappeared! Not even wearing a mecha! I asked Jarvis and he didn't say anything, I thought you had an accident! You scared me to death, you This bastard..."

Stark hugged Pepper tightly, comforting her in a low voice.

There was only Pepper's low sob in the dimly lit room, and Stark's somewhat muffled bass.

The road of genius is always destined to be harder than others, and the sensitive heart of the genius Stark is always more tormented than ordinary people.

But at least, this chick, who was just about to leave the nest, still had branches willing to let him settle when he was swaying in the cold wind.

He saw Peter, who was hiding behind the hallway, smiling and waving at him, and Schiller and Steve who were also standing there.

He saw that the TV in the clinic's living room suddenly flickered, and a smiley face composed of symbols appeared on the screen.

He thought, Stark, what a genius you are.

Not only the smartest genius in the world, but also the luckiest genius in the world.

Chapter 100: Genius starts again (Part 2) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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