Hearing what Gu Yi said, Su Mu frowned slightly and thought about where to go next.

Gu Yi's words made sense. Now that he had killed the Eternals who were given a mission by the Celestials, he would definitely be targeted by this group of powerful Celestials.

Although he now has the strength of a father, he is still no match for the Celestials.

It is unknown when the Celestials will arrive. If he continues to stay in this universe, according to the speed at which his strength increases, he will definitely be able to compete with the Celestials in the future, or even defeat them.

But this is uncertain. Maybe the Celestials will arrive sooner, and his strength is not enough to compete with the Celestials, so he can only let them judge him at will!

This uncertainty is unbearable for Su Mu.

So he asked Ancient One;

"When will the Celestials come to Earth? How long do I have?"

The time gem on Ancient One's chest flickered green light, and then she responded:

"You are safe within a month, but they will come to Earth at any time afterwards. I suggest you leave before then and go to other universes."

One month...

Su Mu calculated that one month was enough for him to upgrade the portal to level 4, or even more than enough.

If the portal is upgraded to level 4, then he will have the ability to shuttle through latitudes, so that even if he faces the Celestials, he will have more than enough to retreat.

Suddenly, Su Mu thought of something. In the comics, there is an intersection universe between the DC multiverse and the Marvel multiverse, connecting the two multiverses!

If there really is such a multiverse, then can he go to the DC multiverse through that special universe!

And in the DC multiverse, there are also creations that contain a lot of energy, such as artifacts such as the Mother Box. If Su Mu gets these artifacts, he will not lack energy!

And Su Mu has a hunch that if he encounters a powerful character template that exceeds the limit of a single universe and reaches the multiverse level, then the energy contained in the infinite gems will have a greatly reduced effect on him, and he needs to find a higher-level energy!

Therefore, dimensional travel, or even world travel across the multiverse, is very important!

A lot of thoughts flow in his mind, and he sets a brief plan for the future for Su Mu, but these are things that will happen in the future. For him at present, the most important thing is to upgrade the portal level!

When the portal is upgraded to lv4, he will be fearless in the face of the God Group, and he can easily leave even if he fails, and he may also be directly teleported to Stryker's side, crushing this disgusting bug that has been hiding in the dark!

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to leave like this. Even if he is not the opponent of the God Group, he will give the God Group a big gift before leaving!

And the portal that can travel across dimensions is his strongest backing!

After thanking Gu Yi and saying goodbye to her, Su Mu returned to his beach villa.

Although it was 500 kilometers away from the area where he fought with the Eternals, the beach villa was still affected.

Part of the seawater poured into the villa, and the entire beach villa was extremely humid. However, with the cleaning of many Hollywood actresses, the villa was quickly restored to order.

So Su Mu practiced the portal in the villa.

Portals with dazzling sparks continued to form around Su Mu, and then extinguished in an instant, and the system's prompts kept ringing in his ears:

[Portal Experience +1]

[Portal Experience +1]

[Portal Experience +1]


Because it was only controlled by thoughts, Su Mu could do other things while practicing the portal.

This was too simple for him who could do many things at the same time!

Open the portal, and a stable portal formed in front of Su Mu, and Tony Stark's busy scene came from it.

With Tony Stark's wisdom, he quickly completed the repair of the Ark, and then returned to his beach villa with the gift given by Su Mu, trying to find the technical key of the nano armor through the symbiote.

At this time, on the shelf behind Tony Stark, there was a fluid armor that was constantly flowing. It was quite similar to the symbiote, but different. It seemed that his research had made great progress!


Startled by the sudden voice behind him, Tony Stark immediately turned around, and the instrument in his hand fell down. When he saw the portal and Su Mu's figure behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with resentment:

"Su Mu, you almost scared me to death!"

Su Mu shrugged, and then apologized insincerely:

"Sorry, pay attention next time, I have some good things here, I think you might like it!"

Tony Stark was immediately distracted by Su Mu. The things Su Mu took out were always extremely rare and would give him a lot of help. Compared with the good things, the previous shock was not worth mentioning.

"What? Let me see!"

Take out all the bodies of the Eternals from the pocket space and hand them to Tony:

"These are the bodies of the Eternals created by the Celestials. Their body materials are extremely special, similar to life but with mechanical characteristics.

The materials that make up the bodies of the Eternals can easily transfer energy and are extremely strong. I think these bodies will be of great help to you.

I think you can use these bodies to research extremely powerful armor, what do you think?"

"Cool!" Tony was immediately delighted when he saw the bodies of the Eternals in front of him. With these bodies, his mecha limit would be higher!

Suddenly, he was stunned. Looking at the many bodies in front of him, he realized what happened!

"You killed all the Eternals on Earth?!"

Tony looked at Su Mu in disbelief and asked his own questions!

The Eternals were created by the Celestials. Each Eternal is an extremely powerful warrior. They have unlimited energy in their bodies and can survive in a vacuum. Even the weakest Eternals can easily destroy a small country.

But such a powerful Eternal was easily killed by Su Mu!

He knew that Su Mu was very strong, but this was too strong!

After handing the bodies of the Eternals to Tony and exchanging them for an unlimited supply of steel armor, Su Mu said goodbye to Tony and continued training.

Time passed quickly. Unconsciously, the sky became bright and dark several times. Su Mu, who was sunbathing, suddenly heard different prompts from the system:

[Portal Experience +1]

[Congratulations, your skill portal has been upgraded! 】

A large amount of information came out of his mind, and Su Mu's understanding of space and energy deepened rapidly!

A moment later, when all the knowledge was absorbed by Su Mu, he had mastered the lv4 portal!

[Portal lv4 (1/5000): Consume magic power to open a portal to any latitude/any area in the universe. Magic power can be replaced by energy! 】

After learning the information about the lv4 portal, Su Mu grinned, Stryker, wait for me!

(Mystique changes roles - Part 1)

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