Chapter 19 Template fusion degree 39%

Sure enough, he heard Su Mu continue:

"However, my relationship with you is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but a cooperative relationship. You need to pay me a certain amount of remuneration, and I will help you perform tasks."

Su Mu re-read the letter "Reward" and made up her mind to go to SHIELD to get the Space Stone when the energy absorption increased enough to carry the energy of the Infinity Stones.

After all, it’s ‘payment’, isn’t it?

Of course, it would be better if Loki happened to come to deliver the takeaway at that time.

As for whether SHIELD would be dissatisfied, Su Mu had no such considerations at all and believed they would be happy to hand over the reward to him.

They are not stupid...

When Colson heard Su Mu's words, he was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to the transmitter next to his ear and said:

"This is not something I can decide. I need to ask my superiors for instructions."

Su Mu nodded.

Coulson immediately contacted Nick Fury, and after saying something, he said to Su Mu:

"If you are willing to join us completely, we can help you get rid of the military's wanted order."

Su Mu was stunned and immediately understood that this was a deal.

He showed a bright smile, then approached Colson and said slowly:

"Agent Coulson, or Director Nico Fury, do you think I care about the so-called wanted person?"

Coulson continued to communicate with Nick Fury, then took off the transmitter from his ear and turned the sound to the highest level. Then a deep voice came from the transmitter,

"Mr. Su Mu, I admit that you are very capable, even more powerful than Magneto and Professor X, but there are too many mutants under Colonel Stryker, and many of them can erase mutants' abilities.

Presumably even if you encounter this situation, there is nothing you can do!

How about joining us and we will help you negotiate with Colonel Stryker and erase your wanted status? "

Nick Fury was sitting in the office, with a look of confidence on his face. He told Colonel Stryker's secret weapon against mutants, and Su Mu would definitely not refuse.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a mutant, and mutants without mutant abilities are just ordinary people who can be killed by any bullet.

However, after he waited for a moment, he suddenly heard a laugh from the transmitter, and the sound continued to grow louder until it became an undisguised sarcasm.

"Hahahahaha~ Nicofrey, do you really think I care about this?

As I said just now, we are just equal partners. If you don't want to, forget it. "

After all, even if you take it by force, you can still get the infinite gems. Cooperating with SHIELD is just more convenient.

Nick Fury was silent. The development of the matter was beyond his expectation. He did not expect that Su Mu really didn't mind the method that could erase the mutant ability.

Could it be that he has a way to deal with this method?

No, it's impossible. He doesn't even know the specifics of this method. How can he have a way to deal with it?

Nick Fury immediately breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to rescue Su Mu when he was about to be captured by Colonel Stryker, and then let him completely join S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Presumably by then, he will have thought it through!

So he said directly:

"Okay, I agree, now you and we have a cooperative relationship.

If you regret it later, we will still welcome you to join, but the conditions may change at that time. "

Su Mu naturally understood what Nick Fury meant, and then grinned and said:

"Don't worry, Director Nico, that day won't happen..."

What effect do mutant abilities have on him?

Moreover, how can we just negotiate with Stryker and cancel the wanted order?

He's going to kill Stryker!

Afterwards, Agent Coulson said goodbye to Su Mu and Stark. His mission had been completed, and he had even won over the fifth-level mutant White-haired Demon. There was no reason to stay here at this time.

After Coulson left, Tony reunited with Pepper Potts and led Su Mu to the top floor of Stark Tower. He picked up two brand-new Ark reactors from the table and handed them to Su Mu.

"This is your reward, white-haired boy."


Su Mu looked at Stark, but she didn't expect that Stark would give him a nickname just after they met.

But he didn't mind, instead he found it interesting. Before he traveled through time, Stark had already died. Although he planned to return, would Stark still be the same Iron Man after his return?

This has also become his regret. Seeing the living Iron Man now, it feels like fantasy has come into reality.

Su Mu randomly picked up a satchel from the table, placed an Ark Reactor in it, and then held another Ark Reactor with one hand to absorb energy at full power.

When Tony Stark saw Su Mu pick up the satchel, obviously wanting to keep it for himself, he couldn't help but complain:

"You're so rude."

Su Mu responded:

"After all, I saved your life, didn't I? Mr. Big Shit?"

"Big shit? What the hell is this?"

Tony Stark asked immediately, but with the flick of Su Mu's fingers, he felt his whole body being pulled backwards by a huge attraction, and then he found that he fell into Pepper's arms.

There was already a chair in the office in the distance. Su Mu didn't have any consciousness of being a guest. She lay down and said to Tony Stark:

"I just escaped death. What am I doing here if I don't kiss your girlfriend?"

Tony Stark was speechless. He looked at Pepper, who was looking at him tenderly.

In this crisis, they finally understood each other's feelings.

The scene in front of him made Su Mu quite dissatisfied. He didn't want to eat dog food, so he used "Cang" to drive the two away and stayed alone on the top floor to absorb energy.

[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]


As the template fusion degree continues to increase, the difficulty of continuing to increase the fusion degree also increases.

When it increases to 35%, the energy points required to increase 1% continue to increase, but with the continuous supply of energy from the Ark reactor, after more than ten hours, the template fusion degree finally reached 39%.

At this time, Su Mu suddenly took off the black eye mask in front of him and looked into the distance. After a moment, he grinned, took off the eye mask, and then threw it aside, and said to Jarvis:

"Jarvis, tell Tony that I will be away for a while. When I come back, I will have something important to tell him. I guess he has also noticed that there is something wrong with his body!"

After saying that, he came to the French window without waiting for Jarvis to reply. With a slight force of five fingers, the extremely solid glass immediately shattered.

Su Mu opened his arms, leaned forward, and naturally fell downwards.

When he was close to the ground, he used "Cang" to absorb himself to the wall, and with a slight force, stepped on the wall to create many cracks, and then rushed towards a direction where the flames were rising into the sky.

There happened to be a hard enough target there, which was very suitable for experimenting with the new skills that would be acquired next!

Please read and collect it! ! !

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