[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]

[Template fusion degree: 75%]

Instantly absorbed the energy rays that could penetrate the planet, but Su Mu did not feel any swelling. With all the amplification, he was no longer the weakling who had reached the limit after absorbing the energy of a nuclear bomb.

Easily resisting the attack of the star destroyer, Su Mu distorted the space he was in again, connected with the space in the distance, disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of an old woman with a hideous face.

From the shape of the old woman in front of him, Su Mu recognized her identity. There was only one leader who looked like an old woman in the high-level of Apocalypse Star, and that was the kind grandmother.

Although her name was the kind grandmother, she was not kind at all. She was the commander of the special forces of Apocalypse Star, and even the goddess of vengeance team was trained by her.

After discovering that Su Mu appeared out of thin air, the kind grandmother looked flustered and used the energy weapon in her hand to shoot at Su Mu frantically, but even the star destroyer could not hurt Su Mu at all, let alone the mere energy weapon.

Su Mu glanced at the kind grandmother, waved his palm gently, and the powerful repulsive force crushed the kind grandmother. The broken bones and flesh stuck to the wall and then slowly flowed down.

The kind grandmother, the commander of the special forces of Apocalypse, died!

Then Su Mu rushed to the core area, which was the core of the city's protective device. As long as the core was destroyed, the domain would no longer be affected. He could also use the domain to cover the planet and quickly end the battle.

However, he did not use the portal to go directly, but walked slowly. After all, it was destined to be the same result, so he might as well enjoy the fun of the journey.

Several figures rushed towards Su Mu's direction at a high speed to stop him from moving towards the core area.

Any one of these figures is a threat to the entire universe. Kant, who is known as the strongest fighting master, the strongest assassin and tracker in the universe, the green Titan holding a scorching scepter, Darkseid's military advisor Weiman Wandeba and other strong men attacked Su Mu together.

Any one of them can easily destroy a planet, but at this time they all attacked together, but there was no relaxation, but more tension.

The enemy in front of them was the most powerful enemy they had ever encountered, a monster that could destroy a planet in seconds if he was not stopped!

Everyone attacked together, with fists that broke through dozens of times the sound barrier, hot energy rays, and sharp battle blades attacking Su Mu from all directions, but these attacks could not advance an inch when they were 50 meters away from him.

"What kind of ability is this?" Kant sensed the invisible barrier in front of him that easily resisted the joint attack of everyone, and his palms trembled violently because of too much force.

He used a dagger to kill too many strong men, some of whom could fight with him for a long time, but he had never encountered the current situation, where he could not even get close!

And this was not an attack from him alone, but an attack from several of them.

But even so, their attacks were easily resolved.

Knowing that the enemy in front of him was completely different from the enemies they had faced before, Kant moved his palm slightly to ensure that the sweat seeping from his fingers would not affect his wielding of the dagger, and adjusted his state to the best:

"Everyone, go all out, otherwise you will die!"

Everyone nodded, knowing the seriousness of the current situation, exerting all their strength, and constantly attacking Su Mu.

But even so, their attacks were still ineffective!

The earthlings in front of him were obviously much shorter than him, but at this time they were like a deep sky pressing on their heads, making them unable to breathe.

Facing the siege of everyone, Su Mu smiled, and then stretched out his hand to make a bow-drawing gesture.

The surrounding vectors were manipulated by him, and quickly merged around him to form a vector axis. The powerful force merged together and distorted the surrounding space. And under Su Mu's operation, it continued to become stronger until it reached ten times the original!

As the vector axis gradually formed, an alarm sounded in the distant laboratory:

"Alarm, alarm, huge energy is detected in the distance, please evacuate immediately!"

"Alarm, alarm, huge energy is detected in the distance, please evacuate immediately!"

Seeing this, Desaad's face was distorted. Through the monitoring device, he saw that the energy arrow that was enough to distort space was aimed at his laboratory and the core of the city defense device!

He knew what the earthling wanted to do. He wanted to destroy the city defense device to reactivate the powerful ability that could cover the entire Apocalypse.

So he must stop this energy arrow, but he had no confidence at all.

Because the value detected from the energy detection device showed that the energy contained in the energy arrow that was only one meter long was dozens of times the energy in the energy ray released by the star destroyer!

Although he knew that he could never stop this attack, he still did not dodge, but kept entering codes on the instrument to compress the city defense device, trying to use the city defense device to resist the next attack.

If he escaped at this time, even if he survived this energy arrow, His Majesty Darkseid would still kill him, and his methods would definitely be more cruel than those of the earthlings.

Thinking of this, Desaad shuddered subconsciously, and then continued to adjust the parameters of the city protection device.

Su Mu ignored the many Apocalypse leaders who were constantly attacking him fifty meters away, and fully manipulated the vector axis that had been formed.

He naturally noticed the shrinking shield in the distance, but he didn't care.

The attack method of the vector axis is different from the traditional energy physical attack. Although the vector axis on the surface is only a one-meter-long entity, in fact, the vector axis has spread to an endless distance.

On the path of the vector axis, the direction of all vectors will be manipulated. When they touch the vector axis, they will merge with it to enhance the strength of the vector inside it, even the vector that blocks the attack of the vector axis!

And because Su Mu can control scalars, the power of all vectors integrated into the vector axis will be increased tenfold!

This is also the maximum multiplier that the level 4 vector operation can increase!

When the vector axis is fully constructed, Su Mu lets go of his hand, and endless vectors entangle together, forming the shape of arrows, flying away!

No, it is not appropriate to say that it is an arrow, because the volume of the arrow that leaves the string continues to expand, and finally forms a spear hundreds of meters long!

Distance seems to be meaningless to the vector axis. Even the six eyes cannot capture the trace of the vector axis's advance. Everything in front of him is destroyed by the vector axis and reaches the laboratory area in an instant.

Desaad and Dr. Chaos were unable to react to the attack of the vector axis spear, and were pierced by the vector axis spear along with the protective shield. The power of their bodies to resist the rebound of the vector axis attack was also absorbed by the vector axis, amplified tenfold, and strengthened the power of the vector axis!

Finally, everything was over, the core of the city protection device disappeared, and Su Mu also felt that he could activate the infinite space again.

Many Apocalypse leaders on the side stared blankly at the kilometer-wide ravine that seemed to have no end in the distance, not knowing what had just happened.

For them, they just saw Su Mu loosen his palm, and then a dazzling white light flashed, and when their vision was restored, it became what it is now.

The city protection device disappeared, the city was divided into two, and even the area where His Majesty Darkseid was located was also reduced to ruins!

No, His Majesty Darkseid!

What did they realize? Could it be that His Majesty Darkseid also died in the previous attack?

Everyone looked at Su Mu angrily, and then fell into madness and continued to attack him.

Seeing this, Su Mu smiled calmly, and then opened the domain again - the domain expanded, the infinite space!

The entire Apocalypse was pulled into the inner side of the limitless limit again. As Su Mu's mind moved slightly, the bodies of several Apocalypse leaders around him were immediately torn to pieces, and then turned into dust with the surrounding strong wind!

In this way, all the leaders of Apocalypse died!

But it is still not enough now. Su Mu's ultimate goal is to destroy Apocalypse!

Just when he wanted to make a move, he suddenly found a figure rushing towards him at a high speed in the distance. The powerful Omega ray wrapped him and isolated him from the infinite space.

This person was Darkseid, and he was not killed by the vector axis!

He rushed towards Su Mu at a high speed, and obviously sensed what Su Mu wanted to do. The veins on his skin burst out, and he shouted loudly:


Facing Darkseid's heart-wrenching roar, Su Mu smiled at him calmly, and the vector operation directly destroyed the entire Apocalypse!


Under Darkseid's bloodshot eyes, the vectors and scalars in the entire Apocalypse began to change disorderly. This change tore apart the gravitational field that maintained the planet, and the result was that the entire Apocalypse fell apart, like a broken glass ball, shattering!

However, Su Mu did not stop his actions. Endless space slashes covered all areas of Apocalypse, tore apart the broken earth, and annihilated the broken mountains.

Then endless purple covered Apocalypse. This attack was silent, but when everything was over, the entire Apocalypse no longer existed, leaving only scattered cosmic dust and Su Mu and Darkseid!

Darkseid knelt in space, looking at everything in front of him in despair. His planet, his glory, and the foundation he obtained by killing his brother and father were shattered like a dream, leaving nothing behind!

"No! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

The overlord of the universe rushed towards Su Mu like a madman, releasing Omega rays from his eyes without cost, but these Omega rays were easily mastered by Su Mu, and then absorbed, and the attack that annihilated everything from the source was also offset by the reversal technique.

Seeing this, Darkseid changed his attack method and said crazily:

"Anti-Life Equation = loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side!!!"

This is undoubtedly the anti-life equation. Any creature that hears the anti-life equation will lose its autonomous will and be controlled by the user.

Darkseid stared at the earthling in front of him with hatred, and saw that the earthling had no hearing isolation, and immediately showed an even crazier smile.

No one can be exempted from the Anti-Life Equation, not even this Earthling. As long as this Earthling hears the content of the Anti-Life Equation, he can manipulate the Earthling.

He wants to torture this damn Earthling severely and use his power to rebuild Apokolips.


The excitement on Darkseid's face immediately stagnated, because the Earthling in front of him did not show any signs of being manipulated, but looked at him sarcastically.

Then his eyes blurred, and he found that the Earthling came in front of him. He subconsciously attacked the Earthling, but suddenly found that he could not move at all.

He was imprisoned by the surrounding space, which was a force far beyond his limit!

His whole body was shaking, and his meridians were constantly wriggling, but he could do nothing, and could only watch a hand holding his head.

Then, the hand holding his head suddenly exerted force, accompanied by the burst of purple lightning, and the overlord of the universe, the strongest new god Darkseid died!

PS: Darkseid

PS: Soon Accelerator's template will be completely integrated, and the journey to the new world will begin!

(* ̄︶ ̄)

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