American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 113 Reversal Technique Level 5!

The three mother boxes in the pocket universe suddenly flashed with dazzling light, and the condensed energy visible to the naked eye emanated from them, spreading continuously along the rune track of the barrier, and then fused with the energy of the Eternal Fire and the Frost Box to form a higher-level energy, which was finally absorbed by Su Mu.

Under the continuous supply of the pocket universe, the Infinite Void opened with Su Mu as the center, spreading rapidly to the distance, covering Gotham in the blink of an eye, then the United States, and finally half of the earth!

The lv4 Infinite Void is different from the Infinite Void before lv3. It has one more feature, that is, as long as Su Mu has enough energy in his body, he can extend the area of ​​the Infinite Void infinitely.

The only thing that constrains the area of ​​the Infinite Void is the amount of energy in Su Mu's body and the power of the output energy!

At this time, with the unknown wings platinum, the ritual is open, and the energy absorption of lv5 is running at full power, the area of ​​the Infinite Void directly covers half of the earth!

This also means that Su Mu's attack can ignore the range and has a must-hit effect in the area of ​​​​half of the earth!

This also means that if Su Mu wants, he can kill all life on Earth in a few seconds, and even destroy the Earth!

After covering most of the Earth, Su Mu directly selected the demons and pulled them into the inner side of the limitless. Then Su Mu lightly tapped the void in front of him, and all the demons were affected by the vector operation in an instant!

Their bodies immediately became stiff, and all the vectors in their bodies shifted and began to run irregularly.

In an instant, their flesh and blood immediately shattered, and then the shattered flesh and blood shattered again, back and forth several times, until all the flesh and blood disappeared in place, and nothing was left!

Most of the Earth fell into silence in an instant. They stared blankly at the bodies of the mad demons that shattered instantly, turned into dust and disappeared, and didn't know what happened.

Only the people around Su Mu and the people watching the live broadcast of the battlefield understood what happened. The attack of the traveler bat just now instantly killed hundreds of millions of demons!

Catwoman unconsciously opened her mouth slightly, with a look of surprise on her face. Although she already knew how powerful the boss was, she didn't expect the boss to be so powerful!

Unlike Catwoman who can only observe the surrounding area, Superman's super vision allows him to see more. He tells everyone what just happened:

"Just now, most of the demons on the earth were turned into dust and dissipated with the wind!

The Traveler Bat just killed hundreds of millions of demons, disintegrated the offensive of the growing demon army, and pulled the earth back from destruction!"

Batman thought of what the Traveler Bat said before. Could it be that those unbelievable things are true?

He really killed a large number of destroyers and used a powerful treasure called the Infinity Stone to kill the ultimate Doomsday at the cost of sacrificing half of the creatures in the universe and greatly reducing his strength?

The story that Batman was skeptical about before was basically believed by now. At this time, Su Mu already had the power to destroy the earth. Even if his power was not damaged, he might really be able to sacrifice half of the lives in the universe and kill Doomsday who had evolved to the final stage with the treasure!

Because the demons descended from Gotham and then spread to other places, Su Mu's attack at this time killed most of the demons, leaving only a few demons escaping, but they were immediately killed by the local government using various hot weapons.

After the demons were killed by Su Mu and turned into powder, the news on the Internet was constantly refreshed again, and the processors of major forums were overloaded.

"I don't know what happened to all the demons here, they died suddenly!"

"We too..."


"I can see you didn't watch the live broadcast. Traveler Bat used some method to kill most of the demons at once!"

"What, is Traveler Bat so strong?"

"Not only that, the three generals of Apocalypse, who crushed Superman, Batman and other superheroes and almost defeated all superheroes, were easily killed by the arrival of Traveler Bat!"

"That's right, that's right, Traveler Bat is not at the same level as other superheroes. I doubt he can defeat all other superheroes in the world by himself!"

"No doubt, this is the fact!"

"I apologize for doubting Traveler Bat before. He is indeed a powerful hero who can travel in the multiverse. His strength is beyond the limit of my imagination!"

"Me too, I will be the number one fan of Traveler Bat in the future, he will always be my brother!"


The doubts about Traveler Bat on the Internet disappeared instantly, and the rescued people became fans of Traveler Bat!

And governments around the world immediately began to analyze the strength of Traveler Bat, and then found helplessly that they could not do anything even to the other three gods of the world, let alone Traveler Bat.

At this time, everyone knows that Batman, Catwoman, and Superman are gods on earth, and Traveler Bat is no longer a god on earth!

He is a real god!


On the battlefield, after hearing Superman's words, Steppenwolf looked ferocious and stared at Su Mu. He was very sure that if His Majesty Darkseid did not use Omega rays and the anti-life equation, he would not be a match for Traveler Bat.

But the next moment he relaxed again. No matter how strong Traveler Bat was, he was no match for His Majesty Darkseid!


Due to his super regeneration ability, his injuries have mostly recovered, including his arm, which was the least damaged. He took out a palm-sized instrument from his armor, then clenched it and threw it towards Su Mu!

After the instrument was activated, it began to release terrifying crimson energy, which was the Omega ray that could wipe out life from the root!

Seeing that the Omega ray had already erupted and could no longer be stopped, Steppenwolf laughed loudly:

"Damn Traveler Bat, no matter how powerful you are, you will eventually die in the face of His Majesty Darkseid's Omega ray.

After your death, Apokolips will send a more powerful army to invade the earth, and the earth will eventually be ruled by the great His Majesty Darkseid!"

The other superheroes were too exhausted from the previous battle, and even Superman was too relaxed to notice Steppenwolf's actions. By the time they noticed it, it was too late. The Omega ray had completely erupted, and the crimson Omega ray flew towards Su Mu at a high speed!


Even though they were very confident in Su Mu's strength, Steppenwolf's absolute tone still made Catwoman and others feel uneasy. Su Mu might really be killed by the Omega ray.

Everyone threw weapons to intercept the Omega ray, but the speed of the Omega ray was too fast. When they just threw their weapons, the Omega ray had hit Su Mu.

Everyone looked at Su Mu nervously...

Unlike others, Su Mu had already noticed Steppenwolf's small movements through his six eyes, and detected the powerful energy sealed in the box in Steppenwolf's armor through his energy vision.

The level of that energy was extremely high, only slightly lower than the level of the energy of the three mother boxes fully combined, and it was not inferior to the power of the Infinity Stones!

He immediately realized that this was the power of the Omega ray, an attack that was even more powerful than Superman's heat vision.

This attack can vaporize, erase, explode as energy, energy beam, or transform any form of matter, whether it is living or non-living.

Except for Superman, who was protected by the Wall of Origin of the ancient DC gods, it is almost impossible for others to survive under the Omega effect.

But he is different, he has too much power comparable to the Omega ray!

He stretched out his hand to block the path of the Omega ray, and the next moment his palm began to break. Seeing the scene in front of them, many superheroes exclaimed.

But Su Mu remained calm, and the next moment the reversal technique was activated!

The lv4 reversal technique can return any object to its previous state, whether it is a living thing or a non-living thing.

Under the effect of the reversal technique, Su Mu's gradually annihilated palm immediately stopped annihilating, and then recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

If it was the Omega ray released by Darkseid himself, then Su Mu still needed to take it seriously, but at present it was just a rootless Omega ray energy, which could not pose a threat to him at all!

His palm gradually recovered, blocking the Omega ray with one hand, and then using energy absorption to forcibly control this extremely high-level energy, twisting it into a sphere. Finally, Su Mu suddenly clenched it, and this group of Omega effect was completely absorbed by him and disappeared.

Seeing this, many superheroes breathed a sigh of relief and showed joy on their faces.

As expected of the Traveler Bat, even the Omega rays that can annihilate everything cannot affect him.

Steppenwolf was in a panic, his eyes were horrified, and he kept repeating:

"Impossible, impossible, how can you resist the Omega rays of His Majesty Darkseid?!

Who... who are you?"

Su Mu ignored the reactions of the crowd, because after this battle, the levels of two more skills were upgraded:

[Unknown Wings·Platinum Experience +1]

[Congratulations, your skill Unknown Wings·Platinum has been upgraded! ]

[Unknown Wings·Platinum lv2 (1/300): Manipulate the phase power in space to form the ultimate power platinum wings of the phase, greatly enhancing the user's all-round power! ]

Because Unknown Wings·Platinum is the final form of the previous Unknown Wings skills, there is a strange correlation reaction between them, and finally averaged out.

Now the experience of Unknown Wings·Platinum and the previous Unknown Wings skills has been completely intertwined and synchronized together.

The levels of all skills have reached the current level of Unknown Wings Platinum. When the experience of Unknown Wings Platinum is improved, the experience of the previous skills will be improved simultaneously. This means that Su Mu only needs to practice Unknown Wings Platinum. In this way, the experience of all Unknown Wings skills will be improved, which greatly saves Su Mu's time.

Moreover, he has a hunch that when Accelerator's character template reaches 100%, the Unknown Wings series of skills will undergo a huge transformation!

In addition, there is another skill upgrade:

[Reversal Technique Experience +1]

[Congratulations, your skill Reversal Technique has been upgraded! ]

[Reversal Technique lv5 (1/20000): It turns the negative energy of the cursed power itself into positive energy, has a strong healing effect, and reverses things to the best state. It can be used on others and non-living things! ]

A lot of information emerged in Su Mu's mind, and the six eyes absorbed the information poured into his mind with all their strength.

After a moment, Su Mu returned to normal, and then showed a happy expression.

First of all, the upgrade of Unknown Wings Platinum greatly increased the increase.

The lv1 Unknown Wings Platinum gave Su Mu a 50% increase in all aspects, and the current lv2 doubled it directly, giving Su Mu a 100% increase!

The upgrade of Unknown Wings Platinum greatly improved Su Mu's strength!

If he continues to use the Infinite Void at this time, he can easily cover the entire earth!

In addition, there is an upgrade of the Reversal Technique. The previous Reversal Technique can reverse any object to its original state, and the upgraded Reversal Technique can transform any object into the best state, optimizing its properties!

And the healing ability of the Reversal Technique is improved again!

For example, Su Mu uses the Reversal Technique on an ordinary person, which not only means that he can easily cure the ordinary person, but also improve his full ability and raise him to the limit of the human species!

This also means that he can mass-produce Captain America through the skill of the Reversal Technique!

And more importantly, according to the information in his mind, after lv6, the optimization of the Reversal Technique can break through the limit of the species, consume energy and greatly improve the target's ability, and even if Su Mu wants, he can easily improve the physical fitness of an ordinary person to the level of the Hulk.

Not only that, Su Mu can take back the target's upgrade at will, and even as the target continues to use it, he can finally take back the target's soul and everything!

This ability is very familiar to Su Mu. Isn't this the loan of the latitude demon?

Good guy, the unlimited technique creates the universe, the six eyes represent infinite energy, the reversal technique borrows, and the energy absorption precisely manipulates the energy. As long as Su Mu upgrades all skills to lv6, he will be the latitude demon, and it is an alternative latitude demon whose strength will not decrease even if he leaves the latitude!

Because his strength comes from himself, from his own efforts and accumulation, and not from external objects, he achieves the pocket universe, not the pocket universe achieves him!

After adapting to the changes caused by the skill upgrade, Su Mu opened the unknown wings platinum again, and the 100-meter-long platinum wings opened behind him, reflecting him like a sacred angel.

Then the infinite space started, covering the entire earth!

The reversal technique is running, and all destroyed objects are quickly reversed to their original appearance.

The next moment, the injuries of all the people injured in the battle were recovering rapidly. New arms grew at a speed visible to the naked eye for broken arms, and the same was true for broken legs. Even if the eyes were blind, they would regenerate in an instant. As long as they were not dead, they would recover quickly!

And Su Mu had a hunch that the full operation of the lv5 reversal technique had touched the realm of life and death, but he did not try it. He just opened the realm for the purpose of experimenting with skills. If it was a reversal regeneration without consumption, it would be fine. He would not try the rebirth that required a huge amount of energy.

However, suddenly he sensed something. After he performed the reversal technique, most people on the earth were grateful from the bottom of their hearts, but some people cursed.

They kept cursing:

"Damn Traveler Bat, why didn't you act quickly, otherwise my wife wouldn't die!"

"Go to hell, why are their children still alive, but my children are dead?"

"What kind of superhero are you? You didn't save anyone at all!"

Perhaps it was because the distance was too far, knowing that the Traveler Bat couldn't hear, or because the Traveler Bat was a superhero, so they could speak "freely" without fear of being held accountable.

But what they don't know is that Su Mu is not a superhero. In the last world, he was a terrifying white devil.

Su Mu grinned, then tapped the void in front of him. Those who insulted him, regardless of their status, gender, age, all disappeared with the wind and turned into nothingness.

The world's network shook violently again, and they kept discussing what had just happened.

"A gangster around me who kept insulting Traveler Bat suddenly died!"

"It happened to me too. Several old men and women with bad character died at the same time, turning into dust like the monsters before."

"My damn vampire boss is dead too!"

Many netizens suddenly understood something. These dead people have a common feature, that is, they are constantly insulting Traveler Bat.

They were killed by Traveler Bat!

The remaining part of the people who wanted to insult Traveler Bat but had not yet spoken immediately shut up. They finally understood that Traveler Bat is completely different from other superheroes. He does whatever he wants and is not bound by rules.

The restoration of buildings and the regeneration of the body are his gifts, not reasons for their presumptuousness. Traveler Bat will not spoil them like other superheroes!

After understanding everything, everyone was silent.

Superman was the first to know what was happening around the world. He subconsciously said to Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, they..."

"They scolded me!"

"But the crime is not punishable by death..."

"They scolded me!"

"We have other solutions..."

"They scolded me!"

"But..." Superman wanted to say something, but Su Mu was already impatient.

"I helped them, but they insulted me. This is betrayal. I am not a saint like you. Betrayal means death!

If you disagree with my point of view, it is the same as treating me as a super villain. You can attack me as long as you can."

Superman was silent, and all the superheroes were silent. Traveler Bat was too powerful. How could they be his opponent?

And Traveler Bat's merits far outweighed his faults. He saved the earth, and now he just killed some scum.

Su Mu ignored Superman. He respected Superman very much, but respect did not mean that he wanted to be like Superman.

If possible, he was more likely to be a native of the country.

Coming to Catwoman, under the admiring eyes of her and Mera, Su Mu slowly said:

"You first return to Paradise Island, I want to go to Apokolips to play!"

Batman realized something, and then asked:

"Why are you going to Apokolips?"

"I don't like them, especially Darkseid. I want to kill him and destroy Apokolips!"

Many superheroes: "???!!!"

We just worked hard to defeat the elite monsters, and you are going to run to the BOSS's lair to kill the BOSS?

Even the copy is going to be destroyed? !

Batman dissuaded him:

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone. According to the information revealed by Steppenwolf, in addition to Omega rays, Darkseid has even more powerful power.

We should take a long-term view and formulate a detailed battle plan."

As soon as Batman finished speaking, he saw Su Mu looking at him with contempt. He immediately understood what Su Mu wanted to say next:

"Batman, you are really embarrassing the Batman Corps. In the multiverse, both the righteous Batman and the evil Batman are extremely powerful. Darkseid is just a mere figure, not worth mentioning at all!"

Batman: "..."

Su Mu directly cut through the space, and a portal was generated in front of him. A planet filled with despair and fear was in front of him, Apokolips!

A figure stood in the most central building of Apokolips and looked at the opened portal, and his eyes intersected with Su Mu's.

Su Mu walked into the portal, leaving only one sentence:

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

Batman, Superman and others watched Su Mu leave, and could only pray for his victory.

The portal that Su Mu opened was in the air, and he was discovered by many slaves as soon as he appeared.

These slaves were residents kidnapped from other planets. Most of them were called "lowly people". They were at the bottom of society and often suffered abuse from the upper class. In the end, they could only die and had a miserable life.

But even so, they were still brainwashed and became Darkseid's most loyal servants.

As soon as Su Mu appeared, Apocalypse sounded the alarm and announced that there was an invasion by outsiders.

The lowly people around immediately discovered Su Mu's existence, and then all rushed towards Su Mu desperately.

They were weak, even worse than the demons, and could only use stones or the tools in their hands to attack Su Mu.

This low-level projectile floated in the air when it approached Su Mu, and could no longer move forward.

The lowly people knew the gap between them and Su Mu, but they still attacked Su Mu with all their strength, for their master, His Majesty Darkseid!

Su Mu looked at the many lowly people under his feet indifferently. Most of them were cowards from their respective planets. The warriors with a little courage were transformed into demons or slaughtered.

Watching them attack continuously, Su Mu couldn't help wondering, facing Darkseid's army, would they also fight desperately as they did now?

Or did they not resist at all and then be brainwashed and captured?

But Su Mu didn't care about this, he just wanted to destroy Apocalypse now!

The powerful repulsive force spread rapidly towards the distance with him as the center, and the lowly people around him instantly turned into blood mist, and then disappeared in the repulsive force.

Killing many lowly people at will, Su Mu looked around, and endless demons surrounded him at some point, constantly shooting at him with energy weapons.

Su Mu grinned, the aura of the platinum wings shone even brighter, he made a pre-seal, and then smiled:

"Domain expansion, infinite space!"

PS: Demon

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