American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 105 The field expands into infinite space!

Chapter 105 The field unfolds—infinite space!

Before Superman and Batman could react, Su Mu stepped out to the outside world and looked sarcastically at the several combat helicopters ahead.

"Do you want a Kryptonian spaceship?" he said calmly.

Seeing Batman appear in front of the helicopter instantly, many soldiers immediately became alert, with various weapons aimed at Batman at the same time. As long as he made the slightest move, they would directly attack him.

They already knew Batman's strength from previous battles, but even so, they rushed over bravely, because they knew that Batman was a superhero and a non-killer who would not kill criminals, let alone Facing the army of 'justice'.

An officer used a loudspeaker to speak to Su Mu:

"It's not that we want the Kryptonian spaceship, but that the Kryptonian spacecraft belongs to us. It is a trophy of the American emperor and will never be owned by individuals!"

Su Mu smiled. He looked at the officer like a clown, and then pretended to ask:

"Why didn't I see you when we were fighting against the Kryptonians? Why didn't you dare to bark wantonly in front of General Zod?"

Before the officer could explain, Su Mu continued:

"Oh, needless to say, I understand, because they will kill you, just like crushing an ant to death, or even easier than crushing an ant to death?

So why do you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?

There is no need to answer, I also know, because I am a superhero, a Batman who does not kill, and a guardian of kindness..."

The commander gradually developed a bad feeling. The Batman in front of him seemed different from the Batman he was familiar with.

At this time, the communicator rang, and Colonel Hardy warned in an urgent tone:

"Leave quickly, interrupt the mission, this Batman is not the Batman of this universe, he comes from a parallel universe!

Therefore, we are not sure whether he is still a kind-hearted superhero, nor are we sure whether he still abides by the no-kill principle.

But we can be sure that this Batman is terrifyingly strong! "

However, Colonel Hardy's warning came too late. The officer murmured:

"That's too late……"

In front of him, Batman made a weird front seal, his slender middle finger wrapped around his index finger, and black and red lightning kept erupting around Batman!

The reaper from the night said coldly:

“But I’m different, what kind of bullshit no-kill principle?

I can help you fight off the Kryptonians, but this is my kindness, my gift, but it is definitely not an excuse for you to slap your nose in the face! "

Endless energy bloomed from Su Mu's body and spread into the distance at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

The realm expands—infinite space!

A radius of twenty kilometers with him as the center was covered by the Infinite Space, and the entire metropolis was almost completely enveloped by the Infinite Space.

With the assistance of the six eyes, Su Mu quickly identified the target and marked all soldiers wearing military uniforms in the field as attack targets in Wuliang Kongchu.

The next moment, they were pulled into the inner limitless place. In order to stay alive, their brains carried out countless repeated 'perceptions' and 'conductions', producing a large amount of invalid information. The whole person knew everything, but could do nothing.

How sad!

After a while, the infinite space was recovered, and all the soldiers in the metropolis fell into a coma. The helicopter flying in the air immediately fell downwards without the pilot's control, but was lifted up by Superman who arrived later and placed on the ground. Among the flat ground.

Batman and Superman looked at the unconscious soldier and hesitated to speak. Finally, they asked Su Mu:

"What happened to them?"

After taking care of all the American soldiers, Su Mu felt refreshed. When he heard the two people's questions, he said calmly:

"They... don't worry, it's not life-threatening. It's just because too much useless information was generated in the brain, so it fell into a coma for a short time. It only takes a moment to return to normal."

Superman breathed a sigh of relief, it was just fine that his life was not in danger.

But Batman thought more than just Superman. He knew that his fellow soldier would never let go of these soldiers who offended him so easily.

He thought for a moment and finally discovered the problem:

"So how long will they be unconscious?"

"It's not long, it's just a few hundred years. They woke up after a few hundred years..." Su Mu grinned at Batman, "It's really not long. For Batman who can live forever, it just passed in the blink of an eye. You say so, Wayne?"

Batman: "..."


Are all Batmans in other universes really like this, able to live forever, possess powers beyond Superman, and master all kinds of incredible abilities?

But he had only met Su Mu, a Batman, and could only believe his words, thinking that he was just an inferior bat.

Putting his unwillingness aside for a moment, Batman began to think about the current situation.

None of these soldiers died, but it was no different from death.

They don't have Batman... Bah, but without the Traveler, Batman has eternal life and will sleep for the rest of his life until he dies.

After eliminating all the soldiers in the metropolis in one go, Su Mu returned to the sea view villa, using the Kryptonian battery to absorb energy while adapting to the DC energy environment.

After the Black Zero incident, there were four more human gods in the world, namely Traveler Bat, Superman, Batman and Catwoman.

Everyone among them knows that the traveler Bat from the parallel universe is the real god on earth!

While continuing to stir the glutinous rice, splashing water, he watched the news report on TV. The reporter on the news was no longer Mr. Eddie Brock, who was familiar to Su Mu, but a strange reporter who was interviewing a military general:

"General, what do you think of the four gods on earth?"

The general showed a formulaic and kind smile and said in a sonorous tone:

"Traveler Bat, Superman, Batman and Catwoman are all well-deserved superheroes. They helped the earth defeat Krypton in the Black Zero incident and protected the earth from being colonized in the future.

Among them, Traveler Batman is the strongest god on earth and the kindest hero. He made the greatest contribution in the Black Zero incident and was the absolute main force. He is the eternal friend of the American empire!"

Just then, among the crowd watching the interview below, a middle-aged man suddenly said:

"But I heard that Traveler Bat used some kind of witchcraft to make all the soldiers in the metropolis fall into a deep sleep, and they could not be woken up no matter what.

They are like vegetative people, sleeping soundly and unable to wake up. I don't know how long this state will last. It is likely to be a Lifetime!"

The unexpected situation suddenly caused the reporter to panic, but the general remained calm. He said to the camera with an infectious and friendly smile:

"This is a false news. I don't know who or what terrorist organization spread this news, but for the honor of Traveler Bat and the honor of American friends, we will definitely arrest the source of the false news!

Traveler Bat is a kind person, how could he do such a thing?

The reason why the soldiers fell asleep is that the despicable Kryptonians used a consciousness bomb at the moment of failure. This bomb identified the soldiers who could threaten them and put them into a deep sleep.

But please rest assured that these soldiers were traumatized for the safety of the earth, and the country will not ignore them.

During their sleep, all their treatment expenses will be borne by the country, and we are already studying their symptoms and will solve their problems as soon as possible to wake these heroes up again! "

The general made a confident guarantee, just like it was true, and applause from the audience immediately rang out below.

After watching the interview, Su Mu expressed disdain.

When he is hurt, he becomes a pug and wags his tail to please you. It is worthy of the style of an old gangster.

And those soldiers cannot wake up. Excessive information has completely destroyed their brains. Now they are no different from vegetative people. Even if they wake up with their brains repaired, they are just idiots without any memory.

Turn off the TV and continue to fiddle with glutinous rice. At the same time, Su Mu continues to adapt to the energy of the DC multiverse.

Suddenly, he showed a happy smile. Catwoman saw this scene, covered his face with her slippery little hands, and asked in a tender voice:

"What's wrong, master~ Is there anything happy?"

Su Mu smiled and said, "Yes, there is something happy. One of my abilities has completely adapted to the energy of this universe. The plan can be changed. There is no need to go to the sea to play dirty play. We will go to Paradise Island to visit the legendary Amazon warriors!"

"Um... Amazon... Amazon?" Catwoman said intermittently.

"Yes, they are powerful female warriors created by the gods, living on Paradise Island created by Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods.

Because of the blessing of magic, they are immortal, and there are magical protection positions around Paradise Island, so that humans cannot observe the existence of the island.

In the long years, they have inherited a mission to guard a supreme artifact in Paradise Island-the Mother Box, which is also our goal."

"The Mother Box must be very important to them. What if they don't want to hand it over to us?"

"Don't worry, they will hand it over to us obediently."

Su Mu is very confident about this. Whether it is overwhelming force or infinite space, it can easily do this.

After using energy absorption to continuously adapt to the DC environment, the portal and other abilities have been fully restored.

Now that the Kryptonian battery is continuously used to absorb energy, the template fusion degree has reached 53%, and new skills will be unlocked when it reaches 60%.

But even if the Kryptonian battery is very easy to use, it is still not as good as the Infinity Stone, and the speed of template fusion is increasing slower and slower.

At this time, the portal is restored, and Su Mu can easily find Paradise Island to obtain the mother box, and the speed of improving the template fusion degree will increase instead of decrease!

Without much hesitation, Su Mu directly opened the portal and stepped out to the wet seaside.

And in front of him is the legendary Paradise Island!

PS: Amazon Warrior

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