American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 101 Obtaining the World Engine

In a remote corner of Gotham, a dark room seems to be unable to penetrate even light, leaving it shrouded in shadow all year round.

The Joker stared at the TV screen in front of him, where the man he longed for was fighting another man, and looked extremely intimate.

I have to say that the clown is jealous!

Batman, the person you love most should be me, but you betrayed me!

The clown raised the corners of his mouth nervously, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger, until it finally turned into a crazy laugh.

He knew he had to take action to take Batman back from Superman!

Open the portal and return to the sea view villa.

This sea-view villa is located in the coastal area and was purchased by Selena some time ago.

Although Selena's den is nice to live in, the smell of DNA lingers over time, so it is still necessary to have a comfortable and ventilated villa.

Several people walked out of the portal, and Su Mu took out two symbiotes to live with two Kryptonians. He tried to use the symbiotes to copy the Kryptonians' talent of becoming stronger through sunlight.

The talent of Kryptonians is extremely unscientific. They can grow to the point of propelling the planet just by being exposed to sunlight. Even today's lv5 energy absorption cannot do this.

A twisted force field was used to restrain the two Kryptonians, floating in the sky like kites and enduring the rays of the yellow sun. Su Mu and Catwoman were lying on sun loungers and sunbathing. A steady stream of energy was generated in the Kryptonians' bodies. After being absorbed by Su Mu's use of energy, the energy in his body finally began to increase steadily.

Fiora stared at the Earthling in front of her. Logically speaking, her physical fitness would become stronger and stronger under the sunlight, but at this time, she became weaker and weaker. The energy just generated in her body disappeared in an instant and disappeared without a trace. .

Fiora knew that this was because the energy generated in her body was absorbed by the man in front of her.

She tried to find out some information about the enemy. This time the enemy was too powerful. She even lost confidence in the invincible General Zod:

"I didn't expect there to be someone like you on earth!"

Su Mu picked up the expensive red wine and took a sip, then said lazily:

"Of course, besides me there are other powerful beings, such as Martian Manhunter or Thunder Shazam. These are extremely powerful warriors."

Fiora absorbed the information in Su Mu's words, and then looked at the black mucus that was constantly squirming on her body. The mucus was extremely dishonest and made her feel itchy:

"What is this black goo that you put on us?"

Su Mu didn't hide it, yawned and said casually:

"You Kryptonians have interesting talents. I tried to copy your talents so that the Kryptonian batteries would be useless."

Krypton brand batteries?

Black lines appeared on Fiora's forehead. This man actually used the supreme Kryptonian as a battery!

Although she was very angry in her heart, Fiora still endured it again. She was no match for the enemy in the first place, let alone being weaker now.

Su Mu swallowed the cherries Catwoman fed with her green-white fingers, and then continued:

"It's a symbiote that can copy the host's abilities. Of course, there's an upper limit to this ability, but I think it's still possible to copy the abilities of ordinary Kryptonians."

Su Mu made Fiora float in front of him, then pinched her face hard and looked into her frightened eyes:

"I forgot to tell you that I can produce almost unlimited symbiotes. Then there will be a large group of superheroes with Kryptonian abilities on the earth. Don't you think that's interesting?"

Fiora: "..."

No, she has to find a way to bring this news to General Zod. The earth is so dangerous, we should invade other planets.

In the spaceship in the distance, General Zod found that his adjutant Fiora had disappeared. He looked at his subordinates with a questioning look, and the subordinates immediately replied:

(PS: General Zod)

"General, two powerful warriors suddenly appeared on Earth and captured the deputy commander alive."

General Zod was silent. He was a little surprised that other warriors who could resist the Kryptonians appeared on Earth, but it was just an accident.

Fiora and others were only exposed to the yellow sun for a few hours, and their power was far from reaching its limit. Defeating Fiora today was nothing.

General Zod issued an order: "After a few days under the yellow sun, we will invade the earth!"

A few days later, the Kryptonian spacecraft split. One part flew towards the Indian Ocean, while the other part landed in the metropolis.

With General Zod's order, the world engine starts!

This scene also made Su Mu realize that he was in the beach villa. He turned his head and looked towards the metropolis, grinning. The Kryptonians did not disappoint him, and new energy appeared!

Fiora on the side saw the devilish smile of the earthling in front of her, and she became even more nervous and kept praying for General Zod.

The American Emperor's laboratory also discovered the World Engine, so he and the arriving Superman made a plan to destroy the World Engine.

Clark, the 25th son of Krypton, went to deal with the spacecraft in the Indian Ocean, and the American emperor was responsible for using the spacecraft that carried Clark to Earth to collide with General Zod's spacecraft, forming a black hole, and then attracting all the Kryptonians on the spacecraft.

So Erwuzi flew straight towards the Indian Ocean, fighting the defenses on the world engine, even at the risk of being entangled and toyed with by nano-tentacles, to destroy the hope of Krypton.

In order to protect mankind, Clark continued to fight against the nano-tentacles. After many hardships, he finally got rid of the tentacles that had been entangled with him, and then came under the World Engine.

The environment under the World Engine is very close to the Kryptonian environment, and Superman's strength has been weakened to a certain extent here, but even so, he still rushed forward with all his strength and tried to destroy the World Engine.

Under the powerful energy beam, Clark finally rushed forward!

Seeing victory in sight, Clark looked excited, the earth was finally saved!

But just when Clark was about to destroy the engine, figures suddenly appeared in front of him, ignoring the energy around them that was far more terrifying than the earth, ignoring the energy beam above that was enough to transform the planet, and stood steadily in the void.

Facing Clark, who was rushing towards him at high speed, this figure looked at Clark with eyes as deep and calm as the waveless sea, and stretched out his index finger towards him.

The next moment, Clark's fist collided with that seemingly slender finger...

Clark thought he would hurt this figure, but what he never expected was that his strong body stopped uncontrollably when faced with a finger, and then a terrifying repulsive force spread from his index finger, acting on his body, causing him to fly backwards into the distance at a speed dozens of times the speed of sound!


The huge roar echoed for dozens of kilometers around him. Clark kept gliding on the sea surface. The powerful force acting on him made him almost unable to resist.

In the end, his body kept flying for more than ten kilometers before stopping. At this time, he finally saw the specific appearance of the figure. It was the Dark Knight who appeared to help him a few days ago - Batman!


Clark asked, Batman is obviously from Earth and has helped him before, but why should he stop him from destroying the World Engine at this time?

That's right, the person in front of Superman is Su Mu pretending to be Batman. He waited for several days without catching more Krypton batteries just for the energy on the world engine at this time. This was after he got his mother. How could Superman destroy one of the few good opportunities to gain energy?

Facing Superman questioning him, Su Mu smiled kindly:

"You can't destroy the world engine, it works for me."

But Superman obviously ignored Su Mu's kindness and said angrily:

"Whatever you have for it, destroy it as soon as possible, because people are dying all the time in the World Engine!"

Su Mu laughed, and then said casually:

"Don't worry, I'll stop it."

As long as Su Mu starts to use energy absorption to continuously absorb the energy of the world engine, they will not be able to continue to transform the earth, but Superman obviously no longer believes in Su Mu, "No, I must destroy it myself!"

Su Mu was a little unhappy after being rejected one after another. If the Superman in front of him was a silver Superman or a golden Superman, then he would leave immediately, whatever you say.

But you're just a little movie version of Superboy, so what's so big about it?

Did I give you face?

Facing the Superman rushing towards him, Su Mu grinned and used vector manipulation to control the surrounding vectors. Terrifying red and white singularities formed on its fists, emitting infinite repulsion. It absorbed energy and used energy to strengthen the body until it reached its limit.

In an instant, the two were fighting together, and the sound of broken bones exploded like thunder!


Under Clark's disbelieving gaze, the bones in his arm were instantly torn apart by the horrific impact!

His body instantly flew backwards and collided with the sea surface at hundreds of times the speed of sound. A wave of hundreds of meters formed from the point where he landed, and his figure was submerged by the sea water.

Su Mu was not surprised by this result. In today's Kryptonian environment, Superman's strength has been greatly weakened, and he has the vector manipulation skills to restrain Superman. It is not difficult to knock Superman away with one punch.

Ignoring Clark, who had been motionless under the water for a long time, Su Mu focused his attention on the world engine in the sky.

The world engine in the sky continued to emit intense light and heat. Su Mu fully activated the energy absorption. The huge energy twisted around his body and then sank into his body.

System prompts keep ringing:

[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]

[Energy point +1]

The energy that could transform the planet dimmed visibly to the naked eye, and in just a few minutes, the energy on it was devoured by Su Mu.

At this time, the template fusion degree has reached 57%!

Use the no lower limit technique to open the door of the pocket space, and then insert the world engine into it.

The already small pocket space was immediately filled with world engines.

After settling everything, Su Mu smiled evilly, and then said to Clark, who had fully recovered from his injuries underwater:

"Hurry up, or the girl named Louise will be killed!"

After saying this, he opened the portal and stepped out, returning to the metropolis.

(PS: Catwoman-Part 3)

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