American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 79: Rewarding the Yetu bloodline, all sheltered successfully

Shizune jumped up quickly to avoid the abnormality on the ground to avoid being interrupted.

He directly approached the entrance and ran out with amazing speed.

"Tsunade-sama! Come back quickly!"

Shizune turned to look at Tsunade and shouted.


After Tsunade responded, she immediately ran towards the entrance at full speed to get out of here.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

At this moment, several more unclean ones rushed over to prevent Tsunade from leaving here.

"Get out of my way!"

Tsunade frowned and once again burst out with a powerful and overbearing domineering look.

The domineering and domineering spirit here is not just as simple as the spirit of intimidation.

The surrounding ground was torn apart with dense cracks like spider webs.

The flesh and blood of those who were unclean were also partially decomposed.

The huge body lost control in an instant and fell heavily to the ground.

Not long after Tsunade gained Haki, she used it quite well, which is really amazing!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Tsunade's stomping on the floor was like an explosion of gunpowder. Each stomp exploded with amazing jumping power, and she returned to the village through the mirror in an instant.

Asuma and the others saw what had just happened, and they all showed extremely shocked expressions.

None of them knew who Tsunade was, but the strength displayed was too terrifying!

None of the Jonin present could guarantee that he had the ability to fight against Tsunade.

After Tsunade came out, Shizune immediately took out the kunai and cut off the glass part that attached the Red Sea Disc.

In this way, even if it is connected to the Red Sea world, no one can pass through such a small space.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The unclean ones at the other end of the passage roared at the small entrance and exit.

They really want to go through and feel the breath of life, but they can't pass through such a small passage.

I could only stand there and howl in dissatisfaction, and finally walked away.

I wonder if I will be hiding there waiting for someone to pass by.

"Then put it in a small box and keep it."

Shizune took out a small wooden box and put the disc inside to seal it.

"Are you the granddaughter of the first Hokage, Senju Tsunade?"

Asuma recognized Tsunade and quickly came up to ask.


Tsunade nodded and replied.

"It's really you! Meet Tsunade-sama!"

After everyone learned Tsunade's identity, they were extremely shocked and quickly bowed to see her.

"Okay, no need to be so restrained."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she looked at Jiraiya and Naruto who finally got up.

"You two finally got up, it's of no use at all."

Tsunade said dissatisfied.

This made Jiraiya and Naruto scratch their heads helplessly.

"Congratulations to Naruto World for successfully accepting the Red Sea World Disc and awarding Shizune Yatsura the bloodline."

At this time, the sound of the screen came.

After Shizune heard it, she suddenly felt like something had changed in her body.

"The Night Rabbit clan is a very powerful alien fighting nation in a certain universe, with power that far exceeds that of humans on earth. With age and training, their strength will continue to increase, easily surpassing the limits of humans on earth.

Originally, the blood of the Night Rabbit clan was engraved with the killing instinct, and their bodies would be dominated by the killing instinct, and they were afraid of the sun. But the Night Rabbit bloodline given in this screen will not have these problems. "

The explanation voice on the screen sounded.

After Shizune understood, she looked at her body in shock. In this case, would she still be from Earth?

Became an alien all of a sudden?

How weird!

"Shizune, no matter what your blood is like, you are still Shizune."

At this time, Tsunade patted Shizune's shoulder to comfort her.

"No matter what kind of blood you are, you have inherited my medical skills and can treat the injured. Bear with Shizune. Don't forget this."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she squatted down and used medical ninjutsu to treat the seriously injured Kakashi and Metkai.

"Yes! Tsunade-sama!"

After hearing this, Shizune nodded vigorously, and her original worries disappeared in an instant.

Then join treatment immediately.

"How do you feel now?"

Tsunade asked while he was being treated.

"I feel so powerful inside my body that I really want to let it out."

Shizune replied.

"The screen just said that this is a fighting nation from other universes. I'm afraid they were born to fight. Fortunately, you won't be swallowed up by some fighting instinct."

Tsunade nodded and analyzed.

"But it doesn't feel good that I'm the only one getting the reward. Tsunade-sama obviously also contributed."

Shizune felt quite uncomfortable with the fact that she was the only one receiving the reward, even though Tsunade was the one who acted just now.

"I think the reward is based on who gets the disc. It doesn't matter such a small thing, I have good stuff anyway."

Tsunade shook her head indifferently, then concentrated on continuing the treatment.

Their conversation was so quiet that no one else could hear it.

After more than half an hour, Kakashi and Metkai finally recovered. Although their injuries were still there, they were no longer serious.

"It's no problem, just rest more later."

Tsunade stood up and wiped away the sweat.

This made other people breathe a sigh of relief. If something happened to the two great jounin, it would undoubtedly be a huge loss to Konoha, which was already in troubled times.

"Ahem, Tsunade-sama, I would like to ask about that entrance and what's going on with the monster over there?"

At this time, Yuhi Hong couldn't help but asked curiously.

This question is definitely what everyone wants to know. Those monsters are really terrifying.

I'm afraid it's even worse than Kyuubi!


Seeing everyone's questions, Tsunade didn't know what to say.

The live broadcast of the contained objects, the Red Sea world, and the unclean ones are all challenging everyone's perception.

I really don’t know if I should say it.

"Ahem, regarding this matter, I will tell you in detail when Tsunade succeeds as the Fifth Hokage."

Just then Jiraiya came up to interrupt and gave Tsunade a look.

"Hey! She's the next Hokage!"

Others looked shocked after hearing this.

"Yes, the world is undergoing amazing changes now. Unbelievable things cannot be summarized by a simple ninja war."

Tsunade immediately stopped talking.

"I will tell you the specific details at the meeting to succeed the Hokage. In short, during this period, everyone is ready to protect the village. If you encounter any abnormal situation, don't deal with it privately. Report it to me first."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she and Jiraiya left here immediately and went to the Hokage Building to meet those old guys.

At this time, many people were discussing on the screen.

Bruce Wayne: "In this way, every world has been successfully contained. It seems that everyone will get good things."

Diana: "Indeed, I am very satisfied with this new weapon."

Bruce Wayne: "I just hope you can control it."

Zoro: "It's a new weapon. I like my Zanpakutō very much now. It suits me so well!"

Sun Wukong: "I'm a little curious about the bloodline called Night Rabbit. They are the strongest fighting race in the universe. They are very similar to Saiyans."

Vegeta: "No nation in the universe can compare to the Saiyans!"

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