American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 64 Containment in respective worlds【3】

Navy Headquarters

"Tch, how could they be found so quickly? I really hope they die in that world."

Akainu said with an unhappy expression.

"It's going to be troublesome now. If these people are successfully contained, they will be rewarded. I don't know how strong they will become."

Kizaru suddenly said this, which made the three of them unable to help but remain silent.

"Damn it, why is this guy so lucky!"

Sengoku stared at Luffy on the screen angrily.

If it weren't for Garp, he would have launched the Demon-Slaying Order to wipe out the Straw Hat Pirates.

Now he can only hope that these guys will not get much power.

Aboard the Thousand Sunny.

Everyone was relieved that they found the disc, so they didn't have to worry about whether there would be monsters coming in through the mirror or something.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"

At this time, Luffy kept staring at the disc, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing Luffy's reaction, everyone couldn't help but sweat dripping from their foreheads.

"Hey, Luffy, what are you thinking about? You don't want to enter this world, do you?"

When Usopp spoke, his voice was a little trembling, because he was afraid that Luffy would mess up.


Luffy showed his trademark smile, then turned his head to look at everyone.

"An unknown world, huge monsters, things you have never seen before, don't you want to go in and have a look!"

Luffy's face was full of excitement, his eyes were constantly shining with stars, and he looked like he really wanted to enter the world of the Red Sea.

"What a joke!"

After hearing this, Nami immediately became furious and yelled at Luffy.

"Didn't you see what was on the screen just now? Have you forgotten how terrifying and how many monsters there are! What if you die in there!"

Nami grabbed Luffy's throat and shook him.

It made Luffy almost die.

"Don't you think so! You shouldn't enter this stupid Red Sea world!"

Nami looked to the others for permission, but the result was somewhat unexpected.

"To be honest, I really want to compete with those monsters. I don't know if I can beat them."

Zoro said with a little anticipation.

"Technology! There is unknown technology in that world, and I'm very interested!"

Frankie put on his signature walk, and even if he was wearing sunglasses, he could still see his starry eyes.

After hearing what these two people said, Nami felt a vein pop out on her forehead.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The next second, the heads of these three people were smashed out, and they were lying heavily on the ground, unable to stand up for the time being.

Now Nami looked very scary like the devil from hell, and others couldn't help but retreat when they saw this.

"Listen to me! You must not enter this Red Sea world! You want to die! I don't want to die!"


Nami has said it to this point, and Luffy, as the captain, can only agree no matter how reluctant he is.

"Okay, let's put this thing away now."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and started to pick up the disc, but the thing was no longer in Luffy's hand.

"Hey! Where have you gone!"

Nami shouted in shock.

"over there!"

Chopper pointed in one direction anxiously.

I saw that the disc was flying towards a room automatically!

"That's my room, stop it!"

Nami shouted quickly, and everyone else showed their special powers to stop the disc from sticking to the mirror.

Meanwhile, other worlds.

Doraemon world.

Shizuka's home.

"Uh huh huh."

Shizuka was taking a bath comfortably. After soaking for an unknown amount of time, she slowly walked out and dressed up in front of the mirror.


At this time, Shizuka suddenly discovered that the mirror was quite strange. It did not reflect her own shadow. Instead, she saw a city in ruins.

"Huh? Am I hallucinating?"

Shizuka rubbed her eyes in confusion, thinking it was her eyesight, but when she looked over again, she could still see the ruins in the mirror.

"Eh? What's going on?"

The more Shizuka thought about it, the more confused she became, how could everything be like this?

Before Shizuka could figure out what was going on, a huge, disgusting and ugly face suddenly appeared in the mirror, it was the Unclean One!

The unclean one stared at Shizuka through this mirror and seemed to have discovered another world!


The sudden appearance of the monster frightened Shizuka so much that she couldn't help but scream.

"Ho ho ho!!"

The monster responded with an astonishing roar, and the terrifying sound waves actually passed through the glass and entered the bathroom opposite.

Shizuka was blown away, hit the wall hard, and then fell into the bathtub.


Shizuka endured the pain and quickly stood up and wanted to run out.

But when she saw the unclean person's face, her body and mind were occupied by fear, and she couldn't move at all.

It's like an unarmed human being facing a ferocious beast. He doesn't have the courage to escape at all. He can only stand there blankly and watch the ferocious beast approaching.

"Ho ho ho"

After the unclean one let out a low growl, his head came close to the mirror.


He directly smashed all the buildings near it.

But this mirror alone cannot be destroyed.

"Ho ho ho!!"

There seemed to be strong dissatisfaction in the roar of the unclean one.

It clearly saw humans, but was unable to attack them. This feeling made it very unhappy.

Then the Unclean One slowly raised his fist, preparing to smash it at the small mirror.


When Shizuka saw this scene, she thought she was bound to die, and subconsciously raised her arms to block her face.


Just then Nobita's shout came.

I didn't know when a pink door appeared in the bathroom.

Nobita and Doraemon ran out from behind this door.

After seeing the condition of the mirror, Nobita and Doraemon ran over in a hurry and quickly took off the disc on the mirror before the unclean one's fist came down.

At this moment, the mirror instantly returned to its original appearance, and the terrifying unclean one could no longer be seen.

"Huhuhu, finally caught up."

Doraemon and Nobita said in relief.

"Nobita, Dora-chan, what's going on!"

Shizuka asked quickly after seeing the two of them.

"This is it."

Nobita and Doraemon were about to explain, but when they saw Shizuka's naked body, they were suddenly stunned.

Shizuka was stunned at first by the reaction of the two of them, and then she immediately thought of something and looked at her body, her face instantly turned red.

"Ahhhh! Pervert!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

"Hey hey hey!!"

In this way, Nobita and Doraemon were beaten until they fled back to their homes through any door. Not to mention how miserable they looked.

Natasha: "What are you two doing? Are you taking advantage of the chaos?"

Diana: "It's really too much to be this kind of person despite being a child."

Robin: "Where's the enemy of women?"

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