
Leping saw that his shadow was gradually being surrounded by shadow spiders, and immediately felt something bad.

Focus on fighting aliens and humanoid monsters.

I almost forgot about Shadow Spider!

So Leping immediately disappeared in place as quickly as possible.

Let the shadow follow you away, so that the shadow spider can catch it.

Leping reappeared in the distance.

He looked at the shadow on the ground in shock, and then at his own body.

Didn't feel any discomfort.

Not to mention the symptoms appearing on the screen.

Apparently he wasn't bitten by the shadow spider.

"Hufufu...it's so dangerous..."

Leping wiped cold sweat and felt lucky for his timely reaction.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

At this moment, some aliens and humanoid monsters suddenly made particularly weird and intrusive screams.

I saw those strangely screaming monsters, suddenly and for no apparent reason, attacking the compatriots around them.

The humanoid monster's attacks were minor.

Every move the alien makes launches Qigong waves, causing many explosions.

Indirectly helped to eliminate many monsters.

"Hungry? Why are they fighting among themselves?"

Dumpling said in confusion after seeing this.

"It's shadow spiders! Shadow spiders want to parasitize in the shadows. After they were transferred here, they have been parasitic in the shadows of aliens and humanoid monsters!"

Leping immediately understood what was going on and couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Oh! Because the battle just now stimulated the shadow spiders, causing them to bite the shadows of these monsters!"

Dumpling also quickly understood what was going on!

Now the aliens and humanoid monsters are in chaos, spreading rapidly to everyone like an infectious disease.

You can imagine how miserable many shadow spiders are now scared, moving back and forth in the shadows of many monsters.

He was frightened by the sound of fighting before he could stop, and he bit Shadow before leaving.

As a result, more and more aliens and humanoid monsters are going berserk, constantly hurting the surrounding monsters.

Although shadow spiders are indeed disgusting.

But I have to say, it is indeed an incredible master of assassination!

"Okay, Dumpling takes this opportunity to use the most powerful Sun Fist!"

Leping took a deep breath and said.

"If you want to kill the Shadow Spider, you have to use the Sun Fist!"

Leping is very clear.

Shadow spiders cannot be destroyed by physical means.

Their only means is Sun Fist!


Dumpling nodded vigorously.

Although Leping and Jiaozi have not used Sun Fist in the past.

But this move is not difficult. As long as you understand the use of Qi, you can easily perform it.

So the two of them are ready.

Place your hands on either side of your head.

"Sun Fist!"

The two of them yelled at the same time and used the Sun Fist!

At this moment, the two of them burst out with extremely dazzling sun rays at the same time!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In order to ensure that the Sun Fist can shine into every corner blocked by humanoid monsters and aliens.

The two of them raised their Qi without any reservation, strengthening the irradiation range and brilliance of the Sun Fist!

It seems to have turned into a real sun.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The aliens and shadow spiders below.

Their eyes were stimulated by this amazing light.

They all had to stop their rampage.

Everyone closed their eyes in extreme discomfort.

However, just closing your eyes is not enough, you also have to use your arms to cover it up.

But this still cannot stop the invasion of sunlight!

The most painful one, however, is definitely the Shadow Spider.

Many shadow spiders, stimulated by the sunlight, ran out of a pile of shadows.

Now you can see countless dense black dots dotting the ground, moving randomly everywhere.

It looks extremely disgusting.

It will definitely give patients with trypophobia a very nauseating reaction!

Now these countless shadow spiders, under the influence of Sun Fist, continue to shrink in size, and finally disappear.

Let the ground covered with black spots become extremely white.

"We have to work harder!"

Leping didn't stop when he saw this.

He looked at the screen and could still see some shadow spiders hiding in the shadows and lingering.

So absolutely can't stop.


At this moment, dozens of powerful aliens roared and flew towards Leping and Dumpling!

Even if they can't see, they can still find those two people through their sense of Qi!

"Leping! I'll cover you!"

After Dumpling finished speaking anxiously, he immediately stopped releasing sunlight and flew in front of Leping.

He then stretched out his hands and concentrated on using his superpowers.


Dumpling's superpower is that it can give its opponent a stomachache.

This kind of trick will have no effect against an opponent that is much stronger than oneself.

But today's dumplings are so powerful that they can influence anyone.

Even aliens can be affected.

Therefore, the alien was flying rapidly with great momentum.

They all suddenly felt severe pain in their stomachs.

As a result, they had to stop, hold their butts and belly, and almost fall!


Dumpling seized this opportunity and continuously launched hole waves, piercing the heads of these aliens.

However, it is also unable to maintain superpowers.

Let the remaining aliens recover and move quickly.

"Air Bomb!"

At this moment, Le Ping suddenly stopped using the Sun Fist and joined the battle.

We must first deal with this group of troublesome people before we can concentrate on dealing with the ones on the ground!

So Le Ping threw out the Air Bomb again.

Every time the Air Bomb turned in flight, it could penetrate the chest or head of several aliens.

The aliens had to fly everywhere, and at the same time released a bunch of light waves to explode the Air Bomb.

But Le Ping's ball control skills were superb, and no matter how the aliens attacked, they could not touch the Air Bomb.

And no matter where they flew, they could catch up.

In addition, Jiaozi helped to interfere, and many aliens were still hit.

Only a few aliens with the same strength as Le Ping quickly arrived beside him and launched an attack.

"Sun Fist!"

At this moment, Le Ping quickly used the Sun Fist again.

Originally, there was no light interference, so the aliens gradually recovered to see with their eyes.

But Le Ping suddenly used the Sun Fist again.

It caused their eyes to hurt so much that they were about to rot.

He had to cover his face in pain, and was forced to interrupt his attack.


Leping took this opportunity to use Kamehameha!

Punch through all the aliens in a line!

Jiaozi also used the hole wave to punch through several aliens!

After clearing out these aliens, the two immediately flew to the top of the monsters on the ground.

At the same time, they continuously fired Qigong bombs to kill many aliens and humanoids.

Cleared a lot of space and reduced the area covered by the shadow.

Then he used the maximum power of the Sun Fist again to eliminate the Shadow Spider!

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